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- // An algorithm to determine all binary expression trees
- // Uses C99 features: compile with -std=c99.
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <time.h>
- typedef struct node {
- bool isLeaf;
- struct node* left;
- struct node* right;
- } node;
- typedef void(*visitor)(node*);
- // A node initially is a leaf
- const node initialNode = { .isLeaf = true, .left=0, .right=0 };
- // Constants for child's position
- typedef enum { LEFT, RIGHT } childPos;
- void doNode( node* current, int stackSize,
- node* stack[], node* root, visitor f);
- void addNodeWithTwoLeaves(node* current, int stackSize, node* stack[], node* root, visitor f);
- void addNodeWithOneLeaf(childPos side,node* current, int stackSize, node* stack[], node* root, visitor f);
- void addNodeWithNoLeaves(node* current, int stackSize, node* stack[], node* root, visitor f);
- void printNode( node*);
- void getExpressions(int size, visitor f) {
- node nodes[2*size+1]; // Allocate the complete tree as an array
- node* stack[size]; // Maximum # of stacked nodes = # of operations
- node* current = nodes + 2*size+ 1; // = behind the last element
- doNode( current, 0, stack, nodes, f );
- }
- void doNode( node* current, int stackSize,
- node* stack[], node* root, visitor f ) {
- int currentIndex = current - root;
- // Stack too large - it will not be possible to connect all references
- if (stackSize > currentIndex + 1) return;
- if (currentIndex > 0) {
- current--;
- // First option: Go on with a node with 2 leaves
- if (currentIndex >= 2) {
- addNodeWithTwoLeaves( current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- // If there is (at least) one usable reference node with 1 leaf, 1 ref
- if (currentIndex >= 1 && stackSize >= 1) {
- addNodeWithOneLeaf( LEFT, current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- addNodeWithOneLeaf( RIGHT, current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- // If there are two node references available: use them in the current node
- if (stackSize >= 2) {
- addNodeWithNoLeaves( current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- }
- else {
- // Terminal point: Do something with the expression
- f( root );
- }
- }
- void addNodeWithTwoLeaves( node* current, int stackSize,
- node* lastStack[], node* root, visitor f ) {
- node *stack[stackSize];
- for (int i=stackSize-1;i>=0;i--) stack[i] = lastStack[i];
- // Build 2 leaves
- *current = initialNode;
- current--;
- *current = initialNode;
- current--;
- // Now build the op code
- *current = initialNode;
- current->isLeaf = false; // tag as operation
- current->left = current+1;
- current->right = current+2;
- // Push current node on stack
- stack[stackSize] = current;
- stackSize++;
- doNode( current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- void addNodeWithOneLeaf( childPos side, node* current,
- int stackSize, node* lastStack[], node* root, visitor f ) {
- node *stack[stackSize];
- for (int i=stackSize-1;i>=0;i--) stack[i] = lastStack[i];
- // Build one leaf
- *current = initialNode;
- current--;
- *current = initialNode;
- current->isLeaf = false; // tag as operation
- // Make one of the child nodes point to the next free op
- switch (side) {
- case LEFT:
- current->left = stack[stackSize-1];
- current->right = current+1;
- break;
- case RIGHT:
- current->right = stack[stackSize-1];
- current->left = current+1;
- break;
- default:
- assert( false ); // Not allowed
- }
- // Replace top of stack by new node
- stack[stackSize-1] = current;
- doNode( current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- void addNodeWithNoLeaves(node* current, int stackSize,
- node* lastStack[], node* root, visitor f ) {
- node *stack[stackSize];
- for (int i=stackSize-1;i>=0;i--) stack[i] = lastStack[i];
- *current = initialNode;
- current->isLeaf = false; // tag as operation
- // Make the child nodes point to the topmost free op's
- current->left = stack[stackSize-1];
- current->right = stack[stackSize-2];
- // pop 2, push 1 gives: pop 1
- stackSize--;
- stack[stackSize-1] = current;
- doNode( current, stackSize, stack, root, f );
- }
- void printNode( node* current) {
- static int n = 0;
- static int j = 0;
- if (current) {
- j++;
- if (current->isLeaf)
- printf( "num" );
- else {
- printf( "[op,");
- printNode( current->left );
- printf( "," );
- printNode( current->right );
- printf( "]" );
- }
- j--;
- if (j == 0) {
- n++;
- printf( "\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- printf( "\nTotal: %d expression trees\n", n);
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char** argv) {
- int size; /* How many expressions */
- if (argc < 2 || sscanf( argv[1], "%d", &size) == 0) size = 6;
- clock_t t_before = clock();
- getExpressions( size, printNode );
- printNode(0); // Print accumulated number of entries
- clock_t t_after = clock();
- printf( "\n%ld msec execution time\n", (t_after - t_before)*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC );
- }
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