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- # ╔═════════════════════════════════════╦════════════════════╗
- # ║ Title: Effect Box Feature hide ║ Version: 1.00 ║
- # ║ Author: Roninator2 ║ ║
- # ╠═════════════════════════════════════╬════════════════════╣
- # ║ Function: ║ Date Created ║
- # ║ Neon Black Effect Box - ╠════════════════════╣
- # ║ Hide Features from effect box ║ 01 Nov 2020 ║
- # ╚═════════════════════════════════════╩════════════════════╝
- # ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ A mod to Neon Blacks Effect Box ║
- # ║ Allows to hide effects (features) ║
- # ║ ║
- # ║ Use notetag on items, weapons, armours or skills ║
- # ║ <no effect: X> ║
- # ║ where X is the number for the effect ║
- # ║ *The first effect is 1 the second 2, etc. ║
- # ║ Useful for things like calling common events ║
- # ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Terms of use: ║
- # ║ Follow the Original Authors terms ║
- # ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝
- # ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- # ║ Notes ║
- # ║ If an item has no effects and an empty note box, ║
- # ║ no effect box will be shown. ║
- # ║ If you have one effect and nothing in the note box, ║
- # ║ then effect box will be shown even if you use ║
- # ║ <no effect: 1> it will just be empty ║
- # ║ In those circumstances put the normal <effect note> ║
- # ║ in the note box with some info, then it won't look as bad║
- # ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- # also fixed some bugs from the original script
- module R2
- module Effect_Box
- Regex = /<no[-_ ]effect:[-_ ]\s*(\d+)\s*>/imx
- end
- end
- class Window_Selectable < Window_Base
- def key_show_features_box
- when 0
- return
- when 1
- @show = !@show if Input.trigger?(CP::EFFECTS_WINDOW::BOX_KEY)
- return @show
- when 2
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- class Window_FeaturesShow < Window_Base
- def notes
- @item.effect_desc
- end
- def effects
- if @item.is_a?(RPG::EquipItem)
- @item.features
- elsif @item.is_a?(RPG::UsableItem)
- @item.effects
- end
- end
- def seps
- i = 0
- i += 1 unless effects.empty?
- i += 1 unless notes.empty?
- i += 1 unless stats.empty?
- return [i, 0].max
- end
- def draw_all_items
- contents.clear
- y = 0
- notes.each do |l|
- draw_text(1, y, contents.width, line_height, l)
- y += line_height
- end
- y += line_height / 2 unless y == 0
- unless stats.empty?
- w = stats.collect{|s| contents.text_size(s).width}.max + 2
- xt = contents.width / w
- xw = contents.width / xt
- xn = 0
- y -= line_height
- stats.each_with_index do |s, index|
- y += line_height if index % xt == 0
- case s
- when /(.*) (-?)(\d+)/i
- draw_text(xw * (index % xt) + 1, y, xw, line_height, "#{$1.to_s}")
- draw_text(xw * (index % xt) + 1, y, xw, line_height,
- "#{$2.to_s}#{$3.to_s} ", 2)
- end
- end
- y += line_height
- end
- y += line_height / 2 unless y == 0
- # Start of my code
- effcount = 1
- effects.each_with_index do |e, effnum|
- item = $data_items[]
- results = item.note.scan(R2::Effect_Box::Regex)
- results.each do |res|
- effid = res[0].to_i - 1
- if effnum == effid
- effcount = 2
- self.height -= line_height
- end
- end
- item = $data_weapons[]
- results = item.note.scan(R2::Effect_Box::Regex)
- results.each do |res|
- effid = res[0].to_i - 1
- if effnum == effid
- effcount = 2
- self.height -= line_height
- end
- end
- item = $data_armors[]
- results = item.note.scan(R2::Effect_Box::Regex)
- results.each do |res|
- effid = res[0].to_i - 1
- if effnum == effid
- effcount = 2
- self.height -= line_height
- end
- end
- skill = $data_skills[]
- results = skill.note.scan(R2::Effect_Box::Regex)
- results.each do |res|
- effid = res[0].to_i - 1
- if effnum == effid
- effcount = 2
- self.height -= line_height
- end
- end
- #~ if item.class == RPG::Skill
- #~ @skill = item
- #~ data_id = @item.effects[effnum].data_id
- #~ if data_id == 0; self.height -= line_height; next; end
- #~ end
- if effcount == 1
- draw_text(1, y, contents.width, line_height, e.vocab)
- y += line_height
- else
- effcount = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class RPG::UsableItem < RPG::BaseItem
- def effect_desc
- make_effect_desc if @effect_desc.nil?
- return @effect_desc
- end
- def make_effect_desc
- @effect_desc = []
- results = self.note.scan(/<effect[-_ ]*note>(.*?)<\/effect[-_ ]*note>/imx)
- results.each do |res|
- res[0].strip.split("\r\n").each do |line|
- @effect_desc.push("#{line}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class RPG::EquipItem < RPG::BaseItem
- def effect_desc
- make_effect_desc if @effect_desc.nil?
- return @effect_desc
- end
- def make_effect_desc
- @effect_desc = []
- results = self.note.scan(/<effect[-_ ]*note>(.*?)<\/effect[-_ ]*note>/imx)
- results.each do |res|
- res[0].strip.split("\r\n").each do |line|
- @effect_desc.push("#{line}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- class RPG::Skill < RPG::UsableItem
- def effect_desc
- make_effect_desc if @effect_desc.nil?
- return @effect_desc
- end
- def make_effect_desc
- @effect_desc = []
- results = self.note.scan(/<effect[-_ ]*note>(.*?)<\/effect[-_ ]*note>/imx)
- results.each do |res|
- res[0].strip.split("\r\n").each do |line|
- @effect_desc.push("#{line}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------###
- # End of script. #
- ###--------------------------------------------------------------------------###
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