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- #include <iostream>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <cstdlib>
- #include <cctype>
- #include <ctime>
- #include <vector>
- #include <limits>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <fstream>
- using namespace std;
- void main_menu();
- void set_level();
- int choose_level();
- void show_score();
- void show_board(vector<vector <int> >&, bool show_mies = false);
- void goto_xy(int, int);
- void save_score(const int&);
- void save_score(const int&);
- void set_boards(vector <vector <int> >&);
- void set_mines(vector<vector <int> >&, const int&);
- int get_input (string, const int, const int lower_limit = 0);
- /**
- Struct For Make Limits Of Curcor In Console...!!
- left_x_limit, right_x_limit They Specify The x Co-ordinates Of The Console Between Which Cursor Can Move. Horizontally..!!
- up_y_limit, down_y_limit They Specify The y Co-ordinates Of The Console Between Which Cursor Can Move Vertically...!!
- */
- struct ConsoleLimits
- {
- int left_x_limit,
- right_x_limit,
- up_y_limit,
- down_y_limit;
- } console_limits;
- /**
- This Struct Is For Different Type Of Data Used In The Game...!!
- 1. no_of_row No. Of Rows Of The Board Display On The Screen....!!!
- 2. no_of_cols No. Of Columns Of The Board Display On The Screen....!!!
- 3. no_of_mines No. Of Mines That Will Set On The Board...!!
- 4. x_pos The x Co-Ordinate Of Cusor On Console...!!
- 5. y_pos The y Co-Ordinate Of Cusor On Console...!!
- */
- struct GameData
- {
- int no_of_rows,
- no_of_cols,
- no_of_mines,
- x_pos,
- y_pos;
- static const int mine_symbol = 0;
- } game_date;
- int main()
- {
- system("COLOR 1F");
- SetConsoleTitle("Mine Sweeper Game..!!"); // Change Title Of The Console...!!
- typedef vector < vector <int > > Board; // Define Own Type Of 2-D Vector...!!
- do
- {
- // Playing Main Backgroung Music For The Game...!!
- // PlaySound(TEXT("BackGround Music!_1.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_LOOP | SND_ASYNC);
- // Calling Main Menu...!!
- main_menu();
- // Play Game Sound...!!
- // PlaySound(TEXT("BackGround Music!.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_LOOP | SND_ASYNC);
- // Ask From User To Slect Level...!!
- set_level();
- // The No Of Place That Has No Mines i.e., Opened...!!
- int no_of_unmines = (game_date.no_of_rows * game_date.no_of_cols) - game_date.no_of_mines;
- int row_pos = 0, // Row Postion Of Board On Which Cusor Is Currently Is....!!!
- col_pos = 0, // Column Postion Of Board On Which Cusor Is Currently Is....!!!
- score = 0; // Score Made By User...!!
- char ch; // Charecter Entered By User....!! Valid Are (A, S, D, W, a, s, d, w)...!!
- bool game_over = false; // If User Hit The Mine, Then It Will Be True...!!!
- // Make A Board For Playing Game...!!
- Board board(game_date.no_of_rows, vector <int > (game_date.no_of_cols));
- // Set Board With Random Numbers [1, 9]
- set_boards(board);
- // Set Mines On Board...!!!
- set_mines(board, game_date.no_of_mines);
- show_board(board);
- game_date.x_pos = console_limits.left_x_limit - 1;
- game_date.y_pos = console_limits.up_y_limit - 1;
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos);
- while (!game_over && score < no_of_unmines)
- {
- goto_xy(15, console_limits.down_y_limit + 3);
- cout <<setw(15) << "Row Position" << setw(15) << "Col Position\n";
- goto_xy(15, console_limits.down_y_limit + 4);
- cout << setw(10) << row_pos << setw(13) << col_pos << endl;
- goto_xy(25, console_limits.down_y_limit + 6);
- cout << "Score: " << score;
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos);
- ch = _getch();
- switch (toupper(ch))
- {
- case 'D':
- {
- if (game_date.x_pos < console_limits.right_x_limit)
- {
- game_date.x_pos += 2;
- col_pos++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'A':
- {
- if (game_date.x_pos > console_limits.left_x_limit)
- {
- game_date.x_pos -= 2;
- col_pos--;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'W':
- {
- if(game_date.y_pos > console_limits.up_y_limit)
- {
- game_date.y_pos -= 2;
- row_pos--;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'S':
- {
- if (game_date.y_pos < console_limits.down_y_limit)
- {
- game_date.y_pos += 2;
- row_pos++;
- }
- }
- break;
- case '\r':
- {
- if (board[row_pos][col_pos] == 0)
- {
- // PlaySound(TEXT("Explosion Sound Effects.wav"), NULL, SND_FILENAME | SND_ASYNC);
- game_over = true;
- }
- else if (board[row_pos][col_pos] != -1)
- {
- cout << board[row_pos][col_pos];
- board[row_pos][col_pos] = -1;
- score++;
- }
- }
- break;
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos);
- }
- // End Of (toupper(ch))...!!
- }
- // End Of (!game_over && score < no_of_unmines)...!!!
- game_date.x_pos = 10, game_date.y_pos = 10;
- system("CLS");
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos);
- if (!game_over && score == no_of_unmines)
- {
- show_board(board, true);
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 3);
- cout << "YOU WIN\n";
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 4);
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 5);
- }
- // End Of (!game_over && score == no_of_unmines)...!!
- else if (score < no_of_unmines)
- {
- show_board(board, true);
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 1);
- cout << "GAME OVER...!!\n\n";
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 2);
- cout << "YOU LOSE...!!YOU HIT A MINE\n";
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 3);
- }
- // End Of if (score < no_of_unmines)...!!
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 1);
- cout << "YOUR SCORE IS: " << score;
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos + 4);
- save_score(score);
- system("PAUSE");
- }
- while (true);
- return 0;
- }
- // End Of main()
- /**
- Set Mines On The Board upto num_of_mines...!!
- @Preconditions
- 1--> 0 < num_of_mines < (rows * col) Of board...!!
- @param board A 2-D int Vector On Which Mines Will Be Placed...!!
- @param num_of_mies Number Of Mines That Will Be Set Up On board...!!
- */
- void set_mines(vector<vector <int> >& board, const int& num_of_mines)
- {
- srand(time(0));
- int total_rows = board.size(),
- total_cols = board[0].size(),
- row_location,
- col_location;
- for (int mine = 0; mine < num_of_mines; mine++)
- {
- row_location = rand () % total_rows;
- col_location = rand() % total_cols;
- if (board[row_location][col_location] != game_date.mine_symbol)
- {
- board[row_location][col_location] = game_date.mine_symbol;
- }
- else
- mine--;
- }
- } // end set_mines...!!
- // eNd oF void set_mines(vector<vector <int> >& board, const int& num_of_mines)
- /**
- Set Each Index Of Board With A Random Numbers B/W 1 AND 8 Inclusive....!!!
- Preconditions:
- 1 --> board Size Must Be Greater Then Zero...!!
- @param board A 2-D int Vecotor On Which Random Numbers Will Be Setting Up...!!
- */
- void set_boards(vector <vector <int> >& board)
- {
- srand (time(0));
- int rows = board.size(),
- cols = board[0].size();
- for (int row_pos = 0; row_pos < rows; row_pos++)
- {
- for (int col_pos = 0; col_pos < cols; col_pos++)
- {
- board[row_pos][col_pos] = 1 + rand() % 9;
- }
- }
- } // end of set_board
- // eND oF void set_boards(vector <vector <int> >& board)
- void show_board(vector <vector <int> >& board, bool show_mines)
- {
- char ch = 178;
- game_date.x_pos = 10;
- game_date.y_pos = 3;
- for (int row_pos = 0; row_pos < game_date.no_of_rows; row_pos++)
- {
- goto_xy(game_date.x_pos, game_date.y_pos);
- for (int col_pos = 0; col_pos < game_date.no_of_cols; col_pos++)
- {
- if (show_mines)
- {
- board[row_pos][col_pos] == 0 ? cout << board[row_pos][col_pos] << " " : cout << ch << " ";
- }
- else
- cout << ch << " ";
- }
- game_date.y_pos += 2;
- }
- }
- // eNd oF void show_board()
- void goto_xy(int x_pos, int y_pos)
- {
- COORD coord;
- coord.X = x_pos;
- coord.Y = y_pos;
- HANDLE h_console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
- SetConsoleCursorPosition(h_console, coord);
- }
- // eND oF void goto_xy(int x_pos, int y_pos)
- /**
- Retrun An Integer With lower_limt < int <= upper_limit
- @param str A String That Is To Be Displayed!! It Will Describes That For What Input Is Being Taking..!!
- e.g., If str == "Rows", Then For Row Input Is Being Taking...!!
- @param upper_limits Maximum Number User Can Enter...!!
- @param lower_limt Minimum Number User Can Enter...!! By Default It Is Zero...!!
- @return num An Integer With lower_limt < num <= upper_limit
- */
- int get_input (string str, const int upper_limit, const int lower_limit)
- {
- int num;
- do
- {
- cout << "\neNTER A nUMBER fOR " << str << " (" << (lower_limit + 1) << " " << upper_limit << ") ";
- cin >> num;
- if (num <= lower_limit && !
- {
- MessageBox(NULL, "iNPUT mUST bE pOSITIVE.!!\n", "eRROR..!!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- }
- if (num > upper_limit && !
- {
- MessageBox(NULL, "iNPUT mUST bE iN LIMITS.!!\ntRY aGain!!", "eRROR!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- }
- if (
- {
- cin.clear();
- cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
- MessageBox(NULL, "iNPUT mUST bE aN iNTEGER..!!", "eRROR..!!", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR);
- }
- }
- while ((num <= lower_limit || num > upper_limit) && !;
- system("CLS");
- return num;
- }
- // eND oF int get_input (string str, const int upper_limit, const int lower_limit)
- int choose_level()
- {
- SetConsoleTitle("MINE SPEEPRER GAME -> CHOSE LEVEL..!!!");
- cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n"
- << "\t\t| pRESS 1 fOR LEVEL 1 (eASY mODE) |\n\n"
- << "\t\t| pRESS 2 fOR LEVEL 2 (mEDUM mODE) |\n\n"
- << "\t\t| pRESS 1 fOR LEVEL 3 (hARD mODE) |\n\n"
- << "\t\t|--------------------------------------------------------------------|\n";
- int level = get_input("Level", 3);
- return level;
- }
- // eND oF int choose_level()
- void set_level()
- {
- int level = choose_level();
- SetConsoleTitle("Mine Sweeper Game -> Chooce Level...!!");
- switch (level)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- game_date.no_of_rows = 12;
- game_date.no_of_cols = 15;
- game_date.no_of_mines = 75;
- SetConsoleTitle("MINE SWEEPER GAME -> EASY MODE....!!!");
- system("MODE 50, 40");
- }
- break;
- // End Of Case 1...!!!
- case 2:
- {
- game_date.no_of_rows = 17;
- game_date.no_of_cols = 20;
- game_date.no_of_mines = 100;
- SetConsoleTitle("MINE SWEEPER GAME -> MEDIUM MODE....!!!");
- system("MODE 60, 50");
- }
- break;
- // End Of Case 2...!!!
- case 3:
- {
- game_date.no_of_rows = 22;
- game_date.no_of_cols = 25;
- game_date.no_of_mines = 200;
- SetConsoleTitle("MINE SWEEPER GAME -> HARD MODE....!!!");
- system("MODE 77, 55");
- }
- break;
- // End Of Case 3...!!!
- }
- game_date.x_pos = 10;
- game_date.y_pos = 3;
- console_limits.left_x_limit = game_date.x_pos + 1;
- console_limits.right_x_limit = console_limits.left_x_limit + game_date.no_of_cols + game_date.no_of_rows;
- console_limits.up_y_limit = game_date.y_pos + 1;
- console_limits.down_y_limit = console_limits.right_x_limit - 13;
- }
- // eND oF void set_level()
- void show_score()
- {
- ifstream file;
- string name;
- int score;
- char line_end;
- cout << setw(50) << "nAME" << setw(10) << " sCORE\n";
- while (getline(file, name) && file >> score)
- {
- cout << setw(50) << name << setw(10) << score << endl;
- file.get(line_end);
- }
- file.close();
- }
- // eND oF void show_score()
- void save_score(const int& score)
- {
- ofstream file;
-"Scores!.txt", ios::app);
- string name;
- cin.ignore();
- do
- {
- cout << "\teNTER yOUR nAME\n>>> ";
- getline(cin, name);
- }
- while (name.length() == 0);
- file << name << endl << score << endl;
- file.close();
- MessageBox(NULL, "sCORE sAVED", "O.K.,", MB_OK | MB_ICONMASK);
- }
- // eND oF void save_score(const int& score)
- /**
- Main Menus Of The Game...!! Runs When Game Is Start....!!
- */
- void main_menu()
- {
- string game = "WELCOME TO MINE SWEEPER GAME\n";
- system("MODE 100, 40");
- Sleep(250);
- cout << "\n\n\n\n";
- for (int ch = 0; ch < game.length(); ch++)
- {
- cout << game[ch] << " ";
- Sleep(500);
- }
- // An Infinte Loop That Will Display Main Options Of The Game...!!
- // This Will Return From Funtion If User Select Choice 2, Otherwise Always Display Main Options...!!
- while(true)
- {
- system("CLS");
- cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\t\t|-----------------------------------------------------------|\n\n";
- cout << "\t\t| eNTER 1 fOR vIEW sCORE |\n\n";
- cout << "\t\t| eNTER 2 fOR plAY gAME! |\n\n";
- cout << "\t\t|-----------------------------------------------------------|\n";
- int choice = get_input("cHOICE", 2);
- if (choice == 1)
- {
- show_score();
- system("PAUSE");
- }
- else
- return;
- }
- }
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