

May 26th, 2019
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  1. Appearance Real (Lua):
  3. Hair: Straight shoulder blade long, pearlescent blueish-pink in color.
  4. Eyes: Solid black, there is no distinction between eye-white and pupil. Its just black.
  5. Skin: Paleish-white.
  6. Build: Slender, androgynous human. 155 CM tall.
  8. Appearance Divergent (Keishara):
  10. Hair: Shortcut, blackish dust colored.
  11. Eyes: Blue.
  12. Skin: Lightly tanned.
  13. Build: Androgynous-female-leaning woodelf, petite. Pointy ears.
  15. Beginnings:
  17. Found by caretakers at the local orphanage: "Oh my, you are quite the odd one.".
  18. With that the baby was none the less taken in and raised. To the caretakers it would
  19. soon became apparent that changelings are no mare myth, they actually exist!
  20. The baby was taken in and named Lua. The nature of the baby was kept secret to all but a select few.
  22. A a child Lua began displaying her changeling nature and started to have different appearances day by day
  23. which was explained away as a curse by the elders to the general populace. However growing up she eventually
  24. learned to more properly control her changeling nature and settled in with a male human persona as "his own".
  26. Middle:
  28. Lua always carries a symbol of Tymora as a pendant around his/her neck as growing up Lua was always prone to misfortune and
  29. would often find him/herself hurt by dumb things, getting caught in rain storms. Lua find herself losing this amulet every
  30. now and then but somehow it always makes its way back to him.
  32. Lua fell in love with a woodelf Keishara and they grew close. Seasons changed, and time went on eventually they got married.
  33. Then misfortune struck one again. The rather rural village was shook by a massive earthquake and following that the outskirts
  34. of the village was swept away by a landslide which is where Lua's household was located at the time. Lua at the time was on his
  35. way back home and was greeted with watching everything he loves being swept away. Being the first there he started
  36. to frantically search for his wife and he finds her heavily wounded and quickly fading. In an act of desperation Lua
  37. tries to save his love cursing his own misfortune.
  39. And he is answered however its too late. In a perverse act of grief Lua discards his own form at takes the form of his loved one
  40. and proceeds to help and heal the rest of the victims and miraculously the only casualty is Lua's wife. Or rather as the populace
  41. is deceived, Lua himself at the time.
  43. Keishara (real: Lua) is hailed as a hero for her new found ability to heal the wounded. Put on a pedestal Lua
  44. is granted a new house and is regularly visited by patients to heal wounds. Lua blames herself and her unfortunate
  45. for having claimed the life of Keishara and to atone she continues to tend to the wounded.
  47. However living as someone quickly reveals their secrets for you to see and the rose-tinted glasses quickly fade.
  48. Unable to properly play the part of Keishara Lua is eventually confronted by the now elderly lady that used to
  49. be his caretaker at the Orphanage whom has correctly seen though Lua's ruse. A few other overhears this confrontation
  50. and the truth quickly spreads. Lua is suddenly blamed (because of his quite famous misfortune) for causing the
  51. earthquake in the first place. Lua is driven out of the village and becomes a wanderer for a few years.
  53. Wanderer:
  55. As a wanderer Lua discards the borrowed name of Keishara and proceeds to call herself Lua.
  57. Whilst being on the road as normal after having wandered for a long time aimlessly Lua comes across Braxi and his dying
  58. brother. She does everything in her power to save the dying brother but once again a life slips though her fingers and fades away.
  59. Following years Lua and Braxi would meet every now and then and at some point Lua had revealed herself a changeling and
  60. would occasionally assume the same of Braxi's deceased brother in order to liven him up. They would also take jobs every now and then
  61. together. And now they're escorting the next client towards Phandalin.
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