
Predator Turnabout 10

Nov 20th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. "Regal was more than a little pissed off. The ranger's radio was a two-hundred-watt Yaseu FT-3500, brand-new, it had coverage across the amateur bands, five sixty-meter channels, two-meter juice out the wazoo. Even without a repeater for a thousand miles, you ought be able to talk to fucking Mars with it, and it was not doing shit. He'd been up in Alaska a bunch of times, Canada, too,and even when the aurora was blasting away, you could still get something! It didn't feel right."pg.104 chpt.11
  3. "And maybe their communications worked better than his gear. The more he thought about it, the more certain he was that the creatures were jamming the local radio frequencies. That meant that nobody was going to be calling for help."pg.103 chpt.11
Tags: Predator
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