
Top 10 Amazing WordPress Plugins

Feb 17th, 2015
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  3. There are thousands of WordPress plugins available on the internet, but today I am going to talk about the top 10 WordPress plugins that every blogger must install on their website. So without wasting your valuable time let’s see what those plugins are.
  5. 1. WordPress SEO – With this SEO plugin you can make your website search engine friendly and also optimize your posts individually so that they can rank higher on search engines. WordPress SEO also builds a sitemap for your site which you can submit on Google’s webmaster tools to help them index your site more quickly. Overall this is the best free SEO plugin that you can install on your blog.
  7. 2. BackWPup – You must install this plugin on your website if you really care about your sites security. With this plugin you can backup your full WordPress database and you can store the backup files on services like Amazon S3, Google Storage, Dropbox, SugarSync. No matter what happens to your website, you can always get everything back as long as you have the backup files.
  9. 3. WP-Optimize – You can easily save tons of database space with this plugin. When you create a post, by default WordPress automatically creates post revisions. With Wp-Optimize plugin you can easily delete your post revisions, auto drafts, spam comments, unapproved comments, and optimize your database tables with just a few clicks.
  11. 4. Stats – If you don’t use Google analytics on your website then you should install this plugin instead. WP Stats shows you your top posts, pages, referrers, search engine terms, outgoing clicks, and of course live traffic stats. This plugin will appear on your wp-dashboard page so that whenever you will login to your account you can instantly see your traffic stats.
  13. 5. Better WP Security – Every website is incomplete without a security plugin. I’m sure you’re constantly reading news about companies getting hacked every other month of so. The most recent one, as of April 2013, was LivingSocial. 50 million users were affected! Security isn’t a joke, your website needs to have proper security plugins like Better WP Security.
  15. 6. Broken Link Checker – Google hates broken links. If your website even has one, you need to remove it as soon as possible. Broken links can and will hurt your search engine rankings. Why should you waste your time manually finding and removing your website’s broken links? Simply install the Broken Link Checker plugin and remove any broken link with a click of your mouse.
  17. 7. Simple Feed Copyright – Many people will steal your website content through your RSS feed. You obviously should stop this from happening. Simple Feed Copyright plugin will add a copyright notice at the end of a post in full text RSS feeds so that Google can easily find the real content.
  19. 8. WP Super Cache – This awesome plugin is recommended by almost every hosting company. This plugin will speed up your website’s page loading time and reduce the bandwidth usage of your hosting account.
  21. 9. Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – If your website bounce rate is very high then you can fix this problem by displaying related posts at the end of your article. This plugin shows very accurate related posts which will increases pageviews and reduce your bounce rate.
  23. 10. WP – Yahoo’s Exceptional Performance series recommends optimizing images in several lossless ways: stripping meta data from JPEGs, optimizing JPEG compression, converting certain GIFs to indexed PNGs and stripping the un-used colors from indexed images. performs these optimizations for faster loading. With a click of your mouse you can reduce all the images at once or individually in the image library. This is a must have plugin for websites that use tons of images.
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