
Xonar Search

Jan 18th, 2014
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  2. (10:53:45 AM) Hale: and
  3. (10:54:48 AM) Hale: other than that, I really have no idea what you might be referring to.
  4. (10:55:00 AM) Hale: not like you're giving me all to much info to work with, ne~
  5. (10:55:16 AM) IppE: So Hale, what amp would you recommend with AKG K-701
  6. (10:55:55 AM) IppE: the 150ohm opamp in asucks xonar dg is suffering
  7. (10:56:12 AM) Hale: something to tune down it's relatively harsh upper end frequencies - i.e. some sort of valve
  8. (10:56:28 AM) Hale: ask this mysterious coworker~
  9. (10:57:03 AM) IppE: okay
  10. (10:57:18 AM) IppE: Maybe I'll just get nuforce udac2
  11. (10:59:13 AM) Bateau: sirry about misterios coworker
  12. (10:59:19 AM) Bateau: lol cant spell!!
  13. (10:59:40 AM) IppE: It's funny
  15. (1:58:18 PM) IppE: Not really
  16. (1:58:51 PM) IppE: STX is a soundcard, yours is a USB DAC
  17. (1:58:56 PM) Bateau: yes i know
  18. (1:59:07 PM) Bateau: but mine only happened because those sold so well
  19. (1:59:40 PM) Bateau: i saw someone with your sound card modded up like crazy
  20. (2:00:41 PM) Bateau: right now my desktop has this card I wanted teh ZxR but i dont have any open PCI-E slots :(
  21. (2:00:49 PM) IppE:
  22. (2:00:55 PM) IppE: Thats the add-in thing I mentioned
  23. (2:01:41 PM) Bateau: yep yep i dont think the ZxR even has one of those even though the models under it can do 7.1... I find that rather odd personally
  24. (2:02:19 PM) IppE: 7.1 isn't that highly demanded I guess
  25. (2:02:33 PM) Bateau: I bought the lowest Essence One because I can always swap th Op-Amps later and really didnt have money for the higher one
  26. (2:02:56 PM) IppE: The muse thing?
  27. (2:03:00 PM) Bateau: yea
  28. (2:03:06 PM) IppE: Thats stupid overpriced
  29. (2:03:31 PM) Bateau: actually compard to competeitors its still like 2/3 the cost
  30. (2:03:49 PM) Bateau: that thing competes with 1500$ DACs
  31. (2:03:56 PM) Bateau: mine iwth 1000$ ones
  32. (2:03:58 PM) IppE: Yeah but comapred to the regulard One
  35. 10:17:33 PM) Bateau: cause usually based on farcry and bioshock infinite you need to have the setting near max to have teh DX11 features though
  36. (10:18:04 PM) Bateau: win8 does have some featueres that need DX11
  37. (10:18:16 PM) junh1024: oh
  38. (10:19:18 PM) IppE: I did get better cans yes
  39. (10:19:22 PM) Bateau: you dont need DX11 to run win8 you ojust wont be able to use those features
  40. (10:19:34 PM) IppE: and a better soundcard as well
  41. (10:19:36 PM) Bateau: o IppE you did? I was saying I did
  42. (10:19:52 PM) Bateau: O.O i mthough you have a pretty good ASUS sound card?
  43. (10:20:16 PM) IppE: xonar essence stx
  44. (10:20:24 PM) IppE: i had dg previously
  45. (10:21:44 PM) Bateau: dg?
  46. (10:21:51 PM) Bateau: so what cans did yo upick up?
  47. (10:22:01 PM) IppE: k-701
  48. (10:22:16 PM) Bateau: ive heard that model before.....
  49. (10:23:10 PM) Bateau: ah AKG's
  50. (10:23:19 PM) Bateau: they look open
  51. (10:23:31 PM) IppE: they are very open
  52. (10:24:25 PM) Bateau: not for me then im a closed headphone person
  53. (10:25:10 PM) IppE: I like my music crisp and clear
  54. (10:25:17 PM) IppE: bass is for faggots
  57. (8:46:34 AM) RazorbladeByte: >_>
  58. (9:48:04 AM) Bateau: lol tahts wopuld be a ues then
  59. (11:34:09 AM) Bateau: IppE: found out why the STX isnt compatible with that 5.1 expander thing like the ST
  60. (11:34:48 AM) IppE: k
  61. (11:36:59 AM) IppE: So, why?
  62. (11:52:55 AM) junh1024: wat STX/ST expander?
  63. (11:54:20 AM) IppE:
  64. (11:54:22 AM) IppE: That thing
  65. (11:54:28 AM) IppE: And it's 7.1
  66. (12:07:41 PM) Bateau: its because the STX uses the same chip as a ST which it PCI based they had to convert it to PCI-E for the STX
  67. (12:11:41 PM) IppE: uh, okay
  68. (12:12:02 PM) IppE: You could really work on your grammar, no offense
  69. (12:12:14 PM) junh1024: & punctuation
  70. (12:13:56 PM) IppE: Man, this "frame rating" thing is pretty hilarious on :amd:
  71. (12:13:58 PM) IppE:
  72. (12:30:30 PM) Bateau: it may be worse for a while trying to touch type more as I am being forced to with my Black on Black keycaps
  73. (1:27:34 PM) Shiina[Seya]: o_o
  74. (1:27:50 PM) Shiina[Seya]: I don't see the problem, Bateau?
  75. (1:28:00 PM) Bateau: ?
  76. (1:46:11 PM) FullDive01[Seya] is now known as FullDive[Seya]
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