
Actual Translation

Oct 26th, 2024
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  1. That same night, Eirek went
  2. into the temple of Odin, and offered
  3. himself up to him for victory. He
  4. asked for a delay of ten years before
  5. his death, for the many sacrifices
  6. that he had made before, because
  7. matters seemed hopeless to him. A
  8. little while later, he saw a tall man
  9. in a long hood. The man handed
  10. him a reed stem and ordered him
  11. to throw it over Styrbjorn’s forces,
  12. and he had to pronounce these
  13. words: “Odin has you all.” And
  14. when he had thrown it, a javelin
  15. appeared to him in the air, and it
  16. flew over Styrbjorn’s ranks. At once
  17. it struck Styrbjorn’s men blind, and
  18. then Styrbjorn himself. After that,
  19. there came such a great wonder:
  20. a landslide broke loose up on the
  21. mountain and rushed down from
  22. above onto Styrbjorn’s men, and all
  23. of his folk were killed.
  25. When King Harald realized
  26. what was happening, he and all the
  27. Danes took to flight. They regained
  28. their own eyesight as soon as they
  29. got away from the place where the
  30. spear had flown over them. They
  31. returned to Denmark. Styrbjorn or-
  32. dered his men to plant their banner-
  33. staffs down in the ground and not
  34. flee anywhere. There fell Styrbjorn
  35. and all his men.
  37. Later, Eirek was at Uppsala,
  38. on the slopes where the Thing
  39. assembled, and he asked anyone
  40. who could to make a poem, and he
  41. named a reward for it.
  44. - The Tale of Styrbjörn the Swedish Champion (Styrbjarnar þáttr Svíakappa), Chapter 2 (Ben Waggoner translation, from Idunna Issue #81)
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