
How to beat the Fear School - Hello Neighbor

Jan 4th, 2020
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  1. Student Mode: Lots of mannequins (the "students") will go around the room, and if they spot they player, they will gather around them and send them back to the start of the level. However, if you get into one of the many lockers, they will not do this.
  2. Teacher Mode: The students will sit down at their desks, and the teacher will move around. If the teacher spots a player, it will run toward the player. Getting caught by the teacher also sends you back to the start of the Fear School. However, if you are inside a locker, the teacher will not be able to catch you.
  3. Ending: Once you get to the door to exit the Fear School, a mannequin will appear from the door and grab the player. You can use your newly earned push ability to get out of the mannequin's hands and exit the Fear School.
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