
The Exploding Rink #fate_ic 4/30/2020

Apr 30th, 2020
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DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Ryusui|GM: EXCHANGE 6/15
Vera: Vera hacks the arm a second time - this time with the intent of taking it back to her station with her.
Vera: (Vs. +0, right?)
Ryusui|GM: (sure)
Vera: !f 2 (AGGRESSIVE)
DiscoDude: <@Vera> rolled 4dF+2 for 1 [4dF = [-][ ][+][-]]
Ryusui|GM: The Flerovium Chef seems quite agitated you've managed to sever his hand - even if it grows back almost immediately afterwards.
Vera: Now she has Flerovium's Goddamn Severed Arm [!] (BITTER).
Ryusui|GM: (yes XD)
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Aggressive)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 3 [4dF = [ ][+][+][-]]
Ryusui|GM: (i believe that's good enough to break out of Paralysis?)
Vera: (Yeah, but that's his action this exchange; Overcome.)
Vera: "I'll be taking this, please-and-thank-you." She saunters back to her station.
Vera: (I forget who's where...)
Vera: (Except that me and Tako are flanking Flerovium in stations.)
Ryusui|GM: The Flerovium Chef's manic grin turns extra-vicious as he watches you escape with your prize.
Vera: (4 actions to go this Exchange, let's go.)
Ryusui|GM: Dovelia, meanwhile, is putting her own plan into action with the Neo-Seitan, slicing it up like chicken and grilling it up!
Vera: (Prep?)
Ryusui|GM: (attempting to make 4dF = [+][+][+][ ]: 6)
Ryusui|GM: !f 2 (Savory)
DiscoDude: <@Ryusui|GM> rolled 4dF+2 for 5 [4dF = [+][+][+][ ]]
Vera: (If it's a dish, remember to outline what you're- gotcha.)
Ryusui|GM: (HELL YES)
Ryusui|GM: (this will be a side for the Cosmocabbage, at least FOR NOW)
Vera: (Invoke something.)
Ryusui|GM: (spending one of the invokes on the Neo-Seitan...)
Ryusui|GM: It all comes out beautifully. The scent is impossible to mistake for poultry, but delectable regardless. She takes a look at her comparatively weaker salad, and makes a decision...
Ryusui|GM: (spending the other invoke to SWAP)
Ryusui|GM: The dish she's going to serve as her appetizer is going to be Grilled Neo-Seitan on a bed of Cosmocabbage!
Vera: (I was about to say! XD)
Ryusui|GM: (i realize she still needs a plating aspect but XD)
Ryusui|GM: ( <@!Margen>, <@!;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾>?)
Margen: (So I have a breadmaker prep aspect and a donvier/ice cream churn prep aspect; Margen will start with the sorbet (Sour still need to decide on a difficulty))
Vera: (Also a name.)
Margen: [Scintillating Citrus Sorbet (Sour: 3)], I'll roll momentarily
Margen: !f 3 (sour, +2 prep)
DiscoDude: <@Margen> rolled 4dF+3 for 1 [4dF = [-][+][-][-]]
Margen: I'm going to need that +2 from the prep
Vera: (Didn't you already use it?)
Vera: (Unless you have Good (+3) SOUR, that is.)
Vera: (Also, which prep?)
Margen: ("excellent! it turns!")
(No, I got it at the end of last session
I thought the 3 was the difficulty, argh)
Vera: (Wasn't that the bread-maker?)
Margen: (I got both, took me 2 actions)
Vera: (Crap, I need to dive back into the logs to figure out what I'm missing re; you.)
Margen: (You suggested naming the boost that :P)
Margen: (gaah parentheses)
Vera: (I'm suspecting that you're missing several aspects in the notes that you should have.)
Margen: (I just have the ice cream maker and the breadmaker, the Vampire Zuch, and the Lazer Lemon)
Vera: (Vampire Zucchini [!] (COOL) | Atomic Grapefruit (SOUR) | Ceti Alpha Savory [!!] | Excellent! It Turns!)
Margen: (and the savory²)
Margen: (savory squared)
Vera: (So what's your SOUR?)
Margen: (ok so back to things, I may be failing that roll unless I somehow do a Gate thing)
Margen: (Fate thing)
Margen: (sour is 1, I'm in a bad spot)
Margen: (Do I have anything from the ingredients? I have a grapefruit)
Vera: (-1 as your result, then. You can reroll instead of getting a flat +2, though that's also unlikely to clear you right there.)
Vera: (You do have the Grapefruit!)
Vera: (With that and the sorbet machine, that should just clear it!)
Margen: (I should have included that to begin with, but ok yes 👍)
Vera: (You lose both aspects since they were just tie-boosts. Describe it!)
Margen: Margen slowly juices the radiant grapefruit in into the freezing sugar-water, the tungsten block squeezer beginning to heat as it oozes luminous liquid
Margen: on contact it simultaneously sublimates and crystallizes into Scintillating Citrus Sorbet
Margen: on contact it simultaneously sublimates and crystallizes into Scintillating Citrus Sorbet
Margen: on contact it simultaneously sublimates and crystallizes into Scintillating Citrus Sorbet
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: "Time for action! Rachelle, you know how to operate the blender; let's get the veggies ready!" Tako-San instructs Rachelle.
"On it!" Rachelle puts the zucchini in the blender and sets it to "dice" to procure Zucchini Sushi Innards. ((Cool:8))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: !f 3
DiscoDude: <@;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾> rolled 4dF+3 for 2 [4dF = [ ][ ][ ][-]]
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Invoking the Zucchini.))
Ryusui|GM: (good enough)
Vera: (Is it?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Wait; I miss read things.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((Double invoking the Zucchini and spending the blender boost.))
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((That'll tie.))
Vera: (Describe your success? Or shall the exchange end here?)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((End here. I don't think a tie needs any more fanfare.))
Ryusui|GM: (right, so, do we want to continue, folks? or do we want to cut it in case further Discord shenanigans happen?)
Margen: (Mine seems to have stopped being terrible)
;}"÷™+╎®♂★█¬ˇ¾: ((I'd like to cut it short. I'd only stall-out trying to think of a new recipe on-the-fly.))
Ryusui|GM: (<@&627978553669058562> all good with this?)
Vera: (Yeah.)
Ryusui|GM: (seems like a prescient move, because Discord is shitting itself again)
Ryusui|GM: (let us...)
Ryusui|GM: !end

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