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- import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
- import cv2
- import time
- from time import sleep
- import os
- import threading
- """
- OMG Finlay. You can't blink the LED and run the video stream
- Without threading. I mean, you can, but it doesn't produce a
- Quality video.
- This program reads an EAZY CAM usb capture device attached to
- Raspberry Pi 3b+ to capture video coming off a modified
- Pulse Data PDI SmartView micro fische reader, using
- a composite LCD screen with composite video output
- Video is saved to a web accessible location, using an integrated
- webserver.
- Possible improvements:
- ditch the print statements
- do more testing.
- ditch imshow, there's no screen output in this setup,
- video goes to the saved files.
- Other notes:
- OpenCV kinda a memory hog, I edited
- /etc/dphys-swapfile
- from CONF_SWAPSIZE=100
- """
- # Define Some IO
- record_LED = 21
- capVidBtn = 20
- # Set GPIO
- GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)
- GPIO.setwarnings(False)
- GPIO.setup(record_LED, GPIO.OUT)
- GPIO.output(record_LED, GPIO.OUT)
- GPIO.setup(capVidBtn, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
- GPIO.output(record_LED, 0) # Make sure LED is off to start
- BTN_State = False
- def debounce_callback(channel):
- global last_interrupt
- current_time = time.time()
- if current_time - last_interrupt > 0.3:
- grabVid(channel)
- last_interrupt = current_time
- last_interrupt = time.time()
- GPIO.add_event_detect(capVidBtn, GPIO.FALLING, callback=debounce_callback, bouncetime=300)
- def blink_LED():
- global BTN_State
- cnt = 20
- while BTN_State == True:
- for i in range(cnt):
- GPIO.output(record_LED, 1)
- print(i)
- sleep(0.5)
- GPIO.output(record_LED, 0)
- sleep(0.5)
- if (i == cnt - 1):
- BTN_State = False
- break
- GPIO.output(record_LED, 0) # Make sure LED is off
- def grabVid(channel):
- global BTN_State
- BTN_State = not BTN_State
- # OCV BS
- cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/dev/video0')
- current_time = int(time.time())
- output_filename = f"{current_time}.mp4"
- File_path = '/home/ch/img'
- output_path = os.path.join(File_path, output_filename)
- fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'H264')
- out = cv2.VideoWriter(output_path, fourcc, 20.0, (640, 480))
- if BTN_State:
- print("Capturing Video btn State is True")
- # Start Capturing Video here
- if not cap.isOpened():
- print("Capture device not found")
- exit()
- # Start a thread for blinking the LED
- t = threading.Thread(target=blink_LED)
- t.start()
- # Start Capturing Video
- while cap.isOpened():
- ret, frame =
- if not ret:
- print("BOoo no frame read")
- break
- # Write Data
- out.write(frame)
- cv2.imshow("MicroFische", frame)
- if not BTN_State:
- # Clean up BTN_State
- print("Button pressed: quitting")
- cap.release()
- out.release()
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- break
- print("Make my dman video")
- try:
- while True:
- sleep(0.1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- GPIO.cleanup()
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