

Aug 9th, 2019
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  1. Algalon der Beobachter:3GJB:221414S:112A14F:11131T5:P:300::::::N:- Comet\nMy kneebiter could never kill Comet but the Black Party combo gets him low.\nAfter that with my whelp I used Breath twice to kill Comet before healing.\n\n-Cosmo\nDream first to stabilize and then heal and deal damage accordingly. Cosmo should not be able to deal damage to kill you through the 2 heals unless you go too low. If your pets get swapped just use Repair on other pet and afterwards swap back to Emerald Proto-Whelp and repeat until Cosmo dies.\n\n-Constellatus\nUse your 2 healing abilities and pass.
  2. Christoph von Feasel:2JGF:222AMK:11171BB:11261CI:N:Runde 1: Blendender Tanz\nRunde 2+: Schlaghagel bis Syd stirbt\nMr. Pointy betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1: Heulen - your Fox dies\nAktiviere Eisernes Sternchen\nRunde 1: Aufziehen\nRunde 2: Aufziehen - Mr. Pointy stirbt.\nOtto betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1: Aufziehen\nRunde 2: Aufladen\nRunde 3: Aufziehen - done!\n
  3. Die eiskalte Trixxy:20T2:222814D:ZL:00061CI:P:::::5::N:Strategy added by sistercoyote\nBased on Jackobs' ( Nexuswelpling strat from Wowhead. She makes an absolute mess of this trio of pets.\n\nIf Tinygos uses Kraftsog before Round 3, there is a slender chance Nexuswelpling may die, so another Dragonkin with Magic abilities (e.g., Smaragdgrüner Protowelpe) can also be useful for backup (replace Elekk or Leveling Pet depending on what you're doing). Normally, though, Nexuswelpling is sufficient.\n\nAktiviere Nexuswelpling\nRunde 1: Arkaner Sturm\nRunde 2: Frostatem\nRunde 3+: Frostatem until Winzigos does Kraftsog\nIf you're leveling as well as Adventuring, make sure you don't kill Tinygos before his Kraftsog\nWechsle zu deinem Level Pet\nAktiviere Nexuswelpling\nRunde 1: Manawoge\nRunde 7: Clean up with Frostatem if there's anything left\n
  4. Diebs, Tyri und Puzzle:2DAB:21151GR:02251FJ:ZL:N:Fast and very reliable.\n\nNyari: H/S Bronze Whelpling works, if you cast "Lift-Off" in the last round with Deebs, but the fight will take longer this way.\n\nRunde 1+: Schwanzfeger bis Diebs stirbt\nTyri betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1+: Früher Vorteil – your Bronzewelpling dies\nAktiviere Schrödingers Katze\nRunde 1+: Geisterstoß – enemy Tyri is dead\nPuzzle betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1: Wechsle zu deinem Level Pet\nRunde 2: Wechsle zurück zu Schrödingers Katze\nRunde 3: Schleichen\nRunde 4+: Geisterstoß\n
  5. Jeremy Feasel:21PA:211913U:1215198:11161CI:N:Strategy added by Aranesh\nStrategy created by Remte\n\nRunde 1: Kristallgefängnis - Honky-Tonk swaps in after this\nRunde 2+: Brand bis Honky-Tonk stirbt\nJudgment comes back in\nRunde 1: Kristallgefängnis as soon as you can. Use Brand if you need to wait for the cooldown\nRunde 2: Brand\nRunde 3: Passe\nRunde 4: Wechsle zu Klein Bling\nRunde 5: Zusätzlicher Beschlag\nRunde 6: Goldregen\nRunde 7+: AUFSMAUL.EXE bis Fezwick stirbt\nJudgment comes back in\nRunde 1: AUFSMAUL.EXE\nRunde 2: Goldregen\nRunde 3+: Keep Goldregen on cooldown and otherwise use AUFSMAUL.EXE until your Klein Bling dies\nBring back your Aschesteinkern\nRunde 1: Kristallgefängnis\nRunde 2+: Brand bis der Kampf gewonnen ist\n
  6. Klein Tommy Grünschnabel:27SQ:112415R:2215198:ZL:
  7. Lydia Accoste:20UQ:22131D1:11261CI:ZR0:N:Runde 1: Fliegenschwarm\nRunde 2: Blase\nRunde 3+: Zungenschlag bis Jack stirbt\nBishibosh betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1: Fliegenschwarm\nRunde 2+: Zungenschlag bis Bishibosh stirbt\nNightstalker betritt den Kampf\nRunde 1+: Zungenschlag until the fight is done\n
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