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- #This script has no channel added to the list, but if you visit this link:
- #You will get my personal channel list. Just add the variable to the VARIABLES tab of your client ;)
- dialog BD {
- title "Bad Channel Dialog"
- size -1 -1 254 186
- option dbu
- box "Add/Rem Channnel's", 1, 2 2 67 31
- edit "", 2, 3 10 64 9
- button "Add", 3, 3 21 32 10, flat
- button "Remove", 4, 35 21 32 10, flat
- box "Channel List", 5, 70 2 57 164
- list 6, 71 10 54 154, size vsbar
- box "Add/Rem Bad Channels", 7, 128 2 67 28
- edit "", 8, 129 9 64 9, autohs
- button "Add", 9, 129 18 32 10, flat
- button "Remove", 10, 161 18 32 10, flat
- box "Bad Chan List", 11, 195 2 57 164
- list 12, 196 9 54 155, size vsbar
- box "Power On/Off ", 13, 2 167 47 18
- radio "ON", 14, 5 173 18 9, flat
- radio "OFF", 15, 27 173 20 9, flat
- box "Log", 16, 51 167 77 18
- check "OFF", 17, 54 174 20 9, flat
- check "P2P", 18, 77 174 20 9, flat
- check "Window", 19, 96 174 30 9, flat
- text " Bad channel check by Sebastien @ Undernet ", 20, 128 170 124 7, center
- link "", 21, 156 177 65 8
- }
- menu menubar,channel {
- .Bad Channel Dialog:{ dialog $iif($dialog(BD),-v,-md) BD BD }
- }
- on *:DIALOG:BD:init:0:{
- $iif(%badc,did -c $dname 14,did -c $dname 15)
- $iif(%bdlog.p2p,did -c $dname 18,$iif(,did -c $dname 19,$iif(!%bdlog.*,did -c $dname 17)))
- didtok $dname 6 44 %Rchan
- didtok $dname 12 44 %badchan
- }
- on *:DIALOG:BD:sclick:*:{
- if ($did == 14) { set %badc on }
- if ($did == 15) { unset %badc }
- if ($did == 17) { unset %bdlog.* | did -u $dname 18,19 | did -c $dname 17 }
- if ($did == 18) { set %bdlog.p2p on | unset | did -u $dname 17,19 | did -c $dname 18 }
- if ($did == 19) { set on | unset %bdlog.p2p | did -u $dname 17,18 | did -c $dname 19 }
- if ($did == 3) {
- if (!$did(2).text || $left($did(2).text,1) != $chr(35) || $istok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44)) {
- noop $iif(!$did(2).text,$input(No Channel Was Entered,uwo,Error!),$iif($left($did(2).text,1) != $chr(35),$input(Please Enter Channel As Syntax: #channel,uwo,Syntax Error!),$iif($istok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44),$input(Channel Already Exists,uwo,Error!),)))
- did -r $dname 2
- }
- else {
- set %Rchan $addtok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44)
- did -r $dname 6,2
- didtok $dname 6 44 %Rchan
- }
- }
- if ($did == 4) {
- if (!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext || $left($did(2).text,1) != $chr(35) && !$did(6).seltext || $did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44)) {
- noop $iif(!$did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext,$input(No Channel Was Entered Or Selected,uwo,Error!),$iif($left($did(2).text,1) != $chr(35) && !$did(6).seltext,$input(Please Enter Channel As Syntax: #channel,uwo,Syntax Error!),$iif($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && !$istok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44),$input(Channel Does Not Exists,uwo,Error!),)))
- did -r $dname 2
- }
- elseif ($did(2).text && !$did(6).seltext && $istok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,44)) {
- set %Rchan $remtok(%Rchan,$did(2).text,1,44)
- did -r $dname 6,2
- didtok $dname 6 44 %Rchan
- }
- elseif ($did(6).seltext && !$did(2).text) {
- set %Rchan $remtok(%Rchan,$did(6).seltext,1,44)
- did -r $dname 6,2
- didtok $dname 6 44 %Rchan
- }
- }
- if ($did == 9) {
- if (!$did(8).text || $left($did(8).text,1) != $chr(35) || $istok(%badchan,$did(8).text,44)) {
- noop $iif(!$did(8).text,$input(No Channel Was Entered,uwo,Error!),$iif($left($did(8).text,1) != $chr(35),$input(Please Enter Channel As Syntax: #channel,uwo,Syntax Error!),$iif($istok(%badchan,$did(8).text,44),$input(Channel Already Exists,uwo,Error!),)))
- did -r $dname 8
- }
- else {
- set %badchan $addtok(%badchan,$did(8).text,44)
- did -r $dname 8,12
- didtok $dname 12 44 %badchan
- }
- }
- if ($did == 10) {
- if (!$did(8).text && !$did(12).seltext || $left($did(8).text,1) != $chr(35) && !$did(12).seltext || $did(8).text && !$did(12).seltext && !$istok(%badchan,$did(8).text,44)) {
- noop $iif(!$did(8).text && !$did(12).seltext,$input(No Channel Was Entered Or Selected,uwo,Error!),$iif($left($did(8).text,1) != $chr(35) && !$did(12).seltext,$input(Please Enter Channel As Syntax: #channel,uwo,Syntax Error!),$iif($did(8).text && !$did(12).seltext && !$istok(%banchan,$did(8).text,44),$input(Channel Does Not Exists,uwo,Error!),)))
- did -r $dname 8
- }
- elseif ($did(8).text && !$did(12).seltext && $istok(%badchan,$did(8).text,44)) {
- set %badchan $remtok(%badchan,$did(8).text,1,44)
- did -r $dname 8,12
- didtok $dname 12 44 %badchan
- }
- elseif ($did(12).seltext && !$did(8).text) {
- set %badchan $remtok(%badchan,$did(12).seltext,1,44)
- did -r $dname 8,12
- didtok $dname 12 44 %badchan
- }
- }
- }
- on !@*:join:#:{ if (%badc && $istok(%Rchan,$chan,44)) { .timer 1 3 whois $nick | set -u5 %achan $chan } }
- raw *:*: {
- if (!%who1) {
- if ($istok(311 330 379 378 307 312 317 318,$numeric,32)) { haltdef }
- if ($numeric == 319) {
- haltdef
- var %a = $replace($remove($3-,&,+,%,@,~,!,?),$chr(32),$chr(44)), %x = $numtok(%a,44)
- while (%x) {
- if ($istok(%badchan,$gettok(%a,%x,44),44)) {
- ban -ku300 %achan $2 2 Some channels you visit are questionable... $+([,$gettok(%a,%x,44),])
- if (%bdlog.p2p) { .msg $me $2 Was Banned For Bad Channel In Room %achan Date/Time $time(mmm dd h:nn tt) Bad Channel: $gettok(%a,%x,44) }
- if ( { window @BadChan | aline @BadChan $+(14[7,$2,14]) Banned In $+(14[9,%achan,14]) Date/Time $time(mmm dd h:nn tt) $+ For:4 $gettok(%a,%x,44) }
- }
- dec %x
- }
- }
- }
- }
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