
pape rando glitch ranking

Aug 17th, 2022
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  1. 36 glitch knows_puzzle_solutions True
  2. 51 glitch gusty_gulch_gate_skip_lzs True
  3. 60 glitch bowless_toy_box True
  4. 66 glitch ch7_sushie_glitch True
  5. 66 glitch gusty_gulch_gap_skip True
  6. 70 glitch raph_skip_english True
  7. 71 glitch bowless_tubbas_castle True
  8. 81 glitch blue_house_skip True
  9. 89 glitch break_metal_blocks_with_ultra_boots True
  10. 89 glitch parakarryless_mega_rush True
  11. 90 glitch island_pipe_blooper_skip True
  12. 90 glitch sewer_blocks_without_ultra_boots True
  13. 90 glitch whale_early True
  14. 93 glitch bowless_green_station True
  15. 95 glitch ultra_hammer_skip True
  16. 96 glitch murder_solved_early_bombette_push True
  17. 96 glitch murder_solved_early_laki True
  18. 96 glitch parakarryless_mt_rugged_star_piece True
  19. 96 glitch yellow_berry_gate_skip_lzs True
  20. 97 glitch bubble_berry_tree_laki_jump True
  21. 97 glitch ch5_sushie_glitch True
  22. 97 glitch gourmet_guy_skip_jump True
  23. 97 glitch invisible_bridge_clip_lzs True
  24. 98 glitch early_ruins_laki_jump True
  25. 99 glitch buzzar_gap_skip_clippy True
  26. 99 glitch desert_brick_block_item_with_parakarry True
  27. 99 glitch early_laki_lzs True
  28. 99 glitch early_ruins_ultra_boots True
  29. 99 glitch early_storeroom_parakarry True
  30. 99 glitch kooperless_gusty_gulch_dizzy_dial_jump True
  31. 99 glitch kooperless_lavalava_pow_block True
  32. 99 glitch kooperless_pleasant_path_thunderbolt True
  33. 99 glitch laki_jailbreak True
  34. 99 glitch mt_rugged_quake_hammer_and_letter_with_laki True
  35. 99 glitch parakarryless_sewer_star_piece True
  36. 99 glitch parakaryless_flarakarry_bombette True
  37. 99 glitch record_skip_no_bombette_push True
  38. 99 glitch red_berry_gate_skip_laki True
  39. 99 glitch ruins_key_laki_jump True
  40. 99 glitch tubbas_castle_super_boots_skip True
  41. 100 glitch artifact_jump True
  42. 100 glitch blue_berry_gate_skip_bombette_push True
  43. 100 glitch blue_berry_gate_skip_laki True
  44. 100 glitch blue_house_skip_laki True
  45. 100 glitch blue_house_skip_toad_lure True
  46. 100 glitch bombetteless_kbf_fp_plus_laki True
  47. 100 glitch bombetteless_kbf_fp_plus_lzs True
  48. 100 glitch bombetteless_mega_smash True
  49. 100 glitch bombetteless_right_fortress_jail_key True
  50. 100 glitch boos_portrait_with_kooper True
  51. 100 glitch boos_portrait_with_laki True
  52. 100 glitch bowless_bowsers_castle_basement True
  53. 100 glitch break_yellow_blocks_with_super_boots True
  54. 100 glitch clippy_boots_metal_block_skip True
  55. 100 glitch clippy_boots_stone_block_skip True
  56. 100 glitch early_laki_bombette_push True
  57. 100 glitch early_storeroom_hammer True
  58. 100 glitch fast_flood_room_bombette_ultra_boots True
  59. 100 glitch fast_flood_room_kooper True
  60. 100 glitch flarakarry True
  61. 100 glitch gourmet_guy_skip_laki True
  62. 100 glitch gourmet_guy_skip_parakarry True
  63. 100 glitch invisible_bridge_clip_laki True
  64. 100 glitch knows_hidden_blocks True
  65. 100 glitch kooperless_gusty_gulch_dizzy_dial_laki True
  66. 100 glitch kooperless_gusty_gulch_dizzy_dial_parakarry True
  67. 100 glitch kooperless_pleasant_path_star_piece True
  68. 100 glitch kooperless_red_station_shooting_star True
  69. 100 glitch mirror_clip True
  70. 100 glitch odd_key_early True
  71. 100 glitch parakarryless_blue_building_star_piece True
  72. 100 glitch parakarryless_mt_rugged_seed True
  73. 100 glitch parakarryless_second_sand_room_normal_boots True
  74. 100 glitch parakarryless_second_sand_room_ultra_boots True
  75. 100 glitch parakarryless_super_hammer_room_normal_boots True
  76. 100 glitch parakarryless_super_hammer_room_ultra_boots True
  77. 100 glitch parakaryless_flarakarry_laki True
  78. 100 glitch prologue_gel_early True
  79. 100 glitch record_skip_bombette_push True
  80. 100 glitch red_berry_gate_skip_bombette_push True
  81. 100 glitch ruins_locks_skip_clippy True
  82. 100 glitch shiver_mountain_hidden_block_without_ultra_boots_laki True
  83. 100 glitch shiver_mountain_hidden_block_without_ultra_boots_no_laki True
  84. 100 glitch sun_tower_skip True
  85. 100 glitch sushiesless_toad_town_star_piece True
  86. 100 glitch tubbas_table_laki_jump True
  87. 100 glitch yellow_berry_gate_skip_bombette_push True
  88. 100 glitch yellow_berry_gate_skip_laki True
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