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- name_modes(ModeAs:NameAs,ModeAs,NameAs).
- print_fake_doc(M,P):-
- mpred_impl_module(M),current_predicate(_,M:P),
- to_fa(P,F,A),
- functor(NameH,F,A),NameH=..[F|NameAs],
- functor(ModeH,F,A),ModeH=..[F|ModeAs],
- functor(DocH,F,A),DocH=..[F|DocAs],
- maplist(name_modes,DocAs,ModeAs,NameAs),
- ignore(predicate_property(M:ModeH,meta_predicate(ModeH))),
- ignore(predicate_property(_:ModeH,meta_predicate(ModeH))),
- all_different_vals(NameAs),
- lock_vars(NameH),
- try_get_head_vars(NameH),
- ignore(some_flocation(MN,F,A)),
- ignore(mpred_source_file(_:DocAs,Pos)),
- make_summary(F,Summary),
- format('%% ~q is semidet.\n% ~w.\n% at ~w\n',[MN:DocH, Summary, Pos]).
- make_summary0(F,Text):- make_l_summary(F,TextM),atomic_list_concat(TextM,' ',Text).
- make_summary(F,TextOO):- make_summary0(F,Text),make_summary0(Text,TextO),make_summary0(TextO,TextOO),!.
- e2h(A,H):-atom_number(A,N),!,e2h(N,H).
- e2h(i,internal_interface).
- e2h(u,user_interface).
- e2h(t,data_structur).
- e2h(0,prime_helper).
- e2h(E,H):-number(E),atomic_list_concat([helper,E,n],'',H).
- make_l_summary([],[]).
- make_l_summary([H1,H2|T],OUT):- append(Left,[A],[H1,H2|T]),e2h(A,H),append(Left,[H],AGAIN),make_l_summary(AGAIN,OUT).
- make_l_summary([H|T],WO):-!,make_l_summary(H,HL),make_l_summary(T,TL),append(HL,TL,WO).
- make_l_summary(F,Text):- atom(F),atomic_list_concat(WL,'_',F),length(WL,LL),LL>1,make_l_summary(WL,Text).
- make_l_summary(F,Text):- atom(F),atomic_list_concat(WL,' ',F),length(WL,LL),LL>1,make_l_summary(WL,Text).
- make_l_summary(H,HL):- atom_chars(H,Chars),append(Left,[N],Chars), char_type(N,digit),atom_number(N,Num),!,atom_chars(H,Left),make_l_summary([Left,Num],HL).
- make_l_summary(H,HL):- atom_chars(H,Chars),append(Left,[L,U|MORE],Chars),!,char_type(L,lower),char_type(U,upper),apppend(Left,[L],LL),atom_chars(LS,LL),atom_chars(RS,[U|MORE]),make_l_summary([LS,RS],HL).
- make_l_summary(H,OUT):-longer_sumry(H,Sum),flatten([Sum],OUT).
- make_l_summary(H,[A]):- term_to_atom(H,A).
- longer_sumry(fmt,'Format').
- longer_sumry(pred,'Predicate').
- longer_sumry(var,'Variable').
- mpred_impl_module(logicmoo_utils).
- mpred_impl_module(t_l).
- mpred_impl_module(tlbugger).
- mpred_impl_module(table_bugger).
- mpred_impl_module(logicmoo_util_hook).
- mpred_impl_module(lmhook).
- mpred_impl_module(logicmoo_volatile).
- % mpred_impl_module(user).
- Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 7.3.8)
- Copyright (c) 1990-2015 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
- SWI-Prolog comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
- and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
- Please visit for details.
- For help, use ?- help(Topic). or ?- apropos(Word).
- ?- write_modules.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_varnames,
- [ ain00/1,
- all_different_vals/1,
- all_different_vals/2,
- assign_name_equal_var/1,
- assign_name_equal_var/2,
- atom_subst_frak_0/4,
- attr_portray_hook/2,
- attr_unify_hook/2,
- b_implode_varnames/1,
- b_implode_varnames0/1,
- bad_varnamez/1,
- call_not_not/1,
- call_return_tf/2,
- check_varnames/1,
- clause_ref_file/2,
- clause_ref_vars/2,
- contains_badvarnames/1,
- contains_singletons/1,
- current_source_location/1,
- current_source_location0/1,
- current_why/1,
- current_why_0/1,
- del_attr_type/2,
- e2h/2,
- ensure_vars_labled/2,
- ensure_vars_labled_r/2,
- fix_varcase_name/2,
- get_clause_vars/1,
- get_clause_vars/2,
- get_clause_vars_copy/2,
- get_clause_vars_hb_int/2,
- get_gtime/1,
- ignoreN/2,
- ignoreN0/2,
- imploded_copyvars/2,
- loading_file/1,
- locate_clause_ref/5,
- lock_vars/1,
- logOnErrorFail/1,
- logicmoo_util_varnames_file/0,
- longer_sumry/2,
- make_l_summary/2,
- make_subterm_path/3,
- make_summary/2,
- make_summary0/2,
- maybe_record_scanned_file/0,
- mpred_impl_module/1,
- name_modes/3,
- name_vars/2,
- no_varnaming/1,
- no_vars_needed/1,
- not_member_eq/2,
- portray_attvar/1,
- print_fake_doc/2,
- read_source_file_vars/1,
- read_source_file_vars_1/1,
- read_source_terms/2,
- replace_in_string_frak_0/4,
- safe_numbervars/1,
- safe_numbervars/2,
- save_clause_vars/2,
- save_clause_vars/3,
- save_clause_vars/6,
- save_file_source_vars/3,
- save_to_clause_ref/3,
- scan_source_files_for_varnames/0,
- show_call_if_verbose/1,
- show_call_when/3,
- sl_to_filename/2,
- snumbervars4/4,
- snumbervars5/4,
- source_file0/1,
- source_module/1,
- source_variables/1,
- source_variables_l/1,
- subterm_path/3,
- term_expansion_save_vars/1,
- try_get_body_vars/1,
- try_get_head_vars/1,
- try_get_inner_vars/1,
- try_save1var/2,
- try_save_vars/1,
- unlock_vars/1,
- v_dif_rest/2,
- vmust/1
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- make_hook/2.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- call_not_not(0),
- call_return_tf(0, ?),
- contains_singletons(0),
- get_clause_vars(:),
- get_clause_vars(:, ?),
- logOnErrorFail(0),
- no_varnaming(0),
- safe_numbervars(0),
- safe_numbervars(?, 0),
- show_call_when(2, ?, ?),
- snumbervars4(0, ?, ?, ?),
- snumbervars5(0, ?, ?, ?),
- vmust(0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- ain00/1,
- all_different_vals/1,
- all_different_vals/2,
- assign_name_equal_var/1,
- assign_name_equal_var/2,
- atom_subst_frak_0/4,
- b_implode_varnames/1,
- b_implode_varnames0/1,
- bad_varnamez/1,
- check_varnames/1,
- clause_ref_file/2,
- clause_ref_vars/2,
- contains_badvarnames/1,
- current_source_location/1,
- current_source_location0/1,
- current_why/1,
- current_why_0/1,
- del_attr_type/2,
- e2h/2,
- ensure_vars_labled/2,
- ensure_vars_labled_r/2,
- fix_varcase_name/2,
- get_clause_vars_copy/2,
- get_clause_vars_hb_int/2,
- get_gtime/1,
- ignoreN/2,
- ignoreN0/2,
- imploded_copyvars/2,
- loading_file/1,
- locate_clause_ref/5,
- lock_vars/1,
- longer_sumry/2,
- make_l_summary/2,
- make_subterm_path/3,
- make_summary/2,
- make_summary0/2,
- maybe_record_scanned_file/0,
- mpred_impl_module/1,
- name_modes/3,
- name_vars/2,
- no_vars_needed/1,
- not_member_eq/2,
- print_fake_doc/2,
- read_source_file_vars/1,
- read_source_file_vars_1/1,
- read_source_terms/2,
- replace_in_string_frak_0/4,
- save_clause_vars/2,
- save_clause_vars/3,
- save_clause_vars/6,
- save_file_source_vars/3,
- save_to_clause_ref/3,
- scan_source_files_for_varnames/0,
- show_call_if_verbose/1,
- sl_to_filename/2,
- source_file0/1,
- source_module/1,
- source_variables/1,
- source_variables_l/1,
- subterm_path/3,
- term_expansion_save_vars/1,
- try_get_body_vars/1,
- try_get_head_vars/1,
- try_get_inner_vars/1,
- try_save1var/2,
- try_save_vars/1,
- unlock_vars/1,
- v_dif_rest/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_terms,
- [ at_start/1,
- call_n_times/2,
- call_no_cuts/1,
- conjoin/3,
- conjoin_op/4,
- conjuncts_to_list/2,
- delete_eq/3,
- disjuncts_to_list/2,
- do_expand_args/3,
- do_expand_args_c/3,
- do_expand_args_l/3,
- do_expand_args_pa/4,
- doall/1,
- dynamic_load_pl/1,
- each_subterm/2,
- each_subterm/3,
- flatten_dedupe/2,
- flatten_set/2,
- functor_h/2,
- functor_h/3,
- get_functor/2,
- get_functor/3,
- identical_member/2,
- in_thread_and_join/1,
- in_thread_and_join/2,
- is_proof/1,
- is_true/1,
- lastMember2/2,
- list_retain/3,
- list_to_conjuncts/2,
- list_to_conjuncts/3,
- list_to_set_safe/2,
- load_assert/3,
- load_dirrective/2,
- load_term/2,
- load_term2/2,
- logicmoo_library_file_loaded/0,
- makeArgIndexes/1,
- makeArgIndexes/2,
- make_list/3,
- maptree/3,
- nd_predsubst/3,
- nd_predsubst1/4,
- nd_predsubst2/3,
- nd_subst/4,
- nd_subst1/5,
- nd_subst2/4,
- pred_delete/4,
- pred_juncts_to_list/2,
- pred_juncts_to_list/3,
- pred_subst/5,
- pred_term_parts/3,
- pred_term_parts_l/3,
- predsubst/3,
- proccess_status/3,
- read_each_term/3,
- remove_dupes/2,
- remove_dupes/3,
- subst/4,
- term_parts/2,
- term_parts_l/2,
- throw_if_true_else_fail/2,
- univ_safe/2,
- univ_term/2,
- weak_nd_subst/4,
- weak_nd_subst1/5,
- weak_nd_subst2/4,
- wsubst/4
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- at_start(0),
- call_n_times(+, 0),
- call_no_cuts(0),
- doall(0),
- each_subterm(?, 2, ?),
- functor_h(?, ?),
- functor_h(?, ?, ?),
- get_functor(?, ?),
- get_functor(?, ?, ?),
- in_thread_and_join(0),
- in_thread_and_join(0, +),
- list_retain(?, 1, ?),
- load_dirrective(0, ?),
- maptree(2, +, -),
- nd_predsubst(?, 2, ?),
- nd_predsubst1(2, ?, ?, ?),
- nd_predsubst2(2, ?, ?),
- pred_delete(2, ?, ?, ?),
- pred_subst(2, ?, ?, ?, ?),
- pred_term_parts(1, ?, ?),
- pred_term_parts_l(1, ?, ?),
- predsubst(?, 2, ?),
- throw_if_true_else_fail(0, ?).
- (module_transparent) :-
- conjoin/3,
- conjoin_op/4,
- conjuncts_to_list/2,
- delete_eq/3,
- disjuncts_to_list/2,
- do_expand_args/3,
- do_expand_args_c/3,
- do_expand_args_l/3,
- do_expand_args_pa/4,
- dynamic_load_pl/1,
- each_subterm/2,
- flatten_dedupe/2,
- flatten_set/2,
- identical_member/2,
- is_proof/1,
- is_true/1,
- lastMember2/2,
- list_to_conjuncts/2,
- list_to_conjuncts/3,
- list_to_set_safe/2,
- load_assert/3,
- load_term/2,
- load_term2/2,
- logicmoo_library_file_loaded/0,
- makeArgIndexes/1,
- makeArgIndexes/2,
- make_list/3,
- nd_subst/4,
- nd_subst1/5,
- nd_subst2/4,
- pred_juncts_to_list/2,
- pred_juncts_to_list/3,
- proccess_status/3,
- read_each_term/3,
- remove_dupes/2,
- remove_dupes/3,
- subst/4,
- term_parts/2,
- term_parts_l/2,
- univ_safe/2,
- univ_term/2,
- weak_nd_subst/4,
- weak_nd_subst1/5,
- weak_nd_subst2/4,
- wsubst/4.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_term_listing,
- [ b_i/2,
- bad_pred/1,
- blob_info/3,
- bookeepingPredicateXRef/1,
- buggery_ok/0,
- clause_ref/2,
- cur_predicate/2,
- current_atom_or_blob/2,
- get_matcher_code/4,
- get_search_ref/2,
- get_search_ref0/2,
- get_search_ref_tl/2,
- go_as_last/2,
- hide_data0/1,
- listing_filter/1,
- m_clause/4,
- m_clause0/4,
- m_clause_no_missing/4,
- make_headkey/2,
- make_search_key/2,
- make_searchable/1,
- make_searchable_index/1,
- make_searchable_list_ref/2,
- make_searchable_ref/2,
- maybe_separate/2,
- maybe_separate_0/2,
- mmake/0,
- mp/3,
- mpred_listing/1,
- mpred_match_listing/1,
- mpred_match_listing_skip_pi/2,
- mstatistics/0,
- new_atoms/2,
- nonvar_search/1,
- ok_show/1,
- plisting/1,
- plisting_0/1,
- plisting_1/0,
- plisting_1/1,
- plisting_2/1,
- portray_hb/2,
- portray_hbr/3,
- portray_one_line/1,
- portray_one_line_0/1,
- portray_one_line_1/1,
- portray_one_line_2/1,
- pp_listing/1,
- predicateUsesCall/1,
- printAll/1,
- printAll/2,
- print_clause_properties/2,
- print_record_properties/2,
- process_unify_in_thread/2,
- real_list_undefined/1,
- remove_undef_search/0,
- save_atoms/0,
- save_search_ref/2,
- save_search_ref_0/2,
- save_search_ref_recorded/2,
- save_search_ref_tl/2,
- scansrc_list_undefined/1,
- search_refs_use_recorded/0,
- searchable_of_clause/2,
- searchable_of_clause_0/2,
- searchable_of_clause_1/2,
- searchable_of_clause_1/3,
- searchable_terms/1,
- searchable_terms_tl/1,
- sourceTextPredicate/1,
- sourceTextPredicateSource/1,
- synth_clause_for_l2/5,
- synth_clause_for_large/6,
- synth_clause_ref/5,
- synth_in_listing/1,
- term_matches_hb/3,
- term_matches_hb/4,
- term_matches_unify/3,
- unify_in_thread/2,
- unify_in_thread_tl/2,
- unify_listing/1,
- unify_listing/3,
- unify_listing_header/1,
- unify_listing_header/3,
- unmake_search_key/2,
- update_changed_files/0,
- update_changed_files0/0,
- update_changed_files1/0,
- xlisting/1,
- xlisting_inner/3
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- mpred_xlisting/1,
- shared_hide_data/1,
- synth_clause_for/5.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- mpred_match_listing_skip_pi(+, +),
- printAll(0),
- printAll(0, ?),
- unify_in_thread(+, 0),
- unify_in_thread_tl(?, 0),
- unify_listing(:),
- unify_listing(:, ?, ?),
- unify_listing_header(:),
- unify_listing_header(:, ?, ?),
- xlisting_inner(3, +, +).
- (module_transparent) :-
- b_i/2,
- bad_pred/1,
- blob_info/3,
- bookeepingPredicateXRef/1,
- buggery_ok/0,
- clause_ref/2,
- cur_predicate/2,
- current_atom_or_blob/2,
- get_matcher_code/4,
- get_search_ref/2,
- get_search_ref0/2,
- get_search_ref_tl/2,
- go_as_last/2,
- hide_data0/1,
- listing_filter/1,
- m_clause/4,
- m_clause0/4,
- m_clause_no_missing/4,
- make_headkey/2,
- make_search_key/2,
- make_searchable/1,
- make_searchable_index/1,
- make_searchable_list_ref/2,
- make_searchable_ref/2,
- maybe_separate/2,
- maybe_separate_0/2,
- mmake/0,
- mp/3,
- mpred_listing/1,
- mpred_match_listing/1,
- mpred_xlisting/1,
- mstatistics/0,
- new_atoms/2,
- nonvar_search/1,
- ok_show/1,
- plisting/1,
- plisting_0/1,
- plisting_1/0,
- plisting_1/1,
- plisting_2/1,
- portray_hb/2,
- portray_hbr/3,
- portray_one_line/1,
- portray_one_line_0/1,
- portray_one_line_1/1,
- portray_one_line_2/1,
- pp_listing/1,
- predicateUsesCall/1,
- print_clause_properties/2,
- print_record_properties/2,
- process_unify_in_thread/2,
- real_list_undefined/1,
- remove_undef_search/0,
- save_atoms/0,
- save_search_ref/2,
- save_search_ref_0/2,
- save_search_ref_recorded/2,
- save_search_ref_tl/2,
- scansrc_list_undefined/1,
- search_refs_use_recorded/0,
- searchable_of_clause/2,
- searchable_of_clause_0/2,
- searchable_of_clause_1/2,
- searchable_of_clause_1/3,
- searchable_terms/1,
- searchable_terms_tl/1,
- shared_hide_data/1,
- sourceTextPredicate/1,
- sourceTextPredicateSource/1,
- synth_clause_for/5,
- synth_clause_for_l2/5,
- synth_clause_for_large/6,
- synth_clause_ref/5,
- synth_in_listing/1,
- term_matches_hb/3,
- term_matches_hb/4,
- term_matches_unify/3,
- unmake_search_key/2,
- update_changed_files/0,
- update_changed_files0/0,
- update_changed_files1/0,
- xlisting/1.
- (dynamic) :-
- mpred_xlisting/1,
- search_refs_use_recorded/0.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_prolog_streams,
- [ buffer_chars/1,
- read_received/1,
- some_test/0,
- test1_0/1,
- test2/1,
- with_err_to_pred/2,
- with_input_from_pred/2,
- with_output_to_pred/2,
- with_output_to_pred/4
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- with_err_to_pred(?, 0),
- with_input_from_pred(?, 0),
- with_output_to_pred(?, 0),
- with_output_to_pred(?, ?, 0, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- buffer_chars/1,
- read_received/1,
- some_test/0,
- test1_0/1,
- test2/1.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_prolog_frames,
- [ current_frames/4,
- current_next_frames/4,
- in_pengines/0,
- parent_frame_attribute/5,
- parent_goal/2,
- prolog_frame_match/3,
- relative_frame/3,
- stack_check/0,
- stack_check/1,
- stack_check/2,
- stack_check_else/2,
- stack_depth/1
- ]).
- (module_transparent) :-
- current_frames/4,
- current_next_frames/4,
- in_pengines/0,
- parent_frame_attribute/5,
- parent_goal/2,
- prolog_frame_match/3,
- relative_frame/3,
- stack_check/0,
- stack_check/1,
- stack_check/2,
- stack_check_else/2,
- stack_depth/1.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_preddefs,
- [ call_if_defined/1,
- convert_to_dynamic/1,
- convert_to_dynamic/3,
- current_predicate_module/2,
- def_meta_predicate/3,
- dynamic_if_missing/1,
- dynamic_multifile/1,
- (dynamic_multifile_exported)/1,
- (dynamic_multifile_exported)/4,
- (dynamic_safe)/1,
- (dynamic_safe)/3,
- dynamic_transparent/1,
- fill_args/2,
- get_module_of/2,
- get_module_of_4/4,
- get_pi/2,
- make_transparent/4,
- multi_transparent/1,
- must_pi/1,
- p_predicate_property/2,
- pred_prop/3,
- pred_prop/4,
- rebuild_as_dyn/4,
- rebuild_pred_into/3,
- rebuild_pred_into/4,
- remove_pred/3,
- static_predicate/1,
- static_predicate/3,
- with_mfa/2,
- with_mfa_of/5,
- with_pi/2,
- with_pi_selected/4,
- with_pi_stub/5
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- call_if_defined(0),
- def_meta_predicate(0, +, +),
- ( (dynamic_multifile_exported (:))
- ),
- ( dynamic_multifile_exported(+, +, +, +)
- ),
- ( (dynamic_safe (+))
- ),
- ( dynamic_safe(+, +, +)
- ),
- get_module_of(0, -),
- get_module_of_4(0, +, +, -),
- must_pi(0),
- rebuild_pred_into(0, 1, ?),
- rebuild_pred_into(0, 0, 1, ?),
- static_predicate(+, +, +),
- with_mfa(0, 3),
- with_mfa_of(3, +, +, +, +),
- with_pi(0, 4),
- with_pi_selected(+, +, +, +),
- with_pi_stub(+, +, +, +, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- convert_to_dynamic/1,
- convert_to_dynamic/3,
- current_predicate_module/2,
- dynamic_if_missing/1,
- dynamic_multifile/1,
- dynamic_transparent/1,
- fill_args/2,
- get_pi/2,
- make_transparent/4,
- multi_transparent/1,
- p_predicate_property/2,
- pred_prop/3,
- pred_prop/4,
- rebuild_as_dyn/4,
- remove_pred/3,
- static_predicate/1.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_no_repeats,
- [ memberchk_pred/3,
- memberchk_pred_rev/3,
- memberchk_same/2,
- must_not_repeat/1,
- no_repeats/1,
- no_repeats/2,
- no_repeats_av/0,
- no_repeats_findall5/5,
- no_repeats_findall_r/5,
- no_repeats_old/1,
- no_repeats_old/2,
- no_repeats_save/2,
- no_repeats_save/4,
- no_repeats_u/2,
- subtract_eq/3,
- succeeds_n_times/2,
- term/2
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- memberchk_pred(2, ?, ?),
- memberchk_pred_rev(2, ?, ?),
- must_not_repeat(0),
- no_repeats(0),
- no_repeats(+, 0),
- no_repeats_findall5(+, 0, -, -, -),
- no_repeats_findall_r(+, 0, -, -, -),
- no_repeats_old(0),
- no_repeats_old(+, 0),
- no_repeats_save(+, 0),
- no_repeats_save(+, 0, -, -),
- no_repeats_u(+, 0),
- succeeds_n_times(0, -).
- (module_transparent) :-
- memberchk_same/2,
- no_repeats_av/0,
- subtract_eq/3,
- term/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_multivar,[]).
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_filesystem,
- [ add_to_search_path/2,
- add_to_search_path/3,
- add_to_search_path_first/2,
- add_to_search_path_last/2,
- atom_concat_safe/3,
- atom_ensure_endswtih/3,
- canonical_pathname/2,
- clip_dir_sep/2,
- concat_paths/2,
- concat_paths/3,
- current_dirs/1,
- current_dirs0/1,
- current_filedir/1,
- current_filesource/1,
- enumerate_files/2,
- enumerate_files0/2,
- enumerate_files00/2,
- enumerate_files1/2,
- enumerate_files2/2,
- enumerate_m_files/3,
- exists_directory_safe/1,
- exists_dirf/1,
- exists_file_or_dir/1,
- exists_file_safe/1,
- expand_file_name_safe/2,
- expand_wfm/2,
- filematch/2,
- filematch3/3,
- filematch_ext/3,
- global_pathname/2,
- if_file_exists/1,
- if_startup_script/0,
- if_startup_script/1,
- in_search_path/2,
- is_directory/1,
- join_path/3,
- join_path_if_needed/3,
- local_directory_search_combined/1,
- local_directory_search_combined2/1,
- locally_to_dir/2,
- my_absolute_file_name/2,
- normalize_path/2,
- os_to_prolog_filename/2,
- prolog_file_dir/1,
- prolog_file_dir/2,
- relative_pathname/2,
- remove_search_path/2,
- time_file_safe/2,
- to_filename/2,
- upcase_atom_safe/2,
- with_filematch/1,
- with_filematches/1
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- local_directory_search/1.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- add_to_search_path(2, ?, ?),
- enumerate_files(:, -),
- filematch(:, -),
- filematch_ext(+, :, -),
- if_file_exists(:),
- if_startup_script(0),
- with_filematch(0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- add_to_search_path/2,
- add_to_search_path_first/2,
- add_to_search_path_last/2,
- atom_concat_safe/3,
- atom_ensure_endswtih/3,
- canonical_pathname/2,
- clip_dir_sep/2,
- concat_paths/2,
- concat_paths/3,
- current_dirs/1,
- current_dirs0/1,
- current_filedir/1,
- current_filesource/1,
- enumerate_files0/2,
- enumerate_files00/2,
- enumerate_files1/2,
- enumerate_files2/2,
- enumerate_m_files/3,
- exists_directory_safe/1,
- exists_dirf/1,
- exists_file_or_dir/1,
- exists_file_safe/1,
- expand_file_name_safe/2,
- expand_wfm/2,
- filematch3/3,
- global_pathname/2,
- if_startup_script/0,
- in_search_path/2,
- is_directory/1,
- join_path/3,
- join_path_if_needed/3,
- local_directory_search/1,
- local_directory_search_combined/1,
- local_directory_search_combined2/1,
- locally_to_dir/2,
- my_absolute_file_name/2,
- normalize_path/2,
- os_to_prolog_filename/2,
- prolog_file_dir/1,
- prolog_file_dir/2,
- relative_pathname/2,
- remove_search_path/2,
- time_file_safe/2,
- to_filename/2,
- upcase_atom_safe/2,
- with_filematches/1.
- (dynamic) :-
- local_directory_search/1.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_filestreams,
- [ copy_stream/2,
- file_to_stream/2,
- file_to_stream_ssl_verify/5,
- l_open_input/2,
- l_open_input0/2,
- l_open_input1/2,
- make_socket/3,
- negotiate_http_connect/2,
- ssl_failed/3,
- ssl_protocol_hook/4,
- text_to_stream/2,
- with_stream_pos/2
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- accept_hook/2,
- make_socket_hook/3,
- open_client_hook/5,
- open_options/2,
- package_path/2.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- with_stream_pos(+, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- copy_stream/2,
- file_to_stream/2,
- file_to_stream_ssl_verify/5,
- l_open_input/2,
- l_open_input0/2,
- l_open_input1/2,
- make_socket/3,
- negotiate_http_connect/2,
- package_path/2,
- ssl_failed/3,
- ssl_protocol_hook/4,
- text_to_stream/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_ctx_frame,
- [ addCtxValue/3,
- addCtxValue1/3,
- addKeyValue/2,
- appendAttributes/4,
- bestSetterFn/3,
- checkCtx/1,
- copy_term_numvars/2,
- currentContext/2,
- delete_safe/3,
- eqmember/2,
- evil_term/3,
- getCtxValue/3,
- getKeyValue/2,
- get_ctx_frame_holder/3,
- get_ctx_frame_holder1/3,
- get_ctx_holder/2,
- get_ctx_holder1/2,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot0/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot1/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot1/5,
- get_ctx_value/4,
- get_n_value/6,
- get_o_value/4,
- get_o_value0/4,
- get_o_value1/4,
- hideIfNeeded/2,
- lastMemberCtx/2,
- lastMemberCtx/3,
- makeLocalContext/2,
- makeLocalContext1/2,
- mergeAppend0/3,
- no_cyclic_terms/0,
- popCtxFrame/3,
- pushCtxFrame/3,
- remCtxValue/3,
- revappend_0/3,
- reverseA/2,
- setCtxValue/3,
- to_open_list/4,
- unwrapValue/2,
- unwrapValue1/2
- ]).
- (module_transparent) :-
- addCtxValue/3,
- addCtxValue1/3,
- addKeyValue/2,
- appendAttributes/4,
- bestSetterFn/3,
- checkCtx/1,
- copy_term_numvars/2,
- currentContext/2,
- delete_safe/3,
- eqmember/2,
- getCtxValue/3,
- getKeyValue/2,
- get_ctx_frame_holder/3,
- get_ctx_frame_holder1/3,
- get_ctx_holder/2,
- get_ctx_holder1/2,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot0/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot1/3,
- get_ctx_holderFreeSpot1/5,
- get_ctx_value/4,
- get_n_value/6,
- get_o_value/4,
- get_o_value0/4,
- get_o_value1/4,
- hideIfNeeded/2,
- lastMemberCtx/2,
- lastMemberCtx/3,
- makeLocalContext/2,
- makeLocalContext1/2,
- mergeAppend0/3,
- no_cyclic_terms/0,
- popCtxFrame/3,
- pushCtxFrame/3,
- remCtxValue/3,
- revappend_0/3,
- reverseA/2,
- setCtxValue/3,
- to_open_list/4,
- unwrapValue/2,
- unwrapValue1/2.
- (dynamic) :-
- no_cyclic_terms/0.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_bugger,
- [ (-)/2,
- all_module_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- alldiscontiguous/0,
- arg_is_transparent/1,
- asserta_if_ground/1,
- atom_contains666/2,
- bad_idea/0,
- beenCaught/1,
- bin_ecall/4,
- bugger_atom_change/2,
- bugger_atom_change/6,
- bugger_atom_change0/6,
- bugger_error_info/1,
- bugger_expand_goal/2,
- bugger_expand_term/2,
- bugger_flag/1,
- bugger_flag/2,
- bugger_goal_expansion/2,
- bugger_goal_expansion/3,
- bugger_prolog_exception_hook/4,
- bugger_t_expansion/3,
- bugger_term_expansion/2,
- bugger_term_expansion/3,
- buggeroo/0,
- call_or_list/1,
- call_skipping_n_clauses/2,
- caller_module/1,
- caller_module/2,
- callsc/1,
- cli_ntrace/1,
- contains_atom/2,
- ctrace/0,
- debugFmt/1,
- debugFmtList/1,
- debugFmtList0/2,
- debugFmtList1/2,
- debugOnError/1,
- debugOnErrorEach/1,
- debugOnErrorIgnore/1,
- debugOnFailure/1,
- debugOnFailure0/1,
- debugOnFailureEach/1,
- debugOnFailureIgnore/1,
- default_dumptrace/1,
- default_ecall/3,
- define_if_missing/2,
- differnt_modules/2,
- disabled_this/0,
- dmsg/1,
- dmsg/2,
- doHideTrace/4,
- do_gc/0,
- do_gc0/0,
- do_gc1/0,
- do_ref_job/2,
- dtrace/0,
- dtrace/1,
- dtrace/2,
- dumptrace/1,
- dumptrace/2,
- dumptrace_ret/1,
- export_all_preds/0,
- export_all_preds/1,
- export_if_noconflict/2,
- fixhotrace/1,
- fmtString/2,
- fmtString/3,
- forall_member/3,
- format_safe/2,
- fresh_line/0,
- fresh_line/1,
- ftrace/1,
- functor_h0/3,
- functor_source_file/5,
- functor_source_file0/5,
- get_dtrace/2,
- get_rtrace/2,
- gftrace/0,
- gftrace/1,
- ggtrace/0,
- ggtrace/1,
- gmust/2,
- gripe_time/2,
- grtrace/0,
- grtrace/1,
- has_gui_debug/0,
- hideRest/0,
- hideTrace/0,
- hideTrace/2,
- hideTraceMFA/4,
- hideTraceMFAT/4,
- hideTraceMP/3,
- hidetrace/1,
- hook_message_hook/0,
- ifThen/2,
- if_interactive/1,
- if_interactive0/1,
- if_prolog/2,
- ignoreOnError/1,
- ignore_each/1,
- in_file_directive/0,
- in_file_expansion/0,
- in_toplevel/0,
- isConsole/0,
- is_deterministic/1,
- kill_term_expansion/0,
- list_difference_eq/3,
- list_difference_eq_memberchk_eq/2,
- listify/2,
- loading_module/1,
- loading_module/2,
- local_predicate/2,
- logOnFailure/1,
- logOnFailure0/1,
- logOnFailureEach/1,
- logOnFailureIgnore/1,
- loggerFmtReal/3,
- loggerReFmt/2,
- logger_property/3,
- logicmoo_bugger_loaded/0,
- matches_term/2,
- matches_term0/2,
- meta_interp/2,
- meta_interp_signal/1,
- module_hotrace/1,
- module_meta_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- module_predicate/3,
- module_predicate/4,
- module_predicates_are_exported/0,
- module_predicates_are_exported/1,
- module_predicates_are_exported0/1,
- module_predicates_are_not_exported_list/2,
- module_stack/2,
- motrace/1,
- must_assign/1,
- must_assign/2,
- must_each/1,
- must_each0/1,
- must_maplist/2,
- must_maplist/3,
- must_maplist/4,
- new_a2s/3,
- new_a2s0/3,
- nodebugx/1,
- non_user_console/0,
- nortrace/0,
- nth_frame/3,
- nth_frame_attribute/5,
- nth_goal/2,
- nth_pi/2,
- on_prolog_ecall/4,
- on_prolog_ecall_override/5,
- once_if_ground/1,
- once_if_ground/2,
- one_must/3,
- pop_def/1,
- predicate_module/2,
- printPredCount/3,
- programmer_error/1,
- prolog_call/1,
- prolog_current_frame_or_parent/2,
- prolog_current_frames/1,
- prolog_ecall/3,
- prolog_ecall_fa/5,
- prolog_must/1,
- prolog_must_l/1,
- prolog_must_not/1,
- push_def/1,
- quiet_all_module_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- randomVars/1,
- real_builtin_predicate/1,
- replace_elements/4,
- restore_guitracer/0,
- restore_trace/1,
- rmust_det/1,
- rtrace/0,
- rtrace/1,
- rtraceOnError/1,
- saveUserInput/0,
- save_guitracer/0,
- setLogLevel/2,
- set_bugger_flag/2,
- set_gui_debug/1,
- set_no_debug/0,
- set_no_debug_thread/0,
- set_optimize/1,
- set_yes_debug/0,
- set_yes_debug_thread/0,
- showProfilerStatistics/1,
- show_and_do/1,
- show_call/1,
- show_call0/1,
- show_call_entry/1,
- show_call_failure/1,
- show_call_success/1,
- show_goal_rethrow/2,
- show_module/1,
- shrink_clause/2,
- shrink_clause/3,
- singletons/1,
- start_rtrace/0,
- stop_rtrace/0,
- test_for_release/1,
- test_for_release_problems/1,
- test_tl/1,
- test_tl/2,
- test_tl/3,
- thread_local_leaks/0,
- throwOnFailure/1,
- throw_safe/1,
- time_call/1,
- to_list_of/3,
- traceAll/0,
- traceIf/1,
- trace_or/1,
- trace_or_throw/1,
- traceafter_call/1,
- traceok/1,
- tryCatchIgnore/1,
- tryHide/1,
- unlistify/2,
- user_ensure_loaded/1,
- user_use_module/1,
- wdmsg/1,
- wdmsg/2,
- willTrace/0,
- will_debug_else_throw/2,
- with_no_term_expansions/1,
- with_skip_bugger/1,
- writeErrMsg/2,
- writeErrMsg/3,
- writeFileToStream/2,
- writeOverwritten/0,
- writeSTDERR0/1,
- writeSavedPrompt/0
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- logLevel/2.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- bugger_atom_change(:, -),
- bugger_atom_change(:, 0, +, +, -, -),
- bugger_expand_goal(0, -),
- bugger_expand_term(0, -),
- bugger_goal_expansion(:, -),
- bugger_goal_expansion(+, +, -),
- bugger_t_expansion(+, +, -),
- bugger_term_expansion(:, -),
- bugger_term_expansion(+, +, -),
- callsc(0),
- cli_ntrace(0),
- debugOnError(0),
- debugOnErrorIgnore(0),
- debugOnFailure0(0),
- dtrace(0),
- dtrace(+, 0),
- dumptrace(0),
- dumptrace(0, +),
- dumptrace_ret(0),
- fixhotrace(0),
- forall_member(?, ?, 0),
- ftrace(0),
- get_rtrace(:, -),
- gftrace(0),
- ggtrace(0),
- gmust(0, 0),
- gripe_time(+, 0),
- grtrace(0),
- hideTrace(:, -),
- hidetrace(0),
- ifThen(0, 0),
- if_interactive(0),
- if_interactive0(0),
- if_prolog(?, 0),
- ignoreOnError(0),
- ignore_each(1),
- logOnFailure(0),
- logOnFailure0(0),
- logOnFailureIgnore(0),
- meta_interp(:, +),
- motrace(0),
- must_each(0),
- must_maplist(1, ?),
- must_maplist(2, ?, ?),
- must_maplist(3, ?, ?, ?),
- nodebugx(0),
- once_if_ground(0),
- once_if_ground(0, -),
- one_must(0, 0, 0),
- printPredCount(?, 0, ?),
- programmer_error(0),
- prolog_call(0),
- prolog_ecall(?, 1, ?),
- prolog_ecall_fa(?, 1, ?, ?, 0),
- prolog_must(0),
- prolog_must_l(?),
- prolog_must_not(0),
- push_def(:),
- randomVars(0),
- real_builtin_predicate(0),
- restore_trace(0),
- rmust_det(0),
- rtrace(0),
- rtraceOnError(0),
- set_gui_debug(0),
- showProfilerStatistics(0),
- show_and_do(0),
- show_call(:),
- show_call0(0),
- show_call_entry(0),
- show_call_failure(0),
- show_call_success(0),
- test_tl(+),
- test_tl(1, +),
- test_tl(+, +, +),
- throwOnFailure(0),
- time_call(0),
- traceIf(0),
- trace_or(0),
- traceafter_call(0),
- traceok(0),
- tryCatchIgnore(0),
- will_debug_else_throw(0, 0),
- with_no_term_expansions(0),
- with_skip_bugger(0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- (-)/2,
- all_module_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- alldiscontiguous/0,
- arg_is_transparent/1,
- asserta_if_ground/1,
- atom_contains666/2,
- bad_idea/0,
- beenCaught/1,
- bin_ecall/4,
- bugger_atom_change0/6,
- bugger_error_info/1,
- bugger_flag/1,
- bugger_flag/2,
- bugger_prolog_exception_hook/4,
- buggeroo/0,
- call_or_list/1,
- call_skipping_n_clauses/2,
- caller_module/1,
- caller_module/2,
- contains_atom/2,
- ctrace/0,
- debugFmt/1,
- debugFmtList/1,
- debugFmtList0/2,
- debugFmtList1/2,
- debugOnErrorEach/1,
- debugOnFailure/1,
- debugOnFailureEach/1,
- debugOnFailureIgnore/1,
- default_dumptrace/1,
- default_ecall/3,
- define_if_missing/2,
- differnt_modules/2,
- disabled_this/0,
- dmsg/1,
- dmsg/2,
- doHideTrace/4,
- do_gc/0,
- do_gc0/0,
- do_gc1/0,
- do_ref_job/2,
- dtrace/0,
- export_all_preds/0,
- export_all_preds/1,
- export_if_noconflict/2,
- fmtString/2,
- fmtString/3,
- format_safe/2,
- fresh_line/0,
- fresh_line/1,
- functor_h0/3,
- functor_source_file/5,
- functor_source_file0/5,
- get_dtrace/2,
- gftrace/0,
- ggtrace/0,
- grtrace/0,
- has_gui_debug/0,
- hideRest/0,
- hideTrace/0,
- hideTraceMFA/4,
- hideTraceMFAT/4,
- hideTraceMP/3,
- hook_message_hook/0,
- in_file_directive/0,
- in_file_expansion/0,
- in_toplevel/0,
- isConsole/0,
- is_deterministic/1,
- kill_term_expansion/0,
- list_difference_eq/3,
- list_difference_eq_memberchk_eq/2,
- listify/2,
- loading_module/1,
- loading_module/2,
- local_predicate/2,
- logLevel/2,
- logOnFailureEach/1,
- loggerFmtReal/3,
- loggerReFmt/2,
- logger_property/3,
- logicmoo_bugger_loaded/0,
- matches_term/2,
- matches_term0/2,
- meta_interp_signal/1,
- module_hotrace/1,
- module_meta_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- module_predicate/3,
- module_predicate/4,
- module_predicates_are_exported/0,
- module_predicates_are_exported/1,
- module_predicates_are_exported0/1,
- module_predicates_are_not_exported_list/2,
- module_stack/2,
- must_assign/1,
- must_assign/2,
- must_each0/1,
- new_a2s/3,
- new_a2s0/3,
- non_user_console/0,
- nortrace/0,
- nth_frame/3,
- nth_frame_attribute/5,
- nth_goal/2,
- nth_pi/2,
- on_prolog_ecall/4,
- on_prolog_ecall_override/5,
- pop_def/1,
- predicate_module/2,
- prolog_current_frame_or_parent/2,
- prolog_current_frames/1,
- quiet_all_module_predicates_are_transparent/1,
- replace_elements/4,
- restore_guitracer/0,
- rtrace/0,
- saveUserInput/0,
- save_guitracer/0,
- setLogLevel/2,
- set_bugger_flag/2,
- set_no_debug/0,
- set_no_debug_thread/0,
- set_optimize/1,
- set_yes_debug/0,
- set_yes_debug_thread/0,
- show_goal_rethrow/2,
- show_module/1,
- shrink_clause/2,
- shrink_clause/3,
- singletons/1,
- start_rtrace/0,
- stop_rtrace/0,
- test_for_release/1,
- test_for_release_problems/1,
- thread_local_leaks/0,
- throw_safe/1,
- to_list_of/3,
- traceAll/0,
- trace_or_throw/1,
- tryHide/1,
- unlistify/2,
- user_ensure_loaded/1,
- user_use_module/1,
- wdmsg/1,
- wdmsg/2,
- willTrace/0,
- writeErrMsg/2,
- writeErrMsg/3,
- writeFileToStream/2,
- writeOverwritten/0,
- writeSTDERR0/1,
- writeSavedPrompt/0.
- (dynamic) :-
- logLevel/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_dmsg,
- [ ansi_control_conv/2,
- ansicall/2,
- ansicall/3,
- ansicall0/3,
- ansicall1/3,
- ansifmt/2,
- ansifmt/3,
- clauseST/2,
- colormsg/2,
- contrasting_color/2,
- defined_message_color/2,
- dfmt/1,
- dfmt/2,
- dmsg/3,
- dmsg0/1,
- dmsg0/2,
- dmsg1/1,
- dmsg2/1,
- dmsg3/1,
- dmsg4/1,
- dmsg5/1,
- dmsg5/2,
- dmsg_hide/1,
- dmsg_hides_message/1,
- dmsg_show/1,
- dmsg_showall/1,
- dmsg_text_to_string_safe/2,
- dmsginfo/1,
- dumpST/0,
- dumpST/1,
- dumpST/2,
- dumpST/3,
- dumpST0/0,
- dumpST00/0,
- dumpST2/2,
- dumpST4/4,
- dumpST9/0,
- dumpST90/0,
- dumpST_Parent/4,
- f_word/2,
- fdmsg/1,
- fdmsg1/1,
- fg_color/2,
- flush_output_safe/0,
- flush_output_safe/1,
- fmt/1,
- fmt/2,
- fmt/3,
- fmt0/1,
- fmt0/2,
- fmt0/3,
- fmt9/1,
- fmt_ansi/1,
- fmt_or_pp/1,
- fmt_portray_clause/1,
- functor_color/2,
- getPFA/3,
- getPFA1/3,
- getPFA2/3,
- get_indent_level/1,
- get_m_opt/4,
- good_next_color/1,
- if_color_debug/0,
- if_color_debug/1,
- if_color_debug/2,
- in_cmt/1,
- indent_e/1,
- indent_to_spaces/2,
- is_sgr_on_code/1,
- is_tty/1,
- keep_line_pos/2,
- last_used_fg_color/1,
- mesg_arg1/2,
- mesg_color/2,
- msg_to_string/2,
- neg1_numbervars/3,
- next_color/1,
- no_trace_dump/1,
- portray_clause_w_vars/1,
- portray_clause_w_vars/2,
- portray_clause_w_vars/3,
- portray_clause_w_vars/4,
- predef_functor_color/2,
- prepend_each_line/2,
- print_prepended/2,
- print_prepended_lines/2,
- random_color/1,
- sformat/4,
- sgr_code_on_off/3,
- sgr_off_code/2,
- sgr_on_code/2,
- sgr_on_code0/2,
- simplify_goal_printed/2,
- simplify_goal_printed0/2,
- to_stderror/1,
- tst_color/0,
- tst_color/1,
- tst_fmt/0,
- unliked_ctrl/1,
- vdmsg/2,
- withFormatter/4,
- with_all_dmsg/1,
- with_current_indent/1,
- with_dmsg/2,
- with_no_dmsg/1,
- with_no_dmsg/2,
- with_output_to_console/1,
- with_output_to_main/1,
- with_output_to_stream/2,
- with_show_dmsg/2,
- writeFailureLog/2
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- term_color0/2.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- ansicall(?, 0),
- ansicall(?, ?, 0),
- ansicall0(?, ?, 0),
- ansicall1(?, ?, 0),
- fmt_ansi(0),
- if_color_debug(0),
- if_color_debug(0, 0),
- in_cmt(0),
- keep_line_pos(?, 0),
- neg1_numbervars(?, ?, 0),
- no_trace_dump(0),
- prepend_each_line(?, 0),
- to_stderror(0),
- with_all_dmsg(0),
- with_current_indent(0),
- with_dmsg(?, 0),
- with_no_dmsg(0),
- with_no_dmsg(?, 0),
- with_output_to_console(0),
- with_output_to_main(0),
- with_output_to_stream(?, 0),
- with_show_dmsg(?, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- ansi_control_conv/2,
- ansifmt/2,
- ansifmt/3,
- clauseST/2,
- colormsg/2,
- contrasting_color/2,
- defined_message_color/2,
- dfmt/1,
- dfmt/2,
- dmsg/3,
- dmsg0/1,
- dmsg0/2,
- dmsg1/1,
- dmsg2/1,
- dmsg3/1,
- dmsg4/1,
- dmsg5/1,
- dmsg5/2,
- dmsg_hide/1,
- dmsg_hides_message/1,
- dmsg_show/1,
- dmsg_showall/1,
- dmsg_text_to_string_safe/2,
- dmsginfo/1,
- dumpST/0,
- dumpST/1,
- dumpST/2,
- dumpST/3,
- dumpST0/0,
- dumpST00/0,
- dumpST2/2,
- dumpST4/4,
- dumpST9/0,
- dumpST90/0,
- dumpST_Parent/4,
- f_word/2,
- fdmsg/1,
- fdmsg1/1,
- fg_color/2,
- flush_output_safe/0,
- flush_output_safe/1,
- fmt/1,
- fmt/2,
- fmt/3,
- fmt0/1,
- fmt0/2,
- fmt0/3,
- fmt9/1,
- fmt_or_pp/1,
- fmt_portray_clause/1,
- functor_color/2,
- getPFA/3,
- getPFA1/3,
- getPFA2/3,
- get_indent_level/1,
- get_m_opt/4,
- good_next_color/1,
- if_color_debug/0,
- indent_e/1,
- indent_to_spaces/2,
- is_sgr_on_code/1,
- is_tty/1,
- last_used_fg_color/1,
- mesg_arg1/2,
- mesg_color/2,
- msg_to_string/2,
- next_color/1,
- portray_clause_w_vars/1,
- portray_clause_w_vars/2,
- portray_clause_w_vars/3,
- portray_clause_w_vars/4,
- predef_functor_color/2,
- print_prepended/2,
- print_prepended_lines/2,
- random_color/1,
- sformat/4,
- sgr_code_on_off/3,
- sgr_off_code/2,
- sgr_on_code/2,
- sgr_on_code0/2,
- simplify_goal_printed/2,
- simplify_goal_printed0/2,
- tst_color/0,
- tst_color/1,
- tst_fmt/0,
- unliked_ctrl/1,
- vdmsg/2,
- withFormatter/4,
- writeFailureLog/2.
- (dynamic) :-
- defined_message_color/2,
- term_color0/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_loop_check,
- [ any_term_overlap/2,
- any_term_overlap_atoms_of/2,
- atoms_of_0/2,
- call_setof_tabled/4,
- call_t/1,
- call_tabled/1,
- call_tabled/2,
- call_tabled0/4,
- call_tabled1/4,
- call_vars_tabled/3,
- can_fail/1,
- cannot_table_call/1,
- cannot_use_tables/1,
- cc_key/2,
- ex/0,
- expire_dont_add/0,
- expire_tabled_list/1,
- findall_nodupes/3,
- get_where/1,
- get_where0/1,
- is_loop_checked/1,
- lco_goal_expansion/2,
- lex/0,
- loop_check/1,
- loop_check/2,
- loop_check_early/2,
- loop_check_term/3,
- loop_check_term_key/3,
- make_key/2,
- make_tabled_perm/1,
- mpred_expire_caches/1,
- no_loop_check/1,
- no_loop_check/2,
- no_loop_check_term_key/3,
- outside_of_loop_check/0,
- really_can_table/0,
- reduce_make_key/2,
- retract_can_table/0,
- skipped_table_call/1,
- transitive/3,
- transitive_except/4,
- transitive_lc/3
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- goal_expansion/2.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- call_setof_tabled(?, ?, 0, -),
- call_t(0),
- call_tabled(0),
- call_tabled(?, 0),
- call_tabled0(?, ?, ?, ?),
- call_tabled1(?, ?, ?, ?),
- call_vars_tabled(?, ?, 0),
- cannot_table_call(0),
- cannot_use_tables(0),
- cc_key(+, -),
- findall_nodupes(?, 0, -),
- loop_check(0),
- loop_check(0, 0),
- loop_check_early(0, 0),
- loop_check_term(0, ?, 0),
- loop_check_term_key(0, ?, 0),
- make_key(?, -),
- make_tabled_perm(0),
- no_loop_check(0),
- no_loop_check(0, 0),
- no_loop_check_term_key(0, ?, 0),
- reduce_make_key(+, -),
- skipped_table_call(0),
- transitive(2, +, -),
- transitive_except(+, 2, +, -),
- transitive_lc(2, +, -).
- (module_transparent) :-
- any_term_overlap/2,
- any_term_overlap_atoms_of/2,
- atoms_of_0/2,
- can_fail/1,
- ex/0,
- expire_dont_add/0,
- expire_tabled_list/1,
- get_where/1,
- get_where0/1,
- goal_expansion/2,
- is_loop_checked/1,
- lco_goal_expansion/2,
- lex/0,
- mpred_expire_caches/1,
- outside_of_loop_check/0,
- really_can_table/0,
- retract_can_table/0.
- (dynamic) :-
- goal_expansion/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_with_assertions,
- [ check_thread_local_1m/1,
- to_thread_head_1m/4,
- w_tl/2,
- wno_tl/2,
- wtg/2
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- w_tl(:, 0),
- wno_tl(0, 0),
- wtg(:, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- check_thread_local_1m/1,
- to_thread_head_1m/4.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_bugger_catch,
- [ !/1,
- addLibraryDir/0,
- as_clause_no_m/3,
- as_clause_w_m/4,
- as_clause_w_m/5,
- b_moo_hide/1,
- b_moo_hide/3,
- bad_functor/1,
- badfood/1,
- block/2,
- block/3,
- bubbled_ex/1,
- bubbled_ex_check/1,
- catchvv/3,
- catchvvnt/3,
- ccatch/3,
- cnotrace/1,
- current_main_error_stream/1,
- dbgsubst/4,
- dbgsubst0/4,
- ddmsg/1,
- ddmsg/2,
- ddmsg_call/1,
- det_lm/2,
- dif_safe/2,
- errx/0,
- failOnError/1,
- format_to_error/2,
- fresh_line_to_err/0,
- functor_catch/3,
- functor_safe/3,
- get_hotrace/2,
- get_must/2,
- hotrace/0,
- hotrace/1,
- ib_multi_transparent33/1,
- if_defined/1,
- if_defined/2,
- if_defined_else/2,
- if_may_hide/1,
- input_key/1,
- is_ftCompound/1,
- is_ftNonvar/1,
- is_ftVar/1,
- is_hiding_dmsgs/0,
- is_main_thread/0,
- is_pdt_like/0,
- is_release/0,
- keep/2,
- logOnError/1,
- logOnError0/1,
- logOnErrorEach/1,
- logOnErrorIgnore/1,
- maplist_safe/2,
- maplist_safe/3,
- match_predicates/2,
- module_functor/4,
- moo_hide/1,
- moo_hide/3,
- moo_hide_all/1,
- moo_hide_childs/1,
- moo_hide_childs/2,
- moo_hide_childs/3,
- moo_hide_childs_0/2,
- moo_only_childs/3,
- moo_show_childs/1,
- moo_show_childs/3,
- moo_show_childs/4,
- moo_trace_hidechilds/5,
- must/1,
- must_det/1,
- must_det/2,
- must_det_l/1,
- must_det_lm/2,
- must_l/1,
- nd_dbgsubst/4,
- nd_dbgsubst1/5,
- nd_dbgsubst2/4,
- nop/1,
- not_is_release/0,
- one_must/2,
- one_must_det/2,
- sanity/1,
- save_streams/0,
- save_streams/1,
- set_block_exit/2,
- set_trace_np_hc/4,
- showHiddens/0,
- show_new_src_location/1,
- show_new_src_location/2,
- show_source_location/0,
- skipWrapper/0,
- slow_sanity/1,
- strip_arity/3,
- strip_f_module/2,
- thread_current_error_stream/1,
- thread_leash/1,
- throwNoLib/0,
- to_m_f_arity_pi/5,
- to_pi/2,
- to_pi0/3,
- warn_bad_functor/1,
- when_defined/1,
- with_main_error_to_output/1,
- with_main_input/1,
- with_main_io/1,
- with_preds/6,
- without_must/1,
- y_must/2
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- block(+, :, ?),
- catchvv(0, ?, 0),
- catchvvnt(0, ?, 0),
- ccatch(0, ?, 0),
- cnotrace(0),
- ddmsg_call(0),
- failOnError(0),
- hotrace(0),
- if_defined(:),
- if_defined(:, 0),
- if_defined_else(:, 0),
- if_may_hide(0),
- logOnError(0),
- logOnError0(0),
- logOnErrorIgnore(0),
- match_predicates(:, -),
- moo_hide_all(:),
- moo_hide_childs(0),
- must(0),
- must_det(0),
- must_det(0, 0),
- must_det_l(0),
- must_l(0),
- one_must(0, 0),
- one_must_det(0, 0),
- sanity(0),
- slow_sanity(0),
- to_pi(?, ?),
- when_defined(:),
- with_main_error_to_output(0),
- with_main_input(0),
- with_main_io(0),
- with_preds(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 0),
- without_must(0),
- y_must(?, 0).
- (module_transparent) :-
- !/1,
- addLibraryDir/0,
- as_clause_no_m/3,
- as_clause_w_m/4,
- as_clause_w_m/5,
- b_moo_hide/1,
- b_moo_hide/3,
- bad_functor/1,
- badfood/1,
- block/2,
- bubbled_ex/1,
- bubbled_ex_check/1,
- current_main_error_stream/1,
- dbgsubst/4,
- dbgsubst0/4,
- ddmsg/1,
- ddmsg/2,
- det_lm/2,
- dif_safe/2,
- errx/0,
- format_to_error/2,
- fresh_line_to_err/0,
- functor_catch/3,
- functor_safe/3,
- get_hotrace/2,
- get_must/2,
- hotrace/0,
- ib_multi_transparent33/1,
- input_key/1,
- is_ftCompound/1,
- is_ftNonvar/1,
- is_ftVar/1,
- is_hiding_dmsgs/0,
- is_main_thread/0,
- is_pdt_like/0,
- is_release/0,
- keep/2,
- logOnErrorEach/1,
- maplist_safe/2,
- maplist_safe/3,
- module_functor/4,
- moo_hide/1,
- moo_hide/3,
- moo_hide_childs/2,
- moo_hide_childs/3,
- moo_hide_childs_0/2,
- moo_only_childs/3,
- moo_show_childs/1,
- moo_show_childs/3,
- moo_show_childs/4,
- moo_trace_hidechilds/5,
- must_det_lm/2,
- nd_dbgsubst/4,
- nd_dbgsubst1/5,
- nd_dbgsubst2/4,
- nop/1,
- not_is_release/0,
- save_streams/0,
- save_streams/1,
- set_block_exit/2,
- set_trace_np_hc/4,
- showHiddens/0,
- show_new_src_location/1,
- show_new_src_location/2,
- show_source_location/0,
- skipWrapper/0,
- strip_arity/3,
- strip_f_module/2,
- thread_current_error_stream/1,
- thread_leash/1,
- throwNoLib/0,
- to_m_f_arity_pi/5,
- to_pi0/3,
- warn_bad_functor/1.
- (dynamic) :-
- is_hiding_dmsgs/0.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_database,
- [ ain/1,
- ain0/1,
- aina/1,
- ainz/1,
- ainz_clause/1,
- ainz_clause/2,
- append_term/3,
- as_clause/3,
- assert_if_new/1,
- asserta_if_new/1,
- asserta_new/1,
- assertz_if_new/1,
- assertz_new/1,
- call_provider/1,
- call_provider/2,
- clause_asserted/1,
- clause_asserted/2,
- clause_asserted/3,
- clause_eq/3,
- clause_safe/2,
- debugCallWhy/2,
- debugOnError0/1,
- erase_safe/2,
- eraseall/2,
- find_and_call/1,
- find_and_call/3,
- first_mpred_provider/3,
- get_current_mpred_provider/3,
- mpred_mop/3,
- mpred_op_prolog/2,
- mpred_split_op_data/3,
- retract_eq/1,
- safe_univ/2,
- safe_univ0/2
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- ain(:),
- ain0(:),
- aina(:),
- ainz(:),
- ainz_clause(:),
- ainz_clause(:, ?),
- as_clause(?, ?, ?),
- assert_if_new(:),
- asserta_if_new(:),
- asserta_new(:),
- assertz_if_new(:),
- call_provider(0),
- clause_asserted(:),
- clause_asserted(:, ?),
- clause_asserted(:, ?, -),
- clause_safe(?, ?),
- debugCallWhy(?, 0),
- debugOnError0(0),
- eraseall(+, +),
- find_and_call(+, +, ?),
- mpred_mop(+, 1, ?),
- mpred_op_prolog(1, :).
- (module_transparent) :-
- append_term/3,
- assertz_new/1,
- call_provider/2,
- clause_eq/3,
- erase_safe/2,
- find_and_call/1,
- first_mpred_provider/3,
- get_current_mpred_provider/3,
- mpred_split_op_data/3,
- retract_eq/1,
- safe_univ/2,
- safe_univ0/2.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_first,
- [ add_newvar/2,
- add_newvars/1,
- always_show_dmsg/0,
- becomes_module_later/0,
- export_module_preds/0,
- functor_compare/3,
- helper_name/1,
- helper_name0/1,
- lbl_vars/4,
- list_file_preds/0,
- list_file_preds/1,
- list_file_preds/2,
- m_cp/3,
- make_module_name/2,
- module_meta_transparent/1,
- mpred_source_file/2,
- mpred_source_file_0/2,
- mpred_source_file_1/2,
- mustvv/1,
- name_to_var/3,
- no_location/3,
- portray_clause_pi/2,
- register_var/3,
- register_var/4,
- register_var_0/4,
- remove_grounds/2,
- renumbervars/2,
- renumbervars1/2,
- renumbervars1/4,
- samify/2,
- scan_file_preds/0,
- scan_file_preds/1,
- scan_file_preds/6,
- snumbervars/1,
- snumbervars/3,
- snumbervars/4,
- some_flocation/3,
- some_location/3,
- term_to_string/2,
- to_fa/3,
- unnumbervars/2,
- unnumbervars_and_save/2,
- var_to_name/3,
- write_modules/0
- ]).
- (meta_predicate) :-
- module_meta_transparent(:),
- mustvv(0),
- renumbervars(?, 0),
- snumbervars(0),
- snumbervars(0, ?, ?),
- snumbervars(0, ?, ?, ?).
- (module_transparent) :-
- add_newvar/2,
- add_newvars/1,
- always_show_dmsg/0,
- becomes_module_later/0,
- export_module_preds/0,
- functor_compare/3,
- helper_name/1,
- helper_name0/1,
- lbl_vars/4,
- list_file_preds/0,
- list_file_preds/1,
- list_file_preds/2,
- m_cp/3,
- make_module_name/2,
- mpred_source_file/2,
- mpred_source_file_0/2,
- mpred_source_file_1/2,
- name_to_var/3,
- no_location/3,
- portray_clause_pi/2,
- register_var/3,
- register_var/4,
- register_var_0/4,
- remove_grounds/2,
- renumbervars1/2,
- renumbervars1/4,
- samify/2,
- scan_file_preds/0,
- scan_file_preds/1,
- scan_file_preds/6,
- some_flocation/3,
- some_location/3,
- term_to_string/2,
- to_fa/3,
- unnumbervars/2,
- unnumbervars_and_save/2,
- var_to_name/3,
- write_modules/0.
- % File: /opt/PrologMUD/pack/logicmoo_base/prolog/logicmoo/util/
- :- module(logicmoo_util_structs,
- [ attr_portray_hook/2,
- attr_unify_hook/2,
- by_name_datatype/2,
- compile_argtypes/3,
- compile_struct_slots/6,
- datatype_to_init/2,
- decl_argtypes/1,
- decl_struct/1,
- default_point/1,
- ensure_instance/2,
- ensure_instance/3,
- ensure_struct/2,
- ensure_struct/3,
- extract_struct_parameter/4,
- extract_struct_parameter/5,
- gvar_get/2,
- gvar_put/2,
- if_changed/3,
- is_point/1,
- key_match/2,
- make_point/2,
- make_point/3,
- member_arg_convert/5,
- member_datatype/2,
- merge_values/3,
- nb_set_pairlist/3,
- nb_set_pairlist0/3,
- nb_set_s2list/4,
- nb_set_s2list0/4,
- nb_set_x_of_point/2,
- nb_set_y_of_point/2,
- nb_setarg_ex/3,
- new_struct/2,
- point_data/3,
- point_x/2,
- point_y/2,
- prop_get/1,
- prop_get/3,
- prop_get_map/3,
- prop_get_nvlist/2,
- prop_get_try/4,
- prop_merge/3,
- prop_put_extra_extra/2,
- prop_set/1,
- prop_set/3,
- prop_set_dict_real/4,
- prop_set_map/3,
- prop_set_nvlist/2,
- prop_set_try/4,
- record_onto_var/3,
- record_var_names/1,
- record_var_names/2,
- record_var_type/2,
- set_point_field/3,
- set_point_fields/3,
- set_point_fields/4,
- set_x_of_point/2,
- set_x_of_point/3,
- set_y_of_point/2,
- set_y_of_point/3,
- sisctus_key/2,
- struct_sclass/2,
- t2ot/2,
- t2ot_0/2,
- term_to_ord_term/2,
- to_datatype/3
- ]).
- (multifile) :-
- mpred_init_once/0.
- (meta_predicate) :-
- sisctus_key(:, -).
- (module_transparent) :-
- attr_portray_hook/2,
- attr_unify_hook/2,
- by_name_datatype/2,
- compile_argtypes/3,
- compile_struct_slots/6,
- datatype_to_init/2,
- decl_argtypes/1,
- decl_struct/1,
- default_point/1,
- ensure_instance/2,
- ensure_instance/3,
- ensure_struct/2,
- ensure_struct/3,
- extract_struct_parameter/4,
- extract_struct_parameter/5,
- gvar_get/2,
- gvar_put/2,
- if_changed/3,
- is_point/1,
- key_match/2,
- make_point/2,
- make_point/3,
- member_arg_convert/5,
- member_datatype/2,
- merge_values/3,
- mpred_init_once/0,
- nb_set_pairlist/3,
- nb_set_pairlist0/3,
- nb_set_s2list/4,
- nb_set_s2list0/4,
- nb_set_x_of_point/2,
- nb_set_y_of_point/2,
- nb_setarg_ex/3,
- new_struct/2,
- point_data/3,
- point_x/2,
- point_y/2,
- prop_get/1,
- prop_get/3,
- prop_get_map/3,
- prop_get_nvlist/2,
- prop_get_try/4,
- prop_merge/3,
- prop_put_extra_extra/2,
- prop_set/1,
- prop_set/3,
- prop_set_dict_real/4,
- prop_set_map/3,
- prop_set_nvlist/2,
- prop_set_try/4,
- record_onto_var/3,
- record_var_names/1,
- record_var_names/2,
- record_var_type/2,
- set_point_field/3,
- set_point_fields/3,
- set_point_fields/4,
- set_x_of_point/2,
- set_x_of_point/3,
- set_y_of_point/2,
- set_y_of_point/3,
- struct_sclass/2,
- t2ot/2,
- t2ot_0/2,
- term_to_ord_term/2,
- to_datatype/3.
- (dynamic) :-
- mpred_init_once/0.
- true.
- ?- print_fake_doc(_,_).
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