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- local options={
- MaliciousNamecalls={
- Enabled=true,
- ShowNamecall=true
- },
- ChatBan={
- Enabled=true,
- Slash=true,
- NewChat=true
- },
- PetSim={
- Enabled=true,
- ShowUser=true,
- Bank=true,
- Mail=true
- },
- MiningSim=true,
- AntiLog={
- Enabled=true,
- ShowInfo=true,
- ShowDestination=true,
- Payback=true
- },
- AutoJoin={
- Enabled=true,
- ShowServer=true
- },
- BeeSwarm=true,
- Require=true,
- AntiKick=true,
- BasicAntiCheatBypass=true,
- MemoryDetections=true,
- GUIDetection=true,
- GroupBypass=true,
- ClearTrace=true,
- Error=true,
- Message=true,
- AntiIdle=true,
- AntiApi={
- Enabled=true,
- ShowEndpoint=true
- },
- Output=warn
- }
- local Guardian={
- SetAll=function(a)
- for i, v in next,options do
- if typeof(v)=="table" then
- for i2 in next,v do
- options[i][i2]=a
- end
- else
- options[i]=a
- end
- end
- end
- }
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title="Script Blox Protection Activated",
- Text="Note: Use Verified Scripts",
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=8
- })
- if not hookmetamethod or not hookfunction then
- task.spawn(function()error("Your executor does not support a core function needed for this script. Expect detections and poor security")end)
- end
- if not getproperties then
- task.spawn(function()error("Your executor does not support getproperties, so the basic anti cheat bypass sadly won't work for you. However, everything else should.")end)
- end
- local hrequest,execlosure=
- {
- (typeof(syn)=='table'and syn.request),
- (typeof(http)=='table'and http.request),
- (typeof(fluxus)=='table'and fluxus.request),
- request,
- http_request~=request and http_request,
- HttpPost
- },is_synapse_function or isexecutorclosure or iskrnlclosure or issentinelclosure or is_protosmasher_closure or is_sirhurt_closure or iselectronfunction or checkclosure
- local savedProps={}
- local Players=game:GetService("Players")
- local LocalPlayer=Players.LocalPlayer
- local Char=(LocalPlayer.Character or LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Wait())
- local rd=math.random
- local strFind=clonefunction(string.find)
- local strMatch=clonefunction(string.match)
- local StarterGui,Stats,Content=game:GetService("StarterGui"),game:GetService("Stats"),game:GetService("ContentProvider")
- local tr,hiv,bank=game.PlaceId==9551640993 and game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("ConfirmTrade"),game.PlaceId==1537690962 and game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Events"):WaitForChild("ConstructHiveCellFromEgg")--[[game.PlaceId==6284583030 and workspace:WaitForChild("__THINGS"):WaitForChild("__REMOTES"):WaitForChild("invite to bank")]]
- local ChatBar,ChatScript,SayMessageRequest
- if game:GetService("TextChatService").ChatVersion == Enum.ChatVersion.LegacyChatService then
- ChatBar = LocalPlayer.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("Chat"):WaitForChild("Frame").ChatBarParentFrame.Frame.BoxFrame.Frame.ChatBar
- end
- ChatScript = LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts:WaitForChild("ChatScript")
- SayMessageRequest = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest
- local ChatMain=ChatScript:WaitForChild("ChatMain")
- local MessagePostedEvent
- for _, Event in next, debug.getupvalues(require(ChatMain) do
- if typeof(Event) == "Instance" then
- MessagePostedEvent = Event
- end
- end
- local namecall={
- ["BrowserService"]={
- ["OpenBrowserWindow"]=1,
- ["ExecuteJavaScript"]=2,
- ["SendCommand"]=3,
- ["OpenNativeOverlay"]=4,
- ["CloseBrowserWindow"]=5,
- ["OpenWeChatAuthWindow"]=6
- },
- ["MarketplaceService"]={
- ["PerformPurchase"]=nil,
- ["PerformPurchaseV2"]=nil,
- ["GetRobuxBalance"]=0,
- ["PromptGamePassPurchase"]=nil,
- ["PromptPurchase"]=nil,
- ["PromptBundlePurchase"]=nil,
- ["PromptProductPurchase"]=nil,
- ["PromptSubscriptionPurchase"]=nil
- },
- ["MessageBusService"]={
- ["Publish"]=1,
- ["GetMessageId"]=2
- },
- ["HttpService"]={
- ["RequestInternal"]=1
- },
- ["GuiService"]={
- ["OpenBrowserWindow"]=1,
- ["OpenNativeOverlay"]=2,
- ["SetPurchasePromptIsShown"]=3
- },
- ["DataModel"]={
- ["OpenVideosFolder"]=1,
- ["OpenScreenshotsFolder"]=2
- },
- ["RbxAnalyticsService"]={
- ["GetClientId"]=1
- },
- ["Players"]={
- ["ReportAbuse"]=1
- },
- ["HttpRbxApiService"]={
- ["GetAsync"]=1,
- ["GetAsyncFullUrl"]=2,
- ["GetDocumentationUrl"]=3,
- ["PostAsync"]=4,
- ["PostAsyncFullUrl"]=5,
- ["RequestAsync"]=6,
- ["RequestLimitedAsync"]=7
- }
- }
- if cloneref(game):GetService("VideoCaptureService") then
- namecall["VideoCaptureService"]={
- ["GetCameraDevices"]=1
- }
- end
- local c
- local old1,old2,old3,old4,old5,old8,old9,old10,old11,old12,old13,old14,old15,old16
- if hookfunction then
- old5=hookfunction(getrenv().gcinfo,function(...)
- return options.MemoryDetections and rd(1500,2500) or old5(...)
- end)
- if not is_sirhurt_closure then
- for i,v in next,namecall do
- for i2,v2 in next,v do
- local old7
- old7=hookfunction(i=="DataModel" and game[i2] or game[i][i2],function(...)
- if options.MaliciousNamecalls.Enabled then
- options.Output(("Malicious function%s attempted execution. Attempt denied."):format(options.MaliciousNamecalls.ShowNamecall and " game."..(i~="DataModeL"and i.."."..i2) or i2 or ""))
- return not checkcaller() and old7(...)or nil
- end
- return old7(...)
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- old13=hookfunction("BindableEvent").Fire,function(...)
- return not options.ChatBan.Enabled and old13(...) or self==MessagePostedEvent and options.Output("MessagePosted usage was attempted. Attempt denied.") or old13(...)
- end)
- old12=hookfunction(ChatBar.CaptureFocus,function(...)
- if options.ChatBan.Enabled and options.ChatBan.Slash then
- options.Output("Chat focus capture as local player was attempted. Attempt denied.")
- if getcallingscript()~=ChatScript then
- if not c then
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title="WARNING!",
- Text="There is an attempt to force you to chat in game."..getcallingscript():GetFullName(),
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title="What to do",
- Text="If it is due to a script, rejoin and do not execute it again. Otherwise, go there (through dex) and disable/delete it.",
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- if getcallingscript() then
- setclipboard(getcallingscript():GetFullName())
- StarterGui:SetCore("SendNotification",{
- Title="Copied to clipboard",
- Text="The path has also been copied to clipboard so you won't lose it in case this warning is gone too fast.",
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- end
- c="e"
- end
- end
- return
- end
- return old12(...)
- end)
- old8=hookfunction(Content.PreloadAsync,function(...)
- local args={...}
- return options.GUIDetection and (args[1]==Content and typeof(args[2])=="table" and options.Output("GUI detection attempted. Attempt denied.")) or old8(...)
- end)
- old9=hookfunction(Stats.GetTotalMemoryUsageMb,function(...)
- local args={...}
- return options.MemoryDetections and (args[1]==Stats and rd(400,550)) or old9(...)
- end)
- old10=hookfunction(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Kick,function(...)
- local args={...}
- return options.AntiKick and (args[1]==LocalPlayer and options.Output("Attempt to kick player denied.")) or old10(...)
- end)
- local oldd,oldd2
- oldd=hookfunction("RemoteEvent").FireServer,newcclosure(function(self,...)
- if options.ChatBan.Enabled and self==SayMessageRequest and getcallingscript()~=ChatMain then
- return options.Output("SayMessageRequest remote event attempted to fire. Attempt denied.")
- end
- if checkcaller() then
- if game.PlaceId==9551640993 and options.MiningSim and self==tr then
- return options.Output("Script attempted to confirm a potentially rigged/scam trade. Attempt denied.")
- end
- end
- return oldd(self,...)
- end))
- if game.GameId==2316994223 then
- local oldPet
- oldPet=hookfunction(require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Library.Client.Network).Invoke,function(self,...)
- if options.PetSim.Enabled and checkcaller() then
- local args={...}
- if self=="Invite To Bank" and options.PetSim.Bank then
- for i,v in next,args do print(i,v)end
- task.spawn(function()
- options.Output(("Script attempted to give user%saccess to your bank. Attempt denied."):format(options.PetSim.ShowUser and " named ".. Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(args[2]).." (ID: "..args[2]..") " or " "))
- end)
- return
- end
- if self=="Send Mail" and options.PetSim.Mail then
- for i,v in next,args do print(i,v)end
- task.spawn(function()
- options.Output(("Script attempted to send mail to a user%s. Attempt denied."):format(options.PetSim.ShowUser and " named ".. args[1]["Recipient"].." (ID: "..Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(args[1]["Recipient"])..") " or ""))
- end)
- return
- end
- end
- return oldPet(self,...)
- end)
- end
- oldd2=hookfunction("RemoteFunction").InvokeServer,newcclosure(function(self,...)
- if game.PlaceId==1537690962 and options.BeeSwarm and self==hiv then
- return options.Output("Script attempted to place a basic bee egg, potentially for a fake dupe. Attempt denied.")
- end
- return oldd2(self,...)
- end))
- function ToString(tbl,level)
- local tabString = "\t"
- local tblString = "{\n"..tabString:rep(level)
- local newLineString = ",\n"..tabString:rep(level)
- for key,value in pairs(tbl) do
- if type(value) == "table" then
- tblString = tblString .. key .. "=" .. ToString(value,level+1)
- else
- tblString = tblString .. key .. "= " .. tostring(value):gsub("\n","") .. newLineString
- end
- end
- return tblString..("\n%s}"):format(tabString:rep(level))
- end
- for i,v in next,hrequest do
- if v then
- local old6
- old6=hookfunction(v,function(...)
- local args={...}
- if (strFind(args[1].Url,"webhook") or strFind(args[1].Url,"websec")) and options.AntiLog.Enabled then
- options.Output(("Script attempted to log info%s. Attempt denied. %s\n%s"):format(options.AntiLog.ShowDestination and " at "..args[1].Url or "",options.AntiLog.ShowInfo and "\nLogged info:\n" ..(args[1].Body and ToString(game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(args[1].Body),1)or "None")or "",options.AntiLog.Payback and not is_sirhurt_closure and "Webhook was deleted." or ""))
- if options.AntiLog.Payback and not is_sirhurt_closure then
- args[1].Method="DELETE"
- else
- args[1].Url=""
- end
- return old6(unpack(args))
- end
- if strFind(args[1].Url,"rpc") and options.AutoJoin.Enabled then
- options.Output(("Script attempted to auto join %s. Attempt denied."):format(options.AutoJoin.ShowServer and (args[1].Body and """HttpService"):JSONDecode(args[1].Body).args.code or "nil") or "a server"))
- return
- end
- if strMatch(args[1].Url,"") and options.AntiApi.Enabled then
- options.Output(("Script attempted to access the API%s. Attempt denied."):format(options.AntiApi.ShowEndpoint and " at "..args[1].Url or ""))
- return
- end
- return old6(...)
- end)
- end
- end
- old16=hookfunction("TextChannel").SendAsync,newcclosure(function(self,...)
- if options.ChatBan.NewChat then
- options.Output("New chat system message request attempted to fire. Attempt denied.")
- return
- end
- return old16(self,...)
- end))
- --[[old3=hookfunction(getrenv(),function(self,params,...)
- return options.Require and (self==2 and type(params)=="string" and old3(4,params,...)) or old3(...)
- end)]]
- --old4=hookmetamethod(,"__index",newcclosure(function(self,b,...)
- -- return options.BasicAntiCheatBypass and not table.find({LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule.ControlModule,LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.RbxCharacterSounds},getcallingscript()) and b:lower()=="magnitude" and (old4(self,b,...)<=savedProps.WalkSpeed and old4(self,b,...) or rd(0,savedProps.WalkSpeed)) or old4(self,b,...)
- --end),false)
- old14=hookfunction(LocalPlayer.IsInGroup,function(...)
- local args={...}
- return options.GroupBypass and (args[1]==LocalPlayer and typeof(args[2])=="number" and args[2]>0 and true) or old14(...)
- end)
- --[[old15=hookfunction(LocalPlayer.DistanceFromCharacter,function(...)
- local args={...}
- return not checkcaller() and (options.BasicAntiCheatBypass and (args[1]==LocalPlayer and typeof(args[2])=="Vector3" and (old15(...)<savedProps.WalkSpeed and old15(...) or rd(0,savedProps.WalkSpeed)))) or old15(...)
- end)]]
- end
- local a
- if hookmetamethod then
- old1=hookmetamethod(game,"__namecall",newcclosure(function(self,...)
- local args={...}
- local method=string.upper(string.sub(getnamecallmethod(),1,1))..string.sub(getnamecallmethod(),2,#getnamecallmethod())
- if options.ChatBan.Enabled then
- if method=="FireServer" and self==SayMessageRequest and getcallingscript()~=ChatMain then
- options.Output("SayMessageRequest remote event attempted to fire. Attempt denied.")
- return
- elseif method=="SendAsync" and self.ClassName=="TextChannel" and options.ChatBan.NewChat then
- options.Output("New chat system message request attempted to fire. Attempt denied.")
- return
- elseif method=="CaptureFocus" and self==ChatBar and options.ChatBan.Slash then
- options.Output("Chat focus capture as local player was attempted. Attempt denied.")
- if getcallingscript()~=ChatScript then
- if not a then
- StarterGui.SetCore(StarterGui,"SendNotification",{
- Title="WARNING!",
- Text="There is an attempt to force you to chat in game."..getcallingscript().GetFullName(getcallingscript()),
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- StarterGui.SetCore(StarterGui,"SendNotification",{
- Title="What to do",
- Text="If it is due to a script, rejoin and do not execute it again. Otherwise, go there (through dex) and disable/delete it.",
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- if getcallingscript() then
- setclipboard(getcallingscript().GetFullName(getcallingscript()))
- StarterGui.SetCore(StarterGui,"SendNotification",{
- Title="Copied to clipboard",
- Text="The path has also been copied to clipboard so you won't lose it in case this warning is gone too fast.",
- Button1="Okay!",
- Duration=15
- })
- end
- a="e"
- end
- end
- return
- elseif method=="Fire" and self==MessagePostedEvent then
- options.Output("MessagePosted usage was attempted. Attempt denied.")
- return
- end
- end
- if namecall[self.ClassName] and
- namecall[self.ClassName][method] and options.MaliciousNamecalls.Enabled
- then
- options.Output(("Malicious namecall%s attempted execution. Attempt denied."):format(options.MaliciousNamecalls.ShowNamecall and " game."..self.GetFullName(self)..":"..method or ""))
- return not checkcaller() and old1(...)or nil
- end
- --[[if not checkcaller() and method=="DistanceFromCharacter" and self==LocalPlayer and typeof(args[1])=="Vector3" and options.BasicAntiCheatBypass then
- return old1(self,...)<savedProps.WalkSpeed and old1(self,...) or rd(0,savedProps.WalkSpeed)
- end]]
- if self==LocalPlayer and method=="Kick" and options.AntiKick then
- options.Output("Attempt to kick player denied.")
- return
- end
- if self==Stats and method=="GetTotalMemoryUsageMb" and options.MemoryDetections then
- return rd(400,550)
- end
- if self==Content and method=="PreloadAsync" and typeof(args[1])=="table"and options.GUIDetection then
- return
- end
- if self==LocalPlayer and method=="IsInGroup" and typeof(args[1])=="number" and args[1]>0 and options.GroupBypass then
- return true
- end
- if checkcaller() then
- if game.PlaceId==9551640993 and options.MiningSim and self==tr and method=="FireServer" then
- options.Output("Script attempted to confirm a potentially rigged/scam trade. Attempt denied.")
- return
- --[[elseif game.PlaceId==6284583030 and options.PetSim and self==bank and method=="InvokeServer" then
- local args={...}
- task.spawn(function()
- options.Output(("Script attempted to give user named %s (ID: %s) access to your bank. Attempt denied."):format(Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(args[1][2]),args[1][2]))
- end)
- return ]]
- elseif game.PlaceId==1537690962 and options.BeeSwarm and self==hiv and method=="InvokeServer" then
- options.Output("Script attempted to place a basic bee egg, potentially a fake dupe. Attempt denied.")
- return
- end
- end
- return old1(self,...)
- end))
- if getproperties then
- repeat task.wait()until #Char:GetChildren()>0
- for i,v in next,Char:GetChildren() do
- savedProps[v]={}
- for i2,v2 in next,getproperties(v) do
- if typeof(v2)~="Vector3" and typeof(v2)~="CFrame" then
- savedProps[v][i2]=v2
- end
- end
- end
- old2=hookmetamethod(game,"__index",newcclosure(function(self,b,...)
- if not checkcaller() and rawget(savedProps,self) and rawget(rawget(savedProps,self),b) and rawget(options,"BasicAntiCheatBypass") then
- return rawget(rawget(savedProps,self),b)
- end
- return old2(self,b,...)
- end))
- end
- end
- if is_sirhurt_closure then
- local namecallSirhurt=(function()
- local actual={}
- for i,v in next,namecall do
- for i2,v2 in next,v do
- table.insert(actual,i.."."..i2)
- end
- end
- return actual
- end)()
- for i,v in next, namecallSirhurt do
- local oldSir
- oldSir=hookfunction(v:split(".")[1]=="DataModel" and game[v:split(".")[2]] or game[v:split(".")[1]][v:split(".")[2]],function(...)
- if options.MaliciousNamecalls.Enabled then
- options.Output(("Malicious function%s attempted execution. Attempt denied."):format(options.MaliciousNamecalls.ShowNamecall and " game."..(i~="DataModeL"and i.."."..i2) or i2 or ""))
- return not checkcaller() and oldSir(...)or nil
- end
- return oldSir(...)
- end)
- end
- end
- if options.ClearTrace then
- for i,v in next,getgc()do
- if typeof(v)=="function" and execlosure(v) then
- v=nil
- end
- end
- end
- if options.Error then
- for i,v in next,getconnections(game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error) do
- v:Disable()
- end
- end
- if options.Message then
- for i,v in next,getconnections(game:GetService("LogService").MessageOut) do
- v:Disable()
- end
- end
- if options.AntiIdle then
- for i,v in next,getconnections(LocalPlayer.Idled) do
- v:Disable()
- end
- end
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