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- 1711098747572 0.013447
- id = 1711098747572
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747572
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 12165 scaled_ qty = 102050
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011123 669.660000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011122 892.960000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011121 1116.300000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747576 0.013449
- 1711098747575 0.012167
- 1711098747574 0.013448
- 1711098747573 0.012165
- id = 1711098747573
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747573
- In grid!scaled price = 13448 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011123 669.660000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011122 892.960000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011121 1116.300000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747576 0.013449
- 1711098747575 0.012167
- 1711098747574 0.013448
- id = 1711098747574
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747574
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 12167 scaled_ qty = 61220
- grid 0.012821 367.600000
- grid 0.011123 669.660000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011122 892.960000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011121 1116.300000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747576 0.013449
- 1711098747575 0.012167
- id = 1711098747575
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747575
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 13449 scaled_ qty = 61266
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- grid 0.011123 669.660000
- grid 0.012822 490.140000
- grid 0.011122 892.960000
- grid 0.012823 612.670000
- grid 0.011121 1116.300000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747576 0.013449
- id = 1711098747576
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747576
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448630","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747575,"create_time": 1711098754537,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.012167","quantity": "612.200000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098760708}
- After grid!
- 0.012821
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747577 , price = 12821
- local new order
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747576 , price = 0.013449
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
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- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711098760722","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.012821","newClientOrderId":"1711098747577","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.011123
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747578 , price = 11123
- local new order
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747578 , price = 0.011123
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.012822
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747579 , price = 12822
- local new order
- id = 1711098747579 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747578 , price = 0.011123
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747578 , price = 11123
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.011122
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747580 , price = 11122
- local new order
- id = 1711098747580 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711098747579 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747578 , price = 0.011123
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747579 , price = 12822
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012823
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747581 , price = 12823
- local new order
- id = 1711098747581 , price = 0.012823
- id = 1711098747580 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711098747579 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747578 , price = 0.011123
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747580 , price = 11122
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.011121
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747582 , price = 11121
- local new order
- id = 1711098747582 , price = 0.011121
- id = 1711098747581 , price = 0.012823
- id = 1711098747580 , price = 0.011122
- id = 1711098747579 , price = 0.012822
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747578 , price = 0.011123
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
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- Account order event
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- Complete
- 1711098760854 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747582 , price = 11121
- Account order event
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- 1711098766854 Previous mid price: 0.013085
- 1711098766854 Posting...
- 1711098766854 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.012807, spread ticks: 1280
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 12821 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- 1711098747581 0.012823
- 1711098747580 0.011122
- 1711098747579 0.012822
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- id = 1711098747577
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747577
- In grid!scaled price = 11123 scaled_ qty = 66966
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- 1711098747581 0.012823
- 1711098747580 0.011122
- 1711098747579 0.012822
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- 1711098747572 0.013447
- 1711098747578 0.011123
- id = 1711098747578
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747578
- In grid!scaled price = 12822 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.013447 367.600000
- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- 1711098747581 0.012823
- 1711098747580 0.011122
- 1711098747579 0.012822
- id = 1711098747579
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747579
- Account order event
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- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- 1711098747581 0.012823
- 1711098747580 0.011122
- id = 1711098747580
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747580
- Account order event
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- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- 1711098747581 0.012823
- id = 1711098747581
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747581
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 11121 scaled_ qty = 111630
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- grid 0.012167 612.200000
- grid 0.013448 490.140000
- grid 0.012166 816.330000
- grid 0.013449 612.670000
- grid 0.012165 1020.500000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747582 0.011121
- id = 1711098747582
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747582
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.856260","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747581,"create_time": 1711098760827,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.012823","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098766961}
- After grid!
- 0.013447
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747583 , price = 13447
- local new order
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747582 , price = 0.011121
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
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- [Error] new_order: OK(http error: 400), with request: {"timestamp":"1711098766975","recvWindow":"5000","price":"0.013447","newClientOrderId":"1711098747583","quantity":"367.600000","type":"LIMIT_MAKER","side":"SELL","symbol":"LOTTUSDT"}
- Complete
- 0.012167
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747584 , price = 12167
- local new order
- id = 1711098747584 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.013448
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747585 , price = 13448
- local new order
- id = 1711098747584 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747585 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747584 , price = 12167
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012166
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747586 , price = 12166
- local new order
- id = 1711098747586 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711098747584 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747585 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747585 , price = 13448
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.013449
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747587 , price = 13449
- local new order
- id = 1711098747587 , price = 0.013449
- id = 1711098747586 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711098747584 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747585 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747586 , price = 12166
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.012165
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747588 , price = 12165
- local new order
- id = 1711098747588 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711098747587 , price = 0.013449
- id = 1711098747586 , price = 0.012166
- id = 1711098747584 , price = 0.012167
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747585 , price = 0.013448
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747587 , price = 13449
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.239790","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747587,"create_time": 1711098767074,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013449","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098767084}
- Complete
- 1711098767102 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747588 , price = 12165
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414380","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747588,"create_time": 1711098767093,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.012165","quantity": "1020.500000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098767104}
- 1711098773102 Previous mid price: 0.012807
- 1711098773102 Posting...
- 1711098773102 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.013084, spread ticks: 1308
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 13447 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- 1711098747587 0.013449
- 1711098747586 0.012166
- 1711098747584 0.012167
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- id = 1711098747583
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747583
- In grid!scaled price = 12167 scaled_ qty = 61220
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- 1711098747587 0.013449
- 1711098747586 0.012166
- 1711098747584 0.012167
- id = 1711098747584
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747584
- In grid!scaled price = 13448 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- 1711098747587 0.013449
- 1711098747586 0.012166
- 1711098747584 0.012167
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- 1711098747585 0.013448
- id = 1711098747585
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747585
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448630","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747584,"create_time": 1711098767014,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.012167","quantity": "612.200000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773144}
- In grid!scaled price = 12166 scaled_ qty = 81633
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- 1711098747587 0.013449
- 1711098747586 0.012166
- id = 1711098747586
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747586
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "6.591400","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747585,"create_time": 1711098767034,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013448","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773158}
- In grid!scaled price = 13449 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- 1711098747587 0.013449
- id = 1711098747587
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747587
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931470","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747586,"create_time": 1711098767055,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.012166","quantity": "816.330000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773178}
- In grid!scaled price = 12165 scaled_ qty = 102050
- grid 0.015046 367.600000
- grid 0.013346 558.110000
- grid 0.015047 490.140000
- grid 0.013345 744.210000
- grid 0.015048 612.670000
- grid 0.013344 930.330000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747588 0.012165
- id = 1711098747588
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747588
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.239790","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747587,"create_time": 1711098767074,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013449","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773194}
- After grid!
- 0.015046
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747589 , price = 15046
- local new order
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747588 , price = 0.012165
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.013346
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747590 , price = 13346
- local new order
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747590 , price = 0.013346
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747589 , price = 15046
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "5.530900","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747589,"create_time": 1711098773228,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015046","quantity": "367.600000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773242}
- Complete
- 0.015047
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747591 , price = 15047
- local new order
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747590 , price = 0.013346
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747591 , price = 0.015047
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747590 , price = 13346
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448530","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747590,"create_time": 1711098773252,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013346","quantity": "558.110000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773265}
- Complete
- 0.013345
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747592 , price = 13345
- local new order
- id = 1711098747592 , price = 0.013345
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747590 , price = 0.013346
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747591 , price = 0.015047
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747591 , price = 15047
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.375130","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747591,"create_time": 1711098773275,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015047","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773286}
- Complete
- 0.015048
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747593 , price = 15048
- local new order
- id = 1711098747593 , price = 0.015048
- id = 1711098747592 , price = 0.013345
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747590 , price = 0.013346
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747591 , price = 0.015047
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747592 , price = 13345
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931480","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747592,"create_time": 1711098773300,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013345","quantity": "744.210000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773314}
- Complete
- 0.013344
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747594 , price = 13344
- local new order
- id = 1711098747594 , price = 0.013344
- id = 1711098747593 , price = 0.015048
- id = 1711098747592 , price = 0.013345
- id = 1711098747589 , price = 0.015046
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747590 , price = 0.013346
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747591 , price = 0.015047
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747593 , price = 15048
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.219450","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747593,"create_time": 1711098773321,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015048","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773333}
- Complete
- 1711098773352 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747594 , price = 13344
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414320","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747594,"create_time": 1711098773343,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013344","quantity": "930.330000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098773355}
- --- BALANCES ---
- base balance: {"asset": "LOTT","free": "2818.34","frozen": "857.74","update_time": 1711098773292}
- quote balance: {"asset": "USDT","free": "44.6623","frozen": "29.8241","update_time": 1711098773346}
- 1711098779352 Previous mid price: 0.013084
- 1711098779352 Posting...
- 1711098779352 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.013674, spread ticks: 1367
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 15046 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- 1711098747593 0.015048
- 1711098747592 0.013345
- 1711098747589 0.015046
- id = 1711098747589
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747589
- In grid!scaled price = 13346 scaled_ qty = 55811
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- 1711098747593 0.015048
- 1711098747592 0.013345
- 1711098747589 0.015046
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747590 0.013346
- id = 1711098747590
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747590
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "5.530900","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747589,"create_time": 1711098773228,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.015046","quantity": "367.600000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779374}
- In grid!scaled price = 15047 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- 1711098747593 0.015048
- 1711098747592 0.013345
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747590 0.013346
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- 1711098747572 0.013447
- 1711098747591 0.015047
- id = 1711098747591
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747591
- Account order event
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- In grid!scaled price = 13344 scaled_ qty = 93033
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- id = 1711098747594
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747594
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.375130","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747591,"create_time": 1711098773275,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.015047","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779408}
- In grid!scaled price = 13345 scaled_ qty = 74421
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- 1711098747593 0.015048
- 1711098747592 0.013345
- id = 1711098747592
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747592
- In grid!scaled price = 15048 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.017092 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.017093 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.017094 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747594 0.013344
- 1711098747593 0.015048
- id = 1711098747593
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747593
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414320","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747594,"create_time": 1711098773343,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013344","quantity": "930.330000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779428}
- After grid!
- 0.017092
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747595 , price = 17092
- local new order
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747593 , price = 0.015048
- id = 1711098747592 , price = 0.013345
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Complete
- 0.013318
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747596 , price = 13318
- local new order
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747593 , price = 0.015048
- id = 1711098747592 , price = 0.013345
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931480","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747592,"create_time": 1711098773300,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013345","quantity": "744.210000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779446}
- Account order event
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- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747595 , price = 17092
- Account order event
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- Complete
- 0.017093
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747597 , price = 17093
- local new order
- id = 1711098747597 , price = 0.017093
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747596 , price = 13318
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448620","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747596,"create_time": 1711098779495,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013318","quantity": "559.290000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779507}
- Complete
- 0.013317
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747598 , price = 13317
- local new order
- id = 1711098747597 , price = 0.017093
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747597 , price = 17093
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.377960","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747597,"create_time": 1711098779519,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.017093","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779531}
- Complete
- 0.017094
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747599 , price = 17094
- local new order
- id = 1711098747599 , price = 0.017094
- id = 1711098747597 , price = 0.017093
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747598 , price = 13317
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931410","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747598,"create_time": 1711098779541,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013317","quantity": "745.770000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779553}
- Complete
- 0.013316
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747600 , price = 13316
- local new order
- id = 1711098747600 , price = 0.013316
- id = 1711098747599 , price = 0.017094
- id = 1711098747597 , price = 0.017093
- id = 1711098747595 , price = 0.017092
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747599 , price = 17094
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "10.472980","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747599,"create_time": 1711098779568,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.017094","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779579}
- Complete
- 1711098779599 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747600 , price = 13316
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414370","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747600,"create_time": 1711098779591,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.013316","quantity": "932.290000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098779603}
- 1711098785599 Previous mid price: 0.013674
- 1711098785599 Posting...
- 1711098785599 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.013659, spread ticks: 1365
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 17092 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747599 0.017094
- 1711098747597 0.017093
- 1711098747595 0.017092
- id = 1711098747595
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747595
- In grid!scaled price = 13318 scaled_ qty = 55929
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- In grid!scaled price = 17093 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747599 0.017094
- 1711098747597 0.017093
- id = 1711098747597
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747597
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "6.283010","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747595,"create_time": 1711098779474,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.017092","quantity": "367.600000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785620}
- In grid!scaled price = 13317 scaled_ qty = 74577
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- In grid!scaled price = 17094 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747599 0.017094
- id = 1711098747599
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747599
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "8.377960","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747597,"create_time": 1711098779519,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.017093","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785637}
- In grid!scaled price = 13316 scaled_ qty = 93229
- grid 0.015707 367.600000
- grid 0.013318 559.290000
- grid 0.015708 490.140000
- grid 0.013317 745.770000
- grid 0.015709 612.670000
- grid 0.013316 932.290000
- After grid!
- 0.015707
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747601 , price = 15707
- local new order
- id = 1711098747601 , price = 0.015707
- id = 1711098747600 , price = 0.013316
- id = 1711098747599 , price = 0.017094
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "10.472980","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747599,"create_time": 1711098779568,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.017094","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785656}
- Complete
- 0.013318
- Complete
- 0.015708
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747602 , price = 15708
- local new order
- id = 1711098747602 , price = 0.015708
- id = 1711098747601 , price = 0.015707
- id = 1711098747600 , price = 0.013316
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747601 , price = 15706
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "5.773890","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747601,"create_time": 1711098785668,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015706","quantity": "367.600000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785677}
- Complete
- 0.013317
- Complete
- 0.015709
- check_add_if_not_present: id = 1711098747603 , price = 15709
- local new order
- id = 1711098747602 , price = 0.015708
- id = 1711098747601 , price = 0.015706
- id = 1711098747600 , price = 0.013316
- id = 1711098747596 , price = 0.013318
- id = 1711098747583 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747603 , price = 0.015709
- id = 1711098747577 , price = 0.012821
- id = 1711098747598 , price = 0.013317
- id = 1711098747572 , price = 0.013447
- id = 1711098747565 , price = 0.013446
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747602 , price = 15708
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.699110","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747602,"create_time": 1711098785697,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015708","quantity": "490.140000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785708}
- Complete
- 0.013316
- Complete
- 1711098785728 Orders posted.
- add_with_overwrite: id = 1711098747603 , price = 15709
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.624430","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747603,"create_time": 1711098785718,"is_maker": false,"status": "NEW","price": "0.015709","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098785741}
- 1711098791728 Previous mid price: 0.013659
- 1711098791728 Posting...
- 1711098791728 Placing orders.
- Mid price: 0.013660, spread ticks: 1366
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid
- In MakeNewOrdersWithGrid get grid
- In grid!scaled price = 13318 scaled_ qty = 55929
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- 1711098747601 0.015706
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747596 0.013318
- id = 1711098747596
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747596
- In grid!scaled price = 13317 scaled_ qty = 74577
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- 1711098747601 0.015706
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747596 0.013318
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747603 0.015709
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- 1711098747598 0.013317
- id = 1711098747598
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747598
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "7.448620","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747596,"create_time": 1711098779495,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013318","quantity": "559.290000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098791749}
- In grid!scaled price = 15709 scaled_ qty = 61266
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- 1711098747601 0.015706
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747603 0.015709
- id = 1711098747603
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747603
- In grid!scaled price = 13316 scaled_ qty = 93229
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- 1711098747601 0.015706
- 1711098747600 0.013316
- id = 1711098747600
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747600
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.931410","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747598,"create_time": 1711098779541,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013317","quantity": "745.770000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098791840}
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "9.624430","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747603,"create_time": 1711098785718,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.015709","quantity": "612.660000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "SELL","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098791849}
- Account order event
- !{"amount": "12.414370","average_price": "0.000000","client_order_id": 1711098747600,"create_time": 1711098779591,"is_maker": false,"status": "CANCELED","price": "0.013316","quantity": "932.290000","filled_quantity": "0.000000","side": "BUY","symbol": "0x558705a91358","type": "LIMIT_MAKER""update_time": 1711098791866}
- In grid!scaled price = 15708 scaled_ qty = 49014
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- id = 1711098747602
- check_remove_if_present: id = 1711098747602
- In grid!scaled price = 15707 scaled_ qty = 36760
- grid 0.014343 367.600000
- grid 0.012977 573.980000
- grid 0.014344 490.140000
- grid 0.012976 765.370000
- grid 0.014345 612.670000
- grid 0.012975 956.790000
- Was not found
- get_order:
- 1711098747602 0.015708
- 1711098747601 0.015706
- 1711098747583 0.013447
- 1711098747577 0.012821
- 1711098747572 0.013447
- 1711098747565 0.013446
- Market making loop: Errormexc_spot::__local::get_order: an error occured, call_config::except_on_error is enabled: Local order not found
- 256
- ubuntu@ip-172-31-31-23:~/mira_updated/market_making/mexc_spot$
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