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- on *:START: { trivia.init }
- on *:LOAD: {
- init.load
- }
- on *:INVITE:*: {
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- if ($trivchan) { join $chan }
- }
- on *:JOIN:*: {
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- inc -u5 %trivia.netsplit
- set -u3 %ident $chan
- if ((%trivia.netsplit >= 3) || (!$trivchan) || (!$getset(status,bot))) { return }
- if (($nick != $me) && (!$isdis(31))) { if ($getset(status,onjoin)) { inform $msg.trivia.onjoin } }
- elseif ($getset(status,autostart) == 1) { trivia }
- award join $nick
- }
- on *:INPUT:#: {
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- if ((!$trivchan) || (/* iswm $1-)) { return }
- set -u3 %ident $chan
- if ($pre $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
- elseif ($question.on) { processguess $1- }
- }
- on *:ctcpreply:ping*:{
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- if ($isdis(17)) return
- if (($eval(% $+ ping. $+ $nick,2)) && ($2 isnum)) {
- set -u3 %ident $eval(% $+ pingchan. $+ $nick,2)
- scid $eval(% $+ pingcid. $+ $nick) inform $
- unset % $+ ping. $+ $nick
- unset % $+ pingchan. $+ $nick
- unset % $+ pingcid. $+ $nick
- $eval(set -u $+ $slag(ping) % $+ pingantispam. $+ $nick 1,2)
- }
- }
- on *:TEXT:*:#:{
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- set -u3 %ident $chan
- if (!$trivchan) return
- if ($pre $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
- else if (($question.on) && ($left($1,1) != /)) { processguess $1- }
- }
- on *:TEXT:*:?: {
- if ($trivia.turnedoff) { return }
- set -u3 %ident $chan
- if (($pre $+ $gtok(29) $+ * iswm $strip($1-)) || ($pre $+ $gtok(30) $+ * iswm $strip($1-))) { processcommand $strip($1-) }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Channel setup and related checks. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivchan {
- var %i = 1
- while ($tchan(%i)) {
- if (($tchan(%i,3) iswm $me) && ($tchan(%i,2) iswm $ifd($network,irc))) {
- if (($tchan(%i) iswm $chan) || ((!$chan) && ($me ison $tchan(%i)))) {
- if ($1) return $tchan(%i)
- return %i
- }
- }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias tchan { return $ifd($gettok($getset(chan,$1), $ifd($2,1), 59),$iif($2 isnum 2-3, *)) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Menubar and submenu functions. #
- ;########################################################
- menu channel,menubar {
- Trivia
- .$showon(Trivia Options):{ if (!$dialog(trivset)) { dialog -m trivset trivset } }
- .$showon(Start Trivia)
- ..$showon(Standard):{ $trivia }
- ..$showon(Unlimited Game):{ $trivia(unlimited) }
- ..$showon(Team Game):{ $trivia(team) }
- ..$showon(Theme Game)
- ...$submenu($theme.submenu($1))
- ..$showon(Specify round):{ $trivia($$?="How many question in the trivia round?") }
- .$showon(Stop Trivia):{ strivia }
- .$showon(Set Channel):{ chan.add $$chan }
- .$showon(-)
- .$showon(Features)
- ..$showon(Build Scores HTML):{ htmlbuild }
- ..$showon(Process HTML Commands):{ htmltrigger }
- ..$showon(HTML Options):{ if (!$dialog(trivbuild)) { dialog -m trivbuild trivbuild } }
- ..$showon(Themes Setup): { if (!$dialog(triviatheme)) { dialog -m triviatheme triviatheme } }
- ..$showon(Ranks Setup): { if (!$dialog(trivrank)) { dialog -m trivrank trivrank } }
- }
- alias theme.submenu {
- if (($1 == begin) || ($1 == end)) return -
- if ($getset(triviamode $+ $1, name)) return $getset(triviamode $+ $1, name) $+ : /trivia $getset(triviamode $+ $1, name)
- }
- menu menubar {
- Trivia
- .$showon(Force Question):{ ask }
- .$showon(Scores)
- ..$showon(Scores):{ if (!$dialog(triviascores)) { dialog -m triviascores triviascores } }
- ..$showon(Give Points): { $$?="Credit whom?" $$?="How many points do you wish to give, -# to remove score" }
- .$showon(Echo)
- ..$showon(Records):{ tsay $msg.trivia.records }
- ..$showon(HoF):{ tsay $msg.trivia.hof }
- ..$showon(Repeat):{ tsay $msg.question.current }
- ..$showon(Hint):{ tsay $msg.hint.hint }
- .$showon(Open)
- ..$showon(Questions):{ if $isfile($qfile(1)) { run $qfile(1) } }
- ..$showon(Additions):{ if $isfile(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(additions) $+ ") { run " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(additions) $+ " } }
- ..$showon(Report):{ if $isfile(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(report) $+ ") { run " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $triv(report) $+ " } }
- .$showon(-)
- .Trivia Bot is [ $trivon ]
- ..$showon([ $trivdisflip ]) $+ :{ setset status bot $iif($getset(status,bot) == 1,0,1) }
- ..[ $trivoffflip ] $+ :{ setset status botstate $iif($getset(status,botstate) == 1,0,1) }
- .-
- .Trivia Unload:{ if ($?!="Really Unload?") { unload -rs $script } }
- }
- menu nicklist {
- $showon(Trivia)
- .$showon(Control)
- ..$showon(Ban):{ tban $$1 }
- ..$showon(Unban):{ tunban $$1 }
- .$showon(Add as Friend): { triviafriend.add $address($$1,7) }
- .$showon(Credit)
- ..$showon(Award)
- ...$showon(1): { $$1 1 }
- ...$showon(5): { $$1 5 }
- ...$showon(10): { $$1 10 }
- ..$showon(Deduct)
- ...$showon(1): { $$1 -1 }
- ...$showon(5): { $$1 -5 }
- ...$showon(10): { $$1 -10 }
- ..$showon(Input Amount): { $$1 $$?="How many points do you wish to give, -# to remove score" }
- }
- alias showon { if ($getset(status,botstate) != 1) return $1- }
- alias trivia.turnedoff { if ($getset(status,botstate) == 1) return $true }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Menubar related, aliases. #
- ;########################################################
- alias {
- if (($team) && ($2 isnum)) {
- var %list $get.showteams($1)
- var %amount $2
- var %j $numtok(%list,32)
- while (%j >= 1) {
- var %name.teammate $gettok(%list,%j,32)
- setvar %name.teammate score $calc($getvar(%name.teammate,score) + %amount)
- process.scores.time %name.teammate %amount
- dec %j
- }
- }
- }
- alias {
- if ($2 isnum) {
- setvar $1 score $calc($getvar($1,score) + $2)
- process.scores.time $1 $2
- tsay $iif($2 >= 0,$msg.trivia.awarded($1,$2),$msg.trivia.deducted($1,$2))
- }
- }
- alias -l trivon { return $iif($getset(status,botstate),Off,$iif($getset(status,bot),$iif($trivia.paused,Paused,Enabled), Disabled)) }
- alias -l trivdisflip { return $iif($getset(status,bot),Disable,Enable) }
- alias -l trivoffflip { return $iif($getset(status,botstate),On,Off) }
- alias -l trivia.chan { return $iif($trivchan, Yes, No) }
- alias -l trivia.dir { return $iif($isdir(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ "), Yes, No) }
- alias -l trivia.file { return $iif($isfile($qfile(1)), Yes, No) }
- alias -l trivia.onoff { return $iif($trivia.on, On, Off) }
- alias -l team.onoff { return $iif($team, On, Off) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Init aliases. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l nset { if ($getset($1, $2) == $null) { setset $1- } }
- alias init.load {
- nset award 1 1 1 1 50 0 gives * a high five for getting ^ wins! Way to go * !
- nset award 2 1 1 1 100 0 gives * a large pizza for getting ^ wins! Way to go * !
- nset award 3 1 1 1 150 0 ^ wins... I am not worthy...
- nset award 4 2 1 1 3 0 hands * a cold beer for getting the last ^ questions!
- nset award 5 2 1 1 5 0 hands * 6-pack of icy beers for getting the last ^ questions!
- nset award 6 2 1 1 10 0 gives * keg of beer for kicking everybodies asses! ^ questions!
- nset award 7 2 1 1 15 0 bows before * a trivia god...
- nset award 8 2 2 2 3 5 You're on fire!
- nset award 9 3 4 5 1.5 0 Autoban based on speed.
- nset award 10 4 3 5 120 0 Autoban based on Words per minute.
- nset award 11 7 0 2 0 0 * has moved up in rank: ^
- nset award 12 8 0 2 0 0 *, congratulations on your promotion to: ^
- }
- alias trivia.init {
- nset status bot 1 | nset status echo 0 | nset status autohint 1 | nset status showanswer 1 | nset status cross 1
- nset status number 30 | nset status hintpause 1 | nset trivia additions additions.txt
- nset color 1 $fixer($rand(1,15)) | nset color 2 $fixer($rand(1,15)) | nset trivia default 10 | nset trivia dteam 5 | nset color on 1
- nset trivia delimiter * | nset trivia tnaoff 5 | nset trivia hintpause 5 | nset trivia perchint 30 | nset trivia numhint 1
- nset trivia ppq 1 | nset trivia dph 0 | nset lag answered 10 | nset lag hint 10 | nset lag start 15 | nset lag timed 15 | nset lag ping 10
- nset lag betweenhint 10 | nset lag timedout 60 | nset lag hintallow 10 | nset trivia dir $ifd($nofile($findfile($mircdir,$triv(questions), 1)),$mircdir)
- nset trivia report report.txt | nset trivia reset 1000 | nset team 0victory The *t1 and the *t2 tied | nset team 1 'Team 1's
- nset team 1victory The *t1 beat the *t2 | nset team 2 'Team 2's | nset team 2victory The *t2 beat the *t1 | nset team JoinBefore 2
- nset team JoinBeforeOn 1 | nset status nodecheater 1
- varcolors
- }
- alias -l {
- var %failedtriviafail = 0
- if ($version < 5.91) {
- echo Please use mIRC 5.91 or later.
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- if (!$server) {
- echo Please connect to a server before attempting to use $msg.trivia.version
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- if ($getset(status,bot) == 0) {
- echo The trivia bot is off. Commands, Trivia, Disabled to reenable.
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- if ($isdir(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ ") == $false) {
- echo The trivia directory, $triv(dir) $+ , is invalid.
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- if ($triv(dir) == $null) {
- echo The trivia directory setting is blank, please set it to the desired directory.
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- if ($numl <= 0) {
- echo There appears to be no questions within the question file(s).
- var %failedtriviafai = 1
- }
- return %failedtriviafai
- }
- alias get.find { if ($qfind($1-)) return $qfind($1-) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Trivia command, related aliases. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l ifd { return $iif($1, $1, $2) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Command processing. #
- ;########################################################
- alias pre { return $ifd(%command-prefix, !) }
- alias commandtokens { return state;disable;enable;op;trivia;strivia;pause;resume;theme;themes;stats;stat;won;hof;top10;hofstreak;row;streak;hoftime;hoffast;hofwpm;wpm;server;record;records;champ;version;web;add;report;ping;triviaping;help;join;showteams;roundscores;answer;next;hint;!hint;words;last;vowels;repeat;hofscoreday;hoftimeday;hofstreakday;hofwpmday;hofscoreweek;hoftimeweek;hofstreakweek;hofwpmweek;hofscoremonth;hoftimemonth;hofstreakmonth;hofwpmmonth;hofscoreyear;hoftimeyear;hofstreakyear;hofwpmyear;rank;promotion }
- alias optokens { return enable;disable;ban;unban;banned;ask;add;find;team }
- alias stattokens { return score;time;streak;wpm }
- alias timetokens { return day;week;month;year;total }
- alias starttokens { return Unlimited;team }
- alias ctok { return $findtok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$untrans($1),1,59) }
- alias gtok { return $trivtran($gettok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$1,59)) }
- alias rtok { return $gettok($eval($ $+ $gettok(commandtokens;optokens;stattokens;timetokens;starttokens,$ifd($2,1),59),2),$1,59) }
- alias -l processcommand {
- var %command = $right($1,$calc(-1 * $len($pre)))
- var %ctok = $ctok(%command)
- award command %command $2-
- if (!%ctok) { return }
- if (%ctok == 1) { inform $msg.trivia.state }
- if (%ctok == 2) { opcommand disable $2- }
- if (%ctok == 3) { opcommand enable $2- }
- if (%ctok == 4) { opcommand $2- }
- if (($getset(status,bot) == 0) || ($trivia.banned)) { return }
- if (%ctok == 5) { if (!$isdis(28)) { trivia $2- } }
- if (%ctok == 6) { if ((!$isdis(29)) && ($trivia.on) && ((!$team) || ($nick isop $iden))) { strivia $iden $nick } }
- if (%ctok == 8) { if (!$isdis(5)) { trivia.pause 1 } }
- if (%ctok == 7) { if ((!$trivia.paused) && (!$isdis(5))) { trivia.pause } }
- if (%ctok isnum 9-10) { if (!$isdis(18)) { inform $msg.trivia.themes } }
- if (%ctok isnum 11-13) { processcommand.stats $ifd($2,$nick) $ifd($3,$unit.default) }
- if (%ctok isnum 14-15) { if (!$isdis(8)) { processcommand.hof $ifd($2,score) $ifd($3,$unit.default) } }
- if (%ctok isnum 16-18) { if (!$isdis(10)) { processcommand.hof streak $unit.default } }
- if (%ctok isnum 19-20) { if (!$isdis(9)) { processcommand.hof time $unit.default } }
- if (%ctok isnum 21-22) { if (!$isdis(11)) { processcommand.hof wpm $unit.default } }
- if (%ctok isnum 45-60) {
- var %regmatch = / $+ (?: $+ $gtok(14) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(14) $+ ) $+ \s?( $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(4,3) $+ )\s?( $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $rtok(4,4) $+ )/
- if ($regex(%command, %regmatch)) processcommand.hof $iif($regml(1),score) $ifd($regml(2),$unit.default)
- }
- if (%ctok isnum 61-62) { if (!$isdis(30)) inform $msg.trivia.rank($ifd($2,$nick)) }
- if (%ctok == 23) { inform $server }
- if (%ctok isnum 24-25) { if (!$isdis(12)) { inform $msg.trivia.records } }
- if (%ctok == 26) { inform $msg.trivia.champ }
- if (%ctok == 27) { inform $msg.trivia.version }
- if (%ctok == 28) { inform $msg.trivia.web }
- if (%ctok isnum 29-30) { if (!$isdis(19)) { %ctok $2- } }
- if (%ctok isnum 31-32) { if (!$isdis(17)) { } }
- if (%ctok == 33) { if (!$isdis(32)) givehelp $2- }
- if (%ctok == 34) { if (($team) && (!$isdis(33))) { $setteam($nick, $2) } }
- if (%ctok == 35) { if ($team) { inform $msg.trivia.showteams } }
- if (%ctok == 36) { inform $msg.trivia.roundscores }
- if (%ctok == 37) { if (($thget(answer)) && (!$isdis(16))) { inform $msg.question.answer } }
- if ((!$question.on) || ($trivia.paused)) { return }
- if (%ctok == 38) { if (($calc($question.time * 2) >= $lag(timedout)) && (!$isdis(15))) { trivx $chan } }
- if (%ctok isnum 39-43) {
- if (($question.time >= $lag(hintallow))) {
- if (($getset(trivia, hintpause)) && ($getset(status, hintpause))) { hadd -u $+ $triv(hintpause) Trivia $+ $idenn Temp. $+ hinted. $+ $nick 1 }
- if (%ctok isnum 39-40) { if (!$isdis(22)) { give.hint $iden } }
- if (%ctok == 41) { if (!$isdis(25)) { inform $msg.hint.words } }
- if (%ctok == 42) { if (!$isdis(24)) { inform $msg.hint.last } }
- if (%ctok == 43) { if (!$isdis(23)) { inform $msg.hint.vowels } }
- }
- }
- if (%ctok == 44) { if (!$isdis(26)) { inform $$thget(trivq.say) } }
- }
- alias processcommand.hof {
- if (!$2) { var %unit = 5 }
- else { var %unit = $ctok($2,4) }
- var %by = $ctok($1,3)
- if ($getset(hide,$rtok(%by,3))) { return }
- if ((!%by) || (!%unit)) { inform $msg.trivia.hof.error | return }
- inform $msg.trivia.topstats($rtok(%by,3),$rtok(%unit,4))
- }
- alias -l processcommand.stats {
- if (!$2) { var %unit = 5 }
- else { var %unit = $ctok($2,4) }
- if (!%unit) { inform $msg.trivia.stats.error | return }
- if ($1 isnum) { sort score $unit.set(%unit) }
- if ($1 isnum 1 - $hof.size) { inform $msg.trivia.stats($hof($1,1),$unit.set(%unit)) }
- else { inform $msg.trivia.stats($iif($1,$1,$nick),$unit.set(%unit)) }
- }
- alias unit.default { return $rtok($ifd($getset(status,scoreby),5),4) }
- alias unit.set { return $iif($rtok($1,4) != total,$rtok($1,4)) }
- alias unit.prefix { return $iif($ifd($1,$unit.default) != total, $ifd($1,$unit.default)) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# !Op command structure. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l opcommand {
- var %otok = $ctok($1,2)
- if ($isdis(6)) { return }
- if ((%otok == 1) && (!$isdis(21)) && ($getset(status,bot) == 0) && ((!$2) || ($2 == $me))) {
- setset status bot 1
- tsay $msg.trivia.enabled
- }
- if ((%otok == 2) && (!$isdis(21)) && ($getset(status,bot) == 1) && ((!$2) || ($2 == $me))) {
- setset status bot 0
- tsay $msg.trivia.disabled
- strivia $iden $nick
- }
- if ((%otok == 3) && (!$isdis(20))) {
- if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.ban }
- else {
- tban $2
- inform $msg.trivia.op.ban
- }
- }
- if ((%otok == 4) && (!$isdis(7))) {
- if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.unban }
- else {
- tunban $2
- inform $msg.trivia.op.unban
- }
- }
- if (%otok == 5) { inform $msg.trivia.banlist }
- if ((%otok == 6) && (!$isdis(14))) {
- if ($2 !isnum) { inform $msg.trivia.error.badnum }
- else {
- ask $2
- inform $msg.trivia.op.ask
- }
- }
- if ((%otok == 7) && (!$isdis(27))) {
- if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.noquestion }
- elseif ($triv(delimiter) !isin $2-) { inform $msg.trivia.error.nodelim }
- else {
- add $2-
- inform $msg.trivia.op.added
- }
- }
- if ((%otok == 8) && (!$isdis(13))) {
- if (!$2) { inform $msg.trivia.error.nosearch }
- else inform $msg.trivia.op.find($2-)
- }
- if ((%otok == 9) && (!$isdis(34))) {
- if ($2 ison $chan) {
- if ($validteam($3)) { $setteam($2, $3) }
- else { inform $msg.trivia.error.numberrequired($2) }
- }
- else { inform $msg.trivia.error.playerrequired }
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Trivia ON. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivia {
- if (($trivia.banned) || ($trivia.on) || (!$trivchan)) { return }
- if ($trivia.paused) {
- tsay $msg.trivia.pause
- return
- }
- trivia.flush
- if ($ return
- if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { hfree Trivia $+ $idenn }
- hmake Trivia $+ $idenn 20
- if (($hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) && ($getset(status,keepask))) { hfree Asked $+ $idenn }
- if (!$hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) hmake Asked $+ $idenn 50
- trivia.defaultgame
- thset STime $time $date
- thset SUser $iif($nick,$nick,$me)
- if (($getset(Trivia,odefault) == unlimited) || (($ctok($1,5) == 1) && (!$isdis(2))) ) { thset Max Unlimited }
- if (($getset(Trivia,odefault) == team) || (($ctok($1,5) == 2) && (!$isdis(3)))) { thset team 1 }
- if (($1 isnum 1 - $numl) && (!$isdis(1))) { thset Max $int($1) }
- if ($1 == pi) { thset Max 3.14159265358979323846 }
- if ($1 == e) { thset Max 2.718281828459045 }
- if (!$isdis(18)) { trivia.themecheck $1- }
- if ($thget(team)) { trivia.teammode $2 }
- tsay $msg.trivia.started
- .timerq $+ $idenn 1 $ifd($lag(start),0) trivq $chan
- award roundstart $thget(Max)
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Trivia OFF. #
- ;########################################################
- alias strivia {
- set -u3 %ident $1
- if ($team) { strivia.teammode }
- else if ($getset(status,bot)) {
- if ($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Lastwinner) == $2) { setset Var $+ $idenn Row 0 }
- tsay $msg.trivia.stopped
- if ($thget(Current) >= 10) { tsay $strivia.end($triv(Record)) }
- award RoundStop $thget(Current)
- }
- trivia.flush
- }
- alias strivia.end {
- if ($1 == 1) { return $msg.trivia.hof }
- elseif ($1 == 2) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(streak) }
- elseif ($1 == 3) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(time) }
- elseif ($1 == 4) { return $msg.trivia.topstats(wpm) }
- elseif ($1 == 5) { return $msg.trivia.champ }
- elseif ($1 == 6) { return $msg.trivia.web }
- elseif ($1 == 7) { return $msg.trivia.roundscores }
- return $msg.trivia.records
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias -l trivia.flush {
- if (!$getset(status,keepask)) if ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn)) { hfree Asked $+ $idenn }
- if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { hfree Trivia $+ $idenn }
- trivia.timersoff
- unset %cache.nick
- unset %cache.line
- }
- alias -l trivia.timersoff {
- .timer* $+ $idenn off
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# DEFAULT setup. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivia.defaultgame {
- thset File questions.txt
- thset Scores $scoresfil
- if ($tchan($trivchan, 4)) { thset Scores $tchan($trivchan, 4) }
- if ($tchan($trivchan, 5)) {
- thset File
- var %i = 5
- while ($tchan($trivchan, %i)) {
- thset File $thget(file) $+ ; $+ $tchan($trivchan, %i)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- thset Max $triv(default)
- thset PPQ $iif($getset(Trivia,PPQ) != $null,$getset(Trivia,PPQ),1)
- thset DPH $iif($getset(Trivia,DPH) != $null,$getset(Trivia,DPH),0)
- thset RRS $iif($getset(Status,RRS) != $null,$getset(Status,RRS),0)
- thset guess $iif($getset(trivia,limitguess) != $null,$getset(trivia,limitguess),0)
- thset lagstart $iif($getset(lag, start) != $null, $getset(lag, start), 0)
- thset laganswered $iif($getset(lag, answered) != $null, $getset(lag, answered), 0)
- thset lagtimedout $iif($getset(lag, timedout) != $null, $getset(lag, timedout), 0)
- thset laghint $iif($getset(lag, hint) != $null, $getset(lag, hint), 0)
- thset lagtimed $iif($getset(lag, timed) != $null, $getset(lag, timed), 0)
- thset laghintallow $iif($getset(lag, hintallow) != $null, $getset(lag, hintallow), 0)
- thset lagbetweenhint $iif($getset(lag, betweenhint) != $null, $getset(lag, betweenhint), 0)
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# THEMED start. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivia.themecheck {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, Name)) {
- if ($1 == $getset(triviamode $+ %i, Name)) {
- trivia.themestart %i
- if (($2 isnum) && ($2 <= $numq) && ($2 > 0) && (!$isdis(4))) { thset Max $int($2) }
- return
- }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias trivia.themestart {
- var %j = $setini(triviamode $+ $1,0)
- while (%j >= 1) {
- var %mode = $setini(triviamode $+ $1, %j)
- thset %mode $getset(triviamode $+ $1, %mode)
- dec %j
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# TEAM setup. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l trivia.teammode {
- thset Score1 0
- thset Score2 0
- thset Score3 0
- thset Score4 0
- if ($1 isnum 1 - $numq) { thset Max $int($1) }
- else { thset Max $triv(dteam) }
- tsay $
- }
- alias -l strivia.teammode {
- var %s1 = $thget(Score1)
- var %s2 = $thget(Score2)
- var %s3 = $thget(Score3)
- var %s4 = $thget(Score4)
- if ($getset(team,4-team)) {
- if ((%s1 > %s2) && (%s1 > %s3) && (%s1 > %s3)) {
- tsay $$te(1).victory)
- award TeamVictory 1
- }
- elseif ((%s2 > %s1) && (%s2 > %s3) && (%s2 > %s4)) {
- tsay $$te(2).victory)
- award TeamVictory 2 $get.showteams(2)
- }
- elseif ((%s3 > %s1) && (%s3 > %s2) && (%s3 > %s4)) {
- tsay $$te(3).victory)
- award TeamVictory 3
- }
- elseif ((%s4 > %s1) && (%s4 > %s2) && (%s4 > %s3)) {
- tsay $$te(4).victory)
- award TeamVictory 4
- }
- else {
- tsay $$te(0).victory)
- award TeamVictory 0
- }
- }
- else {
- if (%s1 > %s2) { tsay $$te(1).victory) }
- elseif (%s1 < %s2) { tsay $$te(2).victory) }
- else { tsay $$te(0).victory) }
- }
- if ($getset(status, noshowt)) { tsay $msg.trivia.showteams }
- }
- alias -l setteam {
- if (($thget(Current) >= $getset(Team, JoinBefore)) && ($getset(Team, JoinBeforeOn) == 1)) {
- inform $
- return
- }
- if ($validteam($2)) {
- if ($thget(Team. $+ $1) == $2) { inform $ }
- else { tsay $$getset(team,$2), $1) }
- thset $eval(Team. $+ $1,1) $2
- setvar $1 team $2
- }
- }
- alias -l validteam {
- if ($1 isnum 1-2) return 1
- if (($1 isnum 3-4) && ($getset(team,4-team))) return 1
- return 0
- }
- alias -l setteam.hash {
- if ($validteam($2)) {
- thset $eval(Team. $+ $1,1) $2
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Trivia QUESTION. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivq {
- set -u3 %ident $1
- if (!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { return }
- if ($ return
- thset Current $calc($thget(Current) + 1)
- if (($team) && ($thget(Current) == $getset(Team, JoinBefore)) && ($getset(Team, JoinBeforeOn) == 1)) { tsay $ }
- create.question
- .timerend $+ $idenn 1 $lag(timedout) trivx $iden
- trivia.startautohint
- setset Var $+ $idenn Asked $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn,Asked) + 1)
- thset Start $ticks
- trivia.sayquestion $right($thget(catq),-1)
- if ($getset(status,echo) == 1) { echo $iden $msg.trivia.echoanswer }
- if ($getset(status,answers)) { tsay $ }
- award Question $lag(timedout)
- }
- alias -l create.question {
- while ($thget(Ask1)) {
- var %qread = $qread($thget(Ask1))
- ask.deleteitem 1
- thset Catq
- if (%qread) return
- }
- var %temp.ask = $trivia.getq
- thset Catq $qcat(%temp.ask)
- hadd Asked $+ $idenn %temp.ask %temp.ask
- }
- alias -l trivia.getq {
- unset %ask
- while ((!%ask) || ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn, %ask))) {
- var %tempnumqvalue = $numq
- if (%tempnumqvalue == 0) {
- echo Attempted start without any questions to process. Bailing.
- halt
- }
- if ($hget(Asked $+ $idenn,0).item >= %tempnumqvalue) { hdel -w Asked $+ $idenn * }
- var %ask = $rand(1, %tempnumqvalue)
- if (!$qread(%ask)) { hadd Asked $+ $idenn %ask NA }
- }
- thset Asking %ask
- return %ask
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias qfile {
- if (($1 !isnum) || ($1 < 1)) return
- if (($thget(File)) && ($gettok($thget(File),$1,$asc(;)))) return $shortfn(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ \ $+ $gettok($thget(File),$1,$asc(;)) $+ ")
- if ($tchan($ifd($trivchan,1),$calc(4 + $1))) return $shortfn(" $+ $triv(dir) $+ \ $+ $tchan($ifd($trivchan,1),$calc(4 + $1)) $+ ")
- }
- alias numl { return $calc($numq - $numnonq) }
- alias numq {
- if ($1 isnum) { return $lines($qfile($1)) }
- var %i = 0, %j = 1
- while ($qfile(%j)) {
- if (!$eval(% $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) { set -u600 % $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j) $lines($qfile(%j)) }
- %i = $calc(%i + $eval(% $+ numq $+ $qfile(%j),2))
- inc %j
- }
- return %i
- }
- alias qcat {
- if ($getset(status,nocat) == 1) return
- var %nf = $numfile($1)
- if ($exists($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)))) {
- return $read($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)), wnt, #*, $gettok(%nf,2,$asc(;)))
- }
- }
- alias numnonq {
- window -h @numnonq
- var %j = 1, %nonqcount = 0
- while ($qfile(%j)) {
- if ($eval(% $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) { var %nonqcount = $calc(%numqcount + $eval(% $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j),2)) }
- else {
- if ($exists($qfile(%j))) {
- filter -fwgx $qfile(%j) @numnonq /\ $+ $triv(delimiter) $+ /
- var %nonqcount = $calc(%nonqcount + $filtered)
- set -u600 % $+ nonq $+ $qfile(%j) $filtered
- }
- }
- inc %j
- }
- window -c @numnonq
- return %nonqcount
- }
- alias numcat {
- if ($window(@categories)) { window -c @categories }
- window -eh @categories
- var %j = 1
- while ($qfile(%j)) {
- if ($exists($qfile(%j))) filter -fw $qfile(%j) @categories #*
- inc %j
- }
- .timer 1 0 window -c @categories
- return $line(@categories,0)
- }
- alias numfile {
- var %i = 0, %j = 1, %l
- while ($qfile(%j)) {
- %l = %i
- inc %i $numq(%j)
- if ($1 isnum %l - %i) { return $qfile(%j) $+ ; $+ $calc($1 - %l) }
- if (($1 !isnum) && ($exists($qfile(%j))) && ($read($qfile(%j), nwt, $+(*,$1-,*), 1))) return $qfile(%j) $+ ; $+ $readn
- inc %j
- }
- }
- alias -l qfind {
- var %i = 0, %j = 1, %l
- if ($1 == $null) { return }
- while ($qfile(%j)) {
- if (($exists($qfile(%j))) && ($read($qfile(%j), nwt, $+(*,$1-,*), 1))) return $read($qfile(%j),$readn) - $qfile(%j) - $readn
- inc %j
- }
- }
- alias qread {
- var %nf = $numfile($1)
- var %delim = \ $+ $triv(delimiter)
- if (($exists($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)))) && ($regex($iif($1 isnum,$read($gettok(%nf,1,$asc(;)), nt, $gettok(%nf,2,$asc(;))),$1-),/^([^ $+ %delim $+ ]+)([ $+ %delim $+ ].*)$/))) {
- thset tok1 $regml(1)
- if ($regex($regml(2), /[ $+ %delim $+ ]([^ $+ %delim $+ ]+)/g)) {
- thset numfile %nf
- thset tokq $calc($regml(0) + 1)
- var %i = 1
- while (%i <= $regml(0)) {
- thset tok $+ $calc(%i + 1) $regml(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if ($1 == scramble) { thset temp.bonus S }
- if ($1 == reverse) { thset temp.bonus R }
- if ($1 == shotgun) { thset temp.bonus G }
- return $false
- }
- return $true
- }
- alias -l ask.deleteitem {
- hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Ask $+ $$1
- var %i = $1
- while ($thget(Ask $+ $calc(%i + 1))) {
- thset Ask $+ %i $thget(Ask $+ $calc(%i + 1))
- inc %i
- }
- if ($thget(Ask $+ %i)) { hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Ask $+ %i }
- }
- alias -l trivia.startautohint { if ($getset(status,autohint) == 1) { .timerhint $+ $idenn 1 $lag(hint) trivia.autohint $iden } }
- alias -l trivia.autohint {
- give.hint $1
- if ($triv(numhint) > 1) { .timerhint $+ $idenn $calc($triv(numhint) - 1) $lag(betweenhint) give.hint $1 }
- }
- alias decheater {
- if ($getset(status,nodecheater) == 1) return $1-
- var %t.rt = $1-, %i = $count($1-,$chr(32)),
- while (%i > 0) {
- if ($rand(1,2) == 1) {
- = $pos($1-,$chr(32),%i)
- %t.rt = $+($left(%t.rt, $calc( - 1)), $chr(160),$right(%t.rt,$calc(( * -1)))
- }
- dec %i
- }
- return %t.rt
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# QUESTION over. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivx {
- set -u3 %ident $1
- if (!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { return }
- if (!$2) {
- if (($getset(status,showanswer)) && (!$getset(status,shownone))) {
- if ($thget(temp.type) == K) {
- tsay $msg.answer.timeout.kaos
- }
- else if ($thget(temp.type) == T) {
- tsay $
- }
- else if ($thget(temp.type) == P) {
- tsay $msg.answer.timeout.pick
- }
- else {
- tsay $msg.answer.timeout
- }
- }
- else { tsay $msg.answer.timeout2 }
- setset Var $+ $idenn Row 0
- thset Unanswered $calc($thget(Unanswered) + 1)
- award NoAnswer $trivq.answer
- }
- trivia.timersoff
- if ($window($ { window -c $ }
- thset Answer $trivq.answer
- if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hdel -w Trivia $+ $idenn Temp.*
- if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hdel -w Trivia $+ $idenn tok*
- if (($nick) && ($getvar($nick,score) >= $triv(reset)) && ($getset(status,champ) == 1)) { trivia.newchamp }
- if ((($team) && ($thget(Score $+ $isteam($nick)) > $calc($thget(Max)/2))) || (($getset(status,emptyoff)) && ($nick($iden,0) <= 1)) || (($getset(status, naoff) == 1) && ($thget(unanswered) >= $triv(naoff))) || (($thget(Max) != unlimited) && ($thget(Current) >= $thget(Max)))) {
- strivia $1
- if (($getset(status, emptyoff) == 1) && ($nick($iden,0) <= 1)) tsay $msg.trivia.emptyoff
- if (($getset(status, naoff) == 1) && ($thget(Unanswered) >= $triv(naoff))) tsay $msg.trivia.unactive
- return
- }
- .timerq $+ $idenn 1 $iif($1, $lag(answered), $lag(timed)) trivq $iden
- }
- alias -l trivia.processscore {
- if ($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Lastwinner) == $nick) { setset Var $+ $idenn Row $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) + $ifd($2,1)) }
- else { setset Var $+ $idenn Row $ifd($2,1) }
- setset Var $+ $idenn Wins $calc($getset(Var $+ $idenn,Wins) + $ifd($2,1))
- setset Var $+ $idenn Lastwinner $nick
- setvar $nick Lastwin $date
- thset WPM $calc(($len($1) * 60) / ($thget(Time) * 5))
- if (($thget(WPM) > $getvar($nick,wpm)) || (!$getvar($nick,wpm))) { setvar $nick wpm $thget(WPM) }
- if (($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) > $getvar($nick,streak)) || (!$getvar($nick,streak))) { setvar $nick Streak $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) }
- if (($thget(Time) < $getvar($nick,time)) || (!$getvar($nick,time))) { setvar $nick Time $thget(Time) }
- thset temp.cng $calc(($thget(PPQ) * $ifd($2,1)) - ($thget(DPH) * $max.hinted))
- if ($thget(temp.points) != $null) { thset temp.cng $calc(($thget(temp.points) - ($max.hinted * $thget(temp.hintreduction))) * $ifd($2,1)) }
- thset temp.mrank $getmrank($nick)
- thset temp.rank $getrank($nick,$unit.default,$thget(temp.cng))
- thset temp.newrank $calc($thget(temp.rank) - %uprank)
- setvar $nick Score $calc($getvar($nick, Score) + $thget(temp.cng))
- setvar $nick Answered $calc($getvar($nick, Answered) + $iif($2 > 0,$2,1))
- thset $eval(Score. $+ $nick,1) $calc($thget($eval(Score. $+ $nick,1)) + $thget(temp.cng))
- process.scores.time $nick $thget(temp.cng) $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row) $thget(Time) $thget(WPM)
- }
- alias trivia.processawards {
- if (%uprank) award uprank $tranord($thget(temp.newrank))
- if ($getmrank($nick) != $thget(temp.mrank)) award promotion $getmrank($nick)
- award score $user.score($nick)
- award row $getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row)
- award time $thget(Time)
- award wpm $thget(WPM)
- award answered $thget(Time)
- }
- alias -l answered {
- thset Time $question.time
- if (($1 == $null) || ($trivia.banned) || ($trivia.negationcheck) || (($team) && (!$isteam($nick)))) { return }
- $trivia.processscore($1,$2)
- if (($getset(build,instabuild)) && ($getset(build,instabuild) // $getset(Var $+ $idenn,Wins))) { htmltrigger $iden }
- tsay $msg.answer.correct($getset(status,tradwin),$thget(WPM),$thget(temp.newrank),$iif(%uprank,$thget(temp.rank)))
- if ($team) {
- thset Score $+ $isteam($nick) $calc($thget( Score $+ $isteam($nick)) + 1)
- tsay $
- award TeamAnswered $isteam($nick)
- }
- trivia.processawards
- if ($thget(RRS)) { tsay $msg.trivia.roundscores }
- hdel Trivia $+ $idenn Unanswered
- if (($isTotal) && ($total.over)) { tsay $msg.trivia.totalover }
- if ((($thget(temp.type) != T) && ($thget(temp.type) != K)) || ($total.over)) { trivx $chan $true }
- }
- alias -l trivq.answer { return $iif(((($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K) || ($getset(status,showmatched))) && ($thget(temp.matched))), $thget(temp.matched),$tok(2)) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# QUESTION Typing. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l trivia.sayquestion {
- if ($regex($tok(1), /^([^:]+):\s?(.+)|((?i)Scramble|Uword)$/)) {
- thset temp.mode $lower($regml(1))
- thset $regml(2)
- if (($gettok($thget(temp.mode),1,44) isnum) && ($getset(status,nobonus) != 1)) {
- thset temp.points $gettok($thget(temp.mode),1,44)
- if ($gettok($thget(temp.mode),2,44) isnum) { thset temp.hintreduction $gettok($thget(temp.mode),2,44) }
- var %tq $msg.question.points($1-,$thget(
- }
- elseif ($regex($thget(temp.mode), /pick\s(\d+)/)) {
- var %tq $msg.question.standard($1-,$thget(
- thset temp.type P
- thset temp.pick $regml(1)
- }
- elseif (kaos == $thget(temp.mode)) {
- var %tq $msg.question.kaos($1-)
- thset temp.type K
- total.init
- }
- elseif (multi == $thget(temp.mode)) {
- var %tq $msg.question.multi($1-)
- thset temp.type M
- }
- elseif (total == $thget(temp.mode)) {
- var %tq $$1-)
- thset temp.type T
- total.init
- }
- elseif (scramble == $thget(temp.mode)) || (uword == $thget(temp.mode)) {
- var %tq $msg.question.scramble($1-,$thget(
- thset temp.type S
- }
- }
- if (!%tq) { var %tq $msg.question.standard($1-) }
- thset trivq.say $iif($getset(status,nosaycurrent) != 1, $e1($thget(Current)) $+ $e2(.)) $decheater(%tq)
- tsay $thget(trivq.say)
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# TOTAL question type, control. #
- ;########################################################
- alias unfix {
- var %i = 2
- while (%i <= $tokq) {
- if ($1- == $fix($tok(%i))) { return $tok(%i) }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias { return @total $+ $idenn }
- alias total.init {
- var %i = 2
- if ($window($ { window -c $ }
- window -h $
- while (%i <= $tokq) {
- aline -n $ $tok(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- thset temp.totalanswers $total.left
- }
- alias total.left { return $line($,0) }
- alias total.answers { return $thget(temp.totalanswers) }
- alias total.answered { return $calc($total.answers - $total.left) }
- alias { return $fline($,$1-,1) }
- alias total.rem { dline $ $$1-) }
- alias total.over { return $iif(!$line($,0), 1) }
- alias isTotal { return $iif((($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K)),$true) }
- alias gettotalhints {
- var %i = 1, %totalhint
- while (%i <= $line($,0)) {
- %totalhint = $left(%totalhint,850) $+ $iif(%totalhint,$chr(44)) $plot($1,$line($,%i))
- inc %i
- }
- return %totalhint
- }
- alias gettotalremain {
- var %i = 1, %totalremain
- while (%i <= $line($,0)) {
- %totalremain = $left(%totalremain,850) $+ $iif(%totalremain != $null,$chr(44)) $line($,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- return %totalremain
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Trivia block answer. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l trivia.negationcheck {
- if ($thuser(Hinted)) {
- inform $msg.trivia.hintpaused
- return $true
- }
- if (($getset(status,limitguess)) && (!$isTotal) && ($ifd($thuser(Guess),0) >= $thget(guess))) {
- inform $msg.trivia.guessed($thuser(guess))
- return $true
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Guess processing. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l processguess {
- if ($trivia.paused) { return }
- if (($team) && (!$isteam($nick))) {
- if ($validteam($getvar($nick,team))) {
- $setteam.hash($nick,$getvar($nick,team))
- }
- }
- var %pick = $regex($lower($fix($1-)), $trivia.pattern)
- thuset Guess $calc($thuser(guess) + 1)
- if (%pick == 0) { return }
- var %answered, %matched = $regml(1), %i = 1
- thset temp.match $regml(0)
- while ($thget(temp.match) >= %i) {
- thset temp.match. $+ %i $regml(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- if (($thget(temp.type) == P) || ($thget(temp.type) == T) || ($thget(temp.type) == K)) {
- var %j = 1, %k, %f, %numb.correct = 0
- while (%j <= $thget(temp.match)) {
- var %k = %j, %f = $true
- while (%k >= 1) {
- if ((%j != %k) && ($thget(temp.match. $+ %j) == $thget(temp.match. $+ %k))) { %f = $false }
- dec %k
- }
- if ($isTotal) {
- if ($$unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j)))) {
- total.rem $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j))
- inc %numb.correct
- }
- else { %f = $false }
- }
- if (%f) %answered = %answered $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ %j))
- else { dec %pick }
- inc %j
- }
- if (($thget(temp.type) == P) && (%pick < $thget(temp.pick))) return
- if (($isTotal) && (%numb.correct == 0)) return
- }
- else { var %answered = $unfix($thget(temp.match. $+ 1)) }
- thset temp.matched %answered
- $answered(%answered,%numb.correct)
- }
- alias fix {
- if ($getset(status,nospellfix)) { return $lower($strip($1-)) }
- var %temp.fix = $lower($strip($1-))
- .echo -q $regsub(%temp.fix,/([^\s]+)s(?=(\s|$))/g, \1, %temp.fix)
- .echo -q $regsub(%temp.fix,/(?<=^|\s)(?:the|an|a)\s([^\s]+)/g, \1, %temp.fix)
- %temp.fix = $remove(%temp.fix,',-,!,`,.,’,´,?,%,$chr(36),$chr(44))
- %temp.fix = $replace(%temp.fix,À,A,Á,A,Â,A,Ã,A,Ä,A,Å,A,Æ,AE,Ç,C,È,E,É,E,Ê,E,Ë,E,Ì,I,Í,I,Î,I,Ï,I,Ð,D,Ñ,N,Ò,O,Ó,O,Ô,O,Õ,O,Ö,O,Ø,O,Ù,U,Ú,U,Û,U,Ü,U,Ý,Y)
- %temp.fix = $replace(%temp.fix,ß,B,à,a,á,a,â,a,ã,a,ä,a,å,a,æ,ae,ç,c,è,e,é,e,ê,e,ë,e,ì,i,í,i,î,i,ï,i,ð,o,ñ,n,ò,o,ó,o,ô,o,õ,o,ö,o,ù,u,ú,u,û,u,ü,u,ý,y,ÿ,y)
- return $replace(%temp.fix,kn,n,y,i,k,c,x,c,q,c,e,a,ah,a,u,o,ph,f,m,n,ll,l,aa,a,oo,o,cc,c,z,s)
- }
- alias trivia.pattern {
- if ($thget(temp.pattern)) { return $thget(temp.pattern) }
- var %i 2, %max = $iif($thget(temp.type) == M, 2, $tokq), %pattern = $chr(40)
- while (%i <= %max) {
- if (%i != 2) { %pattern = %pattern $+ $chr(124) }
- %pattern = %pattern $+ $lower($fix($tok(%i)))
- inc %i
- }
- %pattern = %pattern $+ $chr(41)
- if (($thget(temp.type) != P) && ($thget(temp.type) != T) && ($thget(temp.type) != K)) {
- if ($getset(status, exactmatch)) { %pattern = ^ $+ %pattern $+ $ }
- elseif ($getset(status, nomid)) { %pattern = ^ $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) $+ $chr(124) $+ (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ $ }
- else { %pattern = (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) }
- }
- else { %pattern = (?:^|\s) $+ %pattern $+ (?=\s|$) }
- %pattern = / $+ %pattern $+ /g
- thset temp.pattern %pattern
- return %pattern
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# PAUSE/RESUME processing. #
- ;########################################################
- alias trivia.paused { if (($thget(paused)) && ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn))) { return $true } }
- alias trivia.pause {
- if ($1) {
- if ($trivia.paused) {
- .timerq $+ $idenn -r
- .timerend $+ $idenn -r
- .timerhint $+ $idenn -r
- thset paused 0
- tsay $msg.trivia.resume
- }
- else if (($thget(paused) != 1) && (!$timer(q $+ $idenn)) && (!$timer(end $+ $idenn)) && (!$timer(hint $+ $idenn)) && ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn))) trivx
- }
- else {
- .timerq $+ $idenn -p
- .timerend $+ $idenn -p
- .timerhint $+ $idenn -p
- thset paused 1
- tsay $msg.trivia.pause
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Hint setup. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l give.hint {
- set -u3 %ident $1
- if ((!$hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) || ($max.hinted >= $triv(numhint))) { return }
- if (!$nick) {
- thset Temp.Hints $calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1)
- var %hintpercent = $calc($triv(perchint) * $thget(Temp.Hints))
- var %nexthintpercent = $calc($triv(perchint) * ($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1))
- if ($thget(Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thget(Temp.Hints)) == 1) { return }
- if ($hintrepnum(%hintpercent) == $hintrepnum(%nexthintpercent)) thset Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 1) 1
- if ($thget(Temp.Hints) == 1) tsay $eval($ $+ msg.hint. $+ $hintfirst $+ ( %hintpercent ),2)
- else tsay $msg.hint.hint(%hintpercent)
- }
- else {
- thuset Hint $calc($iif($calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 0) > $calc($thuser(hint) + 0),$thget(Temp.Hints),$thuser(hint)) + 1)
- if ($thget(Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thuser(hint)) == 1) { return }
- var %sayhint = $msg.hint.hint($calc($triv(perchint) * $thuser(hint)))
- if (msg * iswm %respond) {
- tsay %sayhint
- thset Temp.Skip.Hint $+ $thuser(hint) 1
- }
- else inform %sayhint
- }
- award Hint $thget(Temp.Hints)
- }
- alias -l hintfirst {
- var %hintfirst = $getset(trivia, firsthint)
- if (!%hintfirst) return hint
- if (%hintfirst == 1) return last
- if (%hintfirst == 2) return vowels
- if (%hintfirst == 3) return $gettok(, $rand(1,5), $asc(.))
- }
- alias -l get.hint {
- if ($thget(Temp.type) == M) { return }
- if (($thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)) && ($1 == hint)) { return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2) }
- var %perhint = $iif($2,$2,$triv(perchint)), %hintc
- if ($isTotal) {
- thset temp.rhint. $+ $2 $gettotalhints(%perhint)
- return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)
- }
- if ($1 == words) { return $numtok($trivq.answer,32) }
- if ($1 == space) { return $deletter($trivq.answer) }
- if ($1 == last) { return $right($trivq.answer,1) }
- if ($1 == vowels) { return $iif($regsub($trivq.answer, /([^aeiouAEIOU\s])/g, $trivchar, %hintc), %hintc, $trivq.answer) }
- if ($1 == scramble) { return $scramble($trivq.answer) }
- if ($getset(status, plot)) { return $plot(%perhint, $trivq.answer) }
- if ($getset(status, scatter)) {
- thset temp.rhint. $+ $2 $scatter(%perhint, $trivq.answer)
- return $thget(temp.rhint. $+ $2)
- }
- else { return $standard(%perhint, $trivq.answer) }
- }
- alias -l trivchar { return $iif($chr($triv(ch)),$chr($triv(ch)),_) }
- alias -l nonpunct { return /([^';:"\s\xA0\,\?\<\>\|\\\/\[\]\!\@\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\-])/g }
- alias -l deletter {
- var %hintc
- .echo -q $regsub($1-, $nonpunct, $trivchar, %hintc)
- return %hintc
- }
- alias -l hintrepnum { return $int($calc(($len($trivq.answer) / 100) * $1 + 1)) }
- alias -l standard {
- var %in = $replace($2-, $chr(32), $chr(160)), %break = $hintrepnum($1)
- return $replace($left(%in, %break) $+ $iif($getset(status,cross) == 1, $deletter($right(%in, $calc(-1 * %break)))), $chr(160), $chr(32))
- }
- alias -l scramble {
- tokenize 32 $1-
- var %i = 1, %temp.smbl
- while (%i <= $0) {
- var %word = $eval($+($,%i),2)
- while (%word != $null) { var %rand = $rand(1, $len(%word)), %temp.smbl = %temp.smbl $+ $mid(%word, %rand, 1), %word = $left(%word, $calc(%rand - 1)) $+ $right(%word, $calc(-1 * %rand)) }
- %temp.smbl = %temp.smbl $+ ;
- inc %i
- }
- return $lower($replace(%temp.smbl,;,$chr(32)))
- }
- alias -l reverse {
- var %i = $len($1-),%reversed, %space
- while (%i >= 1) {
- if (!%space) { %reversed = %reversed $+ $mid($replace($1-,$chr(32),$chr(160)),%i,1) }
- %space = $false
- if ($chr($mid($1-,%i,1)) == 32) { %space = $true }
- dec %i
- }
- return $replace(%reversed,$chr(160),$chr(32))
- }
- alias scatter {
- var %hintc = $2-
- if ($thget(temp.scattermask)) var %schint = $thget(temp.scattermask)
- else {
- var %schint
- !.echo -q $regsub(%hintc,$nonpunct,@,%schint)
- }
- var %rnum = $int($calc(($regex(%schint,/@/g) / 100) * (100 - $1)))
- while (%rnum >= 0) {
- if ($regex(%schint,/(@)/g)) !.echo -q $regsub(%hintc,/(?<=^.{ $+ $calc($regml($rand(1,$regml(0))).pos - 1) $+ })./,@, %hintc)
- dec %rnum
- }
- thset temp.scattermask %hintc
- return $replace(%hintc,@,$trivchar)
- }
- alias plot {
- if ($1 >= 100) { return $2- }
- var %hintc, %i = 1, %j = 0, %rnum = $int($calc(($regsub($2-,$nonpunct,@,%hintc) / 100) * $1))
- while (%i <= %rnum) {
- if ($regex(%hintc, /(?:^|\s|\xA0)[^\s\xA0@]{ $+ %j $+ }(@)/g) == 1) { inc %j }
- %hintc = $+($left(%hintc,$calc($regml(1).pos - 1)), $mid($2-,$regml(1).pos,1),$right(%hintc,$calc($regml(1).pos * -1)))
- inc %i
- }
- return $replace(%hintc,@,$trivchar)
- }
- alias startandrandom {
- if ($1 > 0) return $replace($hget(hints,$1),@,$trivchar)
- if ($hget(hints)) hfree hints
- var %hintc = $2-, %onhint = 10, %f
- while (%hintc) {
- var %w = $gettok(%hintc,1,32), %rt = $regsub(%w,$nonpunct,@,%f), %hintc = $gettok(%hintc,2-,32), %k = 1
- while (%k <= %onhint) {
- hadd -m hints %k $hget(hints,%k) %f
- if ($regex(%w,$nonpunct) > 1) !.echo -q $regsub(%w, /(?<=^.{ $+ $iif(%k == 1, 0, $calc($regml($rand(1,$regml(0))).pos - 1)) $+ })(.)/,@, %w) $regsub(%f, /(?<=^.{ $+ $calc($regml(1).pos - 1) $+ })./,$regml(1), %f)
- inc %k
- }
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# CHAMP aliases. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l trivia.newchamp {
- .rename $scoresfil $asctime(yymmddhhmmss) $+ .bak
- setset Champ $calc($setini(Champ, 0) + 1) $nick
- tsay $msg.trivia.victory($nick)
- award Champ $nick
- trivia.flush
- haltdef
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias sort {
- if (!$exists($scoresfil)) { return }
- window -h $twin
- filter -fwcgut $+ $iif($1 != time,e) [ $$gttok($iif($2 != total,$2) $+ $1) $asc(;) ] $scoresfil $twin $iif(($2) && ($2 != total),/^ $+ $str([^;]*;,$calc($$gttok($2)-1)) $+ $eval($ $+ get. $+ $2,2) $+ ;.* $+ /,/.*/)
- }
- alias -l msg.trivia.topx {
- if ($calc($3 - $2) > 20) { return $msg.trivia.error.topx }
- sort $1 $unit.default
- var = $gttok($1), %i = $2, %temp.ten = $e2(Places) $e1($2) $e2(to) $e1($3) $+ $e2(:)
- while (%i <= $3) {
- var %temp.ten = %temp.ten $e1($iif($hof(%i,1),$hof(%i,1) - $hof(%i, $+ $e2(;)
- inc %i
- }
- return %temp.ten
- }
- alias -l msg.trivia.topstats {
- sort $1 $iif($2 != total, $2)
- var = $gttok($iif($2 != total, $2) $+ $1), %temp.ten = $e1($hof(1,1)) $e2(has the best $1 of) $e1($hof(1, $iif($2 != total,$e2( for the $2 )) $+ $e2(;)
- var %i = 2
- while (%i <= $iif(%topnum,%topnum,10)) {
- var %temp.ten = %temp.ten $iif($hof(%i,1),$e1($hof(%i,1)) $e2(-) $e1($hof(%i, $+ $e2(;))
- inc %i
- }
- return $iif(!$hof(1,1),$e2(No elements in the hall of fame.),%temp.ten)
- }
- alias topnum { set %topnum $1 }
- alias -l twin { return @trivia $+ $scoresfil }
- alias -l getrank {
- sort score $iif($2 != total, $2)
- set -u0 %getrank $fline($twin,$+($1,;*),1)
- if (!%getrank) { return $hof.size }
- var %score = $getvar($hof(%getrank,1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)
- while (%score == $getvar($hof(%getrank,1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)) { dec %getrank }
- inc %getrank
- if (%getrank != 1) {
- set -u0 %getnextrank $calc(%getrank - 1)
- set -u0 %getnextrankuser $hof(%getnextrank,1)
- set -u0 %getnextrankat $user.score(%getnextrankuser,$2)
- }
- unset %uprank
- if (!$3) { return %getrank }
- set -u0 %uprank 1
- var %upscore = $calc(%score + $3)
- while ((%upscore >= $getvar($hof($calc(%getrank - %uprank),1),$iif($2 != total, $2) $+ score)) && (%getrank >= %uprank)) {
- inc %uprank
- }
- dec %uprank
- return %getrank
- }
- alias mrankon {
- if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return $false }
- if ($setini(ranks,0) == 0) { return $false }
- else { return $true }
- }
- alias getmrank {
- if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return }
- var %score = $user.score($1,$2), %i = $setini(ranks,0), %te = 0, %temax = 0
- while (%i >= 1) {
- %te = $setini(ranks,%i)
- if ((%score >= %te) && (%te >= %temax)) { %temax = %te }
- dec %i
- }
- return $getset(ranks,%temax)
- }
- alias getnextmrank {
- var %next.rank = $getnextmrankat($1)
- return $iif(%next.rank, $getset(ranks,%next.rank), None)
- }
- alias getnextmrankat {
- if (!$getset(trivia, ranks)) { return }
- var %score = $1, %i = $setini(ranks,0), %te = 0, %temax = 0, %by = 0
- while (%i >= 1) {
- %te = $setini(ranks,%i)
- if ((%score <= %te) && ((!%by) || ($calc(%score + %by) >= %te))) {
- %temax = %te
- %by = $calc(%te - %score)
- }
- dec %i
- }
- return %temax
- }
- alias -l recordstat {
- sort $1 $unit.default
- return $hof(1,1)
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# All time alias just return the number of that time #
- ;# unit which have occurred since Jan 1st, 1970 #
- ;# Do not alter the unit.tokens. It will break the bot. #
- ;########################################################
- alias unit.tokens { return }
- alias { return $int($calc(($ctime - $timezone) / 86400)) }
- alias get.week { return $int($calc((($ - 4) - $iif($getset(status,monday),0,1)) / 7)) }
- alias get.month { return $calc(($get.year * 12) + $asctime($ctime,mm)) }
- alias get.year { return $calc($asctime($ctime,yyyy) - 1970) }
- alias process.scores.time {
- var %i = 1
- while (%i <= 4) {
- var %unit = $gettok($unit.tokens,%i,$asc(.))
- var %uvalue = $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)
- if ((%unit) && (%uvalue)) {
- if ($getvar($1,%unit) != %uvalue) {
- setvar $1 %unit %uvalue
- setvar $1 %unit $+ score $calc(0 + $2)
- setvar $1 %unit $+ streak $calc(0 + $3)
- setvar $1 %unit $+ time $ifd($4,9999)
- setvar $1 %unit $+ wpm $calc(0 + $5)
- }
- else {
- if ($2) setvar $1 %unit $+ score $calc($getvar($1,%unit $+ score) + $2)
- if ($3 > $getvar($1,%unit $+ streak)) setvar $1 %unit $+ streak $3
- if ($4 < $getvar($1,%unit $+ time)) setvar $1 %unit $+ time $4
- if ($5 > $getvar($1,%unit $+ wpm)) setvar $1 %unit $+ wpm $5
- }
- }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias setvar {
- if ($3 == $null) return
- if ($exists($tempfil)) var %backburner = $read($tempfil, wnt, $1 $+ ;*)
- if (%backburner != $null) mergeentry $tempfil $scoresfil $1
- var %newline = $readvar($1)
- if (!%newline) { %newline = $1 }
- if ($numtok(%newline,59) < $numtok($tvartoks, $asc(.))) {
- %newline = %newline $+ $str(;0,$calc($numtok($tvartoks, $asc(.)) - $numtok(%newline,59)))
- if ($gettok(%newline,9,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,trivia,9,59) }
- if (($gettok(%newline,8,59) == 0) && ($address($1,5))) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,$address($1,5),8,59) }
- if ($gettok(%newline,6,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,$date,6,59) }
- if ($gettok(%newline,3,59) == 0) { %newline = $puttok(%newline,9999,3,59) }
- }
- %newline = $puttok(%newline,$3-,$gttok($2),59)
- write $iif($readn,-l $+ $readn) $scoresfil %newline
- set -u3 %cache.nick $1
- set -u3 %cache.line %newline
- }
- alias readvar {
- if ($exists($scoresfil)) var %scoreline = $read($scoresfil, wnt, $1 $+ ;*)
- if (!%scoreline) { return }
- if (!$2) { return %scoreline }
- else { return $gettok(%scoreline, $gttok($2), 59) }
- }
- alias getvar {
- if ($1 == %cache.nick) { var %scoreline = %cache.line }
- else {
- var %scoreline = $readvar($1)
- if (!%scoreline) { return }
- set -u3 %cache.nick $1
- set -u3 %cache.line %scoreline
- }
- if (!$2) { return %scoreline }
- else { return $gettok(%scoreline, $gttok($2), 59) }
- }
- alias -l gttok { return $findtok($tvartoks, $1, 1, $asc(.)) }
- alias -l tvartoks { return }
- alias -l varfil { return $iif($2 == $null, $iif($1 == 0, $lines($scoresfil), $gettok($read($scoresfil, $1),1,59)), $gettok($read($scoresfil, $1),$2,59)) }
- alias trivini { return $iif($exists(trivia.ini),trivia.ini,$iif($exists(" $+ $scriptdir $+ \ $+ trivia.ini $+ ")," $+ $scriptdir $+ \ $+ trivia.ini $+ ",trivia.ini)) }
- alias -l setset {
- if ($3- != $null) { writeini -n $trivini $1 $2 $3- }
- else { remini -n $trivini $$1 $2 }
- }
- alias getset { return $readini($trivini, n, $1, $2) }
- alias -l setini { return $iif($2 != $null, $ini($trivini, $1, $2), $ini($trivini, $1)) }
- alias -l thuser { return $thget($eval(Temp. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $nick,1)) }
- alias -l thuset { thset $eval(Temp. $+ $1 $+ . $+ $nick,1) $2- }
- alias -l thset { if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) hadd Trivia $+ $idenn $1- }
- alias thget { return $hget(Trivia $+ $idenn, $1) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Color aliases. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l colorcode { return $gettok(colors,$calc($1 + 1),$asc(.)) }
- alias -l fixer { return $base($1,10,10,2) }
- alias varcolors {
- unset %c1 %c1o %c2 %c2o
- if ((!$getset(color,on)) || (!$tc(1)) || (!$tc(2))) { return }
- %c1o = $iif($tc(1).b,$chr(2)) $+ $iif($tc(1).u,$chr(31)) $+ $chr(3)
- %c2o = $iif($tc(2).b,$chr(2)) $+ $iif($tc(2).u,$chr(31)) $+ $chr(3)
- %c1 = %c1o $+ $fixer($calc($tc(1) - 1)) $+ $iif(($tc(3)) && ($getset(color,bon)), $chr(44) $+ $fixer($calc($tc(3) - 1)))
- %c2 = %c2o $+ $fixer($calc($tc(2) - 1)) $+ $iif(($tc(4)) && ($getset(color,bon)), $chr(44) $+ $fixer($calc($tc(4) - 1)))
- }
- alias rdc {
- if ($getset(status,nocolorshort) == 1) return $1
- var %a
- !.echo -q $regsub($1,/(?<=\x03|\x03\d\d\x2C)(\d)(?!\d)/g,0\1, %a)
- while ($regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03\d\d\x2C\d\d|\x03\d\d\x03|\x03)([\x02\x1F\x16\s\xA0]+)(\x03(?:\d\d(?:\x2C\d\d)?)?)/g,\2\1, %a)) { }
- !.echo -q $regsub(%a, /(\x02)([\x1F\x16\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(\x1F)([\x02\x16\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(\x16)([\x02\x1F\s\xA0]*)\1/g,\2, %a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(?:\x03(?:\d\d(?:\x2C\d\d)?)?)+(\x03(?:(?!\d)|\d\d\x2C\d\d))/g,\1, %a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(?:\x03\d\d)(\x2C\d\d)(?:\x03\d\d)*(\x03\d\d)/g,\2\1, %a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03\d\d)(\x2C\d\d)([^\x03]+\x03\d\d)\1/g,\1\2, %a)
- while ($regsub(%a,/(\x03\d\d)((\x2C\d\d)?[^\x03]+)\1(?!\x2c\d)/g,\1\2, %a)) { }
- !.echo -q $regsub(%a, /^\x03(?!\d)|(\x03(\d\d(\x2C\d\d)?)?|\x02|\x16|\x1F)+$/g,,%a) $&
- $regsub(%a, /(?<=\x03|\x03\d\d\x2C)0(\d)(?!\d)/g,\1, %a)
- return %a
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# AWARD setups. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l msg.trivia.award { return %c2 $+ $replace($eval($1,2),^, %c2o $+ $e1($2) $+ %c2,*, %c2o $+ $e1($nick) $+ %c2) $+ %c2o }
- alias -l award {
- if ($getset(status,noawards)) { return }
- var %i = 1, %award = $calc($findtok($award.on.tok, $1, 1, $asc(.)) - 1), %trigger = $2-
- while ($aw(%i)) {
- tokenize 32 $aw(%i)
- if (%award == $1) {
- if (($2 == 0) || (($2 == 1) && (%trigger == $4)) || (($2 == 2) && (%trigger isnum $4 - $5)) || (($2 == 3) && (%trigger >= $4)) || (($2 == 4) && (%trigger <= $4)) || (($2 == 5) && (%trigger == $getrank($nick,$unit.default))) || (($2 == 6) && ($rand(1,$4) <= $5)) || (($2 == 7) && ($4 $+ * iswm %trigger)) || (($2 == 8) && (* $+ $4 iswm %trigger))) { $award.act($3,%trigger,$6-) }
- }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias award.act {
- var %do
- if ($1 == 1) { var %do = tact $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
- if (($1 == 2) || ($1 == 5)) { var %do = tsay $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
- if ($1 == 3) { var %do = notice $nick $rdc($msg.trivia.award($3,$2)) }
- if ($1 == 4) { var %do = $nick $3 }
- if ($1 == 5) { var %do = tban $nick }
- if ($1 == 6) { var %do = $eval($replace($3-,*,$2),3) }
- .timer 1 0 schan $chan %do
- }
- alias schan {
- set -u3 %ident $1
- $2-
- }
- alias award.on.tok { return Null.Score.Row.Time.WPM.Join.Question.Uprank.Promotion.Answered.RoundStart.RoundStop.Command.NoAnswer.Hint.HTMLUpdate.Champ.TeamVictory.TeamAnswered }
- alias award.val.tok { return Always.Exactly.Between.At Least.At Most.Ranked.Random.Begins.Ends }
- alias { return Null.Describe.Msg.Notice.Give Points.Ban.Special }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias -l inform {
- if ((!$1) || (!$server)) { return }
- if (!%respond) {
- var %respondlevel = $getset(status,respondlevel)
- set -u2 %respond .notice $nick
- if (%respondlevel == 2) { }
- if (%respondlevel == 3) { set -u2 %respond msg $iden }
- if (%respondlevel == 4) { set -u2 %respond msg $nick }
- if (%respondlevel == 5) { set -u2 %respond describe $iden }
- }
- $iif($scid(%cid.force),scid %cid.force) $iif($nick == $me, .timer -m 1 $calc($timer(0) * 100)) %respond $$rdc($1-))
- }
- alias here { set %cid.force $cid }
- alias -l tsay { if (($1) && ($server) && ($me ison $iden)) { $iif($nick == $me, .timer -m 1 $calc($timer(0) * 100)) msg $iden $$rdc($1-)) } }
- alias -l tact { if (($1) && ($server) && ($me ison $iden)) describe $iden $$rdc($1-)) }
- alias -l { return $iif(c isincs $gettok($chan($iden).mode,1,32), $strip($1-), $1-) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Direct basic processing, for special functions. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l {
- if ($eval(% $+ pingantispam. $+ $nick,2)) return
- ctcp $nick ping
- set -u120 % $+ ping. $+ $nick $ticks
- set -u120 % $+ pingchan. $+ $nick $chan
- set -u120 % $+ pingcid. $+ $nick $cid
- }
- alias -l {
- inform $msg.trivia.thanks
- write " $+ $triv(dir) $+ / $+ $iif($1 == 29, $triv(additions), $triv(report)) $+ " $nick $adate $time $2-
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias addressize {
- if (*!*@* iswm $1) { return $1 }
- return $1 $+ !*@*
- }
- alias -l is.friend {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(friend, %i)) {
- if ($addressize($getset(friend, %i)) iswm $address($ifd($1,$nick),5)) { return %i }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias -l is.banned {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(banned,%i)) {
- if ($addressize($getset(banned, %i)) iswm $address($ifd($1,$nick),5)) { return %i }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias -l trivia.banned {
- var %banned = $is.banned($1)
- if (%banned) {
- if (!$1) { inform $msg.trivia.banned }
- return %banned
- }
- }
- alias -l ban.size { return $calc(1 + $setini(banned, 0)) }
- alias -l tban { if (!$trivia.banned($$1)) { setset banned $ban.size $1 } }
- alias -l tunban {
- var %i = $trivia.banned($$1)
- while ($getset(banned, $calc(%i + 1))) {
- setset banned %i $getset(banned, $calc(%i + 1))
- inc %i
- }
- setset banned %i
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# MISC. #
- ;########################################################
- alias timealias {
- var %ticks = $ticks
- echo -a ... $eval($ $+ $1,2) ... $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / 1000) ... $1
- }
- alias timealias2 {
- var %ticks = $ticks, %i = 1, %result
- while (%i <= $2) {
- var %result = $eval($ $+ $eval($1-,2),2)
- inc %i
- }
- return $calc(($ticks - %ticks) / (1000 * $2))
- }
- alias iden { return $iif($chan, $chan, $iif(%ident, %ident, $tchan(1))) }
- alias idenn { return $iden $+ . $+ $ifd($network,irc) }
- alias -l deleteplayer { if ($getvar($1)) { write -dl $+ $readn $scoresfil } }
- alias -l hof.size { return $line($twin,0) }
- alias -l hof { return $gettok($line($twin,$1),$2,59) }
- alias -l scoresfil { return $nopath($ifd($thget(scores),$ifd($tchan($trivchan, 4), TriviaScores.fil))) }
- alias -l user.score { return $getvar($1,$unit.prefix($2) $+ score) }
- alias -l trivia.on { if (($timer(q $+ $idenn)) || ($timer(end $+ $idenn))) { return $true } }
- alias -l question.on { if ($timer(end $+ $idenn)) { return $true } }
- alias -l tokq { return $thget(tokq) }
- alias -l tok { return $thget(tok $+ $1) }
- alias -l question.time { return $calc(($ticks - $thget(Start)) / 1000) }
- alias -l te { return $getset(team, $1 $+ $prop) }
- alias -l teamscore { return $thget(Score $+ $1) }
- alias -l max.hinted { return $iif($calc($thget(Temp.Hints) + 0) > $calc($thuser(Hint) + 0), $thget(Temp.Hints), $thuser(hint)) }
- alias -l isteam { return $thget(Team. $+ $1) }
- alias -l chkadate { return $iif($getset(status,adate), $+($gettok($1,2,$asc(/)),/,$gettok($1,1,$asc(/)),/,$gettok($1,3,$asc(/))), $1) }
- alias -l team { if ($thget(team) == 1) { return $true } }
- alias -l tempini { return triviascbb.ini }
- alias -l lag { return $iif($thget(lag $+ $1), $thget(lag $+ $1), $getset(lag,$1)) }
- alias -l slag { return $getset(lag,$1) }
- alias -l tc { return $getset(color, $1 $+ $iif($prop == b, -bold) $+ $iif($prop == u, -underline)) }
- alias -l triv { return $getset(trivia, $1) }
- alias -l aw { return $getset(award, $1) }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias e1 { return %c1 $+ $1- $+ %c1o }
- alias e2 { return %c2 $+ $trivtran($1-) $+ %c2o }
- alias trivtran {
- if (!$triv(translate)) return $1-
- if ($isfile($transfile)) {
- var %tran = $read($transfile, wtn, $1- $+ ::=*)
- if ($regex(%tran, /.*::=(.*))) { return $regml(1) }
- if (#* iswm $read($transfile,n,1)) var %nowrite 1
- }
- if (!%nowrite) write $transfile $1- $+ ::= $+ $1-
- return $1-
- }
- alias untrans {
- if (!$triv(translate)) return $1-
- if ($isfile($transfile)) {
- var %tran = $read($transfile, wtn, *::= $+ $1-)
- if ($regex(%tran, /(.*)::=.*)) { return $regml(1) }
- }
- return $1-
- }
- alias tranord { return $1 $+ $trivtran($remove($ord($1),$1)) }
- alias transfile { return " $+ $triv(translate) $+ " }
- ;########################################################
- ;# MESSAGES. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l { return $e1($nick) $+ $e2($chr(44) your ping is) $e1($calc(($ticks - % [ $+ ping. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ] ) / 1000)) $e2(secs.) }
- alias -l msg.answer.correct { return $iif($1,$msg.answer.correct2($2,$3,$4),$e2(Winner:) $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $iif(!$getset(status,shownone),$e2(Answer:) $e1($trivq.answer)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(Time:) $e1($thget(Time))) $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(Streak:) $e1($getset(Var $+ $idenn, Row))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Punkte:) $e1($user.score($nick))) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(WPM:) $e1($int($2))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Rang:) $e1($tranord($3)) $iif($4,$e2(Previously:) $e1($tranord($4))))) }
- alias -l msg.answer.correct2 { return $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $e2(got the answer) $+ $iif(!$getset(status,shownone),$e2(:) $e1($trivq.answer),$e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(in) $e1($thget(Time)) $e2(seconds.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Points:) $e1($user.score($nick))) $e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($2)) }
- alias -l msg.answer.timeout { return $e2(Time over! The answer was:) $e1($trivq.answer) }
- alias -l { return $e2(Time over! The correct answers were:) $e1($left($gettotalremain,850)) }
- alias -l msg.answer.timeout.kaos { return $e2(time passing!) $e1($total.answered) $e2(/) $e1($total.answers) $e2(geantwortet) }
- alias -l msg.answer.timeout.pick { return $e2(Time over! The answer was:) $e1($left($get.picklist,850)) }
- alias -l msg.answer.timeout2 { return $e2(Zeit vorbei!) }
- alias -l msg.question.multi { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Multiple choice:) $e1($right($tok(1),-7)) $+ $e2(;) $e1($get.multianswers) }
- alias -l { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Alle richtigen Antworten:) $e1($right($tok(1),-7)) }
- alias -l msg.question.kaos { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(Kaos:) $e1($right($tok(1),-5)) }
- alias -l msg.question.points { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e2(For) $e1($ifd($thget(temp.points),0)) $e2(point $+ $iif($thget(temp.points) != 1,s) $+ :) $e1($get.question($2-)) }
- alias -l msg.question.scramble { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $iif($getset(status, sayscramble),$e2(Unscramble the following:)) $iif($2,$e1($2) $+ $e2(:)) $e1($scramble($tok(2)) $+ ?) }
- alias -l msg.question.standard { return $iif($1, $e1($1) $+ $e2(:)) $e1($get.question($ifd($2,$tok(1)))) }
- alias -l msg.question.answer { return $e2(Was the answer to the last question $+ :) $e1($thget(answer)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.stats { return $iif($getvar($1,$2 $+ score), $e1($getmrank($1,$iif(!$2,total,$2)) $1) $+ $e2(:) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($getrank($1,$2))) $e2(out of) $e1($hof.size) $+ $e2(.) $e2(Current wins:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ score)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(Best streak:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ streak)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(Best time:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ time)) $e2(secs.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(WPM:) $e1($getvar($1,$2 $+ wpm)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif($getvar($1,lastwin), $e2(Last Win:) $e1($chkadate($getvar($1, lastwin))) $+ $e2(.)), $e2(No such user exists.)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.rank { return $iif($user.score($1), $e1($getmrank($1) $1) $+ $e2(:) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Current wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(($mrankon) && ($getnextmrankat($user.score($1)) != 0),$e2(Next rank:) $e1($getnextmrank($user.score($1))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(after:) $e1($calc($getnextmrankat($user.score($1)) - $user.score($1))) $e2(more points.))) $iif(!$getset(hide,score),$e2(Rank:) $e1($tranord($getrank($1,$unit.default))) $e2(out of) $e1($hof.size) $+ $e2(.) $iif(%getrank != 1,$e1($calc(%getnextrankat - $user.score($1))) $e2(points below) $e1(%getnextrankuser) $+ $e2(.))),$e2(Error.)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.state { return $msg.trivia.version $e2(is currently) $e1($trivon) $+ $e2(.) $iif($getset(status,champ),$e2(Champ Mode Set to) $e1($triv(reset)) $e2(Wins.)) $e2(Question file contains) $e1($numq) $e2(lines.) $e1($numl) $e2(questions. Trivia is:) $e1($trivia.onoff) $+ $e2(.) $iif($trivia.on, $iif($question.on,$e2(Time left:) $e1($calc($thget(lagtimedout) - $question.time))) $e2(Question:) $e1($thget(Current)) $+ $e2(/) $+ $e1($thget(Max)) $e2(Team Game:) $e1($team.onoff) $+ $e2(. Trivia Round started by) $e1($thget(SUser)) $e2(on) $e1($thget(STime))) $e2(Bot time is:) $e1($time) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.enabled { return $e2(Enabling the trivia. Have an op type:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(2)) $e2(to disable the bot.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.disabled { return $e2(Disabling the trivia. Have an op type:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(3)) $e2(to enable the bot.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.victory { return $e2(The game has been beaten by) $e1($1) $e2(all hail the new champ whose name shall reign supreme!) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.unactive { return $e2(The game has been disabled due to inactivity.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.emptyoff { return $e2(The game has been disabled due lack of players.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.pause { return $e2(Trivia paused.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(8)) $e2(to resume.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.resume { return $e2(Trivia resumed.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.started { return $e2(Beginning of the Trivias. round of) $e1($iif($thget(Max) == Unlimited,$gtok(1,5),$thget(Max))) $e2(question.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(6)) $e2(to stop the game. Total:) $e1($numl) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.stopped { return $e2(Stopping the trivia.) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(5) $iif(!$isdis(1),< $+ $trivtran(number) $+ >)) $e2(to restart.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.awarded { return $e1($1) $e2(was awarded) $e1($2) $e2(point $+ $iif($2 > 1,s) $+ . Current Wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.deducted { return $e1($1) $e2(was deducted) $e1($calc($2 * -1)) $e2(point $+ $iif($2 < -1,s) $+ . Current Wins:) $e1($user.score($1)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.hof { return $msg.trivia.champ(1) $msg.trivia.topstats(score) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.midq { return $e2(Cannot pause while trivia game has a question issued.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.banned { return $e2(You cannot play $+ $chr(44) you are banned.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.guessed { return $e2(You already guessed) $e1($1) $e2(times.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.thanks { return $e2(Thank you for your contribution!) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.totalover { return $e2(All correct responses have been given!) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.version { return $e1($ $+ $chr(44) v $+ $trivia.version) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.web { return $e2(Get your own copy of) $msg.trivia.version $e2(at) $e1($trivia.web) $e2(.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.onjoin { return $iif($getset(trivia,onjoin),$get.onjoin($getset(trivia,onjoin)),$e2(Welcome) $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($msg.trivia.version) $e2(is activated. Type ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(33)) $+ $e2(' for a list of commands or just ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(5)) $+ $e2(' to start a game!)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.records { return $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),$e2(Record streak:) $e1($recordstat(streak)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,4)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,time),$e2(Record time:) $e1($recordstat(time)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,3)) $+ $e2(.)) $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),$e2(Record wpm:) $e1($recordstat(WPM)) $e2(of) $e1($hof(1,5)) $+ $e2(.)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.themes { return $e2(Current themes are:) $e1($get.themes) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.champ { return $iif($getset(status,champ), $e2(Current champ:) $e1($getset(Champ, $ini($trivini, Champ, 0))) $+ $e2(. $get.champ($1))) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.showteams { return $msg.trivia.showteam(1) $msg.trivia.showteam(2) $iif($getset(team, 4-team), $msg.trivia.showteam(3) $msg.trivia.showteam(4)) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.showteam { return $iif($get.showteams($1), $e2(Current members of) $e1($te($1)) $e2(are:) $e1($get.showteams($1))) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.hintpaused { return $e2(You requested a $pre $+ $gtok(39) less than) $e1($triv(hintpause)) $e2(seconds ago.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.roundscores { return $e2(Current Round:) $e1($get.roundscores) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.banlist { return $e2(The following people are banned:) $e1($get.banlist) }
- alias -l { return $e2(Team Trivia: ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 1) $+ $e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 2) $+ $iif($getset(team,4-team),$e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 3) $+ $e2(' or ') $+ $e1($pre $+ $gtok(34) 4)) $+ $e2(' to add to a team.) }
- alias -l { return $e2(Team:) $e1($1) $e2(has a new member:) $e1($2) }
- alias -l { return $e2(I am sorry no more people can join/change at this time.) }
- alias -l { return $e2(That team currently has enough players.) }
- alias -l { return $e2(Teams are no longer accepting player.) }
- alias -l { return $e2(You are already on that team.) }
- alias -l { return $e1($getmrank($nick) $nick) $e2(won. Point for) $e1($te($isteam($nick))) $+ $e2(.) $,2) $iif($getset(team,4-team), $,4)) }
- alias -l { return $e1($te($1)) $e2(has) $e1($thget(Score $+ $1)) $e2(points.) $e1($te($2)) $e2(has) $e1($thget(Score $+ $2)) $e2(points.) }
- alias -l { return %c2 $+ $replace($1-, *t1, %c2o $+ $e1($te(1)) $+ %c2,*t2, %c2o $+ $e1($te(2)) $+ %c2,*t3,%c2o $+ $e1($te(3)) $+ %c2,*t4,%c2o $+ $e1($te(4)) $+ %c2) $+ %c2o $+ $e2(!) }
- alias -l msg.hint.words { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(there $iif($$get.hint(words) == 1,is,are)) $e1($$get.hint(words)) $e2(word $+ $iif($$get.hint(words) != 1,s) in the answer.) }
- alias -l msg.hint.vowels { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(the vowels are:) $e1($$get.hint(vowels)) }
- alias -l msg.hint.last { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(the last character in the answer is:) $e1($$get.hint(last)) }
- alias -l { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(answer space:) $e1($$get.hint(space)) }
- alias -l msg.hint.scramble { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e2(scrambled:) $e1($$get.hint(scramble)) }
- alias -l msg.hint.hint { return $e2(Here's $iif($getset(status,sayhintnum),your $tranord($ifd($thuser(hint),$thget(Temp.Hints))), a) hint $+ $chr(44)) $e1($$get.hint(hint,$1)) }
- alias -l msg.features.built { return $e2(Trivia scores updated:) $e1($1) $e2(!) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.hof.error { return $e1($pre $+ $gtok(14) < $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ >) $e2(to display the hall of fame table of your choice.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.stats.error { return $e1($pre $+ $gtok(11) < $+ $trivtran(player) $+ $chr(124) $+ $trivtran(number) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ >) $e2(to display stats on that individual.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.op.ban { return $e2(User is banned.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.ban { return $e2(You need to specify a user or address to ban.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.unban { return $e2(You need to specify a user or address to unban.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.op.unban { return $e2(User is unbanned.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.badnum { return $e2(You need to specify a valid question number to be asked.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.op.ask { return $e2(Question will be asked.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.noquestion { return $e2(You need append the question that is to be added directly into the question file.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.nodelim { return $e2(You need at least one delimiter to indicate: question $+ $triv(delimiter) $+ answer) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.op.added { return $e2(Question has been added.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.nosearch { return $e2(You need at least some search text.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.op.find { return $iif($get.find($1-),$e1($get.find($1-)),$msg.trivia.error.find) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.find { return $e2(That text was not found.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.topx { return $e2(Range too great.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.numberrequired { return $e2(You must specify a valid team number for) $e1($1-) $e2(.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.error.playerrequired { return $e2(You must specify a player.) }
- alias -l msg.trivia.echoanswer { return $e2(Answer:) $e1($trivq.answer) }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Help structure. #
- ;########################################################
- alias -l givehelp {
- if (!$1-) {
- inform $e2(Commands:) $e1($pre $+ $gtok(6) $pre $+ $gtok(5) $pre $+ $gtok(39) $pre $+ $gtok(34) $pre $+ $gtok(29) $pre $+ $gtok(30) $pre $+ $gtok(31) $pre $+ $gtok(27) $pre $+ $gtok(28) $pre $+ $gtok(14) $pre $+ $gtok(19) $pre $+ $gtok(16) $pre $+ $gtok(21) $pre $+ $gtok(25) $pre $+ $gtok(38) $pre $+ $gtok(23) $pre $+ $gtok(26) $pre $+ $gtok(44) $pre $+ $gtok(37) $pre $+ $gtok(11) $pre $+ $gtok(1) $pre $+ $gtok(3) $pre $+ $gtok(2) $pre $+ $gtok(10) $pre $+ $gtok(41) $pre $+ $gtok(42) $pre $+ $gtok(43) $pre $+ $gtok(35) $pre $+ $gtok(36) $pre $+ $gtok(4) $pre $+ $gtok(7) $pre $+ $gtok(8) $pre $+ $gtok(62))
- inform $e1($pre $+ $gtok(33) < $+ $trivtran(command) $+ >) $e2(for specific help. Some commands may be disabled.)
- }
- var %ctok = $iif($pre $+ * iswm $1, $ctok($right($1,$calc(-1 * $len($pre)))), $ctok($1))
- if ((%ctok == 1)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Displays the state of the bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 6)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Stops trivia) }
- if ((%ctok == 3)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Enables trivia bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 2)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Disables trivia bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 7)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Pauses trivia bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 8)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Resumes trivia bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 4)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) < $+ $trivtran(command) $+ > -) $e1($gtok(1,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(2,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(3,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(4,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(5,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(6,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(7,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44)) $e1($gtok(8,2)) $+ $e2($chr(44) commands to allow ops to control the trivia bot.) }
- if ((%ctok == 5)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) x --) $e2(Starts trivia, x can be a number, "unlimited", <theme> or "team" for team mode) }
- if ((%ctok == 39)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives a hint) }
- if ((%ctok == 42)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the last character of the answer) }
- if ((%ctok == 41)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the number of words in the answer) }
- if ((%ctok == 43)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Gives the vowels of the answer) }
- if ((%ctok == 34)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) x ----) $e2(Joins a team, must be in team mode, x can be a 1 or 2) }
- if ((%ctok == 29)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -------) $e2(Allows you to add questions: $pre $+ $gtok(29) What is the square root of 4*two*2) }
- if ((%ctok == 30)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Lets you report problems with the questions: $pre $+ $gtok(30) The square root of 4 is also -2) }
- if ((%ctok == 31)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Checks your lag from the bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 27)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the version of the bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 28)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -------) $e2(Displays the web page for the bot) }
- if ((%ctok == 14)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) < $+ $gtok(1,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,3) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,3) $+ > < $+ $gtok(1,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(2,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(3,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(4,4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $gtok(5,4) $+ > -------) $e2(Displays the hall of fame, for requested entry) }
- if ((%ctok == 19)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the record times. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(2,3)) }
- if ((%ctok == 16)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) --) $e2(Displays the record streaks. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(3,3)) }
- if ((%ctok == 21)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays the record words per minute. Same as $pre $+ $gtok(14) $gtok(4,3)) }
- if ((%ctok == 25)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ---) $e2(Displays the record $gtok(2,3) & $gtok(3,3) & $gtok(4,3)) }
- if ((%ctok == 23)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays the bot's server) }
- if ((%ctok == 26)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) -----) $e2(Displays the champ stats) }
- if ((%ctok == 36)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok)) $e2(Displays the scores for the current round.) }
- if ((%ctok == 35)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok)) $e2(Displays the teams and which players are on each.) }
- if ((%ctok == 44)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Repeats the question) }
- if ((%ctok == 37)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Provides the answer to the last question to an op who requests it) }
- if ((%ctok == 38)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(After half the time to answer has expired allows an instant timeout.) }
- if ((%ctok == 10)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Lists available themes) }
- if ((%ctok == 11)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ------) $e2(Returns your current stats, or $pre $+ $gtok(11) <player> for somebody else) }
- if ((%ctok == 62)) { inform $e1($gtok(%ctok) ----) $e2(Displays score required for next promotion.) }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias -l get.question {
- var %gq $1-
- if (!$getset(status,noautoqm)) { var %aqm = 1 }
- if ($right(%gq,1) isin :!?.-) { var %aqm = 0 }
- if ($right(%gq,1) isin -) { var %gq = $left(%gq,-1) }
- if ($thget(temp.bonus) == S) { %gq = $scramble(%gq) }
- if ($thget(temp.bonus) == R) { %gq = $reverse(%gq) }
- if ($thget(temp.bonus) == G) { %gq = $scatter(75,%gq) }
- return %gq $+ $iif(%aqm,?)
- }
- alias -l get.banlist {
- var %i = 1, %b.temp
- while ($getset(banned,%i)) {
- var %b.temp = %b.temp $getset(banned,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- return %b.temp
- }
- alias -l get.roundscores {
- if ($window(@round $+ $idenn)) { window -c @round $+ $idenn }
- window -hn @round $+ $idenn
- .timer 1 0 window -c @round $+ $idenn
- var %i = 1
- while ($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i)) {
- var %j = $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)
- while (( $hget(Trivia $+ $idenn, $hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i)) > $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j))) && (%j >= 1)) { dec %j }
- iline @round $+ $idenn $calc(%j + 1) $remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Score.*, %i),Score.)
- inc %i
- }
- var %roundscores
- %i = 1
- while (%i <= 15) {
- %roundscores = %roundscores $iif($line(@round $+ $idenn,%i),$line(@round $+ $idenn,%i) $+ - $+ $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn,%i)))
- inc %i
- }
- return %roundscores
- }
- alias sortroundscores {
- var %j = 1
- while (%j <= $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)) {
- var %k = %j
- while (%k <= $line(@round $+ $idenn,0)) {
- if ($thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j)) > $thget(Score. $+ $line(@round $+ $idenn, %k))) {
- var = $line(@round $+ $idenn, %j)
- rline @round $+ $idenn %j $line(@round $+ $idenn, %k)
- rline @round $+ $idenn %j
- }
- inc %k
- }
- inc %j
- }
- }
- alias get.showteams {
- var %i = 1
- while ($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i)) {
- if ($isteam($remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i),Team.)) == $1) { var = $remove($hmatch(Trivia $+ $idenn, Team.*, %i),Team.) }
- inc %i
- }
- return
- }
- alias -l get.champ {
- if (($setini(Champ,0) <= 0) || (!$getset(status,champ))) { return }
- var %temp.champ, %i = $calc($ini($trivini, Champ, 0) - 1)
- while ((%i >= 1) && (!$1)) {
- var %temp.champ = %temp.champ $getset(Champ, %i)
- dec %i
- }
- return %temp.champ
- }
- alias -l get.multianswers {
- var %i 2, %answers.t
- if ($window(@multianswer)) { window -c @multianswer }
- window -h @multianswer
- .timer 1 0 window -c @multianswer
- while ($tok(%i)) {
- aline @multianswer $tok(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- filter -wwct 1 13 @multianswer @multianswer *
- var %i 2
- var %answers.t $line(@multianswer,1)
- while ($line(@multianswer, %i)) { var %answers.t = %answers.t $+ , $line(@multianswer, %i), %i = $calc(%i + 1) }
- return %answers.t
- }
- alias -l get.themes {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)) {
- var %temp.themes = %temp.themes $getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)
- inc %i
- }
- return $e1(%temp.themes)
- }
- alias -l get.onjoin {
- return %c2 $+ $replace($1-,$chr(35),$+(%c2o,%c1,$chan,%c1o,%c2),*, $+(%c2o,%c1,$getmrank($nick) $nick,%c1o,%c2),@, $+(%c2o,%c1,$tranord($getrank($nick,$unit.default)),%c1o,%c2),^, $+(%c2o,%c1,$ifd($getvar($nick,score),0),%c1o,%c2)) $+ %c2o
- }
- alias -l get.picklist {
- if ($tokq <= 2) return $tok(2)
- var %i = 2, %picklist
- while (%i <= $tokq) {
- %picklist = %picklist $tok(%i)
- if (%i < $calc($tokq - 1)) { %picklist = %picklist $+ $chr(44) }
- if (%i == $calc($tokq - 1)) { %picklist = %picklist $trivtran(and) }
- inc %i
- }
- return %picklist
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- alias bgcolor { return #000000 }
- alias textcolor { return #339933 }
- alias linkcolor { return #33FF00 }
- alias alinkcolor { return #666600 }
- alias vlinkcolor { return #666666 }
- alias htmlbuild {
- var %start.ticks = $ticks
- set %htmlfile " $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ $ifd($getset(build,genname),triv.htm) $+ "
- sort score $unit.default
- if ($exists(%htmlfile)) { .remove %htmlfile }
- write %htmlfile <HTML><head><title> $+ $iden $iif($network,$trivtran(Trivia Scores on) $network) $+ </title></head>
- write %htmlfile <body bgcolor=" $+ $bgcolor $+ " text=" $+ $textcolor $+ " link=" $+ $linkcolor $+ " alink=" $+ $alinkcolor $+ " vlink=" $+ $vlinkcolor $+ ">
- write %htmlfile $trivtran(The scores file was compiled by:) $strip($msg.trivia.version) <br>
- write %htmlfile $trivtran(This file was created on:) $time $chkadate($date) <br>
- write %htmlfile <table BORDER COLS=5 WIDTH="80%" ><tr><tr>
- write %htmlfile <th> $+ $trivtran(Ranking) $+ </th><th> $+ $trivtran(Name) $+ </th> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<th> $+ $trivtran(Score) $+ </th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<th> $+ $trivtran(Best Time) $+ </th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<th> $+ $trivtran(Best Streak) $+ </th>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<th> $+ $trivtran(Best WPM) $+ </th>) $+ </tr>
- var %i = 1, %j = $hof.size
- if ($getset(build,top) isnum 1 - %j) { %j = $getset(build,top) }
- if ($version >= 6.15) {
- set %count.num.t %i
- filter -wkr %i $+ - $+ %j $twin htmlprocess
- unset %count.num.t
- }
- else {
- while (%i <= %j) {
- write %htmlfile <tr><th> $+ %i $+ </th><td> $+ $hof(%i,1) $+ </td> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<td> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score)) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<td> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time)) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<td> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak)) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<td> $+ $hof(%i,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm)) $+ </td>) $+ </tr>
- inc %i
- }
- }
- write %htmlfile </table><br>
- write %htmlfile $trivtran(Made with) <a href=" $+ $trivia.web $+ " "target="_top"> $+ $strip($msg.trivia.version) $+ </a><br>
- echo -a $e2(Finished:) $e1(%htmlfile) $e2(is written. In) $e1($calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000)) $+ $e2(secs.)
- unset %htmlfile
- }
- alias htmlprocess {
- write %htmlfile <tr><th> $+ %count.num.t $+ </th><td> $+ $gettok($1,1,59) $+ </td> $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,score),<td> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score),59) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,time),<td> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time),59) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,streak),<td> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak),59) $+ </td>) $+ $iif(!$getset(hide,wpm),<td> $+ $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm),59) $+ </td>) $+ </tr>
- inc %count.num.t
- }
- alias xmlbuild {
- if ($version < 6.15) {
- echo -a Update to a later version of mIRC. This code will not work with versions prior to 6.15.
- return
- }
- var %start.ticks = $ticks
- set %xmlfile " $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ triv-rss-091.xml $+ "
- sort score $unit.default
- if ($exists(%xmlfile)) { .remove %xmlfile }
- write %xmlfile <?xml version="1.0" ?>
- write %xmlfile <rss version="0.91">
- write %xmlfile <channel>
- write %xmlfile <title> $ </title>
- write %xmlfile <link> $trivia.web </link>
- write %xmlfile <description>Latest Scores</description>
- write %xmlfile <language>en-us</language>
- write %xmlfile <copyright>Copyright $asctime(yyyy) $+ </copyright>
- write %xmlfile <lastBuildDate> $asctime($gmt, ddd $+ $chr(44) dd mmm yyyy HH:nn:ss) GMT </lastBuildDate>
- var %i = 1, %j = $hof.size
- if ($getset(build,top) isnum 1 - %j) { %j = $getset(build,top) }
- set %count.num.t %i
- filter -wkr %i $+ - $+ %j $twin xmlprocess
- unset %count.num.t
- write %xmlfile </channel>
- write %xmlfile </rss>
- echo -a $e2(Finished:) $e1(%xmlfile) $e2(is written. In) $e1($calc(($ticks - %start.ticks) / 1000)) $+ $e2(secs.)
- unset %xmlfile
- }
- alias xmlprocess {
- write %xmlfile <item>
- write %xmlfile <title> $+ $gettok($1,1,59) $+ </title>
- write %xmlfile <description> Score: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ score),59) Record Time: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ time),59) Streak: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ streak),59) WPM: $gettok($1,$gttok($unit.mark $+ wpm),59) </description>
- write %xmlfile <link> $+ $trivia.web $+ </link>
- write %xmlfile </item>
- inc %count.num.t
- }
- alias xmlbuildon { setset build xml 1 }
- alias xmlbuildoff { setset build xml 0 }
- alias unit.mark { return $iif($unit.default != total,$unit.default) }
- alias htmltrigger {
- if ($getset(build,xml)) { xmlbuild }
- if ($getset(build,generate)) { htmlbuild }
- if (($getset(build,auto)) && ($exists($+(",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt,")))) { run -n ftp $+(-s:,",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt") }
- if (($getset(build,copy)) && ($exists(" $+ $getset(build,from) $+ ")) && ($exists(" $+ $getset(build,to) $+ "))) { .copy -o " $+ $getset(build,from) $+ " " $+ $getset(build,to) $+ \ $+ $nopath($getset(build,from)) $+ " }
- if ($getset(build,web)) { tsay $msg.features.built($getset(build,web)) }
- award HTMLUpdate 0
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# /find <text> : Finds the text in your current #
- ;# question files for the channel. #
- ;# /add <question> : directly adds the given question. #
- ;# /ask <question|#> : Force asks a given question. #
- ;# /sortfile : Sorts the selcted file alphanumerically. #
- ;# /killdup : Kills exact duplicate questions in file. #
- ;# /killfixdup : Uses internal fix routine to kill same #
- ;# questions with a little more checking. #
- ;# /reformfile <filename> <regex> <regex> : Uses the #
- ;# regsub command to reform a file. For example: #
- ;# /reformfile q.txt ([^\|]+)\|([^\*]+) \2*\1 #
- ;# would change q.txt from answer|question form to #
- ;# question*answer form. You need to know regex. #
- ;# /tpurge <#> : Moves everybody with less that # point #
- ;# to a secondary file called backburner. If they #
- ;# score another point they will be restored. #
- ;# /tdpurge <#> : Anybody who hasn't played in # days. #
- ;# /copyentry <filefrom> <fileto> <nickname> : Copies. #
- ;# /debackburn : Reverses effect of /tpurge commands. #
- ;# /mergefiles <filefrom> <fileto> : Merges two score #
- ;# files into one score file. #
- ;# /tfind : finds score files that should be merged. #
- ;# /tmerge <fromplayer> <toplayer> : merge player score #
- ;# /trename <fromplayer> <toplayer> : renames player #
- ;# /triviaad <#> <message> : displays message every <#> #
- ;# of minutes. #
- ;# /triviaad2 <#> <message> : Same but colored. #
- ;# /truntimes <timeon> <timeoff> : turns bot on and off #
- ;# only plays during the given times. #
- ;########################################################
- alias find { echo $get.find($1-) }
- alias add { if ($exists($qfile(1))) write $qfile(1) $1- }
- alias ask {
- var %asknm = 1
- while ($thget(Ask $+ %asknm)) { inc %asknm }
- if ($hget(Trivia $+ $idenn)) { thset Ask $+ %asknm $iif($1-,$1-,$$?="Force which question number(#) or ask what question(Question*Answer)?") }
- }
- alias sortfile {
- var %file = " $+ $sfile($mircdir) $+ "
- filter -ffct 1 13 %file %file *
- }
- alias killdup {
- var %file = " $+ $sfile($mircdir) $+ ", %i = 0
- window -hn @temp.window
- window -hn @temp.windowfile
- filter -fwct 1 13 %file @temp.windowfile *
- while ($line(@temp.windowfile,0) >= %i) {
- var %line = $line(@temp.windowfile,%i)
- if (%line) { aline -n @temp.window %line }
- unset %line
- inc %i
- }
- filter -wfc @temp.window %file *
- window -c @temp.window
- window -c @temp.windowfile
- }
- alias killfixdup {
- var %file = $sfile($mircdir), %i = 0, %fixed = 0
- window -hn @temp.windowfix
- window -hn @temp.windowfile
- .timer 1 0 window -c @temp.windowfix
- .timer 1 0 window -c @temp.windowfile
- filter -fwct 1 13 " $+ %file $+ " @temp.windowfile *
- while ($line(@temp.windowfile,0) >= %i) {
- if ($line(@temp.windowfile,%i)) {
- aline -n @temp.windowfix $fix($line(@temp.windowfile,%i))
- if (%fixed != $line(@temp.windowfix,0)) { write $nopath(%file) $+ .fix $line(@temp.windowfile,%i) }
- var %fixed = $line(@temp.windowfix,0)
- }
- inc %i
- }
- echo -s Killed dups, saved as %file $+ .fix $+ !
- }
- alias reformfile {
- if (!$exists($1)) { echo File not found. | return }
- var %i = 1, %replace, %matchez = 0
- while (%i <= $lines($1)) {
- if ($regsub($read($1,%i),$2, $3, %replace)) { write $1 $+ .ref %replace | inc %matchez }
- inc %i
- }
- echo Done, %matchez lines replaced, saved as $1 $+ .ref
- }
- alias tpurge {
- var %i = 1
- sort score
- while ($hof(%i,1)) {
- if ($hof(%i,2) <= $$1) { copyentry $$scoresfil $$tempfil $hof(%i,1) }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias tdpurge {
- var %i = 1
- sort score
- while ($hof(%i,1)) {
- if ($round($calc(($ctime($date) - $ctime($hof(%i,6)))/86400),0) > $$1) { copyentry $$scoresfil $$tempfil $hof(%i,1) }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias copyentry {
- if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
- if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
- write $2 $$read($1, w, $3 $+ ;*)
- write -dl $+ $$readn $1
- }
- alias debackburn { mergefiles $tempfil $scoresfil }
- alias mergefiles {
- echo Merging files $1 and $2
- if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
- if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
- while ($lines($1) > 0) {
- if ($numtok($read($1,1),$asc(;)) <= 1) { echo -a ERROR, file does not appear to be standard format. | return }
- var %player = $gettok($read($1,1),1,$asc(;))
- mergeentry $1 $2 %player
- }
- }
- alias mergeentry {
- if (!$exists($1)) { echo -a $1 does not exist. | return }
- if (!$exists($2)) { echo -a $2 does not exist. | return }
- var %merger = $read($1, wnt, $3 $+ ;*)
- var %other = $read($2, wnt, $3 $+ ;*)
- var %merger.line = $readn
- if (%merger) {
- if (%other) {
- write $2 PlayerMoving= $+ %merger
- write -d1 $+ %merger.line $1
- tmergeplayers PlayerMoving= $+ $3 $3
- }
- else copyentry $1 $2 $3
- }
- }
- alias tfind {
- if ($exists($scoresfil)) {
- echo -a Finding Duplicate Entries
- window -h $twin
- filter -fwc $scoresfil $twin
- var %k = $line($twin,0)
- while (%k > 0) {
- %hostname = $replace($mask($gettok($line($twin,%k), $gttok(address), 59),2),.,\.,*,.*)
- if (%hostname) {
- var %j = 1
- var %fline = $fline($twin,$str([^;]*;,7) $+ %hostname $+ ;.*,1,2)
- while (%fline) {
- if (%j == 2) {
- echo -a Multiple references:
- echo -a ... $gettok($line($twin,%prev.fline),1,59) ... $gettok($line($twin,%prev.fline),$gttok(address),59)
- }
- if (%j >= 2) {
- echo -a ... $gettok($line($twin,%fline),1,59) ... $gettok($line($twin,%fline),$gttok(address),59)
- dline $twin %prev.fline
- }
- inc %j
- var %prev.fline = %fline
- var %fline = $fline($twin,$str([^;]*;,7) $+ %hostname $+ ;.*,2,2)
- }
- }
- dec %k
- }
- }
- echo -a To combine entries use: /tmerge <from-nick> <to-nick>
- window -c $twin
- }
- alias tmerge {
- tmergeplayers $1 $2
- tsay $msg.trivia.stats($2)
- }
- alias tmergeplayers {
- if (($$getvar($$1,score)) && ($$getvar($$2,score))) {
- var %i = $numtok($unit.tokens, $asc(.))
- while (%i > 0) {
- var %unit = $gettok($unit.tokens, %i, $asc(.))
- if ($getvar($1, %unit) == $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)) {
- if ($getvar($2, %unit) == $eval($ $+ get. $+ %unit,2)) {
- setvar $2 %unit $+ score $calc($getvar($2,%unit $+ score) + $getvar($1,%unit $+ score))
- if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ WPM) > $getvar($2,%unit $+ WPM)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ WPM $getvar($1, %unit $+ WPM) }
- if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ streak) > $getvar($2,%unit $+ streak)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ streak $getvar($1, %unit $+ streak) }
- if ($getvar($1, %unit $+ time) < $getvar($2,%unit $+ time)) { setvar $2 %unit $+ time $getvar($1, %unit $+ time) }
- }
- else {
- setvar $2 %unit $+ score $getvar(%unit $+ score)
- setvar $2 %unit $+ WPM $getvar(%unit $+ WPM)
- setvar $2 %unit $+ streak $getvar(%unit $+ streak)
- setvar $2 %unit $+ time $getvar(%unit $+ time)
- }
- }
- dec %i
- }
- setvar $2 score $calc($getvar($2,score) + $getvar($1,score))
- if ($getvar($1, wpm) > $getvar($2,wpm)) { setvar $2 wpm $getvar($1, wpm) }
- if ($getvar($1, streak) > $getvar($2,streak)) { setvar $2 streak $getvar($1, streak) }
- if ($getvar($1, time) < $getvar($2,time)) { setvar $2 time $getvar($1, time) }
- setvar $2 admin $or($getvar($1,admin),$getvar($2,admin))
- deleteplayer $1
- }
- }
- alias trename {
- setvar $1 name $2
- tsay $msg.trivia.stats($2)
- }
- alias triviad {
- if (($1 >= 1) && ($2)) { .timertriviaad 0 $calc($$1 * 60) $chan $2- }
- else { .timertriviaad off }
- }
- alias triviad2 {
- if (($1 >= 1) && ($2)) { .timertriviaad 0 $calc($$1 * 60) msg $chan $e1($2-) }
- else { .timertriviaad off }
- }
- alias truntimes {
- if (($regex($1,/\d+:\d+/)) && ($regex($2,/\d+:\d+/))) {
- .timertriviarunon -o $1 1 1 tboton $1
- .timertriviarunoff -o $2 1 1 tbotoff $2
- }
- else { .timertriviarun* off }
- }
- alias tboton {
- .timertriviarunon -o $1 1 1 tboton $1
- setset status bot 1
- trivia
- }
- alias askrotate {
- set %askcount $calc((%askcount + 1) % $numq)
- ask %askcount
- }
- alias tbotoff {
- .timertriviarunoff -o $1 1 1 tbotoff $1
- if ($trivia.on) { strivia }
- setset status bot 0
- }
- alias tempfil { return backburner.txt }
- alias { if (!$trivia.on) { msg $1 $e1($2-) } }
- ;########################################################
- ;# DIALOGS. #
- ;########################################################
- dialog trivset {
- title "Trivia Settings"
- size -1 -1 912 544
- option pixels
- tab General, 1, 4 8 896 523
- box Channels, 9, 12 36 502 108, tab 1
- text Delimiter, 10, 22 443 68 20, tab 1
- text Add/Report, 11, 18 405 92 20, tab 1
- button Add, 24, 24 204 64 20, tab 1
- edit , 30, 84 113 418 22, tab 1 autohs
- edit $triv(delimiter), 31, 20 463 34 24, tab 1
- edit $triv(additions), 32, 112 405 86 24, tab 1 autohs
- edit $triv(report), 33, 204 405 86 24, tab 1 autohs
- edit $triv(dir), 35, 100 371 402 24, tab 1 autohs
- text Percent Hint, 14, 532 84 68 20, tab 1
- edit $triv(perchint), 99, 676 84 40 26, tab 1
- text Number of hints, 15, 532 66 136 20, tab 1
- edit $triv(numhint), 861, 676 58 40 26, tab 1
- text Hint Reduction, 16, 536 352 108 20, tab 1
- edit $triv(DPH), 863, 704 356 48 24, tab 1
- text Points per answer, 17, 536 326 148 20, tab 1
- edit $triv(PPQ), 65, 704 326 48 24, tab 1
- list 108, 82 48 424 64, tab 1 size
- button Add, 115, 18 60 58 20, tab 1
- button Remove, 119, 18 88 62 20, tab 1
- text Channel:, 125, 16 116 62 20, tab 1
- edit , 132, 96 300 398 24, tab 1 autohs
- box "Points", 133, 520 308 308 76, tab 1
- box "Global", 134, 12 344 496 152, tab 1
- button "Scores", 141, 36 304 56 20, tab 1
- button "Define", 20, 424 440 55 21, tab 1
- check "Trivia Ranks", 148, 364 416 116 24, tab 1
- check Crosshatch, 47, 532 124 116 20, tab 1
- text Chr, 21, 652 124 31 26, tab 1
- edit , 961, 684 124 28 26, tab 1
- box "Hints", 80, 524 48 304 256, tab 1
- radio "Scatter", 58, 612 196 75 20, group tab 1
- radio "Plot", 129, 692 196 75 20, tab 1
- radio "Basic", 130, 536 196 75 20, tab 1
- text $hint.example, 199, 536 172 274 20, tab 1
- check "Say Hint Number", 147, 532 144 160 24, tab 1
- radio "Standard", 149, 532 248 92 20, group tab 1
- radio "Last Letter", 150, 624 252 100 20, tab 1
- radio "Vowels", 151, 536 276 72 20, tab 1
- radio "Random", 152, 624 280 88 20, tab 1
- text "First Hint Type", 153, 536 224 122 20, tab 1
- button "Remove", 12, 24 272 64 20, tab 1
- list 34, 92 200 410 92, tab 1 sort size
- box "Channel Properties", 83, 12 144 498 192, tab 1
- edit $triv(translate), 131, 232 464 272 24, tab 1 autohs
- button "Translation File", 136, 108 468 115 20, tab 1
- button "Trivia Dir", 13, 20 376 67 17, tab 1
- text "Nick", 543, 28 168 34 20, tab 1
- edit "", 544, 64 168 76 25, tab 1 autohs
- text "Network", 66, 160 168 70 20, tab 1
- edit "", 67, 236 164 116 25, tab 1 autohs
- check Auto-Hint, 41, 532 103 132 20, tab 1
- tab Options, 6
- text questions, 18, 72 219 80 21, tab 6
- check No-activity off, 88, 20 187 140 20, tab 6
- edit $triv(naoff), 89, 16 215 50 32, tab 6
- text seconds, 19, 250 211 76 25, tab 6
- check Hint-Pause, 96, 200 185 140 20, tab 6
- edit $triv(hintpause), 97, 198 211 50 32, tab 6
- check Echo Answer, 40, 20 60 140 20, tab 6
- check Timeout Answer, 45, 200 106 140 20, tab 6
- check Join Message, 46, 12 336 120 20, tab 6
- check Traditional win, 48, 20 105 140 20, tab 6
- check Auto-Start, 49, 385 60 140 20, tab 6
- check Say Scramble:, 53, 202 60 140 20, tab 6
- check Showteam End, 55, 200 81 140 20, tab 6
- check Answer Space, 56, 384 127 140 20, tab 6
- check No Mid-Match, 57, 574 160 140 20, tab 6
- check Show Matched, 59, 200 131 140 20, tab 6
- check Use Adate, 60, 20 82 140 20, tab 6
- check No ? end, 830, 574 60 140 20, tab 6
- check No Spell Correct, 817, 574 140 140 20, tab 6
- check "Monday Week", 126, 384 83 140 20, tab 6
- check Limit Guesses, 51, 384 166 140 20, tab 6
- edit $triv(limitguess), 144, 384 191 36 32, tab 6
- check Round HoF, 52, 384 105 140 20, tab 6
- edit , 22, 12 368 728 89, tab 6 read multi autovs
- edit $triv(onjoin), 138, 148 336 596 29, tab 6 autohs
- check No Partial Match, 43, 574 180 140 20, tab 6
- text "tries", 146, 420 192 58 28, tab 6
- check No Decheater, 44, 574 80 140 20, tab 6
- check No Color Short, 61, 574 100 140 20, tab 6
- check "Score", 106, 28 292 84 20, tab 6
- check "Time", 169, 120 292 80 20, tab 6
- check "Streak", 171, 204 292 80 20, tab 6
- check "WPM", 173, 288 292 72 20, tab 6
- box "Hide Stat", 174, 12 264 368 60, tab 6
- check "No Catergories", 62, 574 120 140 20, tab 6
- check "Empty Off", 54, 20 127 140 20, tab 6
- check "No Bonus", 50, 574 200 140 20, tab 6
- check "No Q number", 63, 574 220 140 20, tab 6
- box Settings, 70, 8 40 732 288, tab 6
- check "Keep Ask", 156, 20 150 140 20, tab 6
- check "Show Nothing", 143, 200 156 140 20, tab 6
- tab Defaults, 2
- box , 23, 280 63 322 80, tab 2
- box , 25, 602 67 174 76, tab 2
- check Colors, 116, 280 48 88 20, tab 2 push
- text Primary, 110, 286 74 60 17, tab 2
- text Secondary, 120, 286 110 84 21, tab 2
- edit $tc(1), 121, 372 74 35 28, tab 2 read
- edit $tc(2), 122, 376 110 35 28, tab 2 read
- edit $tc(3), 123, 607 74 43 28, tab 2 read
- edit $tc(4), 124, 607 110 43 28, tab 2 read
- check B, 117, 541 74 24 24, tab 2 push
- check U, 118, 568 74 24 24, tab 2 push
- check B, 127, 541 110 24 24, tab 2 push
- check U, 128, 568 110 20 24, tab 2 push
- combo 111, 412 74 124 240, tab 2 size drop
- combo 112, 412 110 124 240, tab 2 size drop
- combo 113, 652 74 120 240, tab 2 size drop
- combo 114, 652 110 120 240, tab 2 size drop
- box Time, 26, 12 188 264 244, tab 2
- text Before Start, 27, 30 208 155 25, tab 2
- text Between Questions (answered), 36, 30 342 155 25, tab 2
- text Given to Answer, 37, 30 234 155 25, tab 2
- text Before Auto-Hint, 38, 30 288 155 25, tab 2
- text (timed-out), 39, 30 369 155 25, tab 2
- text Before hint allowed, 862, 30 261 155 25, tab 2
- text Between Ping Delay, 167, 30 398 155 25, tab 2
- text Between Auto-Hints, 177, 30 315 155 25, tab 2
- edit $slag(start), 135, 192 208 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(answered), 145, 192 346 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(timedout), 155, 192 234 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(hint), 165, 192 290 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(timed), 175, 192 374 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(hintallow), 185, 192 262 65 24, tab 2
- edit $slag(ping), 195, 192 402 65 28, tab 2
- edit $slag(betweenhint), 205, 192 318 65 24, tab 2
- box Questions, 64, 14 40 262 144, tab 2
- text Default Round, 68, 120 54 78 17, tab 2
- text Champ Goal, 69, 284 380 94 21, tab 2
- text Team Round, 71, 120 102 70 17, tab 2
- edit $triv(default), 299, 148 74 91 24, tab 2
- edit $triv(reset), 215, 384 380 79 28, tab 2
- edit $triv(dteam), 217, 164 122 71 24, tab 2
- button $record.type($triv(Record)), 218, 82 150 149 20, tab 2
- button Themes, 700, 374 304 68 20, tab 2
- radio Unlimited, 201, 24 82 96 20, tab 2
- radio Team, 202, 24 104 92 20, tab 2
- radio Normal, 203, 24 60 84 20, tab 2
- check Disable, 816, 284 300 80 20, tab 2
- box , 8, 278 284 186 56, tab 2
- check "Background", 158, 600 48 92 24, tab 2 push
- check Champ Mode, 42, 284 356 136 21, tab 2
- box , 179, 278 344 188 68, tab 2
- box Score By, 178, 280 200 184 84, tab 2
- check "Change", 182, 288 224 84 20, tab 2
- combo 183, 288 248 128 100, tab 2 size drop
- tab Teams, 3
- box Names, 72, 12 80 872 140, tab 3
- text Team 1, 73, 28 112 60 20, tab 3
- text Team 2, 74, 28 152 60 20, tab 3
- text Team 3, 308, 396 112 60 20, disable tab 3
- text Team 4, 309, 396 152 60 20, disable tab 3
- box Victories, 75, 20 220 868 220, tab 3
- text Tied Message, 76, 32 256 66 20, tab 3
- text Team 1 Wins, 77, 32 285 66 20, tab 3
- text Team 2 Wins, 78, 32 314 66 20, tab 3
- text Team 3 Wins, 303, 32 343 66 20, disable tab 3
- text Team 4 Wins, 304, 32 372 66 20, disable tab 3
- edit $te(1), 380, 92 112 280 27, tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(2), 381, 92 152 280 27, tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(4), 382, 468 152 280 27, disable tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(3), 383, 468 112 280 27, disable tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(0).victory, 320, 96 256 770 25, tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(1).victory, 321, 96 285 770 25, tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(2).victory, 322, 96 314 770 25, tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(3).victory, 323, 96 343 770 25, disable tab 3 autohs
- edit $te(4).victory, 324, 96 372 770 25, disable tab 3 autohs
- check Limit Join Period, 330, 284 52 152 27, tab 3 push
- edit $te(JoinBefore), 335, 440 51 112 27, tab 3
- radio 2 Teams, 28, 48 48 92 20, tab 3
- radio 4 Teams, 29, 152 52 84 20, tab 3
- tab Awards, 4
- box Awards, 79, 14 56 872 220, tab 4
- button Delete, 411, 828 236 52 20, tab 4
- button Add, 412, 828 84 52 20, tab 4
- list 420, 19 72 800 190, tab 4 size
- text "* is winner's nick.", 81, 398 425 144 25, tab 4
- text "^ is value of trigger", 82, 554 425 156 25, tab 4
- check Disable, 819, 20 36 84 21, tab 4
- combo 137, 94 296 144 100, tab 4 size drop
- edit "", 139, 432 300 68 25, tab 4
- text "Award", 140, 26 392 62 24, tab 4
- edit "", 142, 92 388 712 33, tab 4 autohs
- text "Trigger on", 154, 32 296 58 24, tab 4
- combo 159, 314 300 108 100, tab 4 size drop
- text "and", 160, 518 300 30 20, hide tab 4
- edit "", 161, 556 300 68 25, hide tab 4
- text "points", 162, 480 324 46 20, tab 4
- text "Do Action", 163, 36 348 50 24, tab 4
- text "values", 164, 264 300 42 24, tab 4
- combo 166, 90 348 144 120, tab 4 size drop
- tab Status, 5
- text Trivia Script version:, 84, 24 48 150 20, tab 5
- text $strip($msg.trivia.version), 85, 184 48 150 20, tab 5
- text Trivia bot is currently:, 86, 24 70 150 20, tab 5
- text $trivon, 504, 184 70 80 20, tab 5
- text Current mIRC version is:, 87, 24 92 150 20, tab 5
- text $version, 90, 184 92 80 20, tab 5
- text Current Trivia directory exists:, 91, 24 114 150 20, tab 5
- text $trivia.dir, 92, 184 114 80 20, tab 5
- text Currently in Trivia Channel:, 93, 24 136 150 20, tab 5
- text $trivia.chan, 94, 184 136 80 20, tab 5
- text Question file in Directory:, 95, 24 158 150 20, tab 5
- text $trivia.file, 98, 184 158 80 20, tab 5
- text Number of questions:, 103, 24 180 150 20, tab 5
- text $numl, 104, 184 180 78 20, tab 5
- button Delete Scores, 515, 280 104 128 20, tab 5
- button Scores, 519, 280 76 124 20, tab 5
- list 601, 26 210 284 114, tab 5 sort size
- button Unban, 602, 314 296 80 20, tab 5
- button Ban, 603, 314 218 80 20, tab 5
- list 610, 18 336 292 154, tab 5 sort size
- button Add Friend, 611, 314 342 80 20, tab 5
- button Remove, 612, 318 468 80 20, tab 5
- tab Commands, 7
- box Command Limits, 105, 288 184 300 48, tab 7
- combo 806, 300 200 276 132, disable tab 7 size drop
- text Command Prefix, 107, 28 456 82 20, tab 7
- edit %command-prefix, 850, 112 452 88 29, tab 7
- text blank = default, 109, 32 484 170 24, tab 7
- button "Build HTML Options", 157, 304 476 207 25, tab 7
- list 800, 20 60 256 356, tab 7 size
- text "Commands", 170, 20 40 102 16, tab 7
- combo 809, 300 248 276 100, disable tab 7 size drop
- box "Respond Method", 168, 288 232 300 48, tab 7
- check "Disable", 801, 296 80 92 24, tab 7
- text "Name", 172, 292 112 42 20, tab 7
- edit "", 803, 344 112 236 21, tab 7 read
- edit "", 802, 288 132 296 49, tab 7 read autovs
- box "Default Respond Method", 180, 284 348 304 72, tab 7
- combo 181, 300 364 280 136, tab 7 size drop
- box "Command Attributes", 176, 284 56 308 292, tab 7
- button Cancel, 101, 618 486 52 20, cancel
- button OK, 100, 673 486 52 20, ok
- button Apply, 102, 560 486 48 20
- link $nopath($trivia.web), 518, 560 460 160 20
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:init:*:{
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(chan, %i)) {
- did -a $dname 108 $gettok($getset(chan, %i), 1, 59)
- inc %i
- }
- if ($did(108,1)) { did -c $dname 108 1 }
- var %i = $numtok($status.toks, $asc(.))
- while (%i >= 1) {
- if ($getset(status, $gettok($status.toks, %i, $asc(.))) == 1) { did -c $dname $calc(39 + %i) }
- dec %i
- }
- if (!$did(58).state) {
- if (!$getset(status, plot)) { did -c $dname 130 }
- else { did -c $dname 129 }
- }
- if ($getset(trivia,ranks) == 1) { did -c $dname 148 }
- if ($getset(status,naoff) == 1) { did -c $dname 88 }
- if ($getset(status,hintpause) == 1) { did -c $dname 96 }
- if ($getset(status,autostart) == 1) { did -c $dname 49 }
- if ($getset(status,monday) == 1) { did -c $dname 126 }
- if ($getset(status,noautoqm) == 1) { did -c $dname 830 }
- if ($getset(status,noawards) == 1) { did -c $dname 819 }
- if ($getset(status,nospellfix) == 1) { did -c $dname 817 }
- if ($getset(status,sayhintnum) == 1) { did -c $dname 147 }
- if ($getset(status,keepask) == 1) { did -c $dname 156 }
- if ($getset(status,shownone) == 1) { did -c $dname 143 }
- did -c $dname $calc(149 + $getset(trivia,firsthint))
- if ($getset(hide,score) == 1) { did -c $dname 106 }
- if ($getset(hide,time) == 1) { did -c $dname 169 }
- if ($getset(hide,streak) == 1) { did -c $dname 171 }
- if ($getset(hide,wpm) == 1) { did -c $dname 173 }
- if ($getset(color,on) == 1) { did -c $dname 116 }
- if ($getset(color,bon) == 1) { did -c $dname 158 }
- if ($getset(color,1-bold) == 1) { did -c $dname 117 }
- if ($getset(color,1-underline) == 1) { did -c $dname 118 }
- if ($getset(color,2-bold) == 1) { did -c $dname 127 }
- if ($getset(color,2-underline) == 1) { did -c $dname 128 }
- if ($getset(trivia,odefault) == Unlimited) { did -c $dname 201 }
- elseif ($getset(trivia,odefault) == Team) { did -c $dname 202 }
- else { did -c $dname 203 }
- if ($getset(team,Joinbeforeon) == 1) { did -c $dname 330 }
- if ($getset(team,4-team) == 1) {
- trivset.teams 1
- did -c $dname 29
- }
- else { did -c $dname 28 }
- var %i = 0
- while (%i <= 16) {
- did -a $dname 111,112,113,114 $colorcode(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- did -a $dname 806 Default
- did -a $dname 806 User
- did -a $dname 806 Voice
- did -a $dname 806 Half-Op
- did -a $dname 806 Op
- did -a $dname 806 Friend
- did -a $dname 806 Nobody
- did -c $dname 806 1
- did -a $dname 183 Day
- did -a $dname 183 Week
- did -a $dname 183 Month
- did -a $dname 183 Year
- did -a $dname 183 Total
- did -c $dname 183 $ifd($getset(status,scoreby),5)
- did -a $dname 181,809 Default
- did -a $dname 181,809 Notice
- did -a $dname 181,809 MSG Channel
- did -a $dname 181,809 MSG User
- did -a $dname 181,809 Describe Channel
- did -c $dname 181 $ifd($getset(status,respondlevel),1)
- did -c $dname 809 1
- did -c $dname 111 $calc($did(121) + 1)
- did -c $dname 112 $calc($did(122) + 1)
- did -c $dname 113 $calc($did(123) + 1)
- did -c $dname 114 $calc($did(124) + 1)
- awards.load
- var %i = 1
- while ($setini(banned,%i)) {
- did -a $dname 601 $getset(banned,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- did -a $dname 961 $iif($chr($triv(ch)),$chr($triv(ch)),_)
- disable.load
- trivia.load.friends
- check.toggle.multichan
- check.toggle.options
- check.color.toggle
- check.awards.toggle
- multichan.load
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:100,102:{
- setset trivia delimiter $did(31)
- setset trivia additions $did(32)
- setset trivia report $did(33)
- setset trivia dir $did(35)
- setset trivia translate $did(131)
- setset status plot $did(129).state
- setset status naoff $did(88).state
- setset status monday $did(126).state
- setset status noautoqm $did(830).state
- setset status noawards $did(819).state
- setset status nospellfix $did(817).state
- setset status sayhintnum $did(147).state
- setset status keepask $did(156).state
- setset status shownone $did(143).state
- setset hide score $did(106).state
- setset hide time $did(169).state
- setset hide streak $did(171).state
- setset hide wpm $did(173).state
- setset trivia naoff $did(89)
- setset status hintpause $did(96).state
- setset trivia hintpause $did(97)
- setset trivia limitguess $did(144)
- setset trivia perchint $did(99)
- setset trivia numhint $did(861)
- setset trivia DPH $did(863)
- setset trivia PPQ $did(65)
- var %i = 0
- while (%i < 4) {
- if ($did($calc(149 + %i)).state == 1) setset trivia firsthint %i
- inc %i
- }
- setset trivia ranks $did(148).state
- setset color on $did(116).state
- setset color bon $did(158).state
- setset color 1-bold $did(117).state
- setset color 1-underline $did(118).state
- setset color 2-bold $did(127).state
- setset color 2-underline $did(128).state
- setset team JoinBeforeon $did(330).state
- setset team Joinbefore $did(335)
- setset color 1 $int($did(121))
- setset color 2 $int($did(122))
- setset color 3 $int($did(123))
- setset color 4 $int($did(124))
- varcolors
- var %i = 1
- while (%i <= 8) {
- setset lag $gettok(, %i, $asc(.)) $int($did($calc(125 + (%i * 10))))
- inc %i
- }
- var %i = $numtok($status.toks, $asc(.))
- while (%i >= 1) {
- setset status $gettok($status.toks, %i, $asc(.)) $did($calc(39 + %i)).state
- dec %i
- }
- setset trivia onjoin $did(138)
- setset trivia default $int($did(299))
- setset trivia odefault
- if ($did(201).state == 1) { setset trivia odefault Unlimited }
- if ($did(202).state == 1) { setset trivia odefault Team }
- setset trivia reset $int($did(215))
- setset trivia dteam $int($did(217))
- setset award
- var %i = 1
- while (%i <= $did(420).lines) {
- setset award %i $did(420,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- setset team 1 $did(380)
- setset team 2 $did(381)
- setset team 3 $did(382)
- setset team 4 $did(383)
- setset team 0victory $did(320)
- setset team 1victory $did(321)
- setset team 2victory $did(322)
- setset team 3victory $did(323)
- setset team 4victory $did(324)
- setset team 4-team $did(29).state
- var %i = 1
- setset trivia ch $asc($right($did(961),1))
- %command-prefix = $did(850)
- setset status respondlevel $did(181).sel
- setset status scoreby $did(183).sel
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:816:{
- setset disable 18.disable $did($did).state
- check.toggle.options
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:12:{
- if ((!$did(34).sel) || (!$did(108).sel)) { return }
- var %todel = $did(34).sel
- did -d $dname 34 %todel
- did -c $dname 34 %todel
- save.qs
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:24:{
- var %temp.file = $$sfile($iif($isdir($did(35)),$did(35),$mircdir))
- did -a $dname 34 $nopath(%temp.file)
- did -ra $dname 35 $nofile(%temp.file)
- save.qs
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:edit:30:{
- var %temp.num = $did(108).sel
- tchan.set $did(108).sel 1 $did(30)
- did -o $dname 108 $did(108).sel $did(30)
- did -c $dname 108 %temp.num
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:108:{ multichan.load }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:115:{
- var %toadd = $$?="Add what channel?"
- did -a $dname 108 %toadd
- chan.add %toadd
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:119:{
- var %todel = $did(108).sel
- chan.del %todel
- did -d $dname 108 %todel
- did -c $dname 108 %todel
- did -r $dname 30,34,132
- multichan.load
- check.toggle.multichan
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:136:{
- var %temp.file = $$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ *.txt $+ ", Choose a trivia translation file.)
- did -ra $dname 131 $nopath(%temp.file)
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:13:{
- var %temp.file = $$sdir($mircdir, Choose a trivia directory.)
- echo -s .... %temp.file
- did -ra $dname 35 %temp.file
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:edit:132:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 4 $$did(132) }
- on *:dialog:trivset:edit:67:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 2 $$did(67) }
- on *:dialog:trivset:edit:544:{ tchan.set $$did(108).sel 3 $$did(544) }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:141:{
- did -ra $dname 132 $nopath($$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ \ $+ *.fil $+ ",Choose a scores file.))
- tchan.set $$did(108).sel 4 $did(132)
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:mouse:40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,88,96,106,126,143,156,169,171,173,817,830:{
- if (%didt == $did) { return }
- if ($did == 43) { exp Forbids any partial matches, for example if the answer is "truck" and you guess "not a truck" it won't take the answer. }
- if ($did == 44) { exp Disables the decheater feature, which might produce blocks between words or odd characters on some fonts. Prevents people from using some cheating scripts. }
- if ($did == 50) { exp Disables bonus. For example if a question is "2004: This picture won movie of the year-" the bot would take this question to be worth 2004 points. }
- if ($did == 54) { exp If the room is empty the bot turns off. }
- if ($did == 61) { exp Turns off the color shortening. Color shortening is a feature which reduces the amount of text sent by optimizing the colorcodes. }
- if ($did == 62) { exp Turns off categories. If categories exist in a question file #Category after a list of questions, it doesn't look for or display it. }
- if ($did == 106) { exp Hide score. Refuses to indicate how many more points any person has. }
- if ($did == 169) { exp Hide time. Refuses to indicate how long it took for any person to answer. }
- if ($did == 171) { exp Hide streak. Refuses to indicate the current or record streak. }
- if ($did == 173) { exp Hide WPM. Refuses to indicate the Words Per Minute people achieve. }
- if ($did == 40) { exp Echo's the answer so that you can see it after the question is read. }
- if ($did == 60) { exp Uses the American dating style for the $pre $+ stats response. MM/DD/YY rather than DD/MM/YY. }
- if ($did == 63) { exp Stops showing the number before the question in the question message. }
- if ($did == 48) { exp Traditional win provides more less clinical information about the correct answer. }
- if ($did == 56) { exp Provides the spacing of the answer directly after the question is read. }
- if ($did == 46) { exp Gives a message to each person who joins the trivia channel, providing information about the bot. * = nick, $chr(35) = channel, @ = rank, ^ = score. eg: Welcome to #, * trivia bot is active... "!trivia" to start a game. Blank uses default. }
- if ($did == 53) { exp For scramble questions, this forces the standard scramble category to read Unscramble the Following. }
- if ($did == 57) { exp Rather than accept answers anywhere in a response, this feature forces the bot to ignore answered contained entirely inside a response. }
- if ($did == 49) { exp This feature makes the bot start up as soon as you rejoin the trivia channel. }
- if ($did == 42) { exp This allows for champ mode, when a specific score is reached the game resets the score and logs the winner. }
- if ($did == 58) { exp Rather than start the hint from left to right it displays random letters in the hint. }
- if ($did == 41) { exp This feature automaticly displays a hint to the channel after a time specified in Defaults. }
- if ($did == 45) { exp This allows people to be told the correct answer after nobody in the room answered correctly. }
- if ($did == 55) { exp When a team game is ends this provides a list of players on each team. }
- if ($did == 59) { exp By default the bot displays the first answer in the answer file as correct. But, with this enabled the matched answer is displayed. }
- if ($did == 88) { exp After a specified number of questions, the bot will turn itself off. }
- if ($did == 96) { exp After a hint is requested this feature blocks the correct answer from being accepted from that person for a given amount of time. }
- if ($did == 47) { exp This allows for unfinished part of a hint to use a specific character to indicate where letters are missing. }
- if ($did == 51) { exp This option limits the number of guesses to the specific value. }
- if ($did == 52) { exp This option makes a round hall of fame displayed along with the win messages throughout a trivia round. }
- if ($did == 156) { exp This feature retains the hash table that scores the asked questions beyond one round of trivia. Make repeats happen less often. }
- if ($did == 143) { exp After a win, this feature would will turn off any acknowledgement of the answer to the room. Protect questions. }
- if ($did == 126) { exp In the United States and other countries the week starts on Sunday, this is default. This feature starts the week mark a day later. }
- if ($did == 817) { exp Turns off the spell correction and only allows exact answers to be accepted. }
- if ($did == 830) { exp Turns off the automatic ? at the end of each question. A - at the end of the question also does this. }
- set -u5 %didt $did
- }
- alias exp { did -ra $dname 22 $$1- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Stray. #
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:20:{ if (!$dialog(trivrank)) dialog -m trivrank trivrank }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:28,29:{ trivset.teams $iif($did != 28,1) }
- alias hint.example { return This is an example of a hint }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:58,129,130:{
- if ($did == 58) { did -ra $dname 199 $scatter(50,$hint.example) }
- else if ($did == 129) { did -ra $dname 199 $plot(50,$hint.example) }
- else { did -ra $dname 199 $standard(50,$hint.example) }
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:111,112,113,114:{ did -ra $dname $calc($did + 10) $calc($did($did).sel - 1) }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:218:{
- var %record = $calc($triv(Record) + 1)
- if (%record == 9) { var %record = 1 }
- did -ra $dname $did $record.type(%record)
- setset Trivia Record %record
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Awards. #
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:412:{
- did -a $dname 420 0 0 0 0 0 Award
- did -c $dname 420 $did(420).lines
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:411:{ did -d $dname 420 $$did(420,1).sel | check.awards.toggle }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:420:{ }
- alias {
- check.awards.toggle
- tokenize 32 $$did(420).seltext
- did -c $dname 137 $calc($1 + 1)
- did -c $dname 159 $calc($2 + 1)
- did -c $dname 166 $calc($3 + 1)
- did -ra $dname 139 $4
- did -ra $dname 161 $5
- did -ra $dname 142 $6-
- check.award.range
- }
- alias check.award.range {
- did $iif((($did(159).seltext == Between) || ($did(159).seltext == Random)),-v,-h) $dname 160,161
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:137,159,166:{ award.modified }
- on *:dialog:trivset:edit:139,142,161:{ award.modified }
- alias award.modified {
- if (!$did(420).sel) { return }
- var %t.line = $did(420).sel
- did -o $dname 420 $did(420).sel $calc($did(137).sel - 1) $calc($did(159).sel - 1) $calc($did(166).sel - 1) $did(139) $did(161) $did(142)
- did -c $dname 420 %t.line
- check.award.range
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Settings. #
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:515:{
- if ($?!="Are you sure you wish to delete all scores?") {
- rename $scoresfil $asctime(yymmddhhmmss) $+ .bak
- trivia.flush
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:518:{ run $trivia.web }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:519:{ dialog -m triviascores triviascores }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:602:{
- tunban $did(601,1).sel
- did -d $dname 601 $$did(601,1).sel
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:603:{
- var %ban = $$?"Enter the nick or address (nick!ident@host) of a person to ban, note wildcards are permitted."
- tban %ban
- did -a $dname 601 %ban
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:611:{
- var %friend.add = $$?"Enter the nick or address (nick!ident@host) of a friend to add, note wildcards are permitted."
- did -a $dname 610 %friend.add
- triviafriend.add %friend.add
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:612:{
- triviafriend.del $$did(610).sel
- trivia.load.friends
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:700:{ if (!$dialog(triviatheme)) { dialog -m triviatheme triviatheme } }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:157:{ if (!$dialog(trivbuild)) { dialog -m trivbuild trivbuild } }
- ;########################################################
- ;# Disables #
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:800:{
- disable.access
- disable.check.disabled
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:801:{
- setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .disable $did($did).state
- did -oc $dname 800 $did(800).sel $gettok($disable.tokens,$did(800).sel,$asc(;)) $iif($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .disable),( $+ Disabled $+ ))
- disable.check.disabled
- }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:806:{ setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .limitlevel $did($did).sel }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:809:{ setset disable $$did(800).sel $+ .respondlevel $did($did).sel }
- alias disable.access {
- did $iif($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .disable) == 1,-c,-u) trivset 801
- did -ra trivset 802 $gettok($,$did(800).sel,$asc(;))
- did -ra trivset 803 $did(800).seltext
- did -c trivset 806 $ifd($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .limitlevel),1)
- did -c trivset 809 $ifd($getset(disable,$did(800).sel $+ .respondlevel),1)
- }
- alias disable.check.disabled { did $iif(!$did(801).state,-e,-b) $dname 802,803,806,809 }
- alias { }
- alias disable.load {
- did -r trivset 800
- tokenize $asc(;) $disable.tokens
- var %i = 1
- while (%i <= $0) {
- did -a trivset 800 $eval($ $+ %i,2) $iif($getset(disable,%i $+ .disable),( $+ Disabled $+ ))
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias disable.tokens { return trivia N;trivia unlimited;trivia team;trivia team N;pause/resume;op;op unban;hof;hoftime;hofstreak;hofwpm;records;op find;op ask;next;answer;ping;themes;add/report;op ban;disable/enable;hint;vowels;last;words;repeat;op add;trivia;strivia;promotion;join message;help;join N;op team }
- alias { return Start N question game;Start unlimited Game;Start team game;Start team game for N questions;pause/resume;operator commands;op unban;hall of fame;hoftime;hofstreak;hofwpm;records;op find;op ask;End current question early;Answer to last question;ping;themes;add/report;op ban;disable/enable;hint;vowels;last;words;repeat;op add;trivia;strivia;promotion;join channel message;general help and command specific help;join team command;op team <player> <#>, sets team assignment }
- alias isdis {
- check.respond $1
- if ($getset(disable, $1 $+ .disable) == 1) { return $true }
- if (($chan) && ($nick) && (!$trivia.allowed($1))) { return $true }
- }
- alias -l trivia.allowed {
- var %level = $getset(disable,$$1 $+ .limitlevel)
- if ((!%level) || (%level == 1)) {
- %level = 1
- if ($1 == 6) %level = 4
- }
- if (%level == 7) { return }
- if (($is.friend) && (%level <= 6)) { return $true }
- if (($nick isop $chan) && (%level <= 5)) { return $true }
- if (($nick ishelp $chan) && (%level <= 4)) { return $true }
- if (($nick isvoice $chan) && (%level <= 3)) { return $true }
- if (($nick ison $chan) && (%level <= 2)) { return $true }
- }
- alias -l check.respond {
- unset %respond
- var %respondlevel = $getset(disable,$1 $+ .respondlevel)
- if (%respondlevel == 2) set -u2 %respond .notice $nick
- else if (%respondlevel == 3) set -u2 %respond msg $iden
- else if (%respondlevel == 4) set -u2 %respond .msg $nick
- else if (%respondlevel == 5) set -u2 %respond describe $iden
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:158,116:{ check.color.toggle }
- on *:dialog:trivset:sclick:88,96,51,47,42,330,819,148,46,182:{ check.toggle.options }
- alias check.toggle.options {
- did $iif($did(88).state,-e,-b) $dname 89
- did $iif($did(96).state,-e,-b) $dname 97
- did $iif($did(51).state,-e,-b) $dname 144
- did $iif($did(47).state,-e,-b) $dname 961,21
- did $iif($did(42).state,-e,-b) $dname 215
- did $iif($did(330).state,-e,-b) $dname 335
- did $iif(!$did(816).state,-e,-b) $dname 700
- did $iif($did(148).state,-e,-b) $dname 20
- did $iif($did(46).state,-e,-b) $dname 138
- did $iif($did(182).state,-e,-b) $dname 183
- if (($did == 819) || (!$did)) {
- did $iif(!$did(819).state,-e,-b) $dname 420,411,412
- did -u $dname 420
- check.awards.toggle
- }
- }
- alias check.awards.toggle { did $iif($did(420).sel,-e,-b) $dname 137,159,166,139,142,161,140,154,160,162,163,164,81,82 }
- alias check.toggle.multichan { did $iif($did(108).sel,-e,-b) $dname 12,24,30,34,132,141,544,67 }
- alias check.color.toggle {
- did $iif($did(116).state,-e,-b) $dname 23,25,120,110,121,122,123,124,117,118,127,128,111,112,113,114
- if (!$did(158).state) did -b $dname 25,123,124,113,114
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;# TRIVIA SETUP, alias expanded. #
- ;########################################################
- alias save.qs {
- var %i = 1
- tchan.noqs $$did(108).sel
- while (%i <= $did(34).lines) {
- tchan.set $did(108).sel $calc(4 + %i) $did(34,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias status.toks { return echo.autohint.champ.exactmatch.nodecheater.showanswer.onjoin.cross.tradwin.autostart.nobonus.limitguess.rrs.sayscramble.emptyoff.noshowt.answers.nomid.scatter.showmatched.adate.nocolorshort.nocat.nosaycurrent }
- alias chan.add { tchan.set $calc($setini(chan,0) + 1) 1 $1- }
- alias chan.set {
- var %chan.num = $tfindchan($1)
- if (%chan.num) { tchan.set %chan.num $2 $3- }
- }
- alias chan.del {
- var %i = $$1, %j = $setini(chan,0)
- while (%i < %j) {
- setset chan %i $getset(chan,$calc(%i + 1))
- inc %i
- }
- setset chan %j
- }
- alias tchan.noqs { setset chan $1 $gettok($getset(chan, $1),1-4,59) }
- alias tchan.set {
- if ($3- != $null) {
- var %nl = $getset(chan,$1)
- if (!%nl) { %nl = $1 $+ ;*;*; $+ $scoresfil $+ ; $+ questions.txt }
- if ($2 > $numtok(%nl,59)) %nl = %nl $+ $str(;0,$calc($2 - $numtok(%nl,59)))
- %nl = $puttok(%nl,$3-,$2,59)
- setset chan $1 %nl
- }
- }
- alias tfindchan {
- var %i = 1
- while ($tchan(%i)) {
- if (((!$1) || ($tchan(%i) == $1)) && ((!$2) || ($tchan(%i,3) iswm $2)) && ((!$3) || ($tchan(%i,2) iswm $3))) { return %i }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias multichan.load {
- if (!$did(108).sel) { return }
- did -r $dname 34
- did -ra $dname 30 $tchan($did(108).sel)
- did -ra $dname 67 $ifd($tchan($did(108).sel,2),*)
- did -ra $dname 544 $ifd($tchan($did(108).sel,3),*)
- did -ra $dname 132 $tchan($did(108).sel,4)
- var %i = 5
- while ($tchan($did(108).sel, %i)) {
- did -a $dname 34 $tchan($did(108).sel,%i)
- inc %i
- }
- check.toggle.multichan
- }
- alias awards.load {
- var %i = 1
- did -r $dname 420
- while ($aw(%i)) {
- did -a $dname 420 $aw(%i)
- inc %i
- }
- did -r $dname 137,159,166
- %i = 1
- while ($gettok($award.on.tok, %i, $asc(.))) {
- did -a $dname 137 $gettok($award.on.tok, %i, $asc(.))
- inc %i
- }
- %i = 1
- while ($gettok($award.val.tok, %i, $asc(.))) {
- did -a $dname 159 $gettok($award.val.tok, %i, $asc(.))
- inc %i
- }
- %i = 1
- while ($gettok($, %i, $asc(.))) {
- did -a $dname 166 $gettok($, %i, $asc(.))
- inc %i
- }
- }
- alias -l record.type { return $gettok(hof.streak.time.wpm.champ.web.roundscores.records, $ifd($1, 8), $asc(.)) }
- alias -l trivset.teams { did $iif($1, -e, -b) $dname 308,309,303,304,382,383,323,324 }
- alias triviafriend.del {
- var %i = $$1, %j = $setini(friend,0)
- while (%i < %j) {
- setset friend %i $getset(friend,$calc(%i + 1))
- inc %i
- }
- setset friend %j
- }
- alias triviafriend.add {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(friend, %i)) { inc %i }
- setset friend %i $1-
- }
- alias triviafriend.clear { setset friend }
- alias trivia.load.friends {
- did -r $dname 610
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(friend, %i)) {
- did -a $dname 610 $getset(friend, %i)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- dialog trivrank {
- title "Trivia Ranks"
- size -1 -1 180 104
- option dbu
- list 1, 2 12 146 50, size
- text "Rank Name", 11, 4 66 31 8
- edit "", 2, 46 64 74 10, autohs
- text "Points Required", 10, 4 76 39 8
- edit "", 3, 46 76 36 10, read autohs
- button "Add", 4, 150 12 21 8
- button "Del", 5, 150 24 21 8
- button "Ok", 999, 114 78 17 8, ok
- check "Trivia Ranks", 6, 4 4 50 6
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivrank:init:*:{
- if ($getset(trivia,ranks) == 1) { did -c $dname 6 }
- check.toggle.ranks
- var %i = $setini(ranks,0), %j = 1
- while (%j <= %i) {
- did -a $dname 1 $setini(ranks,%j) : $getset(ranks, $setini(ranks,%j))
- inc %j
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:1:{
- did -ra $dname 3 $setini(ranks, $did(1).sel)
- did -ra $dname 2 $getset(ranks, $setini(ranks, $did(1).sel))
- }
- on *:dialog:trivrank:edit:2:{
- if (!$did(1).sel) return
- setset ranks $$did(3) $$did(2)
- var %p = $did(1).sel
- did -o $dname 1 %p $did(3) : $did(2)
- did -c $dname 1 %p
- }
- on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:4:{
- var %r = $$?="What is the minimum amount points for this rank?"
- if ((%r !isnum) || ($getset(ranks,%r))) return
- var %n = $$?="What is this rank called?"
- setset ranks %r %n
- did -a $dname 1 %r : %n
- }
- on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:5:{
- var %p = $$did(1).sel
- setset ranks $$setini(ranks, %p)
- did -d $dname 1 %p
- did -r $dname 2,3
- }
- on *:dialog:trivrank:sclick:6:{
- setset trivia ranks $did(6).state
- check.toggle.ranks
- }
- alias check.toggle.ranks { did $iif($did(6).state,-e,-b) $dname 1,2,3,4,5,10,11 }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- dialog trivbuild {
- title "Build Html"
- size -1 -1 200 232
- option dbu
- check Run FTP Batch, 1, 8 52 50 10
- edit "", 2, 10 124 86 88, autohs autovs
- button Ok, 99, 172 220 23 10, ok
- radio Write All Scores, 3, 80 12 50 10
- radio Write Top, 4, 132 12 34 10
- edit 25, 5, 168 12 20 10
- box Generate Scores File, 57, 76 4 118 35
- text Password, 54, 104 172 25 8
- box Ftp Batch Creator, 55, 100 124 84 88
- text Username, 53, 104 160 25 8
- text Ftp Site, 51, 104 136 25 8
- edit "", 6, 136 136 46 10, autohs
- text Port, 52, 104 148 25 8
- edit "", 7, 136 148 46 10, autohs
- edit "", 8, 136 160 46 10, autohs
- edit "", 9, 136 172 46 10,i autohs
- edit "triv.htm", 11, 136 196 46 10, autohs
- text Filename, 56, 104 196 23 6
- text Every, 58, 8 16 17 6
- edit "", 13, 28 16 22 10, autohs
- text Points, 14, 52 16 17 6
- button "Cancel", 12, 144 220 23 10, cancel
- text "Directory", 50, 104 184 25 8
- edit "", 16, 136 184 46 10
- check "Announce Update", 17, 8 68 54 10
- edit "", 18, 92 48 98 10, autohs
- text "URL", 20, 80 48 10 7
- text "Batch File", 21, 12 116 29 8
- check "Generate Scores File", 15, 8 36 62 10
- box "On Trigger", 10, 4 4 70 102
- box "Announce Update", 19, 76 40 118 22
- check "Copy File", 22, 8 84 58 10
- box "Copy File", 23, 76 64 118 42
- edit "", 24, 100 72 90 10, autohs
- button "File", 25, 80 72 17 8
- button "Dir", 26, 80 92 17 8
- edit "", 27, 100 92 90 10, autohs
- text "TO", 28, 124 84 9 7
- box "Run FTP Batch", 29, 4 108 190 110
- edit "", 30, 116 24 74 10
- text "Generate File", 31, 80 24 33 8
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:1,17,22,15,4,3:{ trivbuild.toggle.check }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:edit:13:{ trivbuild.toggle.check }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:edit:6,7,8,9,16,11:{ build.generate }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:25:{ did -ra $dname 24 $$sfile($mircdir) }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:26:{ did -ra $dname 27 $$sdir($mircdir) }
- alias trivbuild.toggle.check {
- did -b $dname 1,17,15,22,4,3,5,30,18,24,27,6,7,8,9,16,2,11
- if (!$did(13)) { return }
- did -e $dname 1,17,22,15
- if ($did(1).state) {
- did -e $dname 2,6,7,8,9,16,11
- build.generate
- }
- if ($did(17).state) did -e $dname 17,18
- if ($did(22).state) did -e $dname 24,27
- if ($did(15).state) did -e $dname 3,4,30
- if ($did(4).state) did -e $dname 5
- }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:init:*:{
- if ($getset(build,auto)) { did -c $dname 1 }
- if ($getset(build,web)) { did -c $dname 17 }
- if ($getset(build,copy)) { did -c $dname 22 }
- if ($getset(build,generate)) { did -c $dname 15 }
- did -c $dname $iif($getset(build,top),4,3)
- did -ra $dname 5 $getset(build,top)
- did -ra $dname 13 $getset(build,instabuild)
- did -ra $dname 18 $getset(build,web)
- did -ra $dname 30 $getset(build,genname)
- did -ra $dname 24 $getset(build,from)
- did -ra $dname 27 $getset(build,to)
- if ($getset(build,host)) { did -ra $dname 6 $getset(build,host) }
- if ($getset(build,port)) { did -ra $dname 7 $getset(build,port) }
- if ($getset(build,user)) { did -ra $dname 8 $getset(build,user) }
- if ($getset(build,pass)) { did -ra $dname 9 $decode($getset(build,pass),m) }
- if ($getset(build,dir)) { did -ra $dname 16 $getset(build,dir) }
- if ($getset(build,file)) { did -ra $dname 11 $getset(build,file) }
- build.generate
- trivbuild.toggle.check
- }
- on *:dialog:trivbuild:sclick:99:{
- setset build instabuild $did(13)
- setset build auto $did(1).state
- setset build generate $did(15).state
- setset build genname $did(30)
- setset build copy $did(22).state
- setset build web $iif($did(17).state, $did(18))
- setset build from $did(24)
- setset build to $did(27)
- setset build host $did(6)
- setset build port $did(7)
- setset build user $did(8)
- setset build pass $encode($did(9),m)
- setset build dir $did(16)
- setset build file $did(11)
- setset build top $iif($did(4).state,$did(5))
- setset build html $did(11)
- build.generate
- if ($did(2)) { filter -ifc $dname 2 $+(",$triv(dir),\,ftpbatch.txt,") * }
- }
- alias build.generate {
- did -r $dname 2
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines open
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(6) $did(7)
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(8)
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines $did(9)
- if ($did(16)) { did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines cd $did(16) }
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines put $shortfn($mircdir $+ $did(11))
- did -i $dname 2 $did(2).lines bye
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- dialog triviatheme {
- title "Trivia Themes"
- size -1 -1 508 340
- option pixels
- list 1, 22 24 376 88, sort size
- button Add, 2, 410 28 50 20
- button Remove, 3, 410 62 50 20
- text Name:, 30, 242 142 60 16
- text Points per Question:, 33, 238 224 100 16
- text Hint-Point Decrease:, 34, 238 250 100 16
- edit , 11, 318 142 152 20, autohs
- edit , 12, 318 168 156 20, autohs
- edit , 13, 350 194 40 20, autohs
- edit , 14, 350 224 40 20, autohs
- edit , 15, 350 250 40 20, autohs
- check Team Game, 16, 402 254 72 20, push
- check Limit Guesses, 17, 402 224 72 20, push
- check Roundscores, 18, 402 196 72 20, push
- box Lag, 35, 8 124 220 208
- text Before Start, 26, 18 150 96 20
- text Between Questions (Answered), 37, 18 180 96 28
- text Given to Answer, 38, 18 214 96 20
- text Before Auto-Hint, 39, 18 244 88 20
- text Between Question (Timed Out), 40, 18 274 88 28
- edit , 19, 140 150 80 20
- edit , 20, 140 180 80 20
- edit , 21, 140 210 80 20
- edit , 22, 140 240 80 20
- edit , 23, 140 274 80 20
- edit , 24, 140 304 80 20
- button OK, 999, 430 310 40 20, ok
- text "Before hint allowed", 5, 16 308 102 16
- box "Themes", 6, 8 8 480 116
- box "Theme Features", 7, 232 124 256 160
- button "Question File", 8, 240 168 67 17
- text "Number of Questions", 4, 240 196 102 16
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:init:*:{
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name)) {
- did -a triviatheme 1 $+($getset(triviamode $+ %i, name),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, file),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, max),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, PPQ),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, DPH),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, team),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, guess),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, rrs),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagstart),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laganswered),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagtimedout),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laghint),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, lagtimed),;,$getset(triviamode $+ %i, laghintallow))
- inc %i
- }
- }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:1:{
- did -ra triviatheme 11 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 1, $asc(;))
- did -ra triviatheme 12 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 2, $asc(;))
- did -ra triviatheme 13 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 3, $asc(;))
- did -ra triviatheme 14 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 4, $asc(;))
- did -ra triviatheme 15 $gettok($did(1).seltext, 5, $asc(;))
- did -u triviatheme 16,17,18
- if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 6, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 16 }
- if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 7, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 17 }
- if ($gettok($did(1).seltext, 8, $asc(;))) { did -c triviatheme 18 }
- did -ra triviatheme 19 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 9, $asc(;)),$slag(start))
- did -ra triviatheme 20 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 10, $asc(;)),$slag(answered))
- did -ra triviatheme 21 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 11, $asc(;)),$slag(timedout))
- did -ra triviatheme 22 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 12, $asc(;)),$slag(hint))
- did -ra triviatheme 23 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 13, $asc(;)),$slag(timed))
- did -ra triviatheme 24 $ifd($gettok($did(1).seltext, 14, $asc(;)),$slag(hintallow))
- }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:2:{
- did -a triviatheme 1 $+(Themename,;,questions.txt,;,10,;,1,;,0,;,0,;,0,;,0,;,$slag(start),;,$slag(answered),;,$slag(timedout),;,$slag(hint),;,$slag(timed),;,$slag(hintallow))
- }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:3:{
- did -d triviatheme 1 $did(1).sel
- }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:8:{
- did -ra $dname 12 $nopath($$sfile(" $+ $mircdir $+ *.txt $+ ",Choose a question file.))
- triviatheme.update
- }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:edit:11,12,13,14,15,19,20,21,22,23,24:{ triviatheme.update }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:16,17,18:{ triviatheme.update }
- on *:dialog:triviatheme:sclick:999:{ }
- alias triviatheme.update { if ($did(1).sel) { did -oc triviatheme 1 $did(1).sel $+($did(11),;,$did(12),;,$did(13),;,$did(14),;,$did(15),;,$did(16).state,;,$did(17).state,;,$did(18).state,;,$did(19),;,$did(20),;,$did(21),;,$did(22),;,$did(23),;,$did(14)) } }
- alias {
- var %i = 1
- while ($getset(triviamode $+ %i,name)) {
- setset triviamode $+ %i
- inc %i
- }
- %i = 1
- while ($did(1,%i).text) {
- setset triviamode $+ %i name $gettok($did(1, %i).text,1,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i file $gettok($did(1, %i).text,2,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i max $gettok($did(1, %i).text,3,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i ppq $gettok($did(1, %i).text,4,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i dph $gettok($did(1, %i).text,5,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i team $gettok($did(1, %i).text,6,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i guess $gettok($did(1, %i).text,7,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i rrs $gettok($did(1, %i).text,8,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i lagstart $gettok($did(1, %i).text,9,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i laganswered $gettok($did(1, %i).text,10,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i lagtimedout $gettok($did(1, %i).text,11,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i laghint $gettok($did(1, %i).text,12,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i lagtimed $gettok($did(1, %i).text,13,59)
- setset triviamode $+ %i laghintallow $gettok($did(1, %i).text,14,59)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- dialog triviascores {
- title "Trivia Scores"
- size -1 -1 452 288
- option pixels
- list 1, 5 20 100 200, size vsbar
- list 2, 115 20 75 200, size vsbar
- list 3, 200 20 75 200, size vsbar
- list 4, 285 20 75 200, size vsbar
- list 5, 370 20 75 200, size vsbar
- button Delete, 10, 5 225 75 20
- button Reset Score, 11, 115 225 75 20
- button Reset Streak, 12, 200 225 75 20
- button Reset Time, 13, 285 225 75 20
- button Reset WPM, 14, 370 225 75 20
- button Name, 20, 5 5 50 15
- button Score, 21, 115 5 50 15
- button Streak, 22, 200 5 50 15
- button Time, 23, 285 5 50 15
- button WPM, 24, 370 5 50 15
- button Ok, 100, 398 258 45 20, ok
- }
- ;########################################################
- ;########################################################
- on 1:dialog:triviascores:init:*: { sortscores score }
- alias -l sortscores {
- sort $1
- loaddata.triviascores
- }
- alias -l loaddata.triviascores {
- did -r $dname 1,2,3,4,5
- var %i = 1
- while ($hof(%i,1) != $null) {
- did -a $dname 1 $hof(%i,1)
- did -a $dname 2 $hof(%i,2)
- did -a $dname 3 $hof(%i,4)
- did -a $dname 4 $hof(%i,3)
- did -a $dname 5 $hof(%i,5)
- inc %i
- }
- }
- on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:1,2,3,4,5:{ did -c $dname 1,2,3,4,5 $did($did).sel }
- on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:20,21,22,23,24: { sortscores $gettok(name.score.streak.time.wpm, $calc($did - 19), $asc(.)) }
- on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:10: {
- deleteplayer $did(1).seltext
- if ($did(1).sel) { did -d triviascores 1,2,3,4,5 $did(1).sel }
- }
- on 1:dialog:triviascores:sclick:11,12,13,14: {
- setvar $did(1).seltext $gettok(score.streak.time.wpm, $calc($did - 10), 46) $iif($did == 13, 9999, 0)
- if ($did(1).sel) { did -o triviascores $calc($did - 9) $did(1).sel 0 }
- }
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