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- --[[
- Universal Aimbot Module by Exunys © CC0 1.0 Universal (2023 - 2024)
- ]]
- --// Cache
- local game, workspace = game, workspace
- local getrawmetatable, getmetatable, setmetatable, pcall, getgenv, next, tick = getrawmetatable, getmetatable, setmetatable, pcall, getgenv, next, tick
- local Vector2new, Vector3zero, CFramenew, Color3fromRGB, Color3fromHSV, Drawingnew, TweenInfonew =,,, Color3.fromRGB, Color3.fromHSV,,
- local getupvalue, mousemoverel, tablefind, tableremove, stringlower, stringsub, mathclamp = debug.getupvalue, mousemoverel or (Input and Input.MouseMove), table.find, table.remove, string.lower, string.sub, math.clamp
- local GameMetatable = getrawmetatable and getrawmetatable(game) or {
- -- Auxillary functions - if the executor doesn't support "getrawmetatable".
- __index = function(self, Index)
- return self[Index]
- end,
- __newindex = function(self, Index, Value)
- self[Index] = Value
- end
- }
- local __index = GameMetatable.__index
- local __newindex = GameMetatable.__newindex
- local getrenderproperty, setrenderproperty = getrenderproperty or __index, setrenderproperty or __newindex
- local GetService = __index(game, "GetService")
- --// Services
- local RunService = GetService(game, "RunService")
- local UserInputService = GetService(game, "UserInputService")
- local TweenService = GetService(game, "TweenService")
- local Players = GetService(game, "Players")
- --// Service Methods
- local LocalPlayer = __index(Players, "LocalPlayer")
- local Camera = __index(workspace, "CurrentCamera")
- local FindFirstChild, FindFirstChildOfClass = __index(game, "FindFirstChild"), __index(game, "FindFirstChildOfClass")
- local GetDescendants = __index(game, "GetDescendants")
- local WorldToViewportPoint = __index(Camera, "WorldToViewportPoint")
- local GetPartsObscuringTarget = __index(Camera, "GetPartsObscuringTarget")
- local GetMouseLocation = __index(UserInputService, "GetMouseLocation")
- local GetPlayers = __index(Players, "GetPlayers")
- --// Variables
- local RequiredDistance, Typing, Running, ServiceConnections, Animation, OriginalSensitivity = 2000, false, false, {}
- local Connect, Disconnect = __index(game, "DescendantAdded").Connect
- --[[
- local Degrade = false
- do
- xpcall(function()
- local TemporaryDrawing = Drawingnew("Line")
- getrenderproperty = getupvalue(getmetatable(TemporaryDrawing).__index, 4)
- setrenderproperty = getupvalue(getmetatable(TemporaryDrawing).__newindex, 4)
- TemporaryDrawing.Remove(TemporaryDrawing)
- end, function()
- Degrade, getrenderproperty, setrenderproperty = true, function(Object, Key)
- return Object[Key]
- end, function(Object, Key, Value)
- Object[Key] = Value
- end
- end)
- local TemporaryConnection = Connect(__index(game, "DescendantAdded"), function() end)
- Disconnect = TemporaryConnection.Disconnect
- Disconnect(TemporaryConnection)
- end
- ]]
- --// Checking for multiple processes
- if ExunysDeveloperAimbot and ExunysDeveloperAimbot.Exit then
- ExunysDeveloperAimbot:Exit()
- end
- --// Environment
- getgenv().ExunysDeveloperAimbot = {
- DeveloperSettings = {
- UpdateMode = "RenderStepped",
- TeamCheckOption = "TeamColor",
- RainbowSpeed = 1 -- Bigger = Slower
- },
- Settings = {
- Enabled = true,
- TeamCheck = false,
- AliveCheck = true,
- WallCheck = true,
- OffsetToMoveDirection = false,
- OffsetIncrement = 15,
- Sensitivity = 0, -- Animation length (in seconds) before fully locking onto target
- Sensitivity2 = 3.5, -- mousemoverel Sensitivity
- LockMode = 1, -- 1 = CFrame; 2 = mousemoverel
- LockPart = "HumanoidRootPart", -- Body part to lock on
- TriggerKey = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2,
- Toggle = false
- },
- FOVSettings = {
- Enabled = true,
- Visible = true,
- Radius = 90,
- NumSides = 60,
- Thickness = 1,
- Transparency = 1,
- Filled = false,
- RainbowColor = false,
- RainbowOutlineColor = false,
- Color = Color3fromRGB(255, 255, 255),
- OutlineColor = Color3fromRGB(0, 0, 0),
- LockedColor = Color3fromRGB(255, 150, 150)
- },
- Blacklisted = {},
- FOVCircleOutline = Drawingnew("Circle"),
- FOVCircle = Drawingnew("Circle")
- }
- local Environment = getgenv().ExunysDeveloperAimbot
- setrenderproperty(Environment.FOVCircle, "Visible", false)
- setrenderproperty(Environment.FOVCircleOutline, "Visible", false)
- --// Core Functions
- local FixUsername = function(String)
- local Result
- for _, Value in next, GetPlayers(Players) do
- local Name = __index(Value, "Name")
- if stringsub(stringlower(Name), 1, #String) == stringlower(String) then
- Result = Name
- end
- end
- return Result
- end
- local GetRainbowColor = function()
- local RainbowSpeed = Environment.DeveloperSettings.RainbowSpeed
- return Color3fromHSV(tick() % RainbowSpeed / RainbowSpeed, 1, 1)
- end
- local ConvertVector = function(Vector)
- return Vector2new(Vector.X, Vector.Y)
- end
- local CancelLock = function()
- Environment.Locked = nil
- local FOVCircle = Environment.FOVCircle--Degrade and Environment.FOVCircle or Environment.FOVCircle.__OBJECT
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, "Color", Environment.FOVSettings.Color)
- __newindex(UserInputService, "MouseDeltaSensitivity", OriginalSensitivity)
- if Animation then
- Animation:Cancel()
- end
- end
- local GetClosestPlayer = function()
- local Settings = Environment.Settings
- local LockPart = Settings.LockPart
- if not Environment.Locked then
- RequiredDistance = Environment.FOVSettings.Enabled and Environment.FOVSettings.Radius or 2000
- for _, Value in next, GetPlayers(Players) do
- local Character = __index(Value, "Character")
- local Humanoid = Character and FindFirstChildOfClass(Character, "Humanoid")
- if Value ~= LocalPlayer and not tablefind(Environment.Blacklisted, __index(Value, "Name")) and Character and FindFirstChild(Character, LockPart) and Humanoid then
- local PartPosition, TeamCheckOption = __index(Character[LockPart], "Position"), Environment.DeveloperSettings.TeamCheckOption
- if Settings.TeamCheck and __index(Value, TeamCheckOption) == __index(LocalPlayer, TeamCheckOption) then
- continue
- end
- if Settings.AliveCheck and __index(Humanoid, "Health") <= 0 then
- continue
- end
- if Settings.WallCheck then
- local BlacklistTable = GetDescendants(__index(LocalPlayer, "Character"))
- for _, Value in next, GetDescendants(Character) do
- BlacklistTable[#BlacklistTable + 1] = Value
- end
- if #GetPartsObscuringTarget(Camera, {PartPosition}, BlacklistTable) > 0 then
- continue
- end
- end
- local Vector, OnScreen, Distance = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, PartPosition)
- Vector = ConvertVector(Vector)
- Distance = (GetMouseLocation(UserInputService) - Vector).Magnitude
- if Distance < RequiredDistance and OnScreen then
- RequiredDistance, Environment.Locked = Distance, Value
- end
- end
- end
- elseif (GetMouseLocation(UserInputService) - ConvertVector(WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, __index(__index(__index(Environment.Locked, "Character"), LockPart), "Position")))).Magnitude > RequiredDistance then
- CancelLock()
- end
- end
- local Load = function()
- OriginalSensitivity = __index(UserInputService, "MouseDeltaSensitivity")
- local Settings, FOVCircle, FOVCircleOutline, FOVSettings, Offset = Environment.Settings, Environment.FOVCircle, Environment.FOVCircleOutline, Environment.FOVSettings
- --[[
- if not Degrade then
- FOVCircle, FOVCircleOutline = FOVCircle.__OBJECT, FOVCircleOutline.__OBJECT
- end
- ]]
- ServiceConnections.RenderSteppedConnection = Connect(__index(RunService, Environment.DeveloperSettings.UpdateMode), function()
- local OffsetToMoveDirection, LockPart = Settings.OffsetToMoveDirection, Settings.LockPart
- if FOVSettings.Enabled and Settings.Enabled then
- for Index, Value in next, FOVSettings do
- if Index == "Color" then
- continue
- end
- if pcall(getrenderproperty, FOVCircle, Index) then
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, Index, Value)
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircleOutline, Index, Value)
- end
- end
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, "Color", (Environment.Locked and FOVSettings.LockedColor) or FOVSettings.RainbowColor and GetRainbowColor() or FOVSettings.Color)
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircleOutline, "Color", FOVSettings.RainbowOutlineColor and GetRainbowColor() or FOVSettings.OutlineColor)
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircleOutline, "Thickness", FOVSettings.Thickness + 1)
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, "Position", GetMouseLocation(UserInputService))
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircleOutline, "Position", GetMouseLocation(UserInputService))
- else
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, "Visible", false)
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircleOutline, "Visible", false)
- end
- if Running and Settings.Enabled then
- GetClosestPlayer()
- Offset = OffsetToMoveDirection and __index(FindFirstChildOfClass(__index(Environment.Locked, "Character"), "Humanoid"), "MoveDirection") * (mathclamp(Settings.OffsetIncrement, 1, 30) / 10) or Vector3zero
- if Environment.Locked then
- local LockedPosition_Vector3 = __index(__index(Environment.Locked, "Character")[LockPart], "Position")
- local LockedPosition = WorldToViewportPoint(Camera, LockedPosition_Vector3 + Offset)
- if Environment.Settings.LockMode == 2 then
- mousemoverel((LockedPosition.X - GetMouseLocation(UserInputService).X) / Settings.Sensitivity2, (LockedPosition.Y - GetMouseLocation(UserInputService).Y) / Settings.Sensitivity2)
- else
- if Settings.Sensitivity > 0 then
- Animation = TweenService:Create(Camera, TweenInfonew(Environment.Settings.Sensitivity, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {CFrame = CFramenew(Camera.CFrame.Position, LockedPosition_Vector3)})
- Animation:Play()
- else
- __newindex(Camera, "CFrame", CFramenew(Camera.CFrame.Position, LockedPosition_Vector3 + Offset))
- end
- __newindex(UserInputService, "MouseDeltaSensitivity", 0)
- end
- setrenderproperty(FOVCircle, "Color", FOVSettings.LockedColor)
- end
- end
- end)
- ServiceConnections.InputBeganConnection = Connect(__index(UserInputService, "InputBegan"), function(Input)
- local TriggerKey, Toggle = Settings.TriggerKey, Settings.Toggle
- if Typing then
- return
- end
- if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and Input.KeyCode == TriggerKey or Input.UserInputType == TriggerKey then
- if Toggle then
- Running = not Running
- if not Running then
- CancelLock()
- end
- else
- Running = true
- end
- end
- end)
- ServiceConnections.InputEndedConnection = Connect(__index(UserInputService, "InputEnded"), function(Input)
- local TriggerKey, Toggle = Settings.TriggerKey, Settings.Toggle
- if Toggle or Typing then
- return
- end
- if Input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.Keyboard and Input.KeyCode == TriggerKey or Input.UserInputType == TriggerKey then
- Running = false
- CancelLock()
- end
- end)
- end
- --// Typing Check
- ServiceConnections.TypingStartedConnection = Connect(__index(UserInputService, "TextBoxFocused"), function()
- Typing = true
- end)
- ServiceConnections.TypingEndedConnection = Connect(__index(UserInputService, "TextBoxFocusReleased"), function()
- Typing = false
- end)
- --// Functions
- function Environment.Exit(self) -- METHOD | ExunysDeveloperAimbot:Exit(<void>)
- assert(self, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Exit: Missing parameter #1 \"self\" <table>.")
- for Index, _ in next, ServiceConnections do
- Disconnect(ServiceConnections[Index])
- end
- Load = nil; ConvertVector = nil; CancelLock = nil; GetClosestPlayer = nil; GetRainbowColor = nil; FixUsername = nil
- self.FOVCircle:Remove()
- self.FOVCircleOutline:Remove()
- getgenv().ExunysDeveloperAimbot = nil
- end
- function Environment.Restart() -- ExunysDeveloperAimbot.Restart(<void>)
- for Index, _ in next, ServiceConnections do
- Disconnect(ServiceConnections[Index])
- end
- Load()
- end
- function Environment.Blacklist(self, Username) -- METHOD | ExunysDeveloperAimbot:Blacklist(<string> Player Name)
- assert(self, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Blacklist: Missing parameter #1 \"self\" <table>.")
- assert(Username, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Blacklist: Missing parameter #2 \"Username\" <string>.")
- Username = FixUsername(Username)
- assert(self, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Blacklist: User "..Username.." couldn't be found.")
- self.Blacklisted[#self.Blacklisted + 1] = Username
- end
- function Environment.Whitelist(self, Username) -- METHOD | ExunysDeveloperAimbot:Whitelist(<string> Player Name)
- assert(self, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Whitelist: Missing parameter #1 \"self\" <table>.")
- assert(Username, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Whitelist: Missing parameter #2 \"Username\" <string>.")
- Username = FixUsername(Username)
- assert(Username, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Whitelist: User "..Username.." couldn't be found.")
- local Index = tablefind(self.Blacklisted, Username)
- assert(Index, "EXUNYS_AIMBOT-V3.Whitelist: User "..Username.." is not blacklisted.")
- tableremove(self.Blacklisted, Index)
- end
- function Environment.GetClosestPlayer() -- ExunysDeveloperAimbot.GetClosestPlayer(<void>)
- GetClosestPlayer()
- local Value = Environment.Locked
- CancelLock()
- return Value
- end
- Environment.Load = Load -- ExunysDeveloperAimbot.Load()
- setmetatable(Environment, {__call = Load})
- return Environment
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