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- Hello,
- ChatGPT
- Hello! How can I assist you today?
- This is the full code of my application MP3 Player from tkinter import *
- import pygame
- from tkinter import filedialog
- import time
- from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
- import tkinter.ttk as ttk
- wnd = Tk()
- wnd.title("Georgi Horozov MP3 Player")
- wnd.geometry("450x590")
- wnd_icon = PhotoImage(file="logo/head_phones.png")
- wnd.iconphoto(False, wnd_icon)
- basic_frame = Frame(wnd)
- basic_frame.pack(pady=20)
- song_box = Listbox(basic_frame, width=65, height=18, bg="#333333", fg="white")
- song_box.grid(row=0, column=0)
- pygame.mixer.init()
- song_length = 0
- stopped_music = False
- def duration():
- if stopped_music:
- return
- if not song_box.curselection():
- return
- current_time = / 1000
- # slider_label.config(text=f"Slider: {int(music_slider.get())} and Song pos: {int(current_time)}")
- # converted_current_time = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(current_time))
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{song}.mp3"
- song_mutagen = MP3(song)
- global song_length
- song_length =
- converted_song_length = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(song_length))
- current_time += 1
- if int(music_slider.get()) == int(song_length):
- time_field.config(text=f"Elapsed time: {converted_song_length} of {converted_song_length}")
- elif paused:
- pass
- elif int(music_slider.get()) == int(current_time):
- slider_position = int(song_length)
- music_slider.config(to=slider_position, value=current_time)
- else:
- slider_position = int(song_length)
- music_slider.config(to=slider_position, value=int(music_slider.get()))
- converted_current_time = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(music_slider.get())))
- time_field.config(text=f"Elapsed time: {converted_current_time} of {converted_song_length}")
- next_time = int(music_slider.get()) + 1
- music_slider.config(value=next_time)
- time_field.after(1000, duration)
- def add_one_song():
- song = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir="audio", title="Choose a song from the list",
- filetypes=(("mp3 Files", "*.mp3"),))
- song = song.replace("C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio", '').lstrip('/')
- song = song.replace(".mp3", "")
- song_box.insert(END, song)
- def add_many_songs():
- songs = filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir="audio", title="Choose a song from the list", filetypes=(("mp3 Files", "*.mp3"),))
- for song in songs:
- song = song.replace("C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio", '').lstrip('/')
- song = song.replace(".mp3", "")
- song_box.insert(END, song)
- def delete_one_song():
- stop()
- song_box.delete(ANCHOR)
- def delete_all_songs():
- stop()
- song_box.delete(0, END)
- def play():
- global stopped_music
- stopped_music = False
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{song}.mp3"
- duration()
- def stop():
- global stopped_music
- stopped_music = True
- song_box.select_clear(ACTIVE)
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- paused = False
- def pause():
- global paused
- if paused:
- paused = False
- else:
- paused = True
- def next_song():
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- current_song = song_box.curselection()
- next_one = current_song[0] + 1
- if next_one >= song_box.size():
- next_one = 0
- next_song_name = song_box.get(next_one)
- song = f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{next_song_name}.mp3"
- song_box.selection_clear(current_song)
- song_box.activate(next_one)
- song_box.selection_set(next_one)
- def previous_song():
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- current_song = song_box.curselection()
- previous_one = current_song[0] - 1
- if previous_one < 0:
- previous_one = song_box.size() - 1
- previous_song_name = song_box.get(previous_one)
- song = f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{previous_song_name}.mp3"
- song_box.selection_clear(current_song)
- song_box.activate(previous_one)
- song_box.selection_set(previous_one)
- def slide(x):
- # slider_label.config(text=f"{int(music_slider.get())} of {int(song_length)}")
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{song}.mp3"
-, start=music_slider.get())
- def set_volume(val):
- play_btn_img = PhotoImage(file="buttons/btn_play.png")
- stop_btn_img = PhotoImage(file="buttons/btn_stop.png")
- forward_btn_img = PhotoImage(file="buttons/btn_forward.png")
- back_btn_img = PhotoImage(file="buttons/btn_back.png")
- pause_btn_img = PhotoImage(file="buttons/btn_pause.png")
- buttons_frame = Frame(basic_frame)
- buttons_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20)
- play_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=play_btn_img, bd=0, command=play)
- stop_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=stop_btn_img, bd=0, command=stop)
- forward_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=forward_btn_img, bd=0, command=next_song)
- back_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=back_btn_img, bd=0, command=previous_song)
- pause_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=pause_btn_img, bd=0, command=pause)
- forward_button.grid(row=0, column=0)
- play_button.grid(row=0, column=1)
- pause_button.grid(row=0, column=2)
- stop_button.grid(row=0, column=3)
- back_button.grid(row=0, column=4)
- main_menu = Menu(wnd)
- wnd.config(menu=main_menu)
- add_song_menu = Menu(main_menu)
- main_menu.add_cascade(label="Add Song", menu=add_song_menu)
- add_song_menu.add_command(label="Add Only One Song", command=add_one_song)
- add_song_menu.add_command(label="Add Many Songs", command=add_many_songs)
- delete_song_menu = Menu(main_menu)
- main_menu.add_cascade(label="Delete Song", menu=delete_song_menu)
- delete_song_menu.add_command(label="Delete One Song", command=delete_one_song)
- delete_song_menu.add_command(label="Delete All Songs", command=delete_all_songs)
- time_field = Label(wnd, text="", bd=1, anchor=W)
- time_field.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
- music_slider = ttk.Scale(basic_frame, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL, value=0, length=360, command=slide)
- music_slider.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10)
- volume_frame = Frame(basic_frame)
- volume_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=20, sticky=E)
- volume_label = Label(volume_frame, text="Volume", font=("Arial", 12))
- volume_label.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
- volume_slider = ttk.Scale(volume_frame, from_=0, to=1, orient=HORIZONTAL, value=1, length=150, command=set_volume)
- volume_slider.pack(side=LEFT)
- # slider_label = Label(wnd, text="0")
- # slider_label.pack(pady=5)
- wnd.mainloop() In my project I also have folder named "audio" in which to be pasted the mp3 filse, folder "buttons" in which I am placed the images of the 5 buttons in png format which I use in my app (play, stop, forward, back button and pause) and folder "logo" in which I am place the head icon of my app in png format (this image is head_phones). Now I want to create exe file of my project and to send it to other person (without Python on his PC) to run it and to use my app. Tell me how I can create this exe as you have in mind the folders which I mentioned above.
- ChatGPT
- To convert your Python project into a standalone executable that can be run on a PC without Python installed, you can use a tool like PyInstaller. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you create an executable file for your project, considering the folders you have (audio, buttons, and logo):
- Install PyInstaller:
- Make sure you have PyInstaller installed. You can install it using pip:
- bash
- Copy code
- pip install pyinstaller
- Organize Your Project Directory:
- Make sure your project directory looks like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── audio/
- │ ├── song1.mp3
- │ └── song2.mp3
- ├── buttons/
- │ ├── btn_play.png
- │ ├── btn_stop.png
- │ ├── btn_forward.png
- │ ├── btn_back.png
- │ └── btn_pause.png
- ├── logo/
- │ └── head_phones.png
- ├──
- Create a Spec File:
- A spec file helps PyInstaller understand how to package your application. Run the following command to generate a basic spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed
- This will generate several files and folders, including YourAppName.spec.
- Modify the Spec File:
- Edit the .spec file to include your additional data files and folders:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['your_project'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Build the Executable:
- Run the following command to build the executable using the modified spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Locate the Executable:
- After the build process completes, you will find the executable in the dist directory inside your project folder. The directory structure will look something like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── YourAppName/
- │ └── YourAppName.exe
- ├── build/
- ├── audio/
- ├── buttons/
- ├── logo/
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Distribute Your Application:
- You can now distribute the dist/YourAppName folder to other users. Make sure to include all necessary files and directories within this folder.
- By following these steps, you should be able to create an executable file for your MP3 player application that includes all the necessary resources. The user can simply run the .exe file without needing to have Python installed on their system.
- Spec File is file which will be added to the tree of my project, right?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, the spec file is part of your project and will be generated in your project directory when you run PyInstaller. Here are the detailed steps:
- Install PyInstaller:
- Make sure you have PyInstaller installed. You can install it using pip:
- bash
- Copy code
- pip install pyinstaller
- Organize Your Project Directory:
- Ensure your project directory is structured correctly, similar to this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── audio/
- │ ├── song1.mp3
- │ └── song2.mp3
- ├── buttons/
- │ ├── btn_play.png
- │ ├── btn_stop.png
- │ ├── btn_forward.png
- │ ├── btn_back.png
- │ └── btn_pause.png
- ├── logo/
- │ └── head_phones.png
- ├──
- Generate the Spec File:
- Run PyInstaller with the --onefile and --windowed options to generate the spec file and an initial build:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed
- This command will create several files and directories, including YourAppName.spec.
- Modify the Spec File:
- Open the generated YourAppName.spec file and modify it to include your additional data files and folders:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['your_project'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Rebuild the Executable:
- After saving the modifications to the spec file, run the following command to rebuild the executable using the modified spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Locate the Executable:
- Once the build process is complete, you will find the executable in the dist directory within your project folder. The directory structure will look something like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── YourAppName/
- │ └── YourAppName.exe
- ├── build/
- ├── audio/
- ├── buttons/
- ├── logo/
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Distribute Your Application:
- You can now distribute the dist/YourAppName folder to other users. Ensure all necessary files and directories within this folder are included.
- By following these steps, you should be able to create an executable file for your MP3 player application that includes all necessary resources, which can be run on a PC without needing Python installed.
- after that I have to modify spec file as I include my additional data files and folders, right?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, after generating the initial spec file using PyInstaller, you need to modify it to include your additional data files and folders. Here’s a detailed guide on how to do this:
- Generate the Initial Spec File:
- Run PyInstaller with the --onefile and --windowed options to generate the initial spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed
- This command creates several files and directories, including the YourAppName.spec file in your project directory.
- Modify the Spec File:
- Open the YourAppName.spec file in a text editor and modify it to include your additional data files and folders. The goal is to ensure that all your resources (like audio files, button images, and logo) are included in the executable.
- Here is an example of how to modify the spec file:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['your_project'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Rebuild the Executable:
- After saving the modifications to the spec file, run PyInstaller again using the modified spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Locate the Executable:
- Once the build process completes, you will find the executable in the dist directory within your project folder. The directory structure should look something like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── YourAppName/
- │ └── YourAppName.exe
- ├── build/
- ├── audio/
- ├── buttons/
- ├── logo/
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Distribute Your Application:
- You can now distribute the dist/YourAppName folder to other users. Ensure that all necessary files and directories are included within this folder so that your application can run correctly on other systems.
- By following these steps, you ensure that all the required data files and resources are bundled with the executable, allowing your MP3 player application to function properly on a system without Python installed.
- And when I run in the terminal with pyinstaller the new update spec file pyinstaller YourAppName.spec then will be created the exe which I want, right?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, that's correct! Running pyinstaller YourAppName.spec after modifying the spec file will create the executable, including all the necessary data files and resources. Here is a summary of the complete process:
- Install PyInstaller:
- bash
- Copy code
- pip install pyinstaller
- Organize Your Project Directory:
- Ensure your project directory is organized like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── audio/
- │ ├── song1.mp3
- │ └── song2.mp3
- ├── buttons/
- │ ├── btn_play.png
- │ ├── btn_stop.png
- │ ├── btn_forward.png
- │ ├── btn_back.png
- │ └── btn_pause.png
- ├── logo/
- │ └── head_phones.png
- ├──
- Generate the Initial Spec File:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed
- This command creates several files and directories, including the YourAppName.spec file.
- Modify the Spec File:
- Open YourAppName.spec in a text editor and modify it to include your additional data files and folders:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['your_project'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Rebuild the Executable:
- Run PyInstaller with the modified spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Locate the Executable:
- After the build process completes, you will find the executable in the dist directory within your project folder:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── YourAppName.exe
- ├── build/
- ├── audio/
- ├── buttons/
- ├── logo/
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Distribute Your Application:
- Distribute the dist/YourAppName.exe along with any other necessary files and directories to other users. The users can run the .exe file without needing Python installed on their systems.
- By following these steps, you will have a standalone executable that includes all required resources and can be run on any compatible system.
- Should I add in the run of the first pyinstaller --noconsole?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, you can add the --noconsole option to the initial PyInstaller command if you do not want a console window to appear when running your GUI application. Here is how you can update the command:
- Generate the Initial Spec File:
- Run PyInstaller with the --onefile, --windowed, and --noconsole options to generate the initial spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed --noconsole
- This command will create several files and directories, including the YourAppName.spec file.
- Modify the Spec File:
- Open YourAppName.spec in a text editor and modify it to include your additional data files and folders:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['your_project'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Rebuild the Executable:
- Run PyInstaller with the modified spec file:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Locate the Executable:
- After the build process completes, you will find the executable in the dist directory within your project folder:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── dist/
- │ └── YourAppName.exe
- ├── build/
- ├── audio/
- ├── buttons/
- ├── logo/
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Distribute Your Application:
- Distribute the dist/YourAppName.exe along with any other necessary files and directories to other users. The users can run the .exe file without needing Python installed on their systems.
- By following these steps, you will have a standalone executable that includes all required resources and can be run on any compatible system without displaying a console window.
- next question
- ChatGPT
- Sure, go ahead and ask your next question. I'm here to help!
- As you can see in my code above the path to the song for example is f"C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{song}.mp3". I have in mind that currently the path on my own PC is that. Will it be a problem when the other person run my app on his PC?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, hardcoding the absolute path like C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/MP3_player/audio/{song}.mp3 will indeed be a problem when running the application on another person's PC, as their directory structure will likely be different. To ensure that your application works correctly on any system, you should use relative paths.
- Here’s how you can adjust your code to use relative paths:
- Set Up the Working Directory:
- Use the os module to dynamically determine the current working directory of your script. This allows you to construct file paths relative to the script's location.
- Modify Path Construction:
- Update the path construction in your code to use these relative paths.
- Here’s an updated version of your code that handles file paths correctly:
- python
- Copy code
- import os
- from tkinter import *
- import pygame
- from tkinter import filedialog
- import time
- from mutagen.mp3 import MP3
- import tkinter.ttk as ttk
- # Initialize the main window
- wnd = Tk()
- wnd.title("Georgi Horozov MP3 Player")
- wnd.geometry("450x590")
- # Path to the resources folder
- resource_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'resources')
- audio_path = os.path.join(resource_path, 'audio')
- buttons_path = os.path.join(resource_path, 'buttons')
- logo_path = os.path.join(resource_path, 'logo')
- wnd_icon = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(logo_path, 'head_phones.png'))
- wnd.iconphoto(False, wnd_icon)
- basic_frame = Frame(wnd)
- basic_frame.pack(pady=20)
- song_box = Listbox(basic_frame, width=65, height=18, bg="#333333", fg="white")
- song_box.grid(row=0, column=0)
- pygame.mixer.init()
- song_length = 0
- stopped_music = False
- def duration():
- if stopped_music:
- return
- if not song_box.curselection():
- return
- current_time = / 1000
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = os.path.join(audio_path, f"{song}.mp3")
- song_mutagen = MP3(song)
- global song_length
- song_length =
- converted_song_length = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(song_length))
- current_time += 1
- if int(music_slider.get()) == int(song_length):
- time_field.config(text=f"Elapsed time: {converted_song_length} of {converted_song_length}")
- elif paused:
- pass
- elif int(music_slider.get()) == int(current_time):
- slider_position = int(song_length)
- music_slider.config(to=slider_position, value=current_time)
- else:
- slider_position = int(song_length)
- music_slider.config(to=slider_position, value=int(music_slider.get()))
- converted_current_time = time.strftime("%M:%S", time.gmtime(int(music_slider.get())))
- time_field.config(text=f"Elapsed time: {converted_current_time} of {converted_song_length}")
- next_time = int(music_slider.get()) + 1
- music_slider.config(value=next_time)
- time_field.after(1000, duration)
- def add_one_song():
- song = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=audio_path, title="Choose a song from the list",
- filetypes=(("mp3 Files", "*.mp3"),))
- song = os.path.relpath(song, audio_path).replace(".mp3", "")
- song_box.insert(END, song)
- def add_many_songs():
- songs = filedialog.askopenfilenames(initialdir=audio_path, title="Choose a song from the list", filetypes=(("mp3 Files", "*.mp3"),))
- for song in songs:
- song = os.path.relpath(song, audio_path).replace(".mp3", "")
- song_box.insert(END, song)
- def delete_one_song():
- stop()
- song_box.delete(ANCHOR)
- def delete_all_songs():
- stop()
- song_box.delete(0, END)
- def play():
- global stopped_music
- stopped_music = False
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = os.path.join(audio_path, f"{song}.mp3")
- duration()
- def stop():
- global stopped_music
- stopped_music = True
- song_box.select_clear(ACTIVE)
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- paused = False
- def pause():
- global paused
- if paused:
- paused = False
- else:
- paused = True
- def next_song():
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- current_song = song_box.curselection()
- next_one = current_song[0] + 1
- if next_one >= song_box.size():
- next_one = 0
- next_song_name = song_box.get(next_one)
- song = os.path.join(audio_path, f"{next_song_name}.mp3")
- song_box.selection_clear(current_song)
- song_box.activate(next_one)
- song_box.selection_set(next_one)
- def previous_song():
- time_field.config(text="")
- music_slider.config(value=0)
- current_song = song_box.curselection()
- previous_one = current_song[0] - 1
- if previous_one < 0:
- previous_one = song_box.size() - 1
- previous_song_name = song_box.get(previous_one)
- song = os.path.join(audio_path, f"{previous_song_name}.mp3")
- song_box.selection_clear(current_song)
- song_box.activate(previous_one)
- song_box.selection_set(previous_one)
- def slide(x):
- song = song_box.get(ACTIVE)
- song = os.path.join(audio_path, f"{song}.mp3")
-, start=music_slider.get())
- def set_volume(val):
- play_btn_img = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(buttons_path, "btn_play.png"))
- stop_btn_img = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(buttons_path, "btn_stop.png"))
- forward_btn_img = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(buttons_path, "btn_forward.png"))
- back_btn_img = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(buttons_path, "btn_back.png"))
- pause_btn_img = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(buttons_path, "btn_pause.png"))
- buttons_frame = Frame(basic_frame)
- buttons_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20)
- play_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=play_btn_img, bd=0, command=play)
- stop_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=stop_btn_img, bd=0, command=stop)
- forward_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=forward_btn_img, bd=0, command=next_song)
- back_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=back_btn_img, bd=0, command=previous_song)
- pause_button = Button(buttons_frame, image=pause_btn_img, bd=0, command=pause)
- forward_button.grid(row=0, column=0)
- play_button.grid(row=0, column=1)
- pause_button.grid(row=0, column=2)
- stop_button.grid(row=0, column=3)
- back_button.grid(row=0, column=4)
- main_menu = Menu(wnd)
- wnd.config(menu=main_menu)
- add_song_menu = Menu(main_menu)
- main_menu.add_cascade(label="Add Song", menu=add_song_menu)
- add_song_menu.add_command(label="Add Only One Song", command=add_one_song)
- add_song_menu.add_command(label="Add Many Songs", command=add_many_songs)
- delete_song_menu = Menu(main_menu)
- main_menu.add_cascade(label="Delete Song", menu=delete_song_menu)
- delete_song_menu.add_command(label="Delete One Song", command=delete_one_song)
- delete_song_menu.add_command(label="Delete All Songs", command=delete_all_songs)
- time_field = Label(wnd, text="", bd=1, anchor=W)
- time_field.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM)
- music_slider = ttk.Scale(basic_frame, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL, value=0, length=360, command=slide)
- music_slider.grid(row=2, column=0, pady=10)
- volume_frame = Frame(basic_frame)
- volume_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, pady=20, sticky=E)
- volume_label = Label(volume_frame, text="Volume", font=("Arial", 12))
- volume_label.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=W)
- volume_slider = ttk.Scale(volume_frame, from_=0, to=1, orient=HORIZONTAL, value=1, length=150, command=set_volume)
- volume_slider.pack(side=LEFT)
- wnd.mainloop()
- Explanation:
- Resource Path Setup: Use os.path.join to construct paths relative to the script's directory.
- Path Construction: Update paths to use os.path.join and make them relative.
- Additional Steps with PyInstaller:
- When you modify the spec file, you should also adjust the datas field accordingly to include these resources. The datas list will include tuples with the source path and the destination directory within the executable.
- For example, if your project directory structure is as follows:
- So, with this modification the paths to the files will be the same in each one PC, right?
- ChatGPT
- Yes, with the modifications, the paths to the files will be relative to the location of your script or executable. This means that as long as the folder structure (audio, buttons, logo) is preserved and bundled with the executable, the paths will be correctly resolved regardless of the specific directory where the application is run on different PCs.
- Here's how you can proceed to ensure the paths are properly set up:
- Code Update: Ensure your code uses relative paths, as shown in the updated code snippet.
- Directory Structure: Maintain a directory structure in your project like this:
- css
- Copy code
- your_project/
- ├── audio/
- │ └── your_audio_files.mp3
- ├── buttons/
- │ ├── btn_play.png
- │ ├── btn_stop.png
- │ ├── btn_forward.png
- │ ├── btn_back.png
- │ └── btn_pause.png
- ├── logo/
- │ └── head_phones.png
- ├──
- ├── YourAppName.spec
- Modify Spec File: Ensure the spec file includes the necessary data files and directories. Here’s an example of how your spec file (YourAppName.spec) should look:
- python
- Copy code
- # YourAppName.spec
- # -*- mode: python ; coding: utf-8 -*-
- block_cipher = None
- a = Analysis(
- [''],
- pathex=['.'],
- binaries=[],
- datas=[
- ('audio/*.mp3', 'audio'),
- ('buttons/*.png', 'buttons'),
- ('logo/*.png', 'logo')
- ],
- hiddenimports=[],
- hookspath=[],
- hooksconfig={},
- runtime_hooks=[],
- excludes=[],
- win_no_prefer_redirects=False,
- win_private_assemblies=False,
- cipher=block_cipher,
- noarchive=False,
- )
- pyz = PYZ(a.pure, a.zipped_data, cipher=block_cipher)
- exe = EXE(
- pyz,
- a.scripts,
- [],
- exclude_binaries=True,
- name='YourAppName',
- debug=False,
- bootloader_ignore_signals=False,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- runtime_tmpdir=None,
- console=False,
- )
- coll = COLLECT(
- exe,
- a.binaries,
- a.zipfiles,
- a.datas,
- strip=False,
- upx=True,
- upx_exclude=[],
- name='YourAppName',
- )
- Build the Executable: After modifying the spec file, run PyInstaller with the updated spec file to create the executable:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Detailed Steps:
- Generate the Initial Spec File:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller --name "YourAppName" --onefile --windowed --noconsole
- Modify the Spec File (as shown above).
- Rebuild the Executable:
- bash
- Copy code
- pyinstaller YourAppName.spec
- Final Project Structure:
- When you distribute your project, make sure to include the dist folder containing the executable and the necessary resource directories (audio, buttons, logo), all placed correctly relative to each other. The dist directory might look like this:
- css
- Copy code
- dist/
- ├── YourAppName.exe
- ├── audio/
- │ └── your_audio_files.mp3
- ├── buttons/
- │ ├── btn_play.png
- │ ├── btn_stop.png
- │ ├── btn_forward.png
- │ ├── btn_back.png
- │ └── btn_pause.png
- ├── logo/
- │ └── head_phones.png
- By following these steps, your application should work on any PC, as long as the necessary files and directories are included and maintained in the correct relative structure.
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