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- function LoginApp() {
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------- OBJECT PROPERTIES -------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- this.baseUri = sessionStorage.getItem("baseUri");
- this.debugEnabled = sessionStorage.getItem("debugEnabled") && (sessionStorage.getItem("debugEnabled").toLowerCase() == "true");
- this.pushPollInterval;
- this.serverSideBaseUri = sessionStorage.getItem("serverSideBaseUri");
- this.requestState = document.getElementById("requestState").value;
- //console.log('loginApp] requestState...: '+ requestState);
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------- HELPER METHODS ----------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Removes the spinner from DOM tree.
- // Used, for instance, when an error comes and we have to stop spinning.
- this.removeSpinner = function () {
- let spinner = document.querySelector("div.loader");
- if (spinner != null) {
- spinner.parentNode.removeChild(spinner);
- }
- }
- // Removes button and show spinner.
- // Mainly used on form submission, where submit button is swapped by spinner.
- this.removeBtnAndShowSpinner = function (btn) {
- = 'none';
- var spinnerDiv = document.createElement('div');
- spinnerDiv.classList.add('loader');
- spinnerDiv.data_res = 'loading-msg';
- spinnerDiv.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
- // Showing the spinner after btn
- btn.parentNode.insertBefore(spinnerDiv, btn.nextSibling);
- }
- // Keeps polling for push notifications at the specified interval.
- this.submitPushPoll = function (timeInMillis) {
- const self = this;
- this.logMsg('submitPushPoll');
- this.pushPollInterval = setInterval(function () {
- self.logMsg('timer');
- let signinTr = document.getElementById("signin-tr");
- if ((signinTr) &&
- (signinTr.whichFactorForm === "PUSH")) {
- self.logMsg(signinTr.whichFactorForm + " is active");
- // Issue #1 fix. Change introduced to channel the call to submitPushPoll through buildPayload for adding credentials
- const payload = self.buildPayload("submitPushPoll", signinTr);
- self.logMsg("Invoking submitPushPoll with payload " + self.mask(payload));
- self.sdk.submitPushPoll(payload);
- // End of fix.
- }
- }, timeInMillis);
- }
- // Stops polling for push notifications
- this.stopPushPoll = function () {
- if (this.pushPollInterval != null) {
- this.removeSpinner();
- this.logMsg('Stopping push poll...');
- clearInterval(this.pushPollInterval);
- }
- }
- this.showReinputUserName = function (formDiv, obj, timeInMilis) {
- if (formDiv && formDiv.whichForm != null && formDiv.whichForm === "FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM") {
- var usernameLocal = formDiv.querySelector("#forgotUserName").value;
- let didNotGetMsg = this.localizeMsg('forgot-pw-incorrect-username-msg', 'Incorrect UserName?');
- let resendMsg = this.localizeMsg('forgot-pw-incorrect-username-btn', 'Fix UserName');
- setTimeout(function () {
- formDiv.appendChild(document.createElement('hr'));
- var resendDivElem = document.createElement('div');
- resendDivElem.classList.add('sameline');
- resendDivElem.innerHTML = '<span class="info">' + didNotGetMsg + '</span> ' +
- '<a href="#" id="resend-username-btn">' + resendMsg + '</a>';
- // Adding the Resend Option preferably right after the submit button.
- let submitBtnElem = formDiv.querySelector("#submit-btn");
- if (submitBtnElem) {
- submitBtnElem.parentNode.insertBefore(resendDivElem, submitBtnElem.nextSibling);
- }
- else {
- formDiv.appendChild(resendDivElem);
- }
- formDiv.querySelector("#resend-username-btn").onclick = function () {
- obj.displayForgotPassWordForm();
- };
- }, timeInMilis);
- }
- }
- // Localizes all labels inside formDiv
- this.localize = function (formDiv) {
- if (resources) {
- var resElms = formDiv.querySelectorAll('[data-res]');
- for (var n = 0; n < resElms.length; n++) {
- var elem = resElms[n];
- var resKey = elem.getAttribute('data-res');
- if (resKey) {
- if (resources[resKey]) {
- elem.innerHTML = resources[resKey];
- }
- else {
- this.logWarning("Translation missing for resource key '" + resKey + "'");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } // this.localize
- // Returns the message associated with a given key. If the key isn't found, the message (msg) as passed is returned.
- this.localizeMsg = function (resKey, msg) {
- if (resources && resources[resKey]) {
- return resources[resKey];
- }
- else {
- this.logWarning("Translation missing for resource key '" + resKey + "'");
- return msg;
- }
- }
- this.mask = function (msg) {
- let propsToMask = ['username', 'password', 'bypasscode', 'otpcode', 'questions', 'deviceid', 'requeststate', 'phonenumber', 'token', 'authntoken', 'trusttoken', 'userid'];
- var stars = '***';
- var temp;
- try {
- if (msg !== Object(msg)) {
- temp = JSON.parse(msg); // Object deep copy, except methods, that we don't need here.
- }
- else {
- temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(msg)); // Object deep copy, except methods, that we don't need here.
- }
- for (key in temp) {
- if (temp.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- if (temp[key] !== Object(temp[key]) && propsToMask.indexOf(key.toLowerCase()) != -1) { // key is not a object
- temp[key] = stars;
- }
- else if (Array.isArray(temp[key]) && propsToMask.indexOf(key.toLowerCase()) != -1) { // key is an object array
- temp[key] = stars; // we're simply masking the whole array, don't care about the contents.
- }
- else { // key is simple object
- for (subkey in temp[key]) {
- if (temp[key].hasOwnProperty(subkey) && propsToMask.indexOf(subkey.toLowerCase()) != -1) {
- temp[key][subkey] = stars;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return JSON.stringify(temp);
- }
- catch (e) {
- return stars;
- }
- } //this.mask
- this.logMsg = function (msg) {
- if (window.console && this.debugEnabled) {
- console.log('LoginApp: ' + msg);
- }
- } // this.logMsg
- this.logWarning = function (msg) {
- console.log('LoginApp (WARNING): ' + msg);
- }
- this.replaceDiv = function (divid, replacement, dofocus) {
- // divname is the ID of the div to replace
- // replacement is the Element to replace it with
- // dofocus says "set the focus to the first text input"
- // Note: for the signin-Tr the replacement div SHOULD havr a .id prop
- // matching the one that's being replacing
- if ( != divid) {
- this.logMsg("WARNING: replacement div id=" + + " does not match expected value of " + divid);
- }
- // Localizing while replacement div still not visible.
- this.localize(replacement);
- var oldForm = document.getElementById(divid);
- if (oldForm) {
- oldForm.parentNode.replaceChild(replacement, oldForm);
- }
- this.showReinputUserName(replacement, this, 2000);
- // find the first text input field and put the focus there
- if (dofocus) {
- div = document.getElementById(divid);
- if (div) {
- let firstInput = div.querySelector('input[type="text"]');
- if (firstInput) firstInput.focus();
- }
- }
- }
- // Performs form data validation and style form elements accordingly
- this.validateForm = function (formDiv) {
- formDiv.querySelector("#submit-btn").disabled = true;
- // Looking for input fields marked as required and empty.
- const inputFields = formDiv.getElementsByTagName("INPUT");
- var isError = false;
- for (i = 0; i < inputFields.length; i++) {
- this.logMsg('Validating field ' + inputFields[i].id);
- if (inputFields[i].required && inputFields[i].value.trim() === '') {
- isError = true;
- // Toggling the element class for styling on error.
- inputFields[i].classList.add('on__error');
- }
- }
- if (isError) {
- let errorMessage = this.localizeMsg('error-required-fld', 'Required field empty');
- this.setLoginErrorMessage({ code: '', msg: errorMessage });
- formDiv.querySelector("#submit-btn").disabled = false;
- return false;
- }
- this.logMsg('Validation OK.');
- this.removeBtnAndShowSpinner(formDiv.querySelector("#submit-btn"));
- return true;
- }
- // Handles focusout event on input fields for styling the field
- this.handleFocusOutEvent = function (elem) {
- elem.addEventListener('focusout', function () {
- if (elem.value.trim().length == 0) {
- elem.classList.add('on__error');
- }
- else {
- elem.classList.remove('on__error');
- }
- });
- }
- // Handles onClick event for submiting form data.
- this.handleClickToSubmitEvent = function (formDiv, obj, methodName, includeAuthnFactor) {
- const self = this;
- formDiv.querySelector("#submit-btn").onclick = function () {
- if (obj.validateForm(formDiv)) {
- const payload = obj.buildPayload(methodName, formDiv);
- if (payload) { // Giving a chance for buildPayload to fail.
- self.logMsg("Invoking " + methodName + " with credentials " + self.mask(payload));
- obj.sdk[methodName](payload, includeAuthnFactor);
- }
- else {
- this.log("handleClickToSubmitEvent: [BUG] payload must not be null");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Handles onKeyPress event for submiting form data.
- this.handleKeyPressToSubmitEvent = function (formDiv, elem, obj, methodName, includeAuthnFactor) {
- const self = this;
- elem.onkeypress = function (event) {
- if (event.keyCode == 13) {
- if (obj.validateForm(formDiv)) {
- const payload = obj.buildPayload(methodName, formDiv);
- if (payload) { // Giving a chance for buildPayload to fail.
- self.logMsg("Invoking " + methodName + " with credentials " + self.mask(payload));
- obj.sdk[methodName](payload, includeAuthnFactor);
- }
- else {
- this.log("handleKeyPressToSubmitEvent: [BUG] payload must not be null");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Handles onClick event for handling forgotPassword.
- this.handleClickEvent = function (formDiv, obj) {
- }
- // Builds the expected credentials payload to the respective API in the SDK, here identified by methodName.
- this.buildPayload = function (methodName, formDiv) {
- console.log('*** LoginApp buildPayload');
- // ER #1. Saving the request origin. This is read later for determining the user preferred factor.
- this.setUnPwOrigin("true");
- var data = {
- "username": document.getElementById("userid").value,
- "password": document.getElementById("password").value,
- "origin": window.location.origin
- }
- if (document.getElementById("kmsi") != null) {
- data["keepMeSignedIn"] = document.getElementById("kmsi").checked;
- return data;
- }
- return data;
- }
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------- MAIN METHODS ------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Generic method for displaying a form, identified by which (the factor) and step (which build method to call)
- this.displayForm = function (which, step, payload, username) {
- const self = this;
- this.logMsg("Which: " + which);
- this.logMsg("Step: " + step);
- this.logMsg("Payload: " + this.mask(payload));
- // "which" will be the key to this.AuthenticationFactorInfo
- var formDiv = document.createElement('tr');
- formDiv.classList.add("form");
- formDiv.classList.add("sign-in");
- = 'signin-tr';
- // our own tag so we can suppress this option if the user clicks alternative
- formDiv.whichFactorForm = which;
- formDiv.step = step;
- if (which === "spinner") {
- formDiv.innerHTML = '<tr class="loader" data-res="loading-msg">Loading...</tr>';
- this.replaceDiv("signin-tr", formDiv, true);
- }
- else
- if (this.AuthenticationFactorInfo[which]) {
- if (step === "submitCreds") {
- (this.AuthenticationFactorInfo[which]["loginFormFunction"])(formDiv, payload);
- // hide stuff that is not needed except on the initial screen
- if ((which !== "USERNAME_PASSWORD") && (which !== "USERNAME") && (which !== "PASSWORD")) {
-'.hidelater')).forEach(function (e) { // Making MS (IE and Edge) family happy
- = "hidden";
- });
- }
- this.replaceDiv("signin-tr", formDiv, true);
- }
- }
- }
- // Builds the main form, allowing username/password posting + IDP selection
- // Logic has been moved into buildForm
- this.buildUidPwForm = function (formDiv, IDPdata) {
- this.buildForm(formDiv, "showUidPw", IDPdata, true);
- }
- // this function builds both the UID + PW and/or the IDP chooser form
- // this is all in one function to avoid duplicating code or comments
- // the boolean showUidPw determines whether to show the uid+pw portion
- this.buildForm = function (formDiv, showField, IDPdata, isFirstForm) {
- const self = this;
- var showUidOrUidPwFields = true;
- let keepMeSignedIn = JSON.parse(this.getLoginCtx())["keepMeSignedInEnabled"];
- let checkbox = "";
- formDiv.innerHTML +=
- '<label><span style="font-weight: bold;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;margin-left:5px" data-res="signin-username-fld">Username</span><span class="mandatory_field">*</span><input style="margin-left:3px" type="text" id="userid" value="" required></label>' +
- '<label><span style="font-weight: bold;font-size:12px;padding-left:5px;margin-left:5px" data-res="signin-password-fld">Password</span><span class="mandatory_field">*</span><input style="margin-left:8px" type="password" id="password" value="" required></label>';
- if (showUidOrUidPwFields) {
- formDiv.innerHTML +=
- '<label class="error-msg" id="login-error-msg"></label>' + checkbox +
- '<br/><button type="button" style="width: 80px;margin-left:75px" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm btn-color shadow rounded"" id="submit-btn" data-res="signin-submit-btn">Sign In</button>'
- }
- // and now that we're done updating the HTML of that div we can
- // attach the event handlers for clicking or hitting enter
- if (showUidOrUidPwFields) {
- if (showField == "showUid") {
- this.handleClickToSubmitEvent(formDiv, this, 'postUserName');
- this.handleKeyPressToSubmitEvent(formDiv, formDiv.querySelector("#userid"), this, 'postUserName');
- }
- else {
- this.handleClickToSubmitEvent(formDiv, this, 'postCreds');
- this.handleKeyPressToSubmitEvent(formDiv, formDiv.querySelector("#password"), this, 'postCreds');
- }
- this.handleClickEvent(formDiv, this);
- }
- return formDiv;
- }; // this.buildForm
- // This method works as the app main controller, directing requests to the appropriate methods based on the received payload from IDCS.
- this.nextOperation = function (payload, username) {
- this.logMsg("nextOperation: " + this.mask(payload));
- if (payload.requestState && payload.nextOp) {
- this.setRequestState(payload.requestState);
- if (payload.nextOp[0] === 'credSubmit') {
- if (payload.nextAuthFactors) {
- if (payload.nextAuthFactors.includes('USERNAME_PASSWORD')) {
- this.displayPasswordForm(payload);
- }
- if (payload.nextAuthFactors.includes('IDP')) {
- this.displayIDPChooserForm(payload);
- }
- // else {
- var sameFactorMultipleDevices = false;
- payload.nextAuthFactors.forEach(function (factor) {
- if (payload[factor] && payload[factor].enrolledDevices && payload[factor].enrolledDevices.length > 0) {
- sameFactorMultipleDevices = true;
- }
- });
- // Fix on bug reported by Pulkit Agarwal on 12/04/18. Used to happen when MFA is active for a Social User that isn't registered in IDCS.
- // We must send the user to enrollment where enrollment is also in nextOp array.
- if (payload.nextOp[1] === "enrollment") {
- this.displayEnrollmentOptionsForm(payload);
- }
- // End of fix.
- // If there's more than one nextAuthFactor or multiple devices for the same factor, we go to alternative factors flow.
- else if (payload.nextAuthFactors.length > 1 && payload.nextAuthFactors.includes("USERNAME") && payload.nextOp.includes("credSubmit")) {
- if (!this.getUnPwOrigin() || this.getUnPwOrigin() === "true") {
- this.setPreferredFactor({ factor: payload.nextAuthFactors[0], displayName: payload.displayName });
- this.setUnPwOrigin("false");
- }
- this.displayForm(payload.nextAuthFactors[0], "submitCreds", payload);
- }
- else {
- // ER #1
- // Doing this because the API response not always tell whether the factor is the preferred one.
- // Setting the user preferred factor. It's the one returned from username/password submit.
- // We may also come here via Social Login, in which case the origin is undefined.
- if (!this.getUnPwOrigin() || this.getUnPwOrigin() === "true") {
- this.setPreferredFactor({ factor: payload.nextAuthFactors[0], displayName: payload.displayName });
- this.setUnPwOrigin("false");
- }
- // End of ER #1.
- this.displayForm(payload.nextAuthFactors[0], "submitCreds", payload);
- // }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- this.logMsg('Do not know what to do with given payload.');
- }
- }
- }; // this.nextOperation
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------- HELPER METHODS ----------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- this.addErrorDetailsIfAny = function (errorElem, details) {
- if (details != null) {
- var detailsDiv = document.createElement('div');
- detailsDiv.classList.add('newline');
- for (i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
- detailsDiv.innerHTML += '<span class="error-msg-detail">' + details[i] + '</span>';
- }
- errorElem.appendChild(detailsDiv);
- }
- }
- this.handleBackendError = function (error) {
- var errorMsg = '';
- if (error) {
- errorMsg = error.msg;
- if (error.code.indexOf('AUTH-1120') != -1) {
- errorMsg = this.localizeMsg('error-AUTH-1120', 'Invalid state. Please, reinitiate login');
- }
- else if (error.code.indexOf('AUTH-1112') != -1) {
- errorMsg = this.localizeMsg('error-AUTH-1112', 'Access denied');
- }
- else if (error.code.indexOf('SDK-AUTH') != -1) {
- errorMsg = this.localizeMsg('error-' + error.code, error.msg);
- }
- else if (error.code.indexOf('SSO-') != -1 && error.msg === 'undefined') {
- errorMsg = this.localizeMsg('error-' + error.code, '<Undefined error message>');
- }
- else {
- this.logMsg('Passing backend error message as is: ' + errorMsg);
- }
- }
- return errorMsg;
- }
- this.changeButtonOnError = function (button) {
- if (button) {
- = 'block';
- button.disabled = false;
- }
- }
- this.clearErrorsOnScreenIfAny = function () {
- var socialErrorElem = document.getElementById("social-login-error-msg");
- if (socialErrorElem) {
- socialErrorElem.innerHTML = '';
- }
- var loginErrorElem = document.getElementById("login-error-msg");
- if (loginErrorElem) {
- loginErrorElem.innerHTML = '';
- }
- }
- this.setLoginErrorMessage = function (error) {
- this.clearErrorsOnScreenIfAny();
- var errorElemId = "login-error-msg";
- if (error.type === 'social') {
- errorElemId = "social-login-error-msg";
- }
- this.stopPushPoll();
- this.removeSpinner();
- var errorMsg = this.handleBackendError(error);
- var errorElem = document.getElementById(errorElemId);
- if (errorElem) {
- this.changeButtonOnError(document.querySelector("#submit-btn"));
- errorElem.innerHTML = errorMsg;
- this.addErrorDetailsIfAny(errorElem, error.details);
- }
- else {
- var formDiv = document.createElement('div');
- = 'signin-tr';
- formDiv.classList.add('form');
- var errorLabel = document.createElement('label');
- = errorElemId;
- errorLabel.classList.add('error-msg');
- errorLabel.innerHTML = errorMsg;
- formDiv.appendChild(errorLabel);
- this.replaceDiv("signin-tr", formDiv, true)
- }
- }
- this.getBackendErrorMsg = function () {
- var error = sessionStorage.getItem('backendError'); // This is set by the server-side backend
- if (error) {
- sessionStorage.removeItem('backendError');
- return error;
- }
- return;
- }
- this.encodeValueChars = function (str) {
- return (
- encodeURIComponent(str)
- // Note that although RFC3986 reserves "!", RFC5987 does not,
- // so we do not need to escape it
- .replace(/['()]/g, escape) // i.e., %27 %28 %29
- .replace(/\*/g, "%2A")
- // The following are not required for percent-encoding per RFC5987,
- // so we can allow for a little better readability over the wire: |`^
- .replace(/%(?:7C|60|5E)/g, unescape)
- );
- }
- this.htmlEscape = function (string) {
- return String(string)
- .replace(/&/g, '&')
- .replace(/"/g, '"')
- .replace(/'/g, ''')
- .replace(/</g, '<')
- .replace(/>/g, '>');
- }
- this.setAccessToken = function (at) {
- return sessionStorage.setItem("signinAT", at);
- }
- this.getAccessToken = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("signinAT");
- }
- this.isIDPUserInIDCS = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("isIDPUserInIDCS");
- }
- this.getIDPAuthnToken = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("IDPAuthnToken");
- }
- this.getLoginCtx = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("initialState");
- }
- this.setRequestState = function (rs) {
- sessionStorage.setItem("requestState", rs);
- }
- this.getRequestState = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("requestState");
- }
- this.getClientId = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("clientId");
- }
- this.getInitialState = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("initialState");
- }
- // This object is used mostly by method displayForm, telling it which form to build.
- const self = this;
- this.AuthenticationFactorInfo = {
- // this one is only used for the initial login screen
- label: "Username and password",
- loginFormFunction: function (formdiv, payload) { self.buildUidPwForm(formdiv, payload); },
- },
- // this one is only used for the initial login screen
- label: "Username",
- loginFormFunction: function (formdiv, payload) { self.buildUidForm(formdiv, payload); },
- },
- IDP: {
- // If the admin removes "local IDP" in the IDP Policies then IDCS asks custom login app
- // to display only the IDP chooser on the intiial form
- label: "Select an IDP",
- loginFormFunction: function (formdiv, payload) { self.buildIdpChooserForm(formdiv, payload.IDP, true); },
- }
- }
- this.setUnPwOrigin = function (flag) {
- sessionStorage.setItem("unPwOrigin", flag)
- }
- this.getOperation = function () {
- return sessionStorage.getItem("operation");
- }
- this.getToken = function () {
- return decodeURIComponent(sessionStorage.getItem("token"));
- }
- this.ToBeImplemented = function (which) {
- alert("Case " + which + " needs to be implemented!");
- }
- this.sdk = new IdcsAuthnSDK(this);
- this.sdk.initAuthentication();
- }; // function loginApp
- const loginApp = new LoginApp();
- loginApp.localize(document);
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