

Sep 14th, 2021
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  1. Due to the similarities between emotions and feelings, many people mistakenly believe they are the same thing. In fact, in certain instances, both terms are used interchangeably to refer to the same thing. For example, a person may express happiness as a feeling while also referring to happiness as an emotion in the same judgment. In daily circumstances and interactions, we often use the terms emotion and feeling similarly, while psychologists differentiate between the two terms and use them differently. Emotions are your body's perceptions of the feelings it experiences. The emotions you are experiencing must come from your motivating system. When you achieve something you have worked hard for, you usually feel good about yourself; you feel bad about yourself when you do not. The greater the extent to which your motivational system is involved with a scenario, the more powerful your emotions will be.
  3. Understanding and relating to these needs are essential because they assist in illustrating what motivates human behavior and what motivates individuals to strive for specific goals in life.ย  When it comes to determining a person'sย personality type and developing a personal development plan, knowing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is significant since it plays a critical part in making goals and achieving them. When planning a development plan, youย must consider these requirements in relation to each objective and how they connect to your personality type as a whole. Lastly, it guarantees that you are satisfied and get what you need from each of your desires.
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