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- #include <basic.h>
- #include <debug.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- // #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <mutex.h>
- #include <vmm.h>
- #include "malloc.h"
- #if X86_64
- #define MALLOC_POOL (void*)0xFFFFFF0000000000
- #elif I686
- #define MALLOC_POOL (void*)0xC0000000
- #endif
- #define ROUND_UP(x, to) ((x + to-1) & ~(to-1))
- #define PTR_ADD(p, off) (void*)(((char*)p) + off)
- #define error_printf printf
- void* malloc(size_t len);
- void* realloc(void* allocation, size_t len);
- void free(void* allocation);
- void* allogned_alloc(size_t alignment, size_t len);
- #define MAGIC_NUMBER_1 (~12L)
- #define STATUS_FREE (1)
- #define STATUS_INUSE (2)
- typedef struct mregion mregion;
- struct mregion {
- unsigned long magic_number_1;
- mregion* previous;
- mregion* next;
- unsigned long length;
- int status;
- unsigned long magic_number_2;
- };
- #define MINIMUM_BLOCK (1 << 8) // 256B - is this too low (or high)?
- // don't split a region if we're going to use most of it anyway
- // ( don't leave lots of tiny gaps )
- int should_split_mregion(mregion* orig, size_t candidiate);
- mregion* split_mregion(mregion* orig, size_t split_at);
- mregion* merge_mregion(mregion* r1, mregion* r2);
- // check magics and status are valid
- int validate_mregion(mregion* r);
- #define POOL_LENGTH (1 << 24) // 16MB
- void* pool = MALLOC_POOL;
- mregion* region_0;
- void malloc_initialize() {
- region_0 = pool;
- vmm_create_unbacked_range((uintptr_t)pool, POOL_LENGTH, PAGE_WRITEABLE);
- region_0->magic_number_1 = MAGIC_NUMBER_1;
- region_0->previous = NULL;
- region_0->next = NULL;
- region_0->length = POOL_LENGTH - sizeof(mregion);
- region_0->status = STATUS_FREE;
- region_0->magic_number_2 = MAGIC_NUMBER_2;
- }
- int validate_mregion(mregion* r) {
- return
- r->magic_number_1 == MAGIC_NUMBER_1 &&
- r->magic_number_2 == MAGIC_NUMBER_2 &&
- (r->status & !0x3) == 0;
- }
- int should_split_mregion(mregion* r, size_t candidate) {
- if (r->length < candidate) {
- // not big enough
- return 0;
- }
- if (r->length - candidate < MINIMUM_BLOCK + sizeof(mregion)) {
- // wouldn't leave enough space
- return 0;
- }
- // should we split in the case that we leave only a 256b hole?
- return 1;
- }
- mregion* split_mregion(mregion* r, size_t split_at) {
- size_t actual_offset = ROUND_UP(split_at, MINIMUM_BLOCK);
- if (!should_split_mregion(r, actual_offset)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- mregion* new_region = PTR_ADD(r, sizeof(mregion) + actual_offset);
- new_region->magic_number_1 = MAGIC_NUMBER_1;
- new_region->previous = r;
- new_region->next = r->next;
- new_region->length = r->length - actual_offset - sizeof(mregion);
- new_region->status = STATUS_FREE;
- new_region->magic_number_2 = MAGIC_NUMBER_2;
- r->next = new_region;
- r->length = actual_offset;
- if (new_region->next) {
- new_region->next->previous = new_region;
- }
- return new_region;
- }
- mregion* merge_mregions(mregion* r1, mregion* r2) {
- if (r1->status & STATUS_INUSE || r2->status & STATUS_INUSE) {
- // can't update regions that are in use
- return NULL;
- }
- if (PTR_ADD(r1, sizeof(mregion) + r1->length) != r2) {
- error_printf("tried to merge discontinuous regions (loc compare)\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- if (r2->previous != r1 || r1->next != r2) {
- error_printf("tried to merge discontinuous regions (ptr compare)\n");
- return NULL;
- }
- r1->length += sizeof(mregion) + r2->length;
- r1->next = r2->next;
- if (r1->next) {
- r1->next->previous = r1;
- }
- return r1;
- }
- void* malloc(size_t len) {
- printf("malloc(%zu)\n", len);
- mregion* cr;
- for (cr=region_0; cr; cr=cr->next) {
- if (cr->status == STATUS_FREE && cr->length >= len)
- break;
- }
- if (!cr) {
- error_printf("no region available to handle malloc(%lu)\n", len);
- return NULL;
- }
- split_mregion(cr, len);
- cr->status = STATUS_INUSE;
- return PTR_ADD(cr, sizeof(mregion));
- }
- void* realloc(void* allocation, size_t len) {
- if (!allocation) {
- return malloc(len);
- }
- mregion* to_realloc = PTR_ADD(allocation, -sizeof(mregion));
- if (!validate_mregion(to_realloc)) {
- error_printf("invalid pointer passed to realloc: %p\n", allocation);
- return NULL;
- }
- if (len < to_realloc->length) {
- split_mregion(to_realloc, len);
- return allocation;
- }
- size_t old_len = to_realloc->length;
- if (merge_mregions(to_realloc, to_realloc->next)) {
- if (len < to_realloc->length) {
- split_mregion(to_realloc, len);
- }
- return allocation;
- }
- void* new_allocation = malloc(len);
- if (!new_allocation)
- return NULL;
- memcpy(new_allocation, allocation, old_len);
- free(allocation);
- return new_allocation;
- }
- void* calloc(size_t count, size_t len) {
- void* alloc = malloc(count * len);
- if (!alloc)
- return NULL;
- memset(alloc, 0, len);
- return alloc;
- }
- void free(void* allocation) {
- if (!allocation) {
- // free(NULL) is a nop
- return;
- }
- mregion* to_free = PTR_ADD(allocation, -sizeof(mregion));
- if (!validate_mregion(to_free)) {
- error_printf("invalid pointer passed to free: %p\n", allocation);
- return;
- }
- to_free->status = STATUS_FREE;
- mregion* freed = to_free;
- if (to_free->previous) {
- freed = merge_mregions(to_free->previous, to_free);
- }
- if (freed && freed->next) {
- merge_mregions(freed, freed->next);
- } else if (!freed && to_free->next) {
- merge_mregions(to_free, to_free->next);
- }
- return;
- }
- // test stuff
- void print_mregion(mregion* r) {
- }
- void print_pool() {
- printf("region, next, previous, length, status, valid\n");
- mregion* r;
- for (r=region_0; r; r=r->next) {
- printf("%p, %p, %p, %lu, %s, %s\n",
- r, r->next, r->previous, r->length,
- r->status == STATUS_FREE ? "free" :
- r->status == STATUS_INUSE ? "used" : " BAD",
- validate_mregion(r) ? "valid" : "INVALID");
- }
- printf("**\n\n");
- return;
- }
- void summarize_pool() {
- size_t inuse_len = 0;
- size_t total_len = 0;
- int inuse_regions = 0;
- int total_regions = 0;
- mregion* r;
- for (r=region_0; r; r=r->next) {
- if (r->status == STATUS_INUSE) {
- inuse_len += r->length;
- inuse_regions++;
- }
- total_len += r->length;
- total_regions++;
- if (!validate_mregion(r)) {
- printf("INVALID_REGION: %p\n", r);
- }
- }
- printf("total len: %zu\n", total_len);
- printf("inuse len: %zu\n", inuse_len);
- printf("total regions: %i\n", total_regions);
- printf("inuse regions: %i\n", inuse_regions);
- }
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