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- ;;; >> Connection EVENT ;;;
- if ($setread(settings,password)) { .timer 1 2 .msg NickServ identify $v1 }
- if ($setread(settings,channel)) { .timer 1 3 join $v1 }
- }
- ;;; << Connection EVENT ;;;
- ;;; >> Joining EVENT ;;;
- ON *:JOIN:$($setread(settings,channel)): {
- if ($nick == $setread(settings,refbot)) { msg $nick !identify $setread(settings,password) }
- }
- ;;; << Joining EVENT ;;;
- ;;; >> Noticing EVENT ;;;
- ON *:NOTICE:*:?: {
- if ($nick !== $setread(settings,refbot)) { return }
- tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
- if (*please identify!* iswm $1-) { msg $nick !identify $setread(settings,password) | msg $nick !AI ON }
- if (*you can't use any more finishers* iswm $1-) { .timer 1 2 movetodo large }
- if (*you need to knock* iswm $1-) { movetodo large | check_health }
- if (*pick another move* iswm $1-) { movetodo large }
- if (*still your* iswm $1-) { check_health }
- if (*now your turn* iswm $1-) {
- ; msg $setread(settings,channel) DEBUG: RESET KNOCKED
- unset %knocked_opponent
- check_health
- }
- if (*enough*cash*in*your*bank*account* iswm $1-) {
- msg $setread(settings,channel) 00,03What the hell, fam! I'm too broke for a god damn healme card? WEAK STUFF!
- msg $setread(settings,channel) 00,03Please donate to the *AUTO BOT* fund. Need to buy perks to beat your lame asses! :D
- }
- }
- ;;; << Noticing EVENT ;;;
- ;;; >> Texting EVENT ;;;
- ON *:TEXT:*:$($setread(settings,channel)): {
- tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
- if ($1 == !aimatch) { msg $chan 00,03Match types I can do02:0 Regular02,0 Hardcore02,0 eXtreme02,0 IronMan02,0 KO02,0 FirstBlood02 & 0Roulette02. | msg $setread(settings,channel) 00,03To start a match please use !AutoBot 02<00Match Type02>. }
- if ($1 == !AutoBot) {
- if (!$2) { notice $nick 02Correct syntax is: !AutoBot ON/OFF, ID, Regular, Hardcore, eXtreme, IronMan, KO, FirstBlood or Roulette. | return }
- if ($2 == id) { msg $setread(settings,refbot) !Identify $setread(settings,password) | msg $setread(settings,channel) 00,03Authentification in progress... }
- if ($2 == regular) { msg $chan !match Regular 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($2 == hardcore) { msg $chan !match Hardcore 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($2 == eXtreme) { msg $chan !match eXtreme 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($2 == knockout) { msg $chan !match ko 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($2 == firstblood) { msg $chan !match hardcore firstblood 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($2 == ironman) {
- if ($3 == $null) || ($3 != 15) || ($3 != 30) || ($3 != 40) || ($3 != 60) { msg $chan 00,03Please specify the duration you want for the Iron Man match (15, 30, 40 or 60). | halt }
- if ($3 == 15) { msg $chan !match hardcore ironman 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none 15 interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($3 == 30) { msg $chan !match hardcore ironman 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none 30 interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($3 == 40) { msg $chan !match hardcore ironman 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none 40 interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if ($3 == 60) { msg $chan !match hardcore ironman 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none 60 interference:OFF | unsetall }
- }
- if ($2 == off) && ($nick == $setread(settings,owner)) {
- msg $chan 15,03Setting mode *OFFLINE* by $nick $+ .
- away 04I'm now *OFF*, please wait until my owner sets me back *ON*
- nick $setread(settings,botnick) $+ [OFF]
- }
- if ($2 == on) && ($nick == $setread(settings,owner)) {
- msg $chan 15,03Setting mode *ONLINE* by $nick $+ .
- away
- nick $setread(settings,botnick)
- msg $setread(settings,refbot) !identify $setread(settings,password)
- }
- if ($2 == roulette) {
- var %rand = $rand(1,6)
- if (%rand == 1) { msg $chan !match regular 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if (%rand == 2) { msg $chan !match hardcore 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if (%rand == 3) { msg $chan !match eXtreme 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if (%rand == 4) { msg $chan !match ko 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if (%rand == 5) { msg $chan !match hardcore firstblood 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none interference:OFF | unsetall }
- if (%rand == 6) { msg $chan !match ironman 1on1 Pentagon $nick crowd/off none none 15 interference:OFF | unsetall }
- }
- }
- if ($1 == !match) {
- if (%match) { return }
- if ($me !isin $1-) { return }
- if (health:off isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan !stop | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 07,01I am not programmed to do 00health:off07 matches. | return }
- if (Submission isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan !stop | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 07,01I am not programmed to do 00Submission07 matches. | return }
- if (interference:OFF !isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 msg $chan !stop | .timer 1 2 msg $chan 07,01I am not programmed to do 00Interference:On07 matches. | return }
- var %types = hardcore 1on1,hardcore firstblood,extreme 1on1,regular 1on1,knockout 1on1,Interference:off,ironman 1on1,table 1on1,boilerroom 1on1
- if (!$istok(%types,$2-3,44)) {
- .timer 1 2 msg $chan !stop
- .timer 1 2 msg $chan 07,01I am not programmed to do 00this type07 of match.
- return
- }
- }
- if ($nick !== $setread(settings,refbot)) { return }
- if (* $+ $me $+ *Not*Identified* iswm $1-) { msg $nick !identify $setread(settings,password) }
- if (*has locked in a submission on $me $+ * iswm $1-) { set -e %submission 1 | check_health }
- if (%submission) && ($1 == 1) { unset %submission | describe $chan attempts to slip out of the submission. }
- if (*is taking too long to move, $me it's now your turn* iswm $1-) { .timer 1 2 movetodo striking }
- if (*the current match is being called off* iswm $1-) { unsetall }
- if (*sustained a mild injury during this match* iswm $1-) && ($me isin $1-) {
- msg $chan !buy HealMe-Card
- .timer 1 3 msg $chan !healme
- .timer 1 4 msg $chan 15,03Ahh... feeling much better now! That was a 08MILD15 injury, no biggie!
- }
- if (*sustained a serious injury during this match* iswm $1-) && ($me isin $1-) {
- msg $chan !buy HealMe-Card
- .timer 1 3 msg $chan !healme
- .timer 1 4 msg $chan 15,03Ahh... feeling much better now. That was a 08SERIOUS15 injury, bruv!
- }
- if (*DING...DING...DING... Your Winner:* iswm $1-) {
- .timers off
- unsetall
- if ($me isin $1-) {
- var %txt = $mircdir $+ ai\GMquote.txt
- if (!$file(%txt)) { return }
- .timerupdatemsg 1 3 msg $chan $+ $read(%txt) $+
- }
- }
- if (*after $me went for the pin* iswm $1-) || (*was unable to make it to his feet and deliver that move. $me should make a move now* iswm $1-) || (* $me saved themselves, getting the shoulder up before the three count* iswm $1-) || (* $me saved themselves, managing to kick out before the three count* iswm $1-) {
- set -e %knocked_opponent 1
- ; msg $chan DEBUG: ENABLED 1 KNOCKED
- check_health
- }
- if (*has been knocked down* iswm $1-) && (* $+ $me make another move now* iswm $1-) {
- set -e %knocked_opponent 1
- ; msg $chan DEBUG: ENABLED 2 KNOCKED
- check_health
- }
- if (%match == table) && (* $+ $me just drove* iswm $1-) && (*through the table* iswm $1-) { unset %table_order }
- if (%match == table) && (*stopped $me from getting a table* iswm $1-) || (*stopped $me from setting up a table* iswm $1-) || (*has just cleared a table out the ring* iswm $1-) { unset %table_order }
- if (%match == table) && (*has just brought a table into the ring* iswm $1-) || (*has just knocked a table over* iswm $1-) { set -e %table_order 1 }
- if (%match == table) && (*has just set a table up, watch out* iswm $1-) && ($me !isin $1-) { set -e %table_order 3 }
- if (%match == boiler) && (* $+ $me just slammed the steel boiler room door shut* iswm $1-) && (*was unable to escape* iswm $1-) { unset %door }
- if (%match == boiler) && (*stopped $me from opening the door* iswm $1-) { unset %door }
- if (%match == boiler) && (*has just opened the boiler room door* iswm $1-) && ($me !isin $1-) { set -e %door 1 }
- if (*vs* iswm $1-) && (*Crowd:* iswm $1-) {
- if (%match) { return }
- if ($me !isin $1-) { return }
- unsetall
- if (hardcore isin $1-) { set -e %match hardcore }
- if (regular isin $1-) { set -e %match regular }
- if (barbedwire isin $1-) { set -e %match barbedwire }
- if (deathmatch isin $1-) { set -e %match deathmatch }
- if (firstblood isin $1-) { set -e %match firstblood }
- if (knockout isin $1-) { set -e %match knockout }
- if (ironman isin $1-) { set -e %match hardcore }
- if (table isin $1-) { set -e %match table }
- if (boiler room isin $1-) { set -e %match boiler }
- if (strap isin $1-) { set -e %match strap }
- if (eXtreme 1on1 isin $1-) { set -e %match extreme }
- if (Stretcher isin $1-) { set -e %match stretcher }
- check_health
- }
- if (*Health:* iswm $1-) {
- if (* $+ $me $+ (TURN)* !iswm $1-) { return }
- if ($me isin $2) {
- var %opponent = $remove($5,(TURN))
- var %myhp = $gettok($gettok($3,2,40),1,91)
- var %myfins = $gettok($gettok($3,2,91),1,93)
- var %hp = $gettok($gettok($6,2,40),1,91)
- var %fins = $gettok($gettok($6,2,91),1,93)
- }
- else {
- var %opponent = $remove($2,(TURN))
- var %myhp = $gettok($gettok($6,2,40),1,91)
- var %myfins = $gettok($gettok($6,2,91),1,93)
- var %hp = $gettok($gettok($3,2,40),1,91)
- var %fins = $gettok($gettok($3,2,91),1,93)
- }
- ; msg $chan DEBUG: % $+ opponent == %opponent ----- % $+ hp == %hp ----- % $+ fins == %fins ----- % $+ myhp == %myhp ---- % $+ myfins == %myfins >>>>>>> MATCH: %match
- if (%match == boiler) && (%hp > %myhp) && (%knocked_opponent) && (%door) { describe $chan closes boilerroom door | unset %door | return }
- if (%match == boiler) && (%myhp > %hp) {
- if (%door) { describe $chan leaves boilerroom | return }
- if (%knocked_opponent) && (!%door) { set -e %door 1 | describe $chan opens boilerroom door | return }
- }
- if (%hp isnum 90-100) { movetodo striking | return }
- if (%hp isnum 85-89) { movetodo small | return }
- if (%hp isnum 75-84) { movetodo smallmedium | return }
- if (%hp isnum 70-74) { movetodo medium | return }
- if (%hp isnum 65-69) { movetodo mediumlarge | return }
- if (%hp isnum 34-64) { movetodo large | return }
- if (%hp isnum 33-0) {
- if (%myfins) { movetodo finisher | return }
- if (!%knocked_opponent) { movetodo large }
- return
- }
- if (%hp < 0) {
- if (%hp < %myhp) && (!%knocked_opponent) && (%match == table) && (%table_order >= 2) { describe $chan puts through table | return }
- if (%hp < %myhp) && (%knocked_opponent) {
- if (%match == table) {
- if (!%table_order) || (%table_order < 3) { inc -e %table_order 1 }
- if (%table_order == 1) { describe $chan gets table }
- if (%table_order == 2) { describe $chan sets table }
- if (%table_order == 3) { describe $chan puts through table }
- return
- }
- movetodo pin
- return
- }
- if (%myfins) { movetodo finisher | return }
- if (%hp >= %myhp) { movetodo large | return }
- movetodo large
- }
- }
- }
- ;;; << Texting EVENT ;;;
- ;;; >> Aliases ;;;
- alias -l setread { return $readini(settings.ini,n,$1,$2) }
- alias -l check_health {
- ; /check_health [N]
- ; /check_health
- ; /check_health 5
- if ($1) && ($1 isnum) { var %s = $1 }
- if (!%s) { var %s = $rand(1,5) }
- .timer[CHECK_HEALTH] 1 %s msg $setread(settings,channel) !h
- }
- alias -l movetodo {
- if (!$1) { return }
- if ($1 == striking) {
- if (%match == extreme) { var %move = chair }
- if (%match == boiler) { var %move = chair }
- if (%match == firstblood) { var %move = slap }
- if (%match == barbedwire) { var %move = drags face }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { var %move = drags face }
- if (%match == table) { var %move = slap }
- if (%match == hardcore) { var %move = slap }
- if (%match == regular) { var %move = dropkicks }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = chokes strap }
- if (%match == knockout) { var %move = slaps }
- if (%match == stretcher) { var %move = slaps }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == small) {
- if (%match == regular) { describe $setread(settings,channel) trip | return }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { describe $setread(settings,channel) drags face | return }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = chokes strap }
- var %rand = $rand(1,5)
- if (%rand == 1) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 2) { var %move = $iif(%match == boiler,tries to connect with the steel chair!,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 3) || (%rand == 4) { var %move = $iif(%match = strap,tries to choke his opponent with the leather strap,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 5) { var %move = $iif(%match == firstblood,chair.,tries a headbutt.) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == smallmedium) {
- if (%match == regular) { describe $setread(settings,channel) DDT | return }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { describe $setread(settings,channel) drags face | return }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = chokes strap }
- var %rand = $rand(1,4)
- if (%rand == 1) || (%rand == 2) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 3) { var %move = $iif(%match == boiler,tries to connect with the steel chair!,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 4) { var %move = $iif(%match = strap,tries to choke his opponent with the leather strap,chair.) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == medium) {
- if (%match == regular) { describe $setread(settings,channel) PowerSlam | return }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { describe $setread(settings,channel) drags face | return }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = chokes strap }
- var %rand = $rand(1,3)
- if (%rand == 1) || (%rand == 2) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 3) { var %move = $iif(%match = strap,tries to choke his opponent with the leather strap,chair.) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == mediumlarge) {
- if (%match == regular) { describe $setread(settings,channel) brainbuster | return }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { describe $setread(settings,channel) throws barbedwire board | return }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = chokes strap }
- var %rand = $rand(1,5)
- if (%rand == 1) || (%rand == 2) || (%rand == 3) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,chair.) }
- if (%rand == 4) { var %move = $iif(%nowhip == on,looks to deliver the fisherman's suplex.,goes for the irish whip.) }
- if (%rand == 5) { var %move = $iif(%match = strap,tries to choke his opponent with the leather strap,chair.) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == large) {
- if (%match == regular) { describe $setread(settings,channel) spear | return }
- if (%match == deathmatch) { describe $setread(settings,channel) throws barbedwire board | return }
- if (%match == stretcher) { var %move = chair | return }
- if (%match == strap) { var %move = spear }
- var %rand = $rand(1,8)
- if (%rand == 1) { var %move = $iif(%nowhip == on,tries the jackhammer!,goes for the irish whip.) }
- if (%rand == 2) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,is looking to deliver the powerbomb.) }
- if (%rand == 3) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,attempts to go sky high!) }
- if (%rand == 4) { var %move = $iif(%match == barbedwire,tries to drag his opponent's face across the barbedwire.,is going for the lionsault!) }
- if (%rand == 5) { var %move = $iif(%match == boiler,tries to connect with the steel chair!,goes for the tiger driver.) }
- if (%rand == 6) { var %move = $iif(%match == hardcore,tries to connect with the steel chair!,tries to connect with the twist of fate!) }
- if (%rand == 7) { var %move = $iif(%match == hardcore,goes for the chair shot!,is looking to nail the spear!) }
- if (%rand == 8) { var %move = $iif(%match = strap,tries to choke his opponent with the leather strap,spear.) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == finisher) {
- var %rand = $rand(1,7)
- if (%rand == 1) { var %move = boots his opponent in the gut, looking for the stone cold stunner! }
- if (%rand == 2) { var %move = boots his opponent in the gut, setting them up for the pedigree! }
- if (%rand == 3) { var %move = is sizing up his opponent, looking to end it with the devastating gore! }
- if (%rand == 4) { var %move = stomps the mat, looking for some sweet chin music! }
- if (%rand == 5) { var %move = goes for the perfectplex! }
- if (%rand == 6) { var %move = $iif(%nowhip == on,goes for the F-5!,stunner.) }
- if (%rand == 7) { var %move = $iif(%match == hardcore,goes for the stunner,stunner!) }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- if ($1 == pin) {
- var %rand = $rand(1,3)
- if (%rand == 1) { var %move = goes for the sunset flip. }
- if (%rand == 2) { var %move = goes for the schoolboy. }
- if (%rand == 3) { var %move = goes for the cradle pin. }
- describe $setread(settings,channel) %move
- }
- }
- ;;; << Aliases ;;;
- ; -------------- eof ------------
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