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- Rewrite the python code to gradio API for a demo. Users should be able to enter the source text into a `gr.Textbox` Truncate entered user text to 4000 characters for the demo, and ensure this is displayed to the users via a gr.Markdown() object. Additionally, briefly summarize what the demo does and how it works in a gr.Markdown() block.
- ---
- Gradio Blocks API example
- import gradio as gr
- def update(name):
- return f"Welcome to Gradio, {name}!"
- with gr.Blocks() as demo:
- gr.Markdown("Start typing below and then click **Run** to see the output.")
- with gr.Row():
- inp = gr.Textbox(placeholder="What is your name?")
- out = gr.Textbox()
- btn = gr.Button("Run")
-, inputs=inp, outputs=out)
- demo.launch()
- ---
- python code to be rewritten to gradio demo
- import re
- from import tqdm
- #@title define functions
- #@markdown - this defines the `split_text` and `correct_text` functions
- #@markdown - **NOTE:** you may need to adjust the regex in `split_text` depending on your source text
- def split_text(text: str) -> list:
- # Split the text into sentences using regex
- sentences = re.split(r"(?<=[^A-Z].[.?]) +(?=[A-Z])", text)
- # Initialize a list to store the sentence batches
- sentence_batches = []
- # Initialize a temporary list to store the current batch of sentences
- temp_batch = []
- # Iterate through the sentences
- for sentence in sentences:
- # Add the sentence to the temporary batch
- temp_batch.append(sentence)
- # If the length of the temporary batch is between 2 and 3 sentences, or if it is the last batch, add it to the list of sentence batches
- if len(temp_batch) >= 2 and len(temp_batch) <= 3 or sentence == sentences[-1]:
- sentence_batches.append(temp_batch)
- temp_batch = []
- return sentence_batches
- def correct_text(text: str, checker, corrector, separator: str = " ") -> str:
- # Split the text into sentence batches
- sentence_batches = split_text(text)
- # Initialize a list to store the corrected text
- corrected_text = []
- # Iterate through the sentence batches
- for batch in tqdm(
- sentence_batches, total=len(sentence_batches), desc="correcting text.."
- ):
- # Join the sentences in the batch into a single string
- raw_text = " ".join(batch)
- # Check the grammar quality of the text using the text-classification pipeline
- results = checker(raw_text)
- # Only correct the text if the results of the text-classification are not LABEL_1 or are LABEL_1 with a score below 0.9
- if results[0]["label"] != "LABEL_1" or (
- results[0]["label"] == "LABEL_1" and results[0]["score"] < 0.9
- ):
- # Correct the text using the text-generation pipeline
- corrected_batch = corrector(raw_text)
- corrected_text.append(corrected_batch[0]["generated_text"])
- else:
- corrected_text.append(raw_text)
- # Join the corrected text into a single string
- corrected_text = separator.join(corrected_text)
- return corrected_text
- #@title enter text to correct
- raw_text = "the toweris 324 met (1,063 ft) tall, about height as .An 81-storey building, and biggest longest structure paris. Is square, measuring 125 metres (410 ft) on each side. During its constructiothe eiffel tower surpassed the washington monument to become the tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 yearsuntilthe chryslerbuilding in new york city was finished in 1930. It was the first structure to goat a height of 300 metres. Due 2 the addition ofa brdcasting aerial at the t0pp of the twr in 1957, it now taller than chrysler building 5.2 metres (17 ft). Exxxcluding transmitters, eiffel tower is 2ndd tallest ree-standing structure in france after millau viaduct." #@param {type:"string"}
- import pprint as pp
- # Initialize the text-classification pipeline
- from transformers import pipeline
- checker = pipeline("text-classification", "textattack/roberta-base-CoLA")
- # Initialize the text-generation pipeline
- from transformers import pipeline
- corrector = pipeline(
- "text2text-generation",
- "pszemraj/flan-t5-large-grammar-synthesis",
- )
- # Correct the text using the correct_text function
- corrected_text = correct_text(raw_text, checker, corrector)
- pp.pprint(corrected_text)
- ---
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