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- ===Pirates of the Spanish Main===
- HMS Titan
- Freedom
- Pirate Oarsman
- Pirate Musketeer
- 021 Carrion Crow
- 022 El Dorado
- 026 Batavian Bat
- 049 HMS Dover
- 054 HMS Wycliffe
- 056 HMS Lord Walpole
- 080 Helmsman
- 103 English Captain
- ===Pirates of the Barbary Coast===
- 006 Arabella
- 009 Amity
- 010 Treasure
- 011 Adventure
- 013 Duke
- 017 Raven
- 025 Jack Hawkins
- 027 The Hag of Tortuga
- 029 Jonah / Le Requin
- 031 Dead Man's Point
- 034 HMS London
- 035 HMS Ajax
- 036 HMS Lord Lineton
- 039 HMS Gibraltar
- 041 HMS Lady Provost
- 045 Dr. Forbes Beattie
- 046 Administrator Scott Bratley / Cameron The Cabin Boy
- 064 El Puerto Blanco
- 077 La Provence
- 094 Buried Treasure
- 102 Musketeer
- 104 English Helmsman
- 106 English Explorer
- 108 Musketeer
- 115 American Captain
- 120 French Explorer
- 129 English Captain
- 130 Roanoke
- 212 Bonnie Liz
- ===Pirates of the Revolution===
- 003 Golden Medusa
- 006 Hades' Flame
- 008 Bloody Jewel
- 010 Cutlass
- 011 Panda
- 012 Coral
- 014 Lightning
- 015 Jean Laffite
- 016 Don Pedro Gilbert
- 017 Deveraux
- 019 The Patch
- 024 HMS Swallow
- 026 HMS Oxford
- 028 HMS Nautilus
- 031 HMS Apollo
- 033 HMS Greyhound
- 038 Fort Ramsgate
- 044 Diego Cesar Olano
- 055 La Danae
- 067 Bonhomme Richard
- 068 Constitution
- 069 United States
- 070 Enterprise
- 071 Freedom
- 073 Saratoga
- 074 Yankee
- 075 Jarvis
- 076 Carolina
- 077 Boston
- 078 Julius Caesar
- 079 Rattlesnake
- 092 Kikowa
- 095 Commander Albert Crenshaw
- 098 Becalmed / Ralph David
- 100 Becalmed / Christian Jefferson, Esquire
- 108 Musketeer
- 111 Neptune's Trident
- 113 English Captain
- 114 Spanish Captain
- 117 English Helmsman
- 119 French Helmsman
- 127 English Explorer
- 129 French Explorer
- 132 American Captain
- 133 American Helmsman
- 135 American Shipwright
- 136 American Explorer
- 137 American Musketeer
- 138 American Oarsman
- 139 American Chainshot Specialist
- ===Pirates of the Barbary Coast===
- 012 Algiers
- 019 Tiger's Eye
- 024 Desert Wind
- 023 Gallows
- 027 Queen of Sheeba
- 052 HMS Antelope
- 055 William Dampier
- 056 Lawrence
- 059 First Mate Ismail
- 065 La Serpiente
- 089 Minuteman
- 093 Niagara
- 095 William Eaton
- 096 Wayne Nolan
- 097 Commodore Edward Preble
- 098 Brent Rice
- 105 Rats
- 125 Spanish Musketeer
- 128 American Musketeer
- 130 English Captain
- ===Pirates of the South China Seas===
- 015 Sea Crane
- 035 Accused
- 036 Madagascar
- 038 Plague of the East
- 041 The Headhunter
- 043 Bruce Grey / Kanhoji Angria
- 071 Rolling Fog / Padre Francisco
- 087 USS Appalachian
- 094 USS New Orleans
- 096 Commodore Matthew Perry
- 097 Pierce Hollow / Gus Schulz
- 114 American Captain
- 117 English Helmsman
- 119 French Helmsman
- 120 American Helmsman
- 126 French Explorer
- 127 American Explorer
- 216 Beast's Belly
- 217 Inferno
- ===Pirates of Davy Jones' Curse===
- 010 Executioner
- 011 Hellfire
- 038 Selkie
- 041 Jamaica
- 045 George Washington LeBeaux
- 046 Chief PO Charles Richard / Derrik The Red
- 047 Jerky Johnson / Skyme The Monkey
- 048 Pirate Firepot Specialist
- 052 HMS Guy Fawkes
- 057 HMS Half Moon
- 062 Firepot Specialist
- 075 Spanish Firepot Specialist
- 089 Pequod
- 092 Dark Fox
- 093 Saratoga
- 095 Brandywine
- 102 Witch's Brew
- 111 English Captain
- 114 American Captain
- 124 English Cannoneer
- 127 American Cannoneer
- 211 Judas
- 960 Hessian
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