

Dec 22nd, 2021 (edited)
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  1. function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("@Vɪᴍᴀʟ_OP", false) return false end else gg.toast("Vᴀʟᴜᴇs Nᴏᴛ Fᴏᴜɴᴅ") return false end end
  2. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) xgsl = xgsl + 1 end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) xgjg = true end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "" .. xgsl .. "") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") end end end end
  3. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  4. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,一共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "未搜索到数据,开启失败") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("开启成功,一共修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("未搜索到数据,开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end
  6. function GURA()
  7. end
  8. function setvalue(address,flags,value) GURA('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  10. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,一共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "未搜索到数据,开启失败") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("开启成功,一共修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("未搜索到数据,开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end
  12. function setvalue(address,flags,value) LEAK('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  13. function KANSO() end function FINSHONEB() gg.toast("\nTC YA BIBI DONE ") end gg.setVisible(true) function setvalue(address,flags,value) KANSO('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end function libBase(offset, type, value, name) gg.setValues({[1] = {address = MRKANSOONEB('')[1].start + offset, flags = type, value = value}}) gg.toast(name .. 'ONEB') end function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end function setvalue(address,flags,value) KANSO('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end function libBase(offset, type, value, name) gg.setValues({[1] = {address = MRKANSOONEB('')[1].start + offset, flags = type, value = value}}) gg.toast(name .. 'ONEB') end function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end local MRKANSOONEB = gg.getRangesList function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Neicun) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3]) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3] end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Mingcg.." 开启成功 "..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang else Shuzhiliang=#data end for i=1, Shuzhiliang do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = w[3] t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[4] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast(Mingcg.." 开启成功 "..#t.."") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast(Mingcg.." 开启失败 ", false) return false end else gg.toast(" 开启失败 ") return false end end function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Neicun) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3]) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3] end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启成功"..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang else Shuzhiliang=#data end for i=1, Shuzhiliang do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = w[3] t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[4] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启成功"..#t.."") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("开启失败") return false end end local L0_0 L0_0 = 0 function SearchWrite(Search,Write,Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1],Type) local count=gg.getResultCount() local result=gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data={} local base=Search[1][2] if(count>0)then for i,v in ipairs(result)do v.isUseful=true end for k=2,#Search do local tmp={} local offset=Search[k][2]-base local num=Search[k][1] for i,v in ipairs(result)do tmp[#tmp+1]={} tmp[#tmp].address=v.address+offset tmp[#tmp].flags=v.flags end tmp=gg.getValues(tmp) for i,v in ipairs(tmp)do if(tostring(v.value)~=tostring(num))then result[i].isUseful=false end end end for i,v in ipairs(result)do if(v.isUseful)then data[#data+1]=v.address end end if(#data>0)then gg.toast(Name.."共搜索到"..#data.."个数据") local t={} local base=Search[1][2] for i=1,#data do for k,w in ipairs(Write)do offset=w[2]-base t[#t+1]={} t[#t].address=data[i]+offset t[#t].flags=Type t[#t].value=w[1] if(w[3]==true)then local item={} item[#item+1]=t[#t] item[#item].paidze=true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.sleep(500) gg.toast(Name.."开启成功,共修改"..#t.."条数据") else gg.toast(Name.."副特征码错误or脸丑\n或者是已经开启过了") return false end else gg.toast(Name.."主特征码错误or脸丑\n或者是已经开启过了") return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function edit(orig,ret)_om=orig[1].memory or orig[1][1]_ov=orig[3].value or orig[3][1]_on=orig[2].name or orig[2][1]gg.clearResults()gg.setRanges(_om)gg.searchNumber(_ov,orig[3].type or orig[3][2])sz=gg.getResultCount()if sz<1 then gg.toast(_on.."开启失败")else sl=gg.getResults(720)for i=1,sz do ist=true for v=4,#orig do if ist==true and sl[i].value==_ov then cd={{}}cd[1].address=sl[i].address+(orig[v].offset or orig[v][2])cd[1].flags=orig[v].type or orig[v][3]szpy=gg.getValues(cd)cdlv=orig[v].lv or orig[v][1]cdv=szpy[1].value if cdlv==cdv then pdjg=true ist=true else pdjg=false ist=false end end end if pdjg==true then szpy=sl[i].address for x=1,#(ret)do xgpy=szpy+(ret[x].offset or ret[x][2])xglx=ret[x].type or ret[x][3]xgsz=ret[x].value or ret[x][1]xgdj=ret[x].paidze or ret[x][4]xgsj={{address=xgpy,flags=xglx,value=xgsz}}if xgdj==true then xgsj[1].paidze=xgdj gg.addListItems(xgsj)else gg.setValues(xgsj)end end xgjg=true end end if xgjg==true then gg.toast(_on.."开启成功")else gg.toast(_on.."开启失败")end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast("搜索到"..#data.."条数据") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("已修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("not found", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast("✨开启成功✨"..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) else gg.toast("", false) return false end else gg.toast("") return false end end local app = {} function Assert(data) if data == nil or data == "" or data == "nil" then return false else return true end end function mearrass(memory, array) if Assert(memory) and Assert(array) then return true else return false end end function typetab(array, type) local datatype = {} for i = 1, #array do if Assert(array[i].type) then table.insert(datatype, i, array[i].type) else if Assert(type) then table.insert(datatype, i, type) else return false end end end return true, datatype end function app.memorysearch(memory, array, type) gg.setVisible(false) local rx = mearrass(memory, array) if rx then local rx, datatype = typetab(array, type) if rx then if Assert(array[1].hv) then gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(memory) gg.searchNumber(array[1].lv .. "~" .. array[1].hv, datatype[1]) elsegg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(memory) gg.searchNumber(array[1].lv, datatype[1]) end if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then return false else local tab = {} local data = gg.getResults(gg.getResultCount()) gg.clearResults() for i = 1, #data do data[i].rx = true end for i = 2, #array do local t = {} local offset = array[i].offset for x = 1, #data do t[#t + 1] = {} t[#t].address = data[x].address + offset t[#t].flags = datatype[i] end local t = gg.getValues(t) for z = 1, #t do if Assert(array[i].hv) then if tonumber(t[z].value) < tonumber(array[i].lv) or tonumber(t[z].value) > tonumber(array[i].hv) then data[z].rx = false end else if tostring(t[z].value) ~= tostring(array[i].lv) then data[z].rx = false end end end end for i = 1, #data do if data[i].rx then tab[#tab + 1] = data[i].address end end if #tab > 0 then return true, tab else return false end end else print("type参数错误") gg.toast("type参数错误") os.exit() end else print("memory or array参数错误") gg.toast("memory or array参数错误") os.exit() end end function app.memoryread(addr, type) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = type if #t > 0 then return true, gg.getValues(t)[1].value else return false end end function app.memorywrite(addr, type, value, paidze) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = type t[1].value = value if #t > 0 then if Assert(paidze) then t[1].paidze = paidze return gg.addListItems(t) else return gg.setValues(t) end else return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) xgsl = xgsl + 1 end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) xgjg = true end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条ΔΘ") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Neicun) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3]) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3] end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Mingcg.."搜索到"..#data.."条数据") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang else Shuzhiliang=#data end for i=1, Shuzhiliang do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = w[3] t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[4] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast(Mingcg.."已修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("搜索失败") return false end end --- HASANKANSO ONE BULLET
  14. function Vimal()
  15. end
  16. function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("@Vɪᴍᴀʟ_OP", false) return false end else gg.toast("Vᴀʟᴜᴇs Nᴏᴛ Fᴏᴜɴᴅ") return false end end
  17. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) xgsl = xgsl + 1 end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) xgjg = true end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "" .. xgsl .. "") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "") end end end end
  18. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  19. function setvalue(address,flags,value) Vimal('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  22. gg.alert("🌸𝚆𝙴𝙻𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙴 𝚃𝙾 ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ🌸\n╔⟦ 32 ʙɪᴛ + 64 ʙɪᴛ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ⟧\n╠⟦ ᴀʟʟ ᴠᴇʀsɪᴏɴ's / sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 22 ⟧ \n╚⟦ ᴜᴘᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ : 06-12-2021⟧ \n\n╔⟦ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ @ɢᴜʀᴀ⟧ \n╚⟦ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ @ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ ⟧")
  28. gg.sleep(300)
  29. gg.toast("🌸GAWR_GURAZ ALL PUBG🌸")
  30. gg.setVisible(true)
  31. on = 'ON✔'
  32. off = 'OFF❌'
  33. fl = off
  34. x1 = off
  37. function HOME()
  38. XLNB = gg.choice({
  39. "╔⟦🌸⟧32 Bɪᴛ Gᴀᴍᴇ Cʜᴇᴀᴛ \n╚➣⟦sᴇʟᴇᴄᴛ | ɢᴀᴍᴇ | ʙɪᴛ⟧",
  40. "╔⟦🛡️⟧️3𝚁𝙳 BAN \n𝙵𝙸𝚇 [𝙻𝙾𝙶𝙾]",
  41. "╔⟦🛡️⟧ᴠɪᴘ ʜᴀᴄᴋ ɪɴғᴏ \n╚➣⟦sᴇᴀsᴏɴ 23 | ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ⟧",
  42. "⟦◀⟧ ᴇxɪᴛ"
  43. }, nil, "╔⟦🇰🇭⟧ ᴘᴜʙɢ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ 1.7.1 // 32 ʙɪᴛ\n╠ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ@ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ \n╚⟦ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ⟧")
  44. if XLNB == nil then
  45. else
  46. if XLNB == 1 then
  47. HOME1()
  48. end
  49. if XLNB == 2 then
  50. VIPX()
  51. end
  53. if XLNB == 3 then
  54. VIPX1()
  55. end
  56. if XLNB == 4 then
  57. EXIT()
  58. end
  59. end
  60. PUBGMH = -1
  61. end
  64. function VIPX()
  65. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local refinevalues={} refinevalues[1]={} refinevalues[1].address=address refinevalues[1].flags=flags refinevalues[1].value=value gg.setValues(refinevalues) end
  66. gg.toast(" 𝗟𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴⏳")
  67. gg.clearResults()
  68. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ")
  69. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start py=0x23140
  70. for i=1,30 do
  71. setvalue(so+py,4,0)
  72. py=py+4 end
  73. py=0x231B8 setvalue(so+py,4,1186988032)
  74. py=0x275A4 setvalue(so+py,4,64419)
  75. py=0x275A8 setvalue(so+py,4,822607872)
  76. py=0x20D904 setvalue(so+py,4,-536608768)
  77. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ ")
  78. gg.toast("▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒10%")
  79. gg.sleep(80)
  80. gg.toast("▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒20%")
  81. gg.sleep(80)
  82. gg.toast("▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒30%")
  83. gg.sleep(80)
  84. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒40%")
  85. gg.sleep(80)
  86. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒50%")
  87. gg.sleep(80)
  88. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒60%")
  89. gg.sleep(80)
  90. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒70%")
  91. gg.sleep(80)
  92. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒80%")
  93. gg.sleep(80)
  94. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒90%")
  95. gg.sleep(80)
  96. gg.toast("▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓100%")
  97. gg.clearResults()
  98. gg.alert("Logo 3RD Ban fix Done GURA")
  99. gg.clearResults()
  100. gg.setVisible(false)
  101. end
  104. function HOME1() --Home Menu
  105. MENU = gg.choice({
  106. "╔⟦🔴⟧ BYPASS VIP \n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ʟᴏʙʙʏ⟧",
  107. "╔⟦🔴⟧ GAME CHEATS\n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ɢᴀᴍᴇ⟧",
  108. "╔⟦🔴⟧ SKIN HACK \n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ʟᴏʙʙʏ⟧",
  109. "╔⟦🔴⟧ FAST LANDING\n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ɢᴀᴍᴇ⟧",
  110. "╔⟦🔴⟧ FLASH RUN \n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ɢᴀᴍᴇ⟧",
  111. -- "╔⟦🔴⟧ FLASH RUN \n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ɢᴀᴍᴇ⟧",
  112. "╔⟦❎ BACK ❎"
  113. }, nil, "╔⟦🇰🇭⟧ ᴘᴜʙɢ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ 1.7.0 // 32 ʙɪᴛ\n╠ ᴄʜᴀɴɴᴇʟ @ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ .\n╚⟦ ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ sᴄʀɪᴘᴛ ⟧")
  114. if MENU == nil then
  115. else
  116. if MENU == 1 then
  117. MXHD1()
  118. end
  119. if MENU == 2 then
  120. MNHX2()
  121. end
  122. if MENU == 3 then
  123. MNZE3()
  124. end
  125. if MENU == 4 then
  126. MNFES4()
  127. end
  129. if MENU == 5 then
  130. MNFES4X7XZ()
  131. end
  132. if MENU == 6 then
  133. HOME()
  134. end
  135. end
  136. PUBGMH = -1
  137. end
  141. --------STEP[2] Wall & Colour👇--------
  143. function MXHD1() --Wall & Colour Menu
  144. LFF = gg.multiChoice({
  145. "╔⟦🌸️⟧ LOBBY BYPASS V? \n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ʟᴏʙʙʏ⟧",
  146. "╔⟦🌸️⟧ REPORT BLOCKER (BETA)\n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | |ʟᴏʙʙʏ⟧",
  147. "╔⟦🌸️⟧ ISLAND BYPAS GL KR\n╚➣⟦ᴜsᴇ | ɪɴ | ɪsʟᴀɴᴅ️ ⟧",
  148. "╔⟦🌸️⟧ ISLAND BYPAS\n╚➣⟦OFF ✖️⟧",
  149. "⟦◀⟧ ʙᴀᴄᴋ"
  150. }, nil, "╔⟦🎭⟧ 𝙱𝚈𝙿𝙰𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚄\n╚➣⟦𝚂𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽 -23/𝙲1𝚂3⟧")
  151. if LFF == nil then
  152. else
  153. if LFF[1] == true then
  154. LOGO()
  155. end
  156. if LFF[2] == true then
  157. ISLAND()
  158. end
  159. if LFF[3] == true then
  161. end
  162. if LFF[4] == true then
  163. ISLANDXFC13()
  164. end
  165. if LFF[5] == true then
  166. HOME1()
  167. end
  169. end
  170. PUBGMH = -1
  171. end
  173. function LOGO()
  175. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/cache")
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  183. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_res.eifs")
  184. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/1375135419_47_0.13.0.11098_20190617165748_1981158817_cures.ifs.res")
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  188. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Pandora")
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  190. os.remove("/data/data/com.tencent.ig/app_appcache")
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  203. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_res.eifs")
  204. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/1375135419_47_0.13.0.11098_20190617165748_1981158817_cures.ifs.res")
  205. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs")
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  207. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/RoleInfo")
  208. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Pandora")
  209. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.pubg.krmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/PufferTmpDir")
  210. os.remove("/data/data/com.pubg.krmobile/app_appcache")
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  214. os.remove("/data/data/com.pubg.krmobile/code_cache")
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  221. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/ProgramBinaryCache")
  222. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_temp")
  223. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_res.eifs")
  224. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/1375135419_47_0.13.0.11098_20190617165748_1981158817_cures.ifs.res")
  225. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs")
  226. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/UpdateInfo")
  227. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/RoleInfo")
  228. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Pandora")
  229. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/PufferTmpDir")
  230. os.remove("/data/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/app_appcache")
  231. os.remove("/data/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/app_bugly")
  232. os.remove("/data/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/app_crashrecord")
  233. os.remove("/data/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/cache")
  234. os.remove("/data/data/com.vng.pubgmobile/code_cache")
  235. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/cache")
  236. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/tbslog")
  237. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/ca-bundle.pem")
  238. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/cacheFile.txt")
  239. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/login-identifier.txt")
  240. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/vmpcloudconfig.json")
  241. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/ProgramBinaryCache")
  242. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_temp")
  243. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/puffer_res.eifs")
  244. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Paks/1375135419_47_0.13.0.11098_20190617165748_1981158817_cures.ifs.res")
  245. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Logs")
  246. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/UpdateInfo")
  247. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/RoleInfo")
  248. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/Pandora")
  249. os.remove("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Saved/PufferTmpDir")
  250. os.remove("/data/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/app_appcache")
  251. os.remove("/data/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/app_bugly")
  252. os.remove("/data/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/app_crashrecord")
  253. os.remove("/data/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/cache")
  254. os.remove("/data/data/com.rekoo.pubgm/code_cache")
  256. gg.toast("GURA CHEATS VIP")
  257. gg.clearResults()
  259. ---BYPASS GURA-----
  260. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  261. gg.searchNumber("134914;144387", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  262. gg.refineNumber("134914", 4)
  263. gg.getResults(62877)
  264. gg.editAll("133890", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  265. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  266. gg.searchNumber("133634;133890", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  267. gg.refineNumber("133634", 4)
  268. gg.getResults(62877)
  269. gg.editAll("133890", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  270. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  271. gg.searchNumber("133634;134658", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  272. gg.refineNumber("133634", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1, 0)
  273. gg.getResults(62877)
  274. gg.editAll("133890", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  275. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  277. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  278. gg.searchNumber("196,864;67109377", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  279. gg.refineNumber("196,864", 4)
  280. gg.getResults(50000)
  281. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  282. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  283. gg.searchNumber("67,109,377;16,384", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
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  285. gg.getResults(50000)
  286. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  287. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  288. gg.searchNumber("131,330;134,658", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  289. gg.refineNumber("134,658", 4)
  290. gg.getResults(50000)
  291. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  292. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  294. gg.refineNumber("135,682", 4)
  295. gg.getResults(50000)
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  300. gg.getResults(50000)
  301. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  302. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  306. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
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  310. gg.getResults(50000)
  311. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
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  325. gg.getResults(0)
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  339. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  343. gg.getResults(0)
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  347. gg.clearResults()
  348. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  352. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  353. gg.clearResults()
  354. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  360. gg.clearResults()
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  371. gg.editAll("67,109633",4)
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  377. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  378. gg.clearResults()
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  381. gg.refineNumber("196,867", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  382. gg.getResults(50000)
  383. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
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  386. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
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  389. gg.clearResults()
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  392. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
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  395. gg.clearResults()
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  398. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  399. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  400. gg.clearResults()
  401. gg.clearResults()
  402. gg.searchNumber("282,587,373,240,320;303,473,799,200,768", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  403. --gg.refineNumber("572,854,148,005,888;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  404. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  405. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  406. gg.clearResults()
  408. gg.searchNumber("564,058,054,983,680;565,157,566,611,456", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  409. gg.refineNumber("564,058,054,983,680", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  410. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  411. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  413. gg.clearResults()
  414. gg.searchNumber("578,351,706,144,768;564,058,054,983,680", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  415. gg.refineNumber("578,351,706,144,768", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  416. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  417. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  418. gg.clearResults()
  419. gg.clearResults()
  420. gg.searchNumber("564,062,349,950,976;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  421. gg.refineNumber("564,062,349,950,976;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  422. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  423. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  424. gg.clearResults()
  425. gg.clearResults()
  426. gg.searchNumber("572,854,148,005,888;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  427. gg.refineNumber("572,854,148,005,888;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  428. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  429. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  430. gg.clearResults()
  431. gg.clearResults()
  432. gg.searchNumber("282,587,373,240,320;303,473,799,200,768", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  433. --gg.refineNumber("572,854,148,005,888;579,451,217,772,544", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  434. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  435. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  436. gg.clearResults()
  439. gg.clearResults()
  440. gg.searchNumber("620,137,442,967,552;564,058,054,983,680", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  441. revert = gg.getResults(100000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  442. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  443. gg.clearResults()
  444. gg.clearResults()
  445. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  446. gg.searchNumber("582749752655872;579451217772544", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  447. gg.refineNumber("582749752655872;579451217772544", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1, 0)
  448. revert = gg.getResults(2000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  449. gg.editAll("288516253537076225", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  450. gg.clearResults()
  451. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  452. gg.searchNumber("572,854,148,005,888", 32)
  453. gg.refineNumber("572,854,148,005,888")
  454. gg.getResults(50010)
  455. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  456. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  457. gg.searchNumber("578,351,706,144,768", 32)
  458. gg.refineNumber("578,351,706,144,768")
  459. gg.getResults(50010)
  460. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  461. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  462. gg.searchNumber("579,451,217,772,544", 32)
  463. gg.refineNumber("579,451,217,772,544")
  464. gg.getResults(50010)
  465. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  466. gg.searchNumber("582,749,752,655,872", 32)
  467. gg.refineNumber("582,749,752,655,872")
  468. gg.getResults(50010)
  469. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  470. gg.searchNumber("620,137,442,967,552", 32)
  471. gg.refineNumber("620,137,442,967,552")
  472. gg.getResults(50010)
  473. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  474. gg.searchNumber("564,058,054,983,680;565,157,566,611,456", 32)
  475. gg.refineNumber("564,058,054,983,680;565,157,566,611,456")
  476. gg.getResults(50010)
  477. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  479. gg.clearResults()
  480. gg.toast("BYPASS DONE ")
  481. gg.alert("BYPASS DONE ✔ ", "🇴 🇰")
  482. end
  485. function LOBBY()
  486. gg.clearResults()
  487. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  488. gg.searchNumber("126,476;786,466", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  489. gg.refineNumber("126,476", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  490. gg.getResults(80000)
  491. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  492. gg.clearResults()
  493. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  494. gg.searchNumber("123,112;129,960", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  495. gg.refineNumber("123,112", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  496. gg.getResults(80000)
  497. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  498. gg.clearResults()
  499. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  500. gg.searchNumber("104,941;106,633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  501. gg.refineNumber("104,941", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  502. gg.getResults(80000)
  503. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  504. gg.clearResults()
  505. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  506. gg.searchNumber("105,257;106,693", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  507. gg.refineNumber("105,257", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  508. gg.getResults(80000)
  509. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  510. gg.clearResults()
  511. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  512. gg.searchNumber("786,442;786,444", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  513. gg.refineNumber("786,442", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  514. gg.getResults(80000)
  515. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  516. gg.clearResults()
  517. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  518. gg.searchNumber("786,450;786,466", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  519. gg.refineNumber("786,450", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  520. gg.getResults(80000)
  521. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  522. gg.clearResults()
  523. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  524. gg.searchNumber("67,371,268", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  525. gg.getResults(80000)
  526. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  527. gg.clearResults()
  528. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  529. gg.searchNumber("67,437,573", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  530. gg.getResults(80000)
  531. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  532. gg.clearResults()
  533. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  534. gg.searchNumber("67,240,999", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  535. gg.getResults(80000)
  536. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  537. gg.clearResults()
  538. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  539. gg.searchNumber("67,371,777", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  540. gg.getResults(80000)
  541. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  542. gg.clearResults()
  543. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  544. gg.searchNumber("67,108,866", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  545. gg.getResults(80000)
  546. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  547. gg.clearResults()
  548. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  549. gg.searchNumber("115,819", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  550. gg.getResults(80000)
  551. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  552. gg.clearResults()
  553. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  554. gg.searchNumber("1,048,593", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  555. gg.getResults(80000)
  556. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  557. gg.clearResults()
  558. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  559. gg.searchNumber("122,292,041", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  560. gg.getResults(80000)
  561. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  562. gg.clearResults()
  563. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  564. gg.searchNumber("122,423,115", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  565. gg.getResults(80000)
  566. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  567. gg.clearResults()
  568. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  569. gg.searchNumber("122,554,189", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  570. gg.getResults(80000)
  571. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  572. gg.clearResults()
  573. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  574. gg.searchNumber("139,462,735", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  575. gg.getResults(80000)
  576. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  577. gg.clearResults()
  578. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  579. gg.searchNumber("118,163,466", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  580. gg.getResults(80000)
  581. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  582. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  583. gg.searchNumber("1,701,147,238", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  584. gg.getResults(80000)
  585. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  586. gg.clearResults()
  587. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  588. gg.searchNumber("1,869,438,821", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  589. gg.getResults(80000)
  590. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  591. gg.clearResults()
  592. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  593. gg.searchNumber("1,601,593,600", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  594. gg.getResults(80000)
  595. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  596. gg.clearResults()
  597. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  598. gg.searchNumber("1,684,171,615", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  599. gg.getResults(80000)
  600. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  601. gg.clearResults()
  602. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  603. gg.searchNumber("1,597,518,385", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  604. gg.getResults(80000)
  605. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  606. gg.clearResults()
  607. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  608. gg.searchNumber("1,601,466,991", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  609. gg.getResults(80000)
  610. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  611. gg.clearResults()
  612. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  613. gg.searchNumber("1,868,719,460", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  614. gg.getResults(80000)
  615. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  616. gg.clearResults()
  617. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  618. gg.searchNumber("1,711,301,733", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  619. gg.getResults(80000)
  620. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  621. gg.clearResults()
  622. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  623. gg.searchNumber("1,818,582,883", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  624. gg.getResults(80000)
  625. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  626. gg.clearResults()
  627. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  628. gg.searchNumber("1,711,301,996", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  629. gg.getResults(80000)
  630. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  631. gg.clearResults()
  632. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  633. gg.searchNumber("1,717,960,813", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  634. gg.getResults(80000)
  635. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  636. gg.clearResults()
  637. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  638. gg.searchNumber("1,711,305,833", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  639. gg.getResults(80000)
  640. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  641. gg.clearResults()
  642. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  643. gg.searchNumber("1,701,076,854", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  644. gg.getResults(80000)
  645. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  646. gg.clearResults()
  647. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  648. gg.searchNumber("1,953,062,772", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  649. gg.getResults(80000)
  650. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  651. gg.clearResults()
  652. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  653. gg.searchNumber("134,350,848", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  654. gg.getResults(80000)
  655. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  656. gg.clearResults()
  657. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_OTHER | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
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  659. gg.getResults(80000)
  660. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  661. gg.clearResults()
  662. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  663. gg.searchNumber("196,864;16,842,753", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  664. gg.refineNumber("196,864", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  665. gg.getResults(50000)
  666. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  667. gg.clearResults()
  668. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  669. gg.searchNumber("67,109,377;16,384", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  670. gg.refineNumber("16384", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  671. gg.getResults(50000)
  672. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  673. gg.clearResults()
  674. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  675. gg.searchNumber("135,682;144,387", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  676. gg.refineNumber("135,682", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  677. gg.getResults(50000)
  678. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  679. gg.clearResults()
  680. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  681. gg.searchNumber("134,658;134,658", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  682. gg.refineNumber("134,658", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  683. gg.getResults(50000)
  684. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  685. gg.clearResults()
  686. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  687. gg.searchNumber("131,842;133,635", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  688. gg.refineNumber("131,842", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  689. gg.getResults(50000)
  690. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  691. gg.clearResults()
  692. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  693. gg.searchNumber("133,634;135,682", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  694. gg.refineNumber("133,634", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  695. gg.getResults(50000)
  696. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  697. gg.clearResults()
  698. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  699. gg.searchNumber("133,378", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  700. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  701. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  702. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  703. gg.searchNumber("132,096", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  704. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  705. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  706. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  707. gg.searchNumber("131,586", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  708. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  709. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  710. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  711. gg.searchNumber("67,109633", gg.TYPE_AUTO, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  712. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  713. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  714. gg.getResults(80000, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  715. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  716. gg.searchNumber("67,240,965", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  717. gg.getResults(80000)
  718. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
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  720. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER)
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  722. gg.getResults(80000)
  723. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  724. gg.clearResults()
  725. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER)
  726. gg.searchNumber("67,240,962", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  727. gg.getResults(80000)
  728. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  729. gg.clearResults()
  730. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER)
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  732. gg.getResults(80000)
  733. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  734. gg.clearResults()
  735. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_OTHER)
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  737. gg.getResults(80000)
  738. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  739. gg.clearResults()
  740. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  742. gg.getResults(50000)
  743. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  744. gg.clearResults()
  745. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  747. gg.refineNumber("134402", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  748. gg.getResults(80000)
  749. gg.editAll("84,149,249", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  750. gg.clearResults()
  751. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  752. gg.searchNumber("144387", gg.TYPE_DWORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  753. gg.refineNumber("144387", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  754. gg.getResults(50000)
  755. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  756. gg.clearResults()
  757. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  758. gg.searchNumber(";CheatDetected", gg.TYPE_WORD, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  759. gg.getResults(50000)
  760. gg.editAll(";", gg.TYPE_WORD)
  761. gg.clearResults()
  762. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
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  764. gg.refineNumber(":/report")
  765. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  766. gg.clearResults()
  767. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  768. gg.searchNumber(":cheat")
  769. gg.refineNumber(":cheat")
  770. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  771. gg.clearResults()
  772. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  773. gg.searchNumber(":Cheat")
  774. gg.refineNumber(":Cheat")
  775. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  776. gg.clearResults()
  777. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  778. gg.searchNumber(":/tss")
  779. gg.refineNumber(":/tss")
  780. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  781. gg.clearResults()
  782. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  783. gg.searchNumber(":/report")
  784. gg.refineNumber(":/report")
  785. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  786. gg.clearResults()
  787. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  788. gg.searchNumber(":/Report")
  789. gg.refineNumber(":/Report")
  790. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  791. gg.clearResults()
  792. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  793. gg.searchNumber(":cheat")
  794. gg.refineNumber(":cheat")
  795. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  796. gg.clearResults()
  797. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  798. gg.searchNumber(":Cheat")
  799. gg.refineNumber(":Cheat")
  800. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  801. gg.clearResults()
  802. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  803. gg.searchNumber(":/tss")
  804. gg.refineNumber(":/tss")
  805. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  806. gg.clearResults()
  807. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  808. gg.searchNumber(":terminated")
  809. gg.refineNumber(":terminated")
  810. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  811. gg.editAll(":Deactivate", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  812. gg.clearResults()
  813. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  814. gg.searchNumber(":AntiCheat")
  815. gg.refineNumber(":AntiCheat")
  816. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  817. gg.editAll(":Deactivate", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  818. gg.clearResults()
  819. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  820. gg.searchNumber("578351706144768;564058054983680")
  821. gg.refineNumber("578351706144768")
  822. gg.getResults(50010)
  823. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  824. gg.searchNumber("577252194516992;288233678981562368")
  825. gg.refineNumber("577252194516992")
  826. gg.getResults(50010)
  827. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  828. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  829. gg.clearResults()
  830. gg.searchNumber("3298534883328~288233678981562368;288233678981562368")
  831. gg.refineNumber("3298534883328~288233678981562368")
  832. gg.getResults(5678)
  833. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  834. gg.getResultsCount()
  835. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  836. gg.searchNumber("578351706144768;564058054983680")
  837. gg.refineNumber("578351706144768")
  838. gg.getResults(50010)
  839. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  840. gg.clearResults()
  841. gg.searchNumber("577252194516992;288233678981562368")
  842. gg.refineNumber("577252194516992")
  843. gg.getResults(50010)
  844. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  845. gg.clearResults()
  846. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  847. gg.searchNumber("3298534883328~288233678981562368;288233678981562368")
  848. gg.refineNumber("3298534883328~288233678981562368")
  849. gg.getResults(5678)
  850. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  851. gg.clearResults()
  852. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  853. gg.searchNumber(":get_report_data")
  854. gg.getResults(17071992)
  855. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  856. gg.clearResults()
  857. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  858. gg.searchNumber(":get_report_data2")
  859. gg.getResults(17071992)
  860. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  861. gg.clearResults()
  862. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  863. gg.searchNumber(":Delete_reports.bat")
  864. gg.getResults(17071992)
  865. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  866. gg.clearResults()
  867. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  868. gg.searchNumber(":report_apk")
  869. gg.getResults(17071992)
  870. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  871. gg.clearResults()
  872. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  873. gg.searchNumber(":tdm_report_sdk_update_config_finish")
  874. gg.getResults(17071992)
  875. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  876. gg.clearResults()
  877. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  878. gg.searchNumber(":tdm_report_sdk_update_config_finish")
  879. gg.getResults(17071992)
  880. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  881. gg.clearResults()
  882. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  883. gg.searchNumber(":sc_report")
  884. gg.getResults(17071992)
  885. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  886. gg.clearResults()
  887. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  888. gg.searchNumber(":TssSDKGetReportData")
  889. gg.getResults(17071992)
  890. gg.editAll(":TssSDKDelReportData", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  891. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  892. gg.searchNumber(":TssSDKOnRecvData")
  893. gg.getResults(17071992)
  894. gg.editAll(":TssSDKDelRecvData", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  895. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  896. gg.searchNumber(":N6TssSDK11ReportQueueE")
  897. gg.getResults(17071992)
  898. gg.editAll(":Block", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  899. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  900. gg.searchNumber("620137442967552;303473799200768", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  901. gg.refineNumber("620137442967552", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  902. gg.getResults(50000)
  903. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  904. gg.clearResults()
  905. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ")
  906. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  907. gg.searchNumber("578351706144768;564058054983680", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  908. gg.refineNumber("578351706144768", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  909. gg.getResults(50000)
  910. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  911. gg.clearResults()
  912. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ")
  913. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  914. gg.searchNumber("562984313205761;562984313160961", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  915. gg.refineNumber("562984313205761", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  916. gg.getResults(50000)
  917. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  918. gg.clearResults()
  919. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ")
  920. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  921. gg.searchNumber("562984313161217;562984313171969", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  922. gg.refineNumber("562984313161217", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  923. gg.getResults(50000)
  924. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  925. gg.clearResults()
  926. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  927. gg.searchNumber("562984313163777;562984313162241", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  928. gg.refineNumber("562984313163777", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  929. gg.getResults(50000)
  930. gg.editAll("288233678981562368", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  931. gg.clearResults()
  932. gg.toast("GAWR_GURAZ")
  933. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  934. gg.searchNumber("137241;138170", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  935. gg.refineNumber("137241", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  936. gg.getResults(50000)
  937. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  938. gg.clearResults()
  939. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  940. gg.searchNumber("137220;137229", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  941. gg.refineNumber("137220", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  942. gg.getResults(50000)
  943. gg.editAll("67,109633", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  944. gg.clearResults()
  945. gg.clearResults()
  946. gg.searchNumber(":AntiCheat")
  947. gg.refineNumber(":AntiCheat")
  948. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  949. gg.editAll(":Deactivate", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  950. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  951. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  952. gg.searchNumber(":/report")
  953. gg.refineNumber(":/report")
  954. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  955. gg.clearResults()
  956. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  957. gg.searchNumber(":cheat")
  958. gg.refineNumber(":cheat")
  959. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  960. gg.clearResults()
  961. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  962. gg.searchNumber(":Cheat")
  963. gg.refineNumber(":Cheat")
  964. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  965. gg.clearResults()
  966. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  967. gg.searchNumber(":/tss")
  968. gg.refineNumber(":/tss")
  969. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  970. gg.clearResults()
  971. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  972. gg.searchNumber(":/report")
  973. gg.refineNumber(":/report")
  974. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  975. gg.clearResults()
  976. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  977. gg.searchNumber(":cheat")
  978. gg.refineNumber(":cheat")
  979. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  980. gg.clearResults()
  981. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  982. gg.searchNumber(":Cheat")
  983. gg.refineNumber(":Cheat")
  984. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  985. gg.clearResults()
  986. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  987. gg.searchNumber(":/tss")
  988. gg.refineNumber(":/tss")
  989. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  990. gg.clearResults()
  991. gg.alert("BYPASS DONE ✔ ", "🇴 🇰")
  992. end
  994. function ISLAND()
  995. gg.toast("『GAWR_GURAZ PRIVATE BYPASS️』")
  996. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  997. gg.searchNumber(":log2Report")
  998. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  999. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1000. gg.clearResults()
  1001. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  1002. gg.searchNumber(":ffp_global_set_log_report")
  1003. gg.refineNumber(":ffp_global_set_log_report")
  1004. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  1005. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1006. gg.clearResults()
  1007. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  1008. gg.searchNumber(":ijkmp_global_set_log_report")
  1009. gg.refineNumber(":ijkmp_global_set_log_report")
  1010. gg.getResults(99999, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  1011. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1012. gg.clearResults()
  1013. gg.searchNumber(":_ZN6TssSdk16sdt_report_errorEv", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil)
  1014. gg.getResults(17071992)
  1015. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1016. gg.clearResults()
  1017. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1018. gg.searchNumber(":_ZN6TssSdk16sdt_report_errorEv")
  1019. gg.getResults(5000)
  1020. gg.editAll(":", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1021. gg.clearResults()
  1023. end
  1025. function ISLANDXFZX()
  1026. W=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1027. me=0x6BBB820
  1028. setvalue(W+me,4,0)
  1029. W=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1030. me=0x6BBA6A4
  1031. setvalue(W+me,16,4.22450949e-39)
  1032. W=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1033. me=0x6BBA6A0
  1034. setvalue(W+me,16,4.22450149e-39)
  1035. W=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1036. me=0x6BBA6AC
  1037. setvalue(W+me,4,55)-- f
  1038. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1039. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  1040. gg.searchNumber("", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1041. gg.getResults(200)
  1042. gg.editAll("101", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1043. gg.getResults(200)
  1044. gg.clearResults()
  1045. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_ALLOC)
  1046. gg.searchNumber("", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1047. gg.getResults(200)
  1048. gg.editAll("101", gg.TYPE_BYTE)
  1049. gg.clearResults()
  1052. gg.clearResults()
  1054. end
  1056. function ISLANDXFC13()
  1057. W=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1058. me=0x6BBB820
  1059. setvalue(W+me,16,1.0193834e-38)
  1060. gg.alert(" OFF ")
  1062. end
  1067. --------STEP[1] Lobby👇--------
  1069. function MNHX2() --📂 Menu Lobby
  1070. LF = gg.multiChoice({
  1071. "╔⟦🐙⟧ ᴀɪᴍʙᴏᴛ v¹",
  1072. "╔⟦🏷️⟧ ᴀɪᴍʙᴏᴛ v²",
  1073. "╔⟦🕊️⟧ ᴀɴᴛᴇɴɴᴀ",
  1074. "╔⟦⛑️⟧ ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ v¹",
  1075. "╔⟦🌼️⟧ ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ v²",
  1076. "╔⟦🐿️️⟧ ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ v³",
  1077. "╔⟦👒⟧ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ sᴋʏ",
  1078. "╔⟦🌐⟧ ɪ-ᴘᴀᴅ ᴠɪᴇᴡ",
  1079. "╔⟦⛄⟧ ᴀɴᴛɪ-sʜᴀᴋᴇ",
  1080. "╔⟦⭕⟧ ᴄʀᴏss-ʜᴀɪʀ",
  1081. "╔⟦⚔️⟧ x-ʜɪᴛ ᴇғғᴇᴄᴛ",
  1082. "╔⟦🦊⟧ ʟᴇss ʀᴇᴄᴏɪʟ",
  1083. "╔⟦🦌⟧ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛ",
  1084. "╔⟦🌻⟧ ɪɴsᴛᴀɴᴛ ʜɪᴛ",
  1085. "╔⟦🐳⟧ sɪᴛ sᴄᴏᴘᴇ",
  1086. "╔⟦🍂⟧ sᴛᴀɴᴅ sᴄᴏᴘᴇ",
  1087. "╔⟦✴️⟧ ʀᴇᴍᴏᴠᴇ ғᴏɢ",
  1088. "╔⟦🌸⟧ ʟᴀɢ ғɪx ᴍs 20",
  1089. "╔⟦🌼⟧ ʙʟᴜᴇ ғᴏɢ",
  1090. "⟦◀⟧ ʙᴀᴄᴋ"
  1091. }, nil, "╔⟦📝⟧ 𝙶𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙲𝙷𝙴𝙰𝚃 𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚄\n╚➣⟦𝚂𝙴𝙰𝚂𝙾𝙽 -23/𝙲1𝚂3⟧")
  1092. if LF == nil then
  1093. else
  1094. if LF[1] == true then
  1095. AIMBOT1()
  1096. end
  1097. if LF[2] == true then
  1098. AIMBOT2()
  1099. end
  1100. if LF[3] == true then
  1101. ANTENNA()
  1102. end
  1103. if LF[4] == true then
  1104. HEADSHOT1()
  1105. end
  1106. if LF[5] == true then
  1107. HEADSHOT2()
  1108. end
  1109. if LF[6] == true then
  1110. HEADSHOT3()
  1111. end
  1112. if LF[7] == true then
  1113. BLACK()
  1114. end
  1115. if LF[8] == true then
  1116. IVIEW()
  1117. end
  1118. if LF[9] == true then
  1119. SHAKE()
  1120. end
  1121. if LF[10] == true then
  1122. CROSS()
  1123. end
  1124. if LF[11] == true then
  1125. XHIT()
  1126. end
  1127. if LF[12] == true then
  1128. LESS()
  1129. end
  1130. if LF[13] == true then
  1131. MAGIC()
  1132. end
  1133. if LF[14] == true then
  1134. INSTANT()
  1135. end
  1136. if LF[15] == true then
  1137. SIT()
  1138. end
  1139. if LF[16] == true then
  1140. STAND()
  1141. end
  1142. if LF[17] == true then
  1143. FOG()
  1144. end
  1145. if LF[18] == true then
  1146. FOGX()
  1147. end
  1148. if LF[19] == true then
  1149. FOGGY()
  1150. end
  1151. if LF[20] == true then
  1152. HOME1()
  1153. end
  1154. end
  1155. PUBGMH = -1
  1156. end
  1158. function AIMBOT1()
  1159. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1160. py=0x1152178
  1161. setvalue(so+py,16,-9.90661937e27)
  1162. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1163. py=0x14BF76C
  1164. setvalue(so+py,16,-5.90295867e21)
  1165. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1166. py=0x11B2D98
  1167. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1168. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1169. py=0x11B2E18
  1170. setvalue(so+py,16,-3.86856308e25)
  1171. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1172. py=0x11B3E60
  1173. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1174. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1175. py=0x1650C68
  1176. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1177. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1178. py=0x1F55E58
  1179. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1180. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1181. py=0x29ED9C0
  1182. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1183. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1184. py=0x2F525D0
  1185. setvalue(so+py,16,6.16298096e-33)
  1186. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1187. py=0x39EC570
  1188. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1189. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1190. py=0x3D01090
  1191. setvalue(so+py,16,6.16298096e-33)
  1192. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1193. py=0x3D14130
  1194. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1195. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1196. py=0x536E590
  1197. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153519e35)
  1199. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1200. py=0x29F70AC
  1201. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  1202. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1203. py=0x29F70A0
  1204. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  1205. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1206. py=0x3ED8A6C
  1207. setvalue(so+py,16,-0.0001)
  1208. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1209. py=0x29F71E0
  1210. setvalue(so+py,16,99999)
  1211. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1212. py=0x29F70AC
  1213. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  1214. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1215. py=0x11B2E18
  1216. setvalue(so+py,16,-3.86856308e25)
  1217. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1218. py=0x11B2E1C
  1219. setvalue(so+py,16,-3.86856308e25)
  1220. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1221. py=0x11B2D98
  1222. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153539e35)
  1223. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1224. py=0x11B3E60
  1225. setvalue(so+py,16,1.66153539e35)
  1226. gg.toast("AIMBOT V3 360M DONE")
  1227. end
  1229. function AIMBOT2()
  1230. function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Neicun) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3]) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3] end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启成功"..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang else Shuzhiliang=#data end for i=1, Shuzhiliang do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = w[3] t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[4] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启成功"..#t.."") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("开启失败") return false end end local L0_0 L0_0 = 0 function SearchWrite(Search,Write,Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1],Type) local count=gg.getResultCount() local result=gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data={} local base=Search[1][2] if(count>0)then for i,v in ipairs(result)do v.isUseful=true end for k=2,#Search do local tmp={} local offset=Search[k][2]-base local num=Search[k][1] for i,v in ipairs(result)do tmp[#tmp+1]={} tmp[#tmp].address=v.address+offset tmp[#tmp].flags=v.flags end tmp=gg.getValues(tmp) for i,v in ipairs(tmp)do if(tostring(v.value)~=tostring(num))then result[i].isUseful=false end end end for i,v in ipairs(result)do if(v.isUseful)then data[#data+1]=v.address end end if(#data>0)then gg.toast(Name.."共搜索到"..#data.."个数据") local t={} local base=Search[1][2] for i=1,#data do for k,w in ipairs(Write)do offset=w[2]-base t[#t+1]={} t[#t].address=data[i]+offset t[#t].flags=Type t[#t].value=w[1] if(w[3]==true)then local item={} item[#item+1]=t[#t] item[#item].paidze=true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.sleep(500) gg.toast(Name.."开启成功,共修改"..#t.."条数据") else gg.toast(Name.."副特征码错误or脸丑\n或者是已经开启过了") return false end else gg.toast(Name.."主特征码错误or脸丑\n或者是已经开启过了") return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find (szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len (szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub (szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len (szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function edit(orig,ret)_om=orig[1].memory or orig[1][1]_ov=orig[3].value or orig[3][1]_on=orig[2].name or orig[2][1]gg.clearResults()gg.setRanges(_om)gg.searchNumber(_ov,orig[3].type or orig[3][2])sz=gg.getResultCount()if sz<1 then gg.toast(_on.."开启失败")else sl=gg.getResults(720)for i=1,sz do ist=true for v=4,#orig do if ist==true and sl[i].value==_ov then cd={{}}cd[1].address=sl[i].address+(orig[v].offset or orig[v][2])cd[1].flags=orig[v].type or orig[v][3]szpy=gg.getValues(cd)cdlv=orig[v].lv or orig[v][1]cdv=szpy[1].value if cdlv==cdv then pdjg=true ist=true else pdjg=false ist=false end end end if pdjg==true then szpy=sl[i].address for x=1,#(ret)do xgpy=szpy+(ret[x].offset or ret[x][2])xglx=ret[x].type or ret[x][3]xgsz=ret[x].value or ret[x][1]xgdj=ret[x].paidze or ret[x][4]xgsj={{address=xgpy,flags=xglx,value=xgsz}}if xgdj==true then xgsj[1].paidze=xgdj gg.addListItems(xgsj)else gg.setValues(xgsj)end end xgjg=true end end if xgjg==true then gg.toast(_on.."开启成功")else gg.toast(_on.."开启失败")end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast("搜索到"..#data.."条数据") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast("已修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast("not found", false) return false end else gg.toast("Not Found") return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条数据") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast("✨开启成功✨"..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) else gg.toast("", false) return false end else gg.toast("") return false end end local app = {} function Assert(data) if data == nil or data == "" or data == "nil" then return false else return true end end function mearrass(memory, array) if Assert(memory) and Assert(array) then return true else return false end end function typetab(array, type) local datatype = {} for i = 1, #array do if Assert(array[i].type) then table.insert(datatype, i, array[i].type) else if Assert(type) then table.insert(datatype, i, type) else return false end end end return true, datatype end function app.memorysearch(memory, array, type) gg.setVisible(false) local rx = mearrass(memory, array) if rx then local rx, datatype = typetab(array, type) if rx then if Assert(array[1].hv) then gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(memory) gg.searchNumber(array[1].lv .. "~" .. array[1].hv, datatype[1]) elsegg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(memory) gg.searchNumber(array[1].lv, datatype[1]) end if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then return false else local tab = {} local data = gg.getResults(gg.getResultCount()) gg.clearResults() for i = 1, #data do data[i].rx = true end for i = 2, #array do local t = {} local offset = array[i].offset for x = 1, #data do t[#t + 1] = {} t[#t].address = data[x].address + offset t[#t].flags = datatype[i] end local t = gg.getValues(t) for z = 1, #t do if Assert(array[i].hv) then if tonumber(t[z].value) < tonumber(array[i].lv) or tonumber(t[z].value) > tonumber(array[i].hv) then data[z].rx = false end else if tostring(t[z].value) ~= tostring(array[i].lv) then data[z].rx = false end end end end for i = 1, #data do if data[i].rx then tab[#tab + 1] = data[i].address end end if #tab > 0 then return true, tab else return false end end else print("type参数错误") gg.toast("type参数错误") os.exit() end else print("memory or array参数错误") gg.toast("memory or array参数错误") os.exit() end end function app.memoryread(addr, type) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = type if #t > 0 then return true, gg.getValues(t)[1].value else return false end end function app.memorywrite(addr, type, value, paidze) local t = {} t[1] = {} t[1].address = addr t[1].flags = type t[1].value = value if #t > 0 then if Assert(paidze) then t[1].paidze = paidze return gg.addListItems(t) else return gg.setValues(t) end else return false end end function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) xgsl = xgsl + 1 end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) xgjg = true end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启成功,共修改" .. xgsl .. "条ΔΘ") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "开启失败") end end end end function Fxs(Search, Write,Neicun,Mingcg,Shuzhiliang) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Neicun) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Search[1][3]) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = Search[k][3] end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(Mingcg.."搜索到"..#data.."条数据") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] if Shuzhiliang == "" and Shuzhiliang > 0 and Shuzhiliang < #data then Shuzhiliang=Shuzhiliang else Shuzhiliang=#data end for i=1, Shuzhiliang do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = w[3] t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[4] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.toast(Mingcg.."已修改"..#t.."条数据") gg.addListItems(t) else gg.toast(Mingcg.."开启失败", false) return false end else gg.toast("搜索失败") return false end end
  1232. Name = "无视队友自瞄"
  1233. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1234. local dataType = 16
  1235. local search = {
  1236. {1.8169383774134962E31, 0},
  1237. {6.7130534448394674E22, -52},
  1239. }
  1240. local modify = {{-9.0338317e22, -52},}
  1241. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1243. Name = "持枪自瞄"
  1244. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1245. local dataType = 16
  1246. local search = {
  1247. {-1.2573531344941352E23, 0},
  1248. {-9.90656151829801E27, -40},
  1250. }
  1251. local modify = {{-9.9066194e27, -40},}
  1252. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1254. Name = "持枪自瞄"
  1255. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1256. local dataType = 16
  1257. local search = {
  1258. {1.1625219467270265E33, 0},
  1259. {7.476871833205223E-4, 64},
  1261. }
  1262. local modify = {{-9.9066194e27, 64},}
  1263. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1266. Name = "开火自瞄"
  1267. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1268. local dataType = 16
  1269. local search = {
  1270. {5.819133540166275E-26, 0},
  1271. {-3.696554925989424E20, -12},
  1273. }
  1274. local modify = {{-3.6965553e20, -12},}
  1275. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1277. Name = "开火自瞄"
  1278. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1279. local dataType = 16
  1280. local search = {
  1281. {2.641425091258327E29, 0},
  1282. {1.8526925134222195E28, -104},
  1284. }
  1285. local modify = {{-3.6965553e20, -104},}
  1286. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1288. Name = "趴下自瞄"
  1289. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1290. local dataType = 16
  1291. local search = {
  1292. {-1.2811951909214346E23, 0},
  1293. {-9.90656151829801E27, -12},
  1295. }
  1296. local modify = {{-1.2811725e23, 0},}
  1297. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1299. Name = "趴下自瞄"
  1300. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1301. local dataType = 16
  1302. local search = {
  1303. {4.387686491826876E31, 0},
  1304. {2.0621421385430327E-19, -80},
  1306. }
  1307. local modify = {{-1.2811725e23, -80},}
  1308. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1310. Name = "距离自瞄"
  1311. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1312. local dataType = 16
  1313. local search = {
  1314. {-2.952560267547818E20, 0},
  1315. {-3.8685626227668134E25, 8},
  1317. }
  1318. local modify = {{-9.9066182e27, 0},{-9.9066182e27, 4},{-9.9066182e27, -4},}
  1319. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1321. Name = "距离自瞄"
  1322. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1323. local dataType = 16
  1324. local search = {
  1325. {4.387686491826876E31, 0},
  1326. {1.9938161152173576E-19, -92},
  1328. }
  1329. local modify = {{-9.9066182e27, -92},}
  1330. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1332. Name = "270℃"
  1333. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1334. local dataType = 16
  1335. local search = {
  1336. {-1.7366438177148862E26, 0},
  1337. {-2.739592370665271E28, -20},
  1339. }
  1340. local modify = {{-2.7395468e28, -20},}
  1341. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1343. Name = "270℃"
  1344. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1345. local dataType = 16
  1346. local search = {
  1347. {9.299955479230584E-40, 0},
  1348. {172224217088.0, -12},
  1350. }
  1351. local modify = {{-2.7395468e28, -12},}
  1352. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1354. Name = "频率自瞄"
  1355. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1356. local dataType = 16
  1357. local search = {
  1358. {4.5422619231892774E30, 0},
  1359. {15149272399872.0, -44},
  1361. }
  1362. local modify = {{-9.9839906e27, -44},}
  1363. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1365. Name = "近战自瞄"
  1366. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1367. local dataType = 16
  1368. local search = {
  1369. {9.999999747378752E-5, 0},
  1370. {360.0, -12},
  1371. {-360.0, -8},
  1372. {180.0, -4},
  1373. {-1.0153182385499395E28, 8},
  1375. }
  1376. local modify = {{9999, 0},}
  1377. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1379. Name = "自瞄"
  1380. gg.setRanges(32)
  1381. local dataType = 16
  1382. local search = {{8000.0, 0},{3.5, -64},{0.5, -44},{200.0, -12},{100.0, -4},}
  1383. local modify = {{99999, -48},{99999, -52},{99999, -56},{99999, -60},}
  1384. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1385. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1386. local dataType = gg.TYPE_FLOAT
  1387. local tb1 = {{-2.8488793e28, 0}, {-5.4827808e27, 4}, {-1.2464639e28, 8}, {-2.7270195e28, 12}, }
  1388. local tb2 = {{0, 4},{0, 0}, }
  1389. SearchWrite(tb1, tb2, dataType)
  1390. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1391. Name="距离"
  1392. local dataType = 32
  1393. local tb1 = {{-2044634016379303408, 0}, }
  1394. local tb2 = {{-1292522027172757503, -12}, }
  1395. SearchWrite(tb1, tb2, dataType)
  1396. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1397. Name="趴锁"
  1398. local dataType = 32
  1399. local tb1 = {{-1905867063313810928, 0}, }
  1400. local tb2 = {{-1324327739884306431, -12}, }
  1401. SearchWrite(tb1, tb2, dataType)
  1402. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1403. local dataType=gg.TYPE_FLOAT Name="加载判断"--/-3.9291568e21;2.6469862e-23;-8.736414e22;-3.8369228e21
  1404. local tb1={{-5.8056102e26,0x58CC}}
  1405. local tb2={{-3.9291565e21,0x6D58}}SearchWrite(tb1,tb2,dataType)
  1406. local dataType=gg.TYPE_FLOAT Name="超强判断"--/1.6615354e35;-1.1221873e28;-5.8048698e26;-9.9065615e27
  1407. local tb1={{-5.8056102e26,0x58CC}}
  1408. local tb2={{1.6615352e35,0x7A38}}SearchWrite(tb1,tb2,dataType)
  1409. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1410. local dataType=gg.TYPE_FLOAT Name="全图距离"--/1.6615354e35;-1.1144502e28;-5.8053394e26;-1.0525532e28
  1411. local tb1={{-5.8056102e26,0x58CC}}
  1412. local tb2={{1.6615352e35,0x6654}}SearchWrite(tb1,tb2,dataType)
  1413. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1414. local dataType=gg.TYPE_FLOAT Name="270℃范围"--/1.6615354e35;-1.1221873e28;-5.8049129e26;-9.9065615e27
  1415. local tb1={{-5.8056102e26,0x58CC}}
  1416. local tb2={{1.6615352e35,0x7864}}SearchWrite(tb1,tb2,dataType)
  1417. gg.toast('Aimbot 360°✓')
  1418. gg.clearResults()
  1419. gg.toast("✓ 𝙰𝙸𝙼𝙱𝙾𝚃 v² 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1420. end
  1422. function ANTENNA()
  1423. antena = gg.alert("📝 𝙲𝙰-𝙲𝙾𝙳𝙴 𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 / 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙴 :", "⚡𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 V1 ", "⚡𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 V2")
  1424. if antena == 1 then
  1425. gg.clearResults()
  1426. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1427. gg.searchNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;-100.91194152832F;1F::13", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1428. gg.refineNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;1F", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1429. gg.getResults(6)
  1430. gg.editAll("1.96875;1.96875;999;1.96875;1.96875;999", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1431. gg.clearResults()
  1432. gg.toast("✓ 𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳.")
  1433. end
  1434. if antena == 2 then
  1435. gg.clearResults()
  1436. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1437. gg.searchNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;-100.91194152832F;1F::13", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1438. gg.refineNumber("88.50576019287F;87.27782440186F;1F", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1439. antenags1 = gg.getResults(6)
  1440. gg.editAll("1.96875;1.96875;999;1.96875;1.96875;999", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1441. gg.clearResults()
  1442. gg.toast("Antena Activated 🔥")
  1443. gg.toast("✓ 𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙴𝙽𝙽𝙰 𝙳𝙴𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳.")
  1444. end
  1445. end
  1447. function HEADSHOT1()
  1448. gg.clearResults()
  1449. gg.setVisible(false)
  1450. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1451. gg.searchNumber("0.10000000149;64.50088500977", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1452. gg.refineNumber("0.10000000149", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1453. gg.getResults(50)
  1454. gg.editAll("8", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1455. qmnb = {
  1456. {["memory"] = 32},
  1457. {["name"] = "ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ 100%"},
  1458. {["value"] = 4740038608910024704, ["type"] = 32},
  1459. {["lv"] = 4752423507886342144, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 32},
  1460. {["lv"] = 1106509824, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 32},
  1461. }
  1462. qmxg = {
  1463. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 16},
  1464. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 16},
  1465. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 16},
  1466. }
  1467. xqmnb(qmnb)
  1468. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1469. local dataType = 16
  1470. local search = {{0.10000000149, 0},{64.50088500977, 180},}
  1471. local modify = {{30, 0},}
  1472. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1473. local dataType = 4
  1474. local search = {{-298284466, 0},}
  1475. local modify = {{0, 0},}
  1476. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1477. gg.setRanges(32)
  1478. local dataType = 16
  1479. local search = {{-88.66608428955, 0},{16.0, 4},{26.0, 8},}
  1480. local modify = {{-460, 4},{-460, 8},}
  1481. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1482. local dataType = 16
  1483. local search = {{-88.73961639404, 0},{18.0, 4},{28.0, 8},}
  1484. local modify = {{-560, 4},{-560, 8},}
  1485. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1486. local dataType = 16
  1487. local search = {{25.0, 0},{30.5, 4},}
  1488. local modify = {{600, 16},{600, 16},}
  1489. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1491. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1492. gg.searchNumber("-298284466", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1493. gg.getResults(99)
  1494. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  1495. gg.clearResults()
  1496. gg.clearResults()
  1497. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1498. gg.searchNumber("-1,883,348,481,058,764,210", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1499. gg.getResults(99)
  1500. gg.editAll("-1,883,348,485,055,444,540", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  1501. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1502. gg.searchNumber("23;25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1503. gg.getResults(2)
  1504. gg.editAll("699", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1505. gg.clearResults()
  1506. gg.setRanges(16)
  1507. gg.searchNumber("2048D;1F", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1508. gg.refineNumber("1", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1509. gg.getResults(100)
  1510. gg.editAll("0.07", 16)
  1511. gg.clearResults()
  1512. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1513. gg.searchNumber("9.1022205e-38;0.0001;9.1025635e-38::", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1514. gg.refineNumber("0.0001", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1515. gg.getResults(100)
  1516. gg.editAll("140", 16)
  1517. gg.clearResults()
  1518. gg.setRanges(131072)
  1519. gg.searchNumber("-7.1611644e24;0.0001;1.1297201e-37::", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1520. gg.refineNumber("0.0001", 16, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  1521. gg.getResults(500)
  1522. gg.editAll("-125", 16)
  1524. gg.toast("✓ 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃 v¹ 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1525. end
  1527. function HEADSHOT2()
  1528. qmnb = {
  1529. {["memory"] = 32},
  1530. {["name"] = "ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ 100%"},
  1531. {["value"] = 4740038608910024704, ["type"] = 32},
  1532. {["lv"] = 4752423507886342144, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 32},
  1533. {["lv"] = 1106509824, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 32},
  1534. }
  1535. qmxg = {
  1536. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 16},
  1537. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 16},
  1538. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 16},
  1539. }
  1540. xqmnb(qmnb)
  1541. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1542. local dataType = 16
  1543. local search = {{0.10000000149, 0},{64.50088500977, 180},}
  1544. local modify = {{30, 0},}
  1545. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1546. local dataType = 4
  1547. local search = {{-298284466, 0},}
  1548. local modify = {{0, 0},}
  1549. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1550. gg.setRanges(32)
  1551. local dataType = 16
  1552. local search = {{-88.66608428955, 0},{16.0, 4},{26.0, 8},}
  1553. local modify = {{-460, 4},{-460, 8},}
  1554. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1555. local dataType = 16
  1556. local search = {{-88.73961639404, 0},{18.0, 4},{28.0, 8},}
  1557. local modify = {{-560, 4},{-560, 8},}
  1558. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1559. local dataType = 16
  1560. local search = {{25.0, 0},{30.5, 4},}
  1561. local modify = {{800, 16},{800, 16},}
  1562. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1565. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1566. gg.setVisible(false)
  1567. gg.searchNumber("15;28;16;26;8;18", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1568. gg.getResults(56)
  1569. gg.editAll("-1339", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1570. gg.clearResults()
  1571. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1572. gg.searchNumber("-298284466;-1.304566e23F", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1573. gg.refineNumber("-298284466", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1574. gg.editAll("8", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  1575. gg.clearResults()
  1576. gg.clearResults()
  1577. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1578. gg.searchNumber("-1,883,348,481,058,764,210", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1579. gg.getResults(99)
  1580. gg.editAll("-1,883,348,485,055,444,540", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  1581. gg.clearResults()
  1582. gg.clearResults()
  1583. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_C_DATA | gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1584. gg.searchNumber("0.9986295104", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1585. gg.refineNumber("0.9986295104", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1586. gg.editAll("24995", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1587. gg.clearResults()
  1588. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1589. gg.setVisible(false)
  1590. gg.searchNumber("-298284466;-1.304566e23F", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1591. gg.refineNumber("-298284466", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1592. gg.getResults(999)
  1593. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  1594. gg.clearResults()
  1595. gg.clearResults()
  1597. gg.clearResults()
  1598. gg.toast("✓ 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃 v² 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1599. end
  1601. function HEADSHOT3()
  1602. qmnb = {
  1603. {["memory"] = 32},
  1604. {["name"] = "ʜᴇᴀᴅsʜᴏᴛ 100%"},
  1605. {["value"] = 4740038608910024704, ["type"] = 32},
  1606. {["lv"] = 4752423507886342144, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 32},
  1607. {["lv"] = 1106509824, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 32},
  1608. }
  1609. qmxg = {
  1610. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 16},
  1611. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 16},
  1612. {["value"] = 150, ["offset"] = 8, ["type"] = 16},
  1613. }
  1614. xqmnb(qmnb)
  1615. gg.setRanges(16384)
  1616. local dataType = 16
  1617. local search = {{0.10000000149, 0},{64.50088500977, 180},}
  1618. local modify = {{30, 0},}
  1619. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1620. local dataType = 4
  1621. local search = {{-298284466, 0},}
  1622. local modify = {{0, 0},}
  1623. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1624. gg.setRanges(32)
  1625. local dataType = 16
  1626. local search = {{-88.66608428955, 0},{16.0, 4},{26.0, 8},}
  1627. local modify = {{-460, 4},{-460, 8},}
  1628. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1629. local dataType = 16
  1630. local search = {{-88.73961639404, 0},{18.0, 4},{28.0, 8},}
  1631. local modify = {{-560, 4},{-560, 8},}
  1632. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1633. local dataType = 16
  1634. local search = {{25.0, 0},{30.5, 4},}
  1635. local modify = {{300, 0},{300, 4},}
  1636. SearchWrite(search,modify,dataType,Name)
  1637. gg.clearList()
  1639. gg.toast("✓ 𝙷𝙴𝙰𝙳𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃 v³ 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1640. end
  1642. function IVIEW()
  1643. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1644. py = 64699488
  1645. setvalue(so + py, 16, 270)
  1646. gg.sleep(300)
  1647. gg.toast("✓ 𝙸-𝙿𝙰𝙳 𝚅𝙸𝙴𝚆 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1648. end
  1650. function CROSS()
  1651. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1652. py = 33183844
  1653. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1654. gg.sleep(300)
  1655. gg.toast("✓ 𝙲𝚁𝙾𝚂𝚂-𝙷𝙰𝙸𝚁 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1656. end
  1658. function LESS()
  1659. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1660. py = 22815864
  1661. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1662. gg.sleep(300)
  1663. gg.toast("✓ 𝙻𝙴𝚂𝚂 𝚁𝙴𝙲𝙾𝙸𝙻 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1664. end
  1666. function MAGIC()
  1667. function SearchWrite(Search, Write, Type) gg.clearResults() gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1], Type) local count = gg.getResultCount() local result = gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data = {} local base = Search[1][2] if (count > 0) then for i, v in ipairs(result) do v.isUseful = true end for k=2, #Search do local tmp = {} local offset = Search[k][2] - base local num = Search[k][1] for i, v in ipairs(result) do tmp[#tmp+1] = {} tmp[#tmp].address = v.address + offset tmp[#tmp].flags = v.flags end tmp = gg.getValues(tmp) for i, v in ipairs(tmp) do if ( tostring(v.value) ~= tostring(num) ) then result[i].isUseful = false end end end for i, v in ipairs(result) do if (v.isUseful) then data[#data+1] = v.address end end if (#data > 0) then gg.toast(""..#data.."") local t = {} local base = Search[1][2] for i=1, #data do for k, w in ipairs(Write) do offset = w[2] - base t[#t+1] = {} t[#t].address = data[i] + offset t[#t].flags = Type t[#t].value = w[1] if (w[3] == true) then local item = {} item[#item+1] = t[#t] item[#item].paidze = true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) else gg.toast("Not Found !", false) return false end else return false end end
  1668. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1669. local dataType = 16
  1670. local Name ="prєdíctíσn вullєt"
  1671. local tb1 = {
  1672. {35.0, 0x0},
  1673. {33.0, 0x4},
  1674. {69.5, 0x8},
  1675. }
  1676. local tb2 = {
  1677. {335.0, 0x0},
  1678. {-333.0, 0x4},
  1679. {369.5, 0x8},
  1680. }
  1681. SearchWrite(tb1, tb2, dataType)
  1682. gg.toast("mαgíc вullєtα αctívαtєd")
  1683. gg.clearResults()
  1684. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1685. gg.searchNumber("23;25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1686. gg.refineNumber("25;30.5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1687. gg.getResults(100)
  1688. gg.editAll("200", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1689. gg.clearResults()
  1690. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1691. gg.searchNumber("15;28;16;26;8;18", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1692. gg.getResults(56)
  1693. gg.editAll("-1339", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1694. gg.clearResults()
  1695. gg.clearResults()
  1696. gg.setRanges(32)
  1697. local dataType = 16
  1698. local Name ="head"
  1699. local tb1 = {{30.5, 0}, {25.0, -4}, {0.0, 4}, }
  1700. local tb2 = {{355, 0}, {322, -4}, }
  1701. SearchWrite(tb1, tb2, dataType)
  1702. gg.clearResults()
  1703. gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS) gg.searchNumber("15;28;16;26;8;18", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1) gg.getResults(56) gg.editAll("-1339", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1704. gg.toast("✔ ᴍᴀɢɪᴄ ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛ...")
  1705. gg.toast("✓ 𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙲 𝙱𝚄𝙻𝙻𝙴𝚃 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1706. end
  1708. function SHAKE()
  1709. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1710. py = 22824508
  1711. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1712. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1713. py = 22830552
  1714. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1715. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1716. py = 64687248
  1717. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1718. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1719. py = 63882720
  1720. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1721. gg.clearResults()
  1722. gg.toast("✓ 𝙰𝙽𝚃𝙸-𝚂𝙷𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳.")
  1723. end
  1725. function BLACK()
  1726. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1727. py = 67578768
  1728. setvalue(so + py, 4, -1222129996)
  1729. gg.sleep(300)
  1730. gg.toast("✓ 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙲𝙺 𝚂𝙺𝚈 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1731. end
  1733. function XHIT()
  1734. function SURAJ()
  1735. end
  1736. function setvalue(address,flags,value) SURAJ('Modify address value(Address, value type, value to be modified)') local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  1737. function HaoGe(Nc,Type,Search,Write) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(Nc) gg.setVisible(false) gg.searchNumber(Search[1][1],Type) local count=gg.getResultCount() local result=gg.getResults(count) gg.clearResults() local data={} local base=Search[1][2] if(count>0)then for i,v in ipairs(result)do v.isUseful=true end for k=2,#Search do local tmp={} local offset=Search[k][2]-base local num=Search[k][1] for i,v in ipairs(result)do tmp[#tmp+1]={} tmp[#tmp].address=v.address+offset tmp[#tmp].flags=v.flags end tmp=gg.getValues(tmp) for i,v in ipairs(tmp)do if(tostring(v.value)~=tostring(num))then result[i].isUseful=false end end end for i,v in ipairs(result)do if(v.isUseful)then data[#data+1]=v.address end end if(#data>0)then gg.toast("\n🔍搜索到"..#data.."数据\n🔰开始进行偏移") local t={} local base=Search[1][2] for i=1,#data do for k,w in ipairs(Write)do offset=w[2]-base t[#t+1]={} t[#t].address=data[i]+offset t[#t].flags=Type t[#t].value=w[1] if(w[3]==true)then local item={} item[#item+1]=t[#t] item[#item].paidze=true gg.addListItems(item) end end end gg.setValues(t) gg.sleep(400) gg.toast("\n🚬"..Name.."成功\n🛠共修改"..#t.."数据") else gg.toast("\n❌"..Name.."失败") return false end else gg.toast("\n❌"..Name.."失败") return false end end
  1738. function setvalue(address,flags,value) local tt={} tt[1]={} tt[1].address=address tt[1].flags=flags tt[1].value=value gg.setValues(tt) end
  1739. gg.clearResults()
  1740. Name = "命中特效"
  1741. local Nc = 32
  1742. local Lx = 16
  1743. local Sz1 = {{10.0, 0},{46.0, 4}}
  1744. local Sz2 = {{99999, 0}}
  1745. HaoGe(Nc, Lx, Sz1, Sz2)
  1746. gg.clearResults()
  1747. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1748. py = 30748244
  1749. setvalue(so + py, 4, 0)
  1750. gg.toast("✓ 𝚇-𝙷𝙸𝚃 𝙴𝙵𝙵𝙴𝙲𝚃 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1751. end
  1753. function INSTANT()
  1754. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1755. py=0x3E4C194
  1756. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  1757. gg.toast("INSTANT HIT DONE ")
  1758. gg.toast("✓ 𝙸𝙽𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝙷𝙸𝚃 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1759. end
  1761. function SIT()
  1762. gg.clearResults()
  1763. karar = {
  1764. {memory = 32},
  1765. {name = ""},
  1766. {value = 1100159584, type = 4},
  1767. {
  1768. lv = 1057613432,
  1769. offset = 4,
  1770. type = 4
  1771. }
  1772. }
  1773. qmxg = {
  1774. {
  1775. value = 130.5419921875,
  1776. offset = 0,
  1777. type = 16
  1778. }
  1779. }
  1780. xqmnb(karar)
  1781. gg.clearResults()
  1782. gg.toast("✓ 𝚂𝙸𝚃 𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙿𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1783. end
  1785. function STAND()
  1786. gg.clearResults()
  1787. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  1788. gg.searchNumber("4138667321167981973", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1789. gg.refineNumber("4138667321167981973", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1790. gg.getResults(1401)
  1791. gg.editAll("4848124999984742400", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  1792. gg.clearResults()
  1793. gg.toast("✓ 𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚂𝙲𝙾𝙿𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1794. end
  1796. function FOG()
  1797. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  1798. py = 52413640
  1799. setvalue(so + py, 16, 0)
  1800. gg.sleep(300)
  1801. gg.toast("✓ 𝚁𝙴𝙼𝙾𝚅𝙴 𝙵𝙾𝙶 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳")
  1802. end
  1805. function FOGX()
  1806. gg.clearResults()
  1807. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_CODE_APP)
  1808. gg.setVisible(false)
  1809. gg.searchNumber("-3.8738163e21;-8.1893464e19;-7.5552396e19:25", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1810. gg.searchNumber("-8.1893464e19", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  1811. gg.getResults(1)
  1812. gg.setVisible(false)
  1813. gg.editAll("0", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  1814. gg.clearResults()
  1815. gg.toast("Lock Green MS Active")
  1816. end
  1818. function FOGGY()
  1819. so=gg.getRangesList('')[1].start
  1820. py=0x31FC4CC
  1821. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  1822. gg.toast("RED FOG DONE")
  1823. end
  1826. --------STEP[4] Game👇--------
  1828. function MNZE3()--📂 Menu Game
  1829. MG = gg.multiChoice({
  1830. "👑PHARAOH X SUITE👚",
  1831. "👑𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 X SUITE👗",
  1832. "👑S20 RP DRESS",
  1833. "👑ALL GUN SKIN MAXED😛",
  1834. "🚘MCLearen GOLDBLACK",
  1835. "🚘MCLearen PINK ",
  1838. "👑FOOL BAG 🎒 ",
  1839. "👑THE FOOL ( Joker ) Suit ",
  1840. "👑Avian Tyrant Suit S14 ",
  1841. "👑mumy set ",
  1842. "🎒RAVEN X BAG ",
  1843. "👗FOREST LEE SET",
  1844. "🎄M4 GLACIER ",
  1845. "BACK"
  1846. }, nil, "👑GAWR_GURAZ👑")
  1847. if MG == nil then
  1848. else
  1849. if MG [1] == true then
  1850. MG1()
  1851. end
  1852. if MG [2] == true then
  1853. MG2()
  1854. end
  1855. if MG [3] == true then
  1856. MG3()
  1857. end
  1858. if MG [4] == true then
  1859. MG4()
  1860. end
  1861. if MG [5] == true then
  1862. MG5()
  1863. end
  1864. if MG [6] == true then
  1865. MG6()
  1866. end
  1867. if MG [7] == true then
  1868. MG7()
  1869. end
  1870. if MG [8] == true then
  1871. MG8()
  1872. end
  1873. if MG [9] == true then
  1874. MG9()
  1875. end
  1876. if MG [10] == true then
  1877. MG10()
  1878. end
  1879. if MG [11] == true then
  1880. MG11()
  1881. end
  1882. if MG [12] == true then
  1883. MG12()
  1884. end
  1885. if MG [13] == true then
  1886. MG13()
  1887. end
  1888. if MG [14] == true then
  1889. MG14()
  1890. end
  1891. if MG [15] == true then
  1892. MG15()
  1893. end
  1894. if MG [16] == true then
  1895. HOME1()
  1896. end
  1897. end
  1898. PUBGMH = -1
  1899. end
  1902. function MNZE3()--📂 Menu Game
  1903. MG = gg.multiChoice({
  1904. "👑PHARAOH X SUITE➠👚",
  1905. "👑𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 X SUITE➠👗",
  1906. "👑S20 RP DRESS➠",
  1907. "👑ALL GUN SKIN MAXED➠😛",
  1908. "🚘MCLearen GOLDBLACK➠",
  1909. "🚘MCLearen PINK ➠",
  1912. "👑FOOL BAG 🎒➠ ",
  1913. "👑THE FOOL ( Joker ) Suit ➠",
  1914. "👑Avian Tyrant Suit S14 ",
  1915. "👑mumy set ",
  1916. "🎒RAVEN X BAG ➠",
  1917. "👗FOREST LEE SET",
  1918. "🎄M416 GLACIER MAX ➠",
  1919. "👑POSEIDON X SET➠",
  1920. "👑𝙳𝙸𝚅𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝙰𝙲𝙾𝙻𝚈𝚃𝙴 𝚂𝚄𝙸𝚃",--2
  1921. "👕𝙶𝙾𝙳𝚉𝙸𝙻𝙰 𝚂𝚄𝙸𝚃 ",
  1922. "👑MUMMY SET YELLOW➠ ",
  1923. "👑Blood Raven Parachute➠",
  1924. "👑𝖦ODZILL BAG",
  1925. "BACK"
  1926. }, nil, "👑GAWR_GURAZ👑")
  1927. if MG == nil then
  1928. else
  1929. if MG [1] == true then
  1930. MG1()
  1931. end
  1932. if MG [2] == true then
  1933. MG2()
  1934. end
  1935. if MG [3] == true then
  1936. MG3()
  1937. end
  1938. if MG [4] == true then
  1939. MG4()
  1940. end
  1941. if MG [5] == true then
  1942. MG5()
  1943. end
  1944. if MG [6] == true then
  1945. MG6()
  1946. end
  1947. if MG [7] == true then
  1948. MG7()
  1949. end
  1950. if MG [8] == true then
  1951. MG8()
  1952. end
  1953. if MG [9] == true then
  1954. MG9()
  1955. end
  1956. if MG [10] == true then
  1957. MG10()
  1958. end
  1959. if MG [11] == true then
  1960. MG11()
  1961. end
  1962. if MG [12] == true then
  1963. MG12()
  1964. end
  1965. if MG [13] == true then
  1966. MG13()
  1967. end
  1968. if MG [14] == true then
  1969. MG14()
  1970. end
  1971. if MG [15] == true then
  1972. MG15()
  1973. end
  1975. if MG [16] == true then
  1976. MG16()
  1977. end
  1978. if MG [17] == true then
  1979. MG17()
  1980. end
  1981. if MG [18] == true then
  1982. MG18()
  1983. end
  1984. if MG [19] == true then
  1985. MG19()
  1986. end
  1987. if MG [20] == true then
  1988. MG20()
  1989. end
  1990. if MG [21] == true then
  1991. MG21()
  1992. end
  1993. if MG [22] == true then
  1994. HOME1()
  1995. end
  1996. end
  1997. PUBGMH = -1
  1998. end
  2003. function MG1()
  2004. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2005. gg.setVisible(false)
  2006. gg.clearResults()
  2007. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑶𝑯 X"},{["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2008. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1405628,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2009. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2010. gg.clearResults()
  2011. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH"},{["value"] = 502001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2012. gg.setVisible(false)
  2013. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402578,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2014. gg.setVisible(false)
  2015. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2016. gg.setVisible(false)
  2017. gg.clearResults()
  2018. gg.setVisible(false)
  2019. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH"},{["value"] = 502004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2020. gg.setVisible(false)
  2021. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402578,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2022. gg.setVisible(false)
  2023. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2024. gg.setVisible(false)
  2025. gg.clearResults()
  2026. gg.setVisible(false)
  2027. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH"},{["value"] = 502002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2028. gg.setVisible(false)
  2029. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402578,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2030. gg.setVisible(false)
  2031. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2032. gg.setVisible(false)
  2033. gg.clearResults()
  2034. gg.setVisible(false)
  2035. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH"},{["value"] = 502005,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2036. gg.setVisible(false)
  2037. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402578,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2038. gg.setVisible(false)
  2039. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2040. gg.setVisible(false)
  2041. gg.clearResults()
  2042. gg.setVisible(false)
  2043. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH"},{["value"] = 502003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2044. gg.setVisible(false)
  2045. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402578,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2046. gg.setVisible(false)
  2047. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2048. gg.setVisible(false)
  2049. gg.clearResults()
  2050. gg.setVisible(false)
  2051. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH BAG"},{["value"] = 501001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2052. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501001174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2053. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2054. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH BAG"},{["value"] = 501002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2055. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2056. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2057. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH BAG"},{["value"] = 501003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2058. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2059. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2060. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH BAG"},{["value"] = 501004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2061. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2062. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2063. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHARAOH BAG"},{["value"] = 501005,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2064. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2065. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2066. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "PHAROH BAG"},{["value"] = 501006,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2067. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003174,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2068. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2069. gg.setVisible(false)
  2071. gg.clearResults()
  2072. gg.toast("『PHARAOH 』")
  2073. gg.clearResults()
  2074. gg.toast("PHARAOH X DONE")
  2075. end
  2077. function MG2()
  2078. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2079. gg.setVisible(false)
  2080. gg.setVisible(false)
  2081. gg.clearResults()
  2082. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿 "},{["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2083. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1405870,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2084. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2085. gg.clearResults()
  2086. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿"},{["value"] = 502001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2087. gg.setVisible(false)
  2088. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402657,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2089. gg.setVisible(false)
  2090. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2091. gg.setVisible(false)
  2092. gg.clearResults()
  2093. gg.setVisible(false)
  2094. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿"},{["value"] = 502004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2095. gg.setVisible(false)
  2096. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402657,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2097. gg.setVisible(false)
  2098. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2099. gg.setVisible(false)
  2100. gg.clearResults()
  2101. gg.setVisible(false)
  2102. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿"},{["value"] = 502002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2103. gg.setVisible(false)
  2104. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402657,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2105. gg.setVisible(false)
  2106. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2107. gg.setVisible(false)
  2108. gg.clearResults()
  2109. gg.setVisible(false)
  2110. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿"},{["value"] = 502005,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2111. gg.setVisible(false)
  2112. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402657,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2113. gg.setVisible(false)
  2114. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2115. gg.setVisible(false)
  2116. gg.clearResults()
  2117. gg.setVisible(false)
  2118. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Outfith 𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿"},{["value"] = 502003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 502,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2119. gg.setVisible(false)
  2120. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1402657,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2121. gg.setVisible(false)
  2122. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2123. gg.setVisible(false)
  2124. gg.clearResults()
  2125. gg.setVisible(false)
  2126. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2127. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501001220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2128. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2129. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2130. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2131. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2132. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2133. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2134. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2135. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2136. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2137. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2138. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501005,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2139. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2140. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2141. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑩𝑨𝑮"},{["value"] = 501006,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2142. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2143. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2144. gg.clearResults()
  2145. gg.toast("Raven Full suti")
  2146. end
  2148. function MG3()
  2149. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2150. gg.clearResults()
  2151. qmnb = {
  2152. {["memory"] = 32},
  2153. {["name"] = "GURA"},
  2154. {["value"] = 1400129, ["type"] = 4},
  2155. {["lv"] = 519, ["offset"] = 4, ["type"] = 4},
  2156. }
  2157. qmxg = {
  2158. {["value"] = 1405994, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2160. }
  2161. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2162. gg.clearResults()
  2163. end
  2165. function MG4()
  2166. gg.searchNumber("10100100", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  2167. gg.searchNumber("10100100", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  2168. gg.getResults(10)
  2169. gg.editAll("1101001089", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  2170. gg.toast("AKM ICE Activated")
  2171. gg.clearResults()
  2172. gg.clearResults()
  2173. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  2174. gg.searchNumber("10100300 ", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  2175. gg.getResults(10)
  2176. gg.editAll("1101003099", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  2177. gg.clearResults()
  2178. gg.toast("SCAR-L The Fool")
  2179. gg.clearResults()
  2180. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  2181. gg.searchNumber("10100400 ", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  2182. gg.getResults(10)
  2183. gg.editAll("1101004086", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  2184. gg.clearResults()
  2185. gg.toast("M416 Lizard Roar Activated")
  2186. gg.searchNumber("10100800", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2187. gg.getResults(100)
  2188. gg.editAll("1,101,008,026", 4)
  2189. gg.clearResults()
  2190. gg.searchNumber("10100800", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2191. gg.getResults(100)
  2192. gg.editAll("1,101,008,026", 4)
  2193. gg.clearResults()
  2194. gg.toast("M762 MAX Activated")
  2195. gg.clearResults()
  2196. gg.clearResults()
  2197. gg.clearResults()
  2198. qmnb = {
  2199. {
  2200. ["memory"] = 32
  2201. },
  2202. {
  2203. ["name"] = "GURAHACKS"
  2204. },
  2205. {
  2206. ["value"] = 10300300,
  2207. ["type"] = 4
  2208. },
  2209. {
  2210. ["lv"] = 103,
  2211. ["offset"] = -4,
  2212. ["type"] = 4
  2213. }
  2214. }
  2215. qmxg = {
  2216. {
  2217. ["value"] = 1103003042,
  2218. ["offset"] = 0,
  2219. ["type"] = 4
  2220. }
  2221. }
  2222. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2223. gg.clearResults()
  2224. qmnb = {
  2225. {
  2226. ["memory"] = 32
  2227. },
  2228. {
  2229. ["name"] = "GURAHACKS"
  2230. },
  2231. {
  2232. ["value"] = 29300300,
  2233. ["type"] = 4
  2234. },
  2235. {
  2236. ["lv"] = 0,
  2237. ["offset"] = -4,
  2238. ["type"] = 4
  2239. }
  2240. }
  2241. qmxg = {
  2242. {
  2243. ["value"] = 1030030421,
  2244. ["offset"] = 0,
  2245. ["type"] = 4
  2246. }
  2247. }
  2248. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2249. gg.clearResults()
  2250. gg.toast("AWM MAX Activated")
  2251. gg.searchNumber("10300200", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2252. gg.getResults(100)
  2253. gg.editAll("1,103,002,030", 4)
  2254. gg.clearResults()
  2255. gg.searchNumber("10300200", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2256. gg.getResults(100)
  2257. gg.editAll("1,103,002,030", 4)
  2258. gg.clearResults()
  2259. gg.toast("M24 PHARAOH MAX Activated ")
  2260. gg.searchNumber("10300100", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2261. gg.getResults(100)
  2262. gg.editAll("1,103,001,101", 4)
  2263. gg.clearResults()
  2264. gg.searchNumber("10300100", 4, false, 536870912, 0, -1)
  2265. gg.getResults(100)
  2266. gg.editAll("1,103,001,101", 4)
  2267. gg.clearResults()
  2268. gg.toast("KAR GLOD MAX Activated")
  2269. gg.clearResults()
  2270. gg.searchNumber("10800400", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  2271. gg.searchNumber("10800400", gg.TYPE_DWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  2272. gg.getResults(10)
  2273. gg.editAll(" 1108004027 ", gg.TYPE_DWORD)
  2274. gg.clearResults()
  2275. gg.toast("Pan Skin ✓")
  2276. gg.toast("telgram @GAWR_GURAZ ")
  2277. end
  2279. function MG5()
  2280. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2281. gg.clearResults()
  2282. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑿 "},{["value"] = 1961001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 585,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2283. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1961014,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2284. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2285. gg.toast("@GAWR_GURAZ GOLDBLACK")
  2286. end
  2288. function MG6()
  2289. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2290. gg.clearResults()
  2291. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GAWR_GURAZ 𝑿 "},{["value"] = 1961001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 585,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2292. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1961015,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2293. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2294. gg.toast("@GAWR_GURAZ pink ")
  2295. end
  2302. function MG7()
  2303. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2304. gg.clearResults()
  2305. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA "},{["value"] = 1903001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2306. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2307. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903071,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2308. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2309. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA "},{["value"] = 1903002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2310. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2311. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903071,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2312. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2313. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA"},{["value"] = 1903003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2314. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2315. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903071,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2316. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2317. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA"},{["value"] = 1903004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2318. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903071,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2319. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2320. gg["toast"]("GURA ")
  2321. gg["clearResults"]()
  2322. gg["clearResults"]()
  2323. gg.clearResults()
  2324. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GAWR_GURAZ 𝑿 "},{["value"] = 1961001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 585,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2325. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1961013,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2326. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2327. gg.toast("@GAWR_GURAZ dimoond ")
  2328. end
  2333. function MG8()
  2334. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2335. gg.clearResults()
  2336. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA "},{["value"] = 1903001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2337. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2338. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903072,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2339. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2340. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2341. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2342. gg["clearResults"]()
  2343. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2344. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA "},{["value"] = 1903002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2345. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2346. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903072,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2347. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2348. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2349. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2350. gg["clearResults"]()
  2351. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2352. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA "},{["value"] = 1903003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2353. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2354. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903072,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2355. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2356. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2357. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2358. gg["clearResults"]()
  2359. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2360. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "GURA"},{["value"] = 1903004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 903,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2361. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2362. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1903072,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2363. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2364. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2365. gg["setVisible"](false)
  2366. gg["clearResults"]()
  2367. gg["toast"]("TESLA DASIA AMETHYST ")
  2368. gg["clearResults"]()
  2369. gg["clearResults"]()
  2370. end
  2372. function MG9()
  2373. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2374. gg.clearResults()
  2375. qmnb = {
  2376. {
  2377. ["memory"] = 32
  2378. },
  2379. {
  2380. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2381. },
  2382. {
  2383. ["value"] = 501001,
  2384. ["type"] = 4
  2385. },
  2386. {
  2387. ["lv"] = 501,
  2388. ["offset"] = -4,
  2389. ["type"] = 4
  2390. }
  2391. }
  2392. qmxg = {
  2393. {
  2394. ["value"] = 1501001051,
  2395. ["offset"] = 0,
  2396. ["type"] = 4
  2397. }
  2398. }
  2399. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2400. qmnb = {
  2401. {
  2402. ["memory"] = 32
  2403. },
  2404. {
  2405. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2406. },
  2407. {
  2408. ["value"] = 501002,
  2409. ["type"] = 4
  2410. },
  2411. {
  2412. ["lv"] = 501,
  2413. ["offset"] = -4,
  2414. ["type"] = 4
  2415. }
  2416. }
  2417. qmxg = {
  2418. {
  2419. ["value"] = 1501002051,
  2420. ["offset"] = 0,
  2421. ["type"] = 4
  2422. }
  2423. }
  2424. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2425. qmnb = {
  2426. {
  2427. ["memory"] = 32
  2428. },
  2429. {
  2430. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2431. },
  2432. {
  2433. ["value"] = 501003,
  2434. ["type"] = 4
  2435. },
  2436. {
  2437. ["lv"] = 501,
  2438. ["offset"] = -4,
  2439. ["type"] = 4
  2440. }
  2441. }
  2442. qmxg = {
  2443. {
  2444. ["value"] = 1501003051,
  2445. ["offset"] = 0,
  2446. ["type"] = 4
  2447. }
  2448. }
  2449. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2450. qmnb = {
  2451. {
  2452. ["memory"] = 32
  2453. },
  2454. {
  2455. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2456. },
  2457. {
  2458. ["value"] = 501004,
  2459. ["type"] = 4
  2460. },
  2461. {
  2462. ["lv"] = 501,
  2463. ["offset"] = -4,
  2464. ["type"] = 4
  2465. }
  2466. }
  2467. qmxg = {
  2468. {
  2469. ["value"] = 1501002051,
  2470. ["offset"] = 0,
  2471. ["type"] = 4
  2472. }
  2473. }
  2474. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2475. qmnb = {
  2476. {
  2477. ["memory"] = 32
  2478. },
  2479. {
  2480. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2481. },
  2482. {
  2483. ["value"] = 501005,
  2484. ["type"] = 4
  2485. },
  2486. {
  2487. ["lv"] = 501,
  2488. ["offset"] = -4,
  2489. ["type"] = 4
  2490. }
  2491. }
  2492. qmxg = {
  2493. {
  2494. ["value"] = 1501003051,
  2495. ["offset"] = 0,
  2496. ["type"] = 4
  2497. }
  2498. }
  2499. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2500. qmnb = {
  2501. {
  2502. ["memory"] = 32
  2503. },
  2504. {
  2505. ["name"] = "FOOL BAG"
  2506. },
  2507. {
  2508. ["value"] = 501006,
  2509. ["type"] = 4
  2510. },
  2511. {
  2512. ["lv"] = 501,
  2513. ["offset"] = -4,
  2514. ["type"] = 4
  2515. }
  2516. }
  2517. qmxg = {
  2518. {
  2519. ["value"] = 1501003051,
  2520. ["offset"] = 0,
  2521. ["type"] = 4
  2522. }
  2523. }
  2524. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2525. gg.alert("FOOL BAG activated")
  2526. end
  2530. function MG10()
  2531. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2532. gg.clearResults()
  2533. gg.clearResults()
  2534. qmnb = {
  2535. {
  2536. ["memory"] = 32
  2537. },
  2538. {
  2539. ["name"] = "The Fool Outfit"
  2540. },
  2541. {
  2542. ["value"] = 1400129,
  2543. ["type"] = 4
  2544. },
  2545. {
  2546. ["lv"] = 519,
  2547. ["offset"] = 4,
  2548. ["type"] = 4
  2549. }
  2550. }
  2551. qmxg = {
  2552. {
  2553. ["value"] = 1405092,
  2554. ["offset"] = 0,
  2555. ["type"] = 4
  2556. }
  2557. }
  2558. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2559. gg.clearResults()
  2560. gg.alert("The Fool ( Joker ) Suit activated!")
  2561. end
  2567. function MG11()
  2568. function split(szFullString, szSeparator) local nFindStartIndex = 1 local nSplitIndex = 1 local nSplitArray = {} while true do local nFindLastIndex = string.find(szFullString, szSeparator, nFindStartIndex) if not nFindLastIndex then nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, string.len(szFullString)) break end nSplitArray[nSplitIndex] = string.sub(szFullString, nFindStartIndex, nFindLastIndex - 1) nFindStartIndex = nFindLastIndex + string.len(szSeparator) nSplitIndex = nSplitIndex + 1 end return nSplitArray end function xgxc(szpy, qmxg) for x = 1, #(qmxg) do xgpy = szpy + qmxg[x]["offset"] xglx = qmxg[x]["type"] xgsz = qmxg[x]["value"] xgdj = qmxg[x]["paidze"] if xgdj == nil or xgdj == "" then gg.setValues({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, value = xgsz}}) else gg.addListItems({[1] = {address = xgpy, flags = xglx, paidze = xgdj, value = xgsz}}) end xgsl = xgsl + 1 xgjg = true end end function xqmnb(qmnb) gg.clearResults() gg.setRanges(qmnb[1]["memory"]) gg.searchNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) gg.refineNumber(qmnb[3]["value"], qmnb[3]["type"]) if gg.getResultCount() == 0 then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") else sl = gg.getResults(999999) sz = gg.getResultCount() xgsl = 0 if sz > 999999 then sz = 999999 end for i = 1, sz do pdsz = true for v = 4, #(qmnb) do if pdsz == true then pysz = {} pysz[1] = {} pysz[1].address = sl[i].address + qmnb[v]["offset"] pysz[1].flags = qmnb[v]["type"] szpy = gg.getValues(pysz) pdpd = qmnb[v]["lv"] .. ";" .. szpy[1].value szpd = split(pdpd, ";") tzszpd = szpd[1] pyszpd = szpd[2] if tzszpd == pyszpd then pdjg = true pdsz = true else pdjg = false pdsz = false end end end if pdjg == true then szpy = sl[i].address xgxc(szpy, qmxg) end end if xgjg == true then gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Successfully Opened, Modified In Total" .. xgsl .. "Article Data") else gg.toast(qmnb[2]["name"] .. "Failed To Open") end end end end
  2569. gg.clearResults()
  2570. gg.clearResults()
  2571. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Avian Tyrant Outfit"},{["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2572. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1405590,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2573. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2574. gg.clearResults()
  2575. gg.alert("Avian Tyrant Suit activated!")
  2576. end
  2579. function MG12()
  2580. gg.clearResults()
  2581. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "sᴇᴛ ᴍᴜᴍᴍʏ"},{["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2582. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1400687,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2583. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2584. gg.clearResults()
  2585. gg.toast("✔ sᴇᴛ ᴍᴜᴍᴍʏ")
  2586. end
  2589. function MG13()
  2590. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501001,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2591. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501001220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2592. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2593. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501002,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2594. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2595. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2596. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501003,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2597. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2598. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2599. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501004,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2600. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501002220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2601. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2602. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "RAVEN BAG"},{["value"] = 501005,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2603. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2604. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2605. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "𝑹𝑨𝑽𝑬𝑵 𝑩𝑨𝑮"},{["value"] = 501006,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 501,["offset"] = -4,["type"] = 4}}
  2606. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1501003220,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2607. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2608. end
  2610. function MG14()
  2612. qmnb = {
  2613. {["memory"] = 32},
  2614. {["name"] = "Forest elf set"},
  2615. {["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2616. qmxg = {
  2617. {["value"] = 1405132,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2618. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2619. gg.toast("froste le done")
  2620. end
  2622. function MG15()
  2623. gg.setVisible(false)
  2624. gg.clearResults()
  2625. gg.setVisible(false)
  2626. qmnb = {
  2627. {["memory"] = 32},
  2628. {["name"] ="@GURA"},
  2629. {["value"] = 10100400, ["type"] = 4},
  2630. {["lv"] = 101, ["offset"] = -4, ["type"] = 4},
  2631. }
  2632. gg.setVisible(false)
  2633. qmxg = {
  2634. {["value"] = 1101004046, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2635. }
  2636. gg.setVisible(false)
  2637. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2638. gg.setVisible(false)
  2639. gg.clearResults()
  2640. gg.setVisible(false)
  2641. qmnb = {
  2642. {["memory"] = 32},
  2643. {["name"] = "@GURA"},
  2644. {["value"] = 29100400, ["type"] = 4},
  2645. {["lv"] = 0, ["offset"] = -4, ["type"] = 4},
  2646. }
  2647. gg.setVisible(false)
  2648. qmxg = {
  2649. {["value"] = 1010040461, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2650. }
  2651. gg.setVisible(false)
  2652. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2653. gg.setVisible(false)
  2654. gg.clearResults()
  2655. qmnb = {
  2656. {["memory"] = 32},
  2657. {["name"] = "@GURA"},
  2658. {["value"] = 20500500, ["type"] = 4},
  2659. {["lv"] = 45, ["offset"] = -4, ["type"] = 4},
  2660. }
  2662. gg.setVisible(false)
  2663. qmxg = {
  2664. {["value"] = 1010040463, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2665. }
  2666. gg.setVisible(false)
  2667. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2668. gg.setVisible(false)
  2669. gg.clearResults()
  2670. qmnb = {
  2671. {["memory"] = 32},
  2672. {["name"] = "@GURA"},
  2673. {["value"] = 20500200, ["type"] = 4},
  2674. {["lv"] = 52, ["offset"] = -4, ["type"] = 4},
  2675. }
  2676. gg.setVisible(false)
  2677. qmxg = {
  2678. {["value"] = 1010040463, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2679. }
  2680. gg.setVisible(false)
  2681. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2682. gg.setVisible(false)
  2683. gg.clearResults()
  2684. qmnb = {
  2685. {["memory"] = 32},
  2686. {["name"] = "@GURA"},
  2687. {["value"] = 20300800, ["type"] = 4},
  2688. {["lv"] = 31, ["offset"] = -4, ["type"] = 4},
  2689. }
  2690. gg.setVisible(false)
  2691. qmxg = {
  2692. {["value"] = 1010040462, ["offset"] = 0, ["type"] = 4},
  2693. }
  2694. gg.setVisible(false)
  2695. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2696. gg.setVisible(false)
  2697. gg.clearResults()
  2698. gg.toast("M416 Glacier Activated")
  2699. end
  2703. function MG16()
  2704. gg.setVisible(false)
  2705. qmnb = {
  2706. {
  2707. ["memory"] = 32
  2708. },
  2709. {
  2710. ["name"] = "value$nill"
  2711. },
  2712. {
  2713. ["value"] = 1400129,
  2714. ["type"] = 4
  2715. },
  2716. {
  2717. ["lv"] = 519,
  2718. ["offset"] = 4,
  2719. ["type"] = 4
  2720. }
  2721. }
  2722. qmxg = {
  2723. {
  2724. ["value"] = 1405983,
  2725. ["offset"] = 0,
  2726. ["type"] = 4
  2727. }
  2728. }
  2729. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2730. end
  2732. function MG17()
  2733. gg.clearResults()
  2734. qmnb = {
  2735. {memory = 32},
  2736. {
  2737. name = "Divine Acolyte Outfit"
  2738. },
  2739. {value = 1400129, type = 4},
  2740. {
  2741. lv = 519,
  2742. offset = 4,
  2743. type = 4
  2744. }
  2745. }
  2746. qmxg = {
  2747. {
  2748. value = 1405585,
  2749. offset = 0,
  2750. type = 4
  2751. }
  2752. }
  2753. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2754. gg.clearResults()
  2755. end
  2757. function MG18()
  2758. gg.clearResults()
  2759. qmnb = {
  2760. {memory = 32},
  2761. {
  2762. name = "Godzilla Outfit"
  2763. },
  2764. {value = 1400129, type = 4},
  2765. {
  2766. lv = 519,
  2767. offset = 4,
  2768. type = 4
  2769. }
  2770. }
  2771. qmxg = {
  2772. {
  2773. value = 1405186,
  2774. offset = 0,
  2775. type = 4
  2776. }
  2777. }
  2778. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2779. gg.clearResults()
  2780. end
  2784. function MG19()
  2785. gg.setVisible(false)
  2786. qmnb = {{["memory"] = 32},{["name"] = "Mummy"},{["value"] = 1400129,["type"] = 4},{["lv"] = 519,["offset"] = 4,["type"] = 4}}
  2787. qmxg = {{["value"] = 1405623,["offset"] = 0,["type"] = 4}}
  2788. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2789. gg.clearResults()
  2790. gg.toast("『Mummy On』️")
  2791. end
  2793. function MG20()
  2794. qmnb = {
  2795. {
  2796. ["memory"] = 32
  2797. },
  2798. {
  2799. ["name"] = "Blood Raven Parachute"
  2800. },
  2801. {
  2802. ["value"] = 703001,
  2803. ["type"] = 4
  2804. },
  2805. {
  2806. ["lv"] = 4,
  2807. ["offset"] = 4,
  2808. ["type"] = 4
  2809. },
  2810. {
  2811. ["lv"] = 1,
  2812. ["offset"] = 8,
  2813. ["type"] = 4
  2814. },
  2815. {
  2816. ["lv"] = 703001,
  2817. ["offset"] = 12,
  2818. ["type"] = 4
  2819. }
  2820. }
  2821. qmxg = {
  2822. {
  2823. ["value"] = 1401621,
  2824. ["offset"] = 0,
  2825. ["type"] = 4
  2826. },
  2827. {
  2828. ["value"] = 1401621,
  2829. ["offset"] = 12,
  2830. ["type"] = 4
  2831. }
  2832. }
  2833. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2834. gg.toast("Blood Raven Parachute activated!")
  2835. end
  2837. function MG21()
  2838. qmnb = {
  2839. {
  2840. ["memory"] = 32
  2841. },
  2842. {
  2843. ["name"] = "一级背包"
  2844. },
  2845. {
  2846. ["value"] = 501001,
  2847. ["type"] = 4
  2848. },
  2849. {
  2850. ["lv"] = 501001,
  2851. ["offset"] = 4,
  2852. ["type"] = 4
  2853. },
  2854. {
  2855. ["lv"] = 501001,
  2856. ["offset"] = 16,
  2857. ["type"] = 4
  2858. }
  2859. }
  2860. qmxg = {
  2861. {
  2862. ["value"] = 1501001061,
  2863. ["offset"] = 16,
  2864. ["type"] = 4
  2865. }
  2866. }
  2867. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2868. qmnb = {
  2869. {
  2870. ["memory"] = 32
  2871. },
  2872. {
  2873. ["name"] = "二级背包"
  2874. },
  2875. {
  2876. ["value"] = 501002,
  2877. ["type"] = 4
  2878. },
  2879. {
  2880. ["lv"] = 501002,
  2881. ["offset"] = 4,
  2882. ["type"] = 4
  2883. },
  2884. {
  2885. ["lv"] = 501002,
  2886. ["offset"] = 16,
  2887. ["type"] = 4
  2888. }
  2889. }
  2890. qmxg = {
  2891. {
  2892. ["value"] = 1501002061,
  2893. ["offset"] = 16,
  2894. ["type"] = 4
  2895. }
  2896. }
  2897. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2898. qmnb = {
  2899. {
  2900. ["memory"] = 32
  2901. },
  2902. {
  2903. ["name"] = "三级背包"
  2904. },
  2905. {
  2906. ["value"] = 501003,
  2907. ["type"] = 4
  2908. },
  2909. {
  2910. ["lv"] = 501003,
  2911. ["offset"] = 4,
  2912. ["type"] = 4
  2913. },
  2914. {
  2915. ["lv"] = 501003,
  2916. ["offset"] = 16,
  2917. ["type"] = 4
  2918. }
  2919. }
  2920. qmxg = {
  2921. {
  2922. ["value"] = 1501003061,
  2923. ["offset"] = 16,
  2924. ["type"] = 4
  2925. }
  2926. }
  2927. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2928. qmnb = {
  2929. {
  2930. ["memory"] = 32
  2931. },
  2932. {
  2933. ["name"] = "二级背包"
  2934. },
  2935. {
  2936. ["value"] = 501004,
  2937. ["type"] = 4
  2938. },
  2939. {
  2940. ["lv"] = 501004,
  2941. ["offset"] = 4,
  2942. ["type"] = 4
  2943. },
  2944. {
  2945. ["lv"] = 501004,
  2946. ["offset"] = 16,
  2947. ["type"] = 4
  2948. }
  2949. }
  2950. qmxg = {
  2951. {
  2952. ["value"] = 1501002061,
  2953. ["offset"] = 16,
  2954. ["type"] = 4
  2955. }
  2956. }
  2957. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2958. qmnb = {
  2959. {
  2960. ["memory"] = 32
  2961. },
  2962. {
  2963. ["name"] = "三级背包"
  2964. },
  2965. {
  2966. ["value"] = 501005,
  2967. ["type"] = 4
  2968. },
  2969. {
  2970. ["lv"] = 501005,
  2971. ["offset"] = 4,
  2972. ["type"] = 4
  2973. },
  2974. {
  2975. ["lv"] = 501005,
  2976. ["offset"] = 16,
  2977. ["type"] = 4
  2978. }
  2979. }
  2980. qmxg = {
  2981. {
  2982. ["value"] = 1501003061,
  2983. ["offset"] = 16,
  2984. ["type"] = 4
  2985. }
  2986. }
  2987. xqmnb(qmnb)
  2988. qmnb = {
  2989. {
  2990. ["memory"] = 32
  2991. },
  2992. {
  2993. ["name"] = "三级背包"
  2994. },
  2995. {
  2996. ["value"] = 501006,
  2997. ["type"] = 4
  2998. },
  2999. {
  3000. ["lv"] = 501006,
  3001. ["offset"] = 4,
  3002. ["type"] = 4
  3003. },
  3004. {
  3005. ["lv"] = 501006,
  3006. ["offset"] = 16,
  3007. ["type"] = 4
  3008. }
  3009. }
  3010. qmxg = {
  3011. {
  3012. ["value"] = 1501003061,
  3013. ["offset"] = 16,
  3014. ["type"] = 4
  3015. }
  3016. }
  3017. xqmnb(qmnb)
  3018. gg.toast("Godzilla BAG activated!")
  3019. end
  3024. function MNFES4()
  3025. SB = gg.multiChoice({
  3026. "⚡Fast Landing V1 \n➥ ⧼ ɪsʟᴀɴᴅ ⧽ "..fl,
  3027. " « ᴇ x ɪ ᴛ »",
  3028. },nil, ("🌸GAWR_GURAZ🌸")))
  3029. if SB == nil then else
  3030. if SB [1] == true then A1() end
  3031. if SB [2] == true then HOME1() end
  3032. end
  3033. PUBGMH = -1
  3034. end
  3036. function A1()
  3037. if fl == off then
  3038. gg.clearResults()
  3039. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  3040. gg.searchNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3041. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3042. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3043. gg.getResults(1401)
  3044. gg.editAll("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  3045. gg.clearResults()
  3046. gg.toast("Fast Landing V1 On")
  3047. fl = on
  3048. else
  3049. gg.clearResults()
  3050. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  3051. gg.searchNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3052. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3053. gg.refineNumber("4,525,216,907,477,699,789", gg.TYPE_QWORD, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3054. gg.getResults(1401)
  3055. gg.editAll("4,525,216,907,414,147,695", gg.TYPE_QWORD)
  3056. gg.clearResults()
  3057. gg.toast("Fast Landing V2 Off")
  3058. fl = off
  3059. end
  3060. end
  3064. function MNFES4X7XZ()
  3065. MN = gg.multiChoice({
  3066. " 🌸️ғʟᴀsʜ sᴘᴇᴇᴅ V1".. x1,
  3067. "🌸️sᴘᴇᴇᴅ ᴀʟʟ ᴄᴀʀ",
  3068. "Exit",}, nil," Telegram @GURAhacksyt")
  3069. if MN == nil then
  3070. else
  3071. if MN[1] == true then
  3072. MN1()
  3073. end
  3074. if MN[2] == true then
  3075. MN2()
  3076. end
  3077. if MN[3] == true then
  3078. HOME1()
  3079. end
  3080. end
  3081. PUBGMH = -1
  3082. end
  3084. function MN1()
  3085. if x1 == off then
  3086. gg.clearResults()
  3087. qmnb = {
  3088. {memory = 32},
  3089. {
  3090. name = "SIT FLY"
  3091. },
  3092. {value = 60,
  3093. type = 16
  3094. },
  3095. {
  3096. lv = 4751297607949615104,
  3097. offset = 8,
  3098. type = 32
  3099. }
  3100. }
  3101. qmxg = {
  3102. {
  3103. value = -70,
  3104. offset = 0,
  3105. type = 16
  3106. }
  3107. }
  3109. xqmnb(qmnb)
  3110. gg.clearResults()
  3112. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  3113. py=0x3E0F7D8
  3114. setvalue(so+py,16,0)
  3115. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  3116. py = 21408852
  3117. setvalue(so + py, 16, -1.4316223E28)
  3118. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  3119. py = 21408856
  3120. setvalue(so + py, 16, -1.428892E28)
  3121. so = gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  3122. py = 21408860
  3123. setvalue(so + py, 16, -1.0524452E28)
  3125. gg.toast("✓ 𝙵𝙻𝙰𝚂𝙷 𝙻𝙰𝙶 𝙵𝙸𝚇𝙴𝙳 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳.")
  3126. gg.clearResults()
  3127. x1 = on
  3128. else
  3129. so=gg.getRangesList("")[1].start
  3130. py=0x3E0F7D8
  3131. setvalue(so+py,16,-1.86389771e-20)
  3132. x1 = off
  3133. end
  3134. end
  3136. function MN2()
  3137. gg.clearResults()
  3138. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  3139. gg.searchNumber("0.647058857;0.30000001192::5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3140. gg.getResults(50)
  3141. gg.editAll("150.241295", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  3142. gg.clearResults()
  3143. gg.setRanges(gg.REGION_ANONYMOUS)
  3144. gg.searchNumber("0.72727274895;0.34377467632::5", gg.TYPE_FLOAT, false, gg.SIGN_EQUAL, 0, -1)
  3145. gg.getResults(50)
  3146. gg.editAll("75.241295", gg.TYPE_FLOAT)
  3147. gg.clearResults()
  3148. gg.toast("✓ 𝙲𝙰𝚁'𝚂 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙴𝙳 𝙰𝙲𝚃𝙸𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙴𝙳.")
  3149. end
  3153. function VIPX1()
  3154. gg.sleep(200)
  3155. gg.alert("📝ɢᴀᴡʀ_ɢᴜʀᴀᴢ ᴠɪᴘ ⟦ʙʏᴘᴀss + ɪɴᴊᴇᴄᴛᴏʀ + ᴇsᴘ⟧\n📥 sᴜʙsᴄʀɪᴘᴛɪᴏɴ ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ :\n✓ ᴏɴᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴋ / 7 ᴅᴀʏs : 350RS\n ✓ ᴏɴᴇ ᴍᴏɴᴛʜ / 30 ᴅᴀʏs : 500 RS\n ✓ ᴏɴᴇ sᴇᴀsᴏɴ / 60 ᴅᴀʏs : 1000 RS\n📥 online bypass ᴘʀɪᴄᴇ :\n - paid ʙʏᴘᴀss\n\n𝙸𝙵 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝚆𝙰𝙽𝚃 𝚃𝙾 𝙱𝚄𝚈. 𝙼𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙰𝙶𝙴 @GURAownerx")
  3156. end
  3158. function EXIT()
  3159. print("TELGRAM @️GAWR_GURAZ")
  3160. print("🎂SCRIPT BY GURA🌸 ")
  3161. print("🎂SCRIPT BY GURA 🌸 ")
  3162. gg.skipRestoreState()
  3163. gg.setVisible(true)
  3164. os.exit()
  3165. end
  3166. while true do
  3167. if gg.isVisible(true) then
  3168. PUBGMH = 1
  3169. gg.setVisible(false)
  3170. end
  3171. if PUBGMH == 1 then
  3172. HOME()
  3173. end
  3174. end
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