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- // Compute a list of transits over aspects of a given horoscope
- // Also compute the enter and leave times into the 1° orb of each aspect
- #include <iostream>
- #include <iomanip>
- #include <vector>
- #include <regex>
- #include <map>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "swephexp.h"
- struct t_input {
- double jd_et,lon,lat;
- double from,to;
- unsigned int filter;
- };
- using namespace std;
- // Difference on the arc (taking account of the gap 360->0)
- inline double arcdiff(double x, double y) {
- double z = x - y;
- return ( (z >= -180) && (z < 180)) ? z :
- z - floor(z/360+.5)*360;
- }
- // Reduce a degree value to the [0...360[
- inline double fmod360( double x ) {
- return (x < 360 && x >= 0) ? x :
- x - floor(x/360)*360;
- }
- // An ecliptical position (only longitude may be filled)
- // Also keeps track of possible warnings during computation
- class Position {
- public:
- Position() : Position(0.) {}
- Position(const double lon, const string& warning = "") {
- this->lon = lon;
- this->lat = 0;
- this->dist = 0;
- this->vlon = 0;
- this->vlat = 0;
- this->vdist = 0;
- this->warning = warning;
- }
- Position(const double *xx, const string& warning ="") {
- this->lon = xx[0];
- this->lat = xx[1];
- this->dist = xx[2];
- this->vlon = xx[3];
- this->vlat = xx[4];
- this->vdist = xx[5];
- this->warning = warning;
- }
- double lon, lat, dist;
- double vlon,vlat,vdist;
- string warning;
- bool has_warnings() {
- return !warning.empty();
- }
- void toStream(ostream &str) const {
- str << lon;
- }
- };
- // Ouput of a position
- ostream & operator<<(ostream & Str, Position const & p) {
- p.toStream(Str);
- return Str;
- }
- class ComputationError {
- public:
- ComputationError(const string message) : message(message) {}
- string message;
- };
- // The minimum which is necessary for computing a horoscope: jd, lon, lat
- class HoroscopeBasicData {
- public:
- double jd_et,lon,lat;
- bool initial = true;
- HoroscopeBasicData() {}
- HoroscopeBasicData(double jd_et,double lon, double lat) : jd_et(jd_et),lon(lon),lat(lat) {
- initial = false;
- }
- bool operator == (const HoroscopeBasicData& h) {
- return h.jd_et == jd_et && h.lon == lon && == lat;
- }
- bool operator != (const HoroscopeBasicData& h) {
- return h.jd_et != jd_et || h.lon != lon || != lat;
- }
- };
- // An astrological object
- // abstraction of all computable points of a Horoscope
- // (like planets, asteroids, fixed stars, house cusps, midpoints, ...)
- class AstroObject {
- public:
- const string name;
- const string symbol;
- unsigned int aspectStrength = 0x7f; // Default: aspects of all groups
- AstroObject(const string& name, const string& symbol) :
- name(name),symbol(symbol) {}
- AstroObject(const char* name, const char* symbol) : name(name), symbol(symbol) {}
- virtual Position compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) const throw(ComputationError) = 0;
- virtual ~AstroObject() {}
- protected:
- friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const AstroObject&);
- };
- ostream& operator<<(ostream &strm, const AstroObject &a) {
- return strm << a.symbol ;
- }
- // I define an ephemeris object by computability via a swe_calc() call
- class EphemerisObject : public AstroObject {
- public:
- EphemerisObject(const string& name, const string& symbol, const int number):
- AstroObject(name,symbol), ipl(number) {
- }
- Position compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) const throw(ComputationError) {
- double xx[6];
- char serr[256];
- int iflag = SEFLG_SPEED;
- int rc = swe_calc( data.jd_et, ipl, iflag, xx, serr);
- if (rc < 0) {
- throw ComputationError(string(serr));
- }
- return Position(xx,rc > 0 ? string(serr) : "");
- }
- private:
- int ipl;
- };
- class Planet : public EphemerisObject {
- public:
- Planet(const string& name, const string& symbol, const int number):
- EphemerisObject(name,symbol,number) {
- }
- };
- // We want to treat a single house cusp like any other AstroObject
- // On the other hand, swe_houses gives us all the house cusps at once
- // For efficiency, we have a class Houses treating the complete group...
- class Houses;
- // ... and a class House representing a single house cusp
- class House : public AstroObject {
- public:
- House(const char* name, const char* symbol, const int number, Houses *houses):
- AstroObject(name,symbol), number(number), houses(houses) {
- // Intermediate house cusps: ☌☌ only
- // Angles: ☌☌, □□, △△ (respect symmetry of AC/DC and MC/IC)
- switch (number) {
- case 1:
- case 10:
- aspectStrength = 0b1101;
- break;
- default:
- aspectStrength = 0b1;
- }
- }
- Position compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) const throw(ComputationError);
- private:
- int number;
- // Reference to a Houses instance, which computes all the house cusps
- Houses* houses;
- };
- class Houses {
- public:
- struct t_cusp {
- const char * name, *symbol;
- };
- Houses(int hsys = 'P', // Default: Placidus
- const t_cusp cusps[] = (t_cusp[]) {
- {"ASC","AC"},
- {"Haus 2","H2"},
- {"Haus 3","H3"},
- {"IC","IC"},
- {"Haus 5","H5"},
- {"Haus 6","H6"},
- {"DSC","DC"},
- {"Haus 8","H8"},
- {"Haus 9","H9"},
- {"MC","MC"},
- {"Haus 11","H11"},
- {"Haus 12","H12"},
- }) : hsys(hsys) {
- for (int i=0;cusps[i].name != NULL;i++) {
- this->cusps.push_back( new House( cusps[i].name, cusps[i].symbol, i+1, this) );
- }
- }
- vector<const AstroObject*> cusps;
- int hsys;
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) throw(ComputationError);
- Position compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data, const int number ) throw(ComputationError);
- private:
- HoroscopeBasicData data;
- vector<Position> positions;
- };
- // Default values: 12 house cusps, Placidus
- Houses* housesDefault = new Houses();
- // Default: the ten most commonly used astrological planets, plus lunar node
- vector<const AstroObject*> planetsDefault = {
- new Planet("Sonne","☉",0),
- new Planet("Mond","☽",1),
- new Planet("Merkur","☿",2),
- new Planet("Venus","♀",3),
- new Planet("Mars","♂",4),
- new Planet("Jupiter","♃",5),
- new Planet("Saturn","♄",6),
- new Planet("Uranus","⛢",7),
- new Planet("Neptun","♆",8),
- new Planet("Pluto","♇",9),
- new Planet("Mondknoten","☊",10)
- };
- // Descriptive class, only keeps a vector of AstroObjects, in particular house cusps
- // Has a compute() method for getting all the positions in a concrete Horoscope
- class HoroscopeParts {
- public:
- HoroscopeParts( vector<const AstroObject*>& planets, Houses* houses ) : planets(planets),houses(houses) {}
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) const {
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> result;
- for (const AstroObject* p : planets ) {
- result[p] = p->compute( data );
- }
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> hpos = houses->compute( data );
- result.insert( hpos.begin(), hpos.end() );
- return result;
- }
- private:
- vector<const AstroObject*> planets;
- Houses* houses;
- };
- HoroscopeParts horoscopePartsDefault( planetsDefault, housesDefault);
- // Implements the swe_houses() call
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> Houses::compute(const HoroscopeBasicData& data) throw (ComputationError) {
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> result;
- this->data = data;
- positions.clear();
- double houses[13], ascmc[10];
- swe_houses( data.jd_et - swe_deltat( data.jd_et),, data.lon, hsys, houses, ascmc);
- for (int i=0;i<12;i++) {
- Position p = Position( houses[i+1] );
- result[ cusps[i] ] = p;
- positions.push_back( p );
- }
- return result;
- }
- // Give back a single house cusp position
- Position Houses::compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data, const int number ) throw(ComputationError) {
- if (this->data.initial ||
- data.jd_et != this->data.jd_et ||
- data.lon != this->data.lon ||
- != this-> ) {
- compute( data );
- }
- return positions[number-1];
- }
- // The same, viewed from inside of AstroObject
- Position House::compute( const HoroscopeBasicData& data ) const throw(ComputationError) {
- return houses->compute(data,number);
- }
- // Descriptive class, objects representing single aspects
- class Aspect {
- public:
- Aspect(
- const char* name,
- const char* symbol,
- int strength,
- double angle) : name(name), symbol(symbol), strength(strength), angle(angle) {}
- string name;
- string symbol;
- unsigned int strength;
- double angle;
- ostream& toStream( ostream& str ) const {
- str << symbol;
- return str;
- }
- };
- ostream & operator<<(ostream & str, Aspect const & a) {
- return a.toStream(str);
- }
- // The aspects in use, and their groups
- vector<Aspect> aspects = {
- { "Konjunktion", "☌", 0x01, 0 },
- { "Halbsextil", "⚺", 0x40, 30 },
- { "Halbquadrat", "∠", 0x20, 45 },
- { "Sextil", "⚹", 0x10, 60 },
- { "Quadrat", "□", 0x04, 90 },
- { "Trigon", "△", 0x08, 120 },
- { "Anderthalbquadrat", "⚼", 0x20, 135},
- { "Quincunx", "⚻", 0x40, 150},
- { "Opposition", "☍", 0x02, 180}
- };
- enum Direction {
- };
- // Descriptive structure for an aspect to a planet (to an AstroObject)
- class AspectPoint {
- public:
- const Aspect* aspect; // Aspect...
- const AstroObject* object; // this AstroObject
- const Direction direction; // ...RIGHT = in forward, LEFT = in backward zodiac direction
- const int bound; // Usually zero, but +1 or -1 for aspect boundaries
- };
- ostream & operator<<(ostream & str, AspectPoint const & ap) {
- str << *(ap.aspect) << *(ap.object);
- return str;
- }
- // Compputes an aspect wreath from a map of AstroObjects with positions
- class Aspectarium {
- public:
- multimap<double,AspectPoint> wreath;
- Aspectarium(const map<const AstroObject*,Position> p, const unsigned int filter = 0xff, const vector<Aspect>& aspects = aspects) {
- for (auto o : p) {
- for (const Aspect& a: aspects) {
- if (!(a.strength & filter )) continue;
- if (!(o.first->aspectStrength & a.strength)) continue;
- addAspect(o.first,o.second.lon,RIGHT,a);
- if (a.symbol != "☌" && a.symbol != "☍") {
- addAspect(o.first,o.second.lon,LEFT,a);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- multimap<double,AspectPoint> wreath_enriched_with_boundaries() const {
- multimap<double,AspectPoint> result = wreath;
- for (auto it : wreath) {
- result.insert( pair<double,AspectPoint>(
- fmod360(it.first-1),
- AspectPoint({ it.second.aspect,it.second.object,it.second.direction,-1 })
- ));
- result.insert( pair<double,AspectPoint>(
- fmod360(it.first+1),
- AspectPoint({ it.second.aspect,it.second.object,it.second.direction,+1 })
- ));
- }
- return result;
- }
- ostream& toStream( ostream& str) const {
- for (auto a: wreath) {
- AspectPoint ap = a.second;
- str << setw(12) << setprecision(4) << fixed << a.first << " : " << ap << endl;
- }
- return str;
- }
- private:
- void addAspect(const AstroObject* o, const double pos, const Direction direction, const Aspect& a) {
- double l = fmod360( pos + a.angle * (direction == RIGHT ? 1 : -1) );
- AspectPoint ap({ &a, o, direction, 0 });
- wreath.insert( pair<double,AspectPoint>(l,ap));
- }
- };
- ostream & operator<<(ostream & str, Aspectarium const & a) {
- a.toStream(str);
- return str;
- }
- // Class Horoscope, basically wraps a map of AstroObjects together with their positions
- class Horoscope : public HoroscopeBasicData {
- public:
- Horoscope(double jd_et,double lon, double lat,const HoroscopeParts& hp = horoscopePartsDefault) : HoroscopeBasicData(jd_et,lon,lat) {
- p = hp.compute((HoroscopeBasicData)*this);
- }
- Aspectarium getAspectarium( unsigned int aspect_filter = 0xff) {
- return Aspectarium( p, aspect_filter );
- }
- void toStream(ostream &str) const {
- for (auto const& pos: p) {
- str << setw(20) << *(pos.first) << ": " << pos.second << endl;
- }
- }
- private:
- map<const AstroObject*,Position> p;
- };
- ostream & operator<<(ostream & Str, Horoscope const & h) {
- h.toStream(Str);
- return Str;
- }
- // Position with time
- typedef struct {
- double jd_et;
- Position pos;
- } t_position;
- // Any interval
- typedef struct {
- double from, to;
- } t_interval;
- // Compute the time of a transit
- double transit_time(
- double lon,
- const t_position last,
- const t_position next) {
- double jd_et;
- if (next.pos.lon == last.pos.lon) return (last.pos.lon == lon) ? last.jd_et : NAN;
- // To keep it simple, we use linear interpolation
- // Could improve by cubic interpolation, employing also last.pos.vlon and next.pos.vlon
- jd_et =
- (next.jd_et-last.jd_et)*arcdiff(lon,last.pos.lon)/arcdiff(next.pos.lon,last.pos.lon)
- + last.jd_et;
- return jd_et;
- }
- // An object of class Transit represents a single transit
- // a current AstroObject is crossing an aspect to a given AstroObject (from the base horoscope)
- class Transit {
- public:
- double jd_et,lon;
- const AstroObject* current;
- AspectPoint aspect;
- Direction direction;
- double jd_begin, jd_end;
- // Current planet is entering the orbis
- // - either it is moving directly, and the bound is -1
- // - or it is moving retrogradely, and the bound is +1
- bool entering() const {
- return (
- (aspect.bound == -1 && direction == RIGHT) ||
- (aspect.bound == +1 && direction == LEFT)
- );
- }
- // Current planet is leaving the orbis
- // - either it is moving directly, and the bound is +1
- // - or it is moving retrogradely, and the bound is -1
- bool leaving() const {
- return (
- (aspect.bound == -1 && direction == LEFT) ||
- (aspect.bound == +1 && direction == RIGHT)
- );
- }
- // Consider two transit objects as equal if the aspect formulae are identical
- // here, we do distinguish right from left aspects
- bool operator==(const Transit& t) const {
- return (
- current == t.current &&
- aspect.aspect == t.aspect.aspect &&
- aspect.object == t.aspect.object &&
- aspect.direction == t.aspect.direction );
- }
- };
- // Output a transit list as JSON object
- void print(ostream & Str, const multimap<double,Transit>& t) {
- bool first = true;
- Str << "[" << endl;
- for ( auto it : t ) {
- if (!first) {
- Str << "," << endl;
- }
- Str << "["
- << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << fixed << it.first << ", "
- << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << fixed << it.second.jd_begin << ", "
- << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << fixed << it.second.jd_end << ", "
- << setw(8) << setprecision(4) << it.second.lon << ", "
- << "\"" << *(it.second.current)
- << (it.second.direction == LEFT ? "℞" :"")
- << (it.second.aspect.bound == -1 ? "LB " :"")
- << (it.second.aspect.bound == 1 ? "RB " :"")
- << it.second.aspect << "\"]";
- first = false;
- }
- Str << endl << "]";
- }
- // Output an aspect wreath as a list (plain text, not JSON)
- void print(ostream & Str, const multimap<double,AspectPoint>& w) {
- for (auto it: w) {
- Str << setw(14) << setprecision(5) << fixed << it.first << ": ";
- Str << it.second << endl;
- }
- }
- // Find all the aspects from the wreath falling into the given interval,
- // and compute the exact transit time for each of them
- multimap<double,Transit> transits_from_interval(
- const t_interval& interval,
- const AstroObject* o,
- const t_position last,
- const t_position next,
- const multimap<double,AspectPoint>& wreath) {
- multimap<double,Transit> r;
- for (auto it = wreath.lower_bound( interval.from );
- it != wreath.end() && it->first <;
- ++it ) {
- double jd_et = transit_time(it->first,last,next);
- r.insert( pair<double,Transit>(
- jd_et,
- Transit({
- jd_et,
- it->first,
- o,
- it->second,
- (arcdiff(next.pos.lon,last.pos.lon)<0) ? LEFT: RIGHT })
- ));
- }
- return r;
- }
- // Decompose an interval on the circle into parts on [0...360]
- // Take account of the discontinuity 360->0
- // Take account of retrograde motion (input.from may well be >
- vector<t_interval> get_segments(const t_interval& input) {
- if (arcdiff(,input.from)>0) {
- if ( > input.from) {
- return vector<t_interval>({input});
- } else {
- return vector<t_interval>({
- { input.from, 360.},
- { 0., }
- });
- }
- } else {
- if ( < input.from) {
- return vector<t_interval>({{,input.from}});
- } else {
- return vector<t_interval>({
- {, 360.},
- { 0., input.from}
- });
- }
- }
- }
- // Compute all transits in the given interval,
- // including the times when the aspect is entered and left by the current AstroObject
- multimap<double,Transit> transits(double from, double to, const Aspectarium& a, vector<const AstroObject*>& planets = planetsDefault) {
- // Enrich the aspect wreath with aspect boundaries (i.e. aspect locus +1° / -1°)
- multimap<double,AspectPoint> wreath = a.wreath_enriched_with_boundaries( );
- // For each planet:
- // Compute the times where it passes the aspects of the 'enriched wreath'
- multimap<double,Transit> r;
- for (const AstroObject* o : planets) {
- Position last = o->compute( HoroscopeBasicData(from,0,0) );
- for (double t = from+1; t<=to; t+=1) {
- Position next = o->compute( HoroscopeBasicData(t,0,0) );
- vector<t_interval> v = get_segments({ last.lon, next.lon });
- for (t_interval iv: v) {
- multimap<double,Transit> s = transits_from_interval(
- iv,
- o,
- (t_position) { t-1, last },
- (t_position) { t, next },
- wreath
- );
- r.insert(s.begin(),s.end());
- }
- last = next;
- }
- }
- // For each transit: adjoin the time when it enters and leaves the orbis
- multimap<double,Transit> result;
- for (auto it = r.begin(); it != r.end(); ++it) {
- if (it->second.aspect.bound == 0) {
- // Scan backwards in longitude, when did the planet enter the aspect orb
- it->second.jd_begin = from;
- for (auto it1 = it; it1 != r.begin();--it1) {
- if (it1->second == it->second &&
- it1->second.entering()) {
- it->second.jd_begin = it1->first;
- break;
- }
- }
- // Scan forward in longitude, when did the planet leave the aspect orb
- it->second.jd_end = to;
- for (auto it2 = next(it); it2 != r.end();++it2) {
- if (it2->second == it->second &&
- it2->second.leaving() ) {
- it->second.jd_end = it2->first;
- break;
- }
- }
- result.insert(*it);
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- void teardown() {
- for (auto p: planetsDefault) {
- delete p;
- }
- }
- void parse_query_string( const char* qs, t_input& input ) {
- const regex NAME_VALUE_PATTERN("([\\w+%]+)=([^&]*)");
- const string query(qs);
- auto words_begin = sregex_iterator(query.begin(), query.end(), NAME_VALUE_PATTERN);
- auto words_end = sregex_iterator();
- for (auto it = words_begin; it != words_end; it++) {
- const string name((*it)[1]);
- const char* value = (*it)[2].str().c_str();
- if (name == "jd_et") {
- sscanf(value,"%lf",&(input.jd_et));
- }
- else if (name == "lon") {
- sscanf(value,"%lf",&(input.lon));
- }
- else if (name == "lat") {
- sscanf(value,"%lf",&(;
- }
- else if (name == "from") {
- sscanf(value,"%lf",&(input.from));
- }
- else if (name == "to") {
- sscanf(value,"%lf",&(;
- }
- else if (name == "filter") {
- sscanf(value,"%d",&(input.filter));
- }
- }
- }
- int main( int argc, char** argv) {
- // Some defaults
- t_input input = { 2451545.,7.,52.,2452500.,2452501.,0b11111 };
- if (argc>=2) {
- // For tests
- parse_query_string(argv[1],input);
- } else {
- // In CGI mode
- const char* query_string = getenv("QUERY_STRING");
- if (query_string) {
- parse_query_string(query_string,input);
- }
- }
- cout << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8\n\n";
- Horoscope h(input.jd_et,input.lon,;
- // Default filter: 0b11111 = Down to and including ⚹
- Aspectarium a = h.getAspectarium( input.filter );
- multimap<double,Transit> t = transits(input.from,,a);
- // Output
- cout << "{ \"data\":" ;
- print(cout,t);
- cout << "}" << endl;
- // Teardown - becomes relevant when code is shifted into shared library
- teardown( );
- return 0;
- }
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