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- on 1:INPUT:*:{
- if ($left($1,1) != /) && (%quote.status = on) {
- msg $target 10 $replace($1-,$chr(32) $+ $chr(34),$chr(32) $+ 5 $+ $chr(34), $chr(34) $+ $chr(32),5 $+ $chr(34) $+ 10 $+ $chr(32)) | haltdef
- }
- }
- alias quote {
- if (%quote.status = $null) { set %quote.status on | echo -a Quoting is 03 $+ enabled! | halt }
- elseif (%quote.status = off) { set %quote.status on | echo -a Quoting is 03 $+ enabled! }
- elseif (%quote.status = on) { set %quote.status off | echo -a Quoting is 04 $+ disabled! }
- else { halt }
- }
- on *:INPUT:*:{
- var %End <snip>
- var %New <cont>
- var %MaxLen $calc(400 - $len($nick))
- if ($len($1-) < %MaxLen) return
- var %x %MaxLen, %y, %1, %2, %3, %Prefix say
- while ($asc($mid($1-,%x,1)) !== 32) { if (%x < $calc(%MaxLen - 50)) goto SpcFound | dec %x }
- :SpcFound
- %1 = $left($1-,%x) | %2 = $mid($1-,%x,$len($1-))
- if ($len(%2) > %MaxLen) {
- %x = %MaxLen
- while ($asc($mid(%2,%x,1)) !== 32) { if (%x < $calc(%MaxLen - 50)) goto SpcFound3 | dec %x }
- :SpcFound3
- %3 = $mid(%2,%x,$len(%2))
- %2 = $left(%2,%x)
- }
- if (($1 = /me) || ($1 = /action)) {
- %Prefix = /me
- if ($1 == /me) %1 = $right(%1,$calc($len(%1) - 3))
- else %1 = $right(%1,$calc($len(%1) - 7))
- }
- %Prefix %1 %End
- if (%3 !== $null) { %2 = %2 %End | .timerCuttxt3 1 2 %Prefix %New %3 }
- .timerCuttxt2 1 1 %Prefix %New %2
- halt
- }
- Cut-Off-Script.txt
- 1 of 1
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