

Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. Steam profile:
  2. twitch:
  4. [11:47 PM] karasu: can anyone help me find source for this
  5. [11:47 PM] karasu:
  7. [11:51 PM] Misha:
  9. [11:51 PM] Misha: impossible to find unless you really wanna post it in reddit or 4chan and ask for "sauce xD"
  10. [11:58 PM] 2Butt: @karasu
  12. April 6, 2017
  13. [12:00 AM] karasu: @2Butt thanks
  14. [12:00 AM] 2Butt: heres more
  15. [12:00 AM] karasu: some edgy kid was using it as his avi and he was like huehue no i wont give u source cuz its private HAhaha
  16. [12:01 AM] karasu: god people are pathetic
  17. [12:01 AM] karasu: like i asked nicely
  18. [12:01 AM] karasu: then he started trash talking me
  19. [12:01 AM] karasu: i hate people
  20. [12:01 AM] karasu: thanks for the source
  21. [12:01 AM] karasu: fuck people
  22. [12:01 AM] lumi: wow
  23. [12:02 AM] karasu: this world is full of cringy edgy kids
  24. [12:02 AM] lumi: don't cunt yourself man
  25. [12:02 AM] karasu: god im actually annoyed now
  26. [12:02 AM] karasu: they put me in a bad mood
  27. [12:03 AM] karasu: im taking xanax
  28. [12:03 AM] karasu: take me to a better place XANAX PLEASE
  29. [12:03 AM] lumi: :ok_hand:
  30. [12:03 AM] karasu: i wanna punch every edgy kid
  31. [12:03 AM] karasu: SO HARD
  32. [12:04 AM] lumi: would you punch yourself aswell?
  33. [12:04 AM] karasu: i wish i can see their faces
  34. [12:04 AM] karasu: no
  35. [12:04 AM] karasu: im not edgy
  36. [12:04 AM] lumi: you sure about that pal?
  37. [12:04 AM] karasu: yep
  38. [12:04 AM] karasu: tell me how im edgy
  39. [12:04 AM] lumi: I don't think I'm obligated to do that
  40. [12:04 AM] karasu: no tell me
  41. [12:05 AM] karasu: i wanna know so i can explain to you why youre wrong
  42. [12:05 AM] lumi: lol
  43. [12:05 AM] lumi: I'm good buddy
  44. [12:05 AM] karasu: go for it
  45. [12:05 AM] karasu: ok guess you have no reason to call me edgy then
  46. [12:05 AM] karasu: if you dont have anything to say then dont bother saying it in the first place
  47. [12:05 AM] lumi: yep
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