
One thousand and Two things to do with your OD

Jul 23rd, 2010
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  1. One thousand and Two things to do with your OD
  2. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  3. Still more shockingly bad OD talents by Frames.
  4. All talents here (unlike previosly) assume a 6 Tier OD.
  5. These are a bit more far out; some are different mechanically from most OD talents.
  7. -----Initiative changing shenanigans-----
  8. I've come up with some different things to allow this to work, in different ways, including two versions of Strategic Ordering (at different tiers)
  9. Obviously only one should be used.
  11. Strategic Ordering: V1.2
  12. //this is very wordy.
  13. //could stops almost universal swapping being easy to do, by saying half your Scholastic Lore (Tactics) Bonus.
  14. // could make less wordy by replacing Scholastic Lore (Tactics) Bonus with INT bonus.
  15. // but that removes the reward for High Scholastic Lore (Tactics)
  16. Tier 3
  17. Cost: 100XP
  18. Prerequisites: Operations Direction, Scholastic Lore (Tactics).
  19. For a good plan to workout everyone needs to act in the right order.
  20. As operations director it’s your job to make this happen.
  21. Sometimes people act in the wrong order, you can make this right.
  22. You can swap the initiative positions of any two units under your command,
  23. In order to make this happen
  24. As a Half action, you may swap the initiative position of two allied units.
  25. So long as absolute difference in initiative position is less than your Scholastic Lore (Tactics) Bonus.
  26. (That is would be You Int bonus +1/+2 for Skill Training/Mastery and +1 more if you have Talented Scholastic Lore (Tactics))
  27. (The initiative position wraps around, count the shorter number of characters between them)
  28. For example if the initiatives order goes:
  29. UNIT 00
  30. OD
  31. UNIT 01
  32. Angel
  33. UNIT 02
  34. UNIT 03
  35. Then the difference in initiative position of UNIT 02 and UNIT 03 is 0
  36. UNIT 03 and UNIT 00 would also be 0 (since they also are adjacent in initiative order)
  37. UNIT 01 and UNIT 00 would be 1
  38. UNIT 02 and UNIT 00 would also be 1 (since likewise there is only one Character between them)
  39. UNIT 03 and Unit 01 would be 2
  40. This talent can only swap active units
  41. If either of the units will not be able to act on their coming turn then this power cannot be used to swap them.
  42. NB: At the GM's discretion units some units such as VTOLs do not count as having their own position on the initiative chart, for purposes of Working out the Difference in the position, or for purposes of swapping.
  44. Strategic Ordering: V2.2
  45. Tier 5
  46. Cost: 100XP
  47. Prerequisites: Operations Direction, Scholastic Lore (Tactics).
  48. Sure the natural reflexes of the people control which who reacts first.
  49. But you run a tight ship, with a couple of words you can get everyone reacting in time, in the order you want.
  50. As a Full action you may reorder all friendly units.
  51. You may swap any of their positions in the initiative order.
  52. However you can only swap around the positions of friendly units under your control.
  53. You also cannot change your own position in the initiative
  54. Thus changing the order:
  55. UNIT 00, OD, UNIT 01, Angel, UNIT 02, UNIT 03
  56. To UNIT 02, OD, UNIT 03, Angel 1, UNIT 00, UNIT 01 is allowed
  57. But changing it to OD, UNIT 00, UNIT 01, UNIT 02, and UNIT 03 Angel is not
  58. If you only have Proficiency Scholastic Lore (Tactics) you may do this once per session
  59. If you have Skill Training (+10) in Scholastic Lore (Tactics), you may do it twice
  60. If you have Skill Mastery (+20) in Scholastic Lore (Tactics), you may do it three times
  61. If you also have Talented Scholastic Lore (Tactics) you may do it one additional time
  63. Stand By
  64. //cost on this one is a bit odd, I’m undecided. 100 or 200. ~frames
  65. Tier 3
  66. Cost: 150XP
  67. Prerequisites: Operations Direction, Scholastic Lore (Tactics).
  68. "Just Stand By, wait til the time is right. Then Hit them with everything you've got"
  69. Sometimes people are ready to early to do what you need them too.
  70. But better too early than too late.
  71. You can allow an allied unit to do a Stand by action.
  72. On their turn they can Stand By. This is the same as Delay,
  73. But allows them to hold in reserve a full action instead of just a half action.
  75. If you only have Proficiency Scholastic Lore (Tactics) you may do this once per session
  76. If you have Skill Training (+10) in Scholastic Lore (Tactics), you may do it twice
  77. If you have Skill Mastery (+20) in Scholastic Lore (Tactics), you may do it three times
  78. If you also have Talented Scholastic Lore (Tactics) you may do it one additional time
  79. You may continue doing it after that, but each additional use requires you to spend a fate point
  82. --------------------------------------
  84. I just remembered / luckily I looked this up Earlier
  85. Tier 2
  86. Cost: 100 XP
  87. Prerequisites: OD, Foresight, int 30
  88. Sometimes you need to know something you just don't. Something simple that you never thought to look up.
  89. Or did you.
  90. It turns out you did look it up. After all the pilots are your duty and you read
  91. Once per session, you may "remember" a single simple fact about one of the pilots that NERV has on record.
  92. That you've never looked up, because actually in your down time you DID look it up, and just never remembered it til now.
  93. You may do this ability more than once per session, but each additional time requires you to spend a fate point.
  94. NOTE: The existence of this ability does not forclude you from remembering (via normal mechanisms) something you actually DO know.
  95. But allows you to know something you never OOC thought to find out
  96. Examples of information that could be answered using this power:
  97. Q: "What is the pilot’s phone number?” A: "04 1513 1231"
  98. Q: "Does the Pilot know who to swim", A: "Has passed Stage 10 swimming lesions as accredited by Surf Life Saving Assoc."
  99. Some Information the Nerv base wouldn't have, depending on your base.
  100. Some bases have very detailed information and you answer questions like:
  101. Q: "Does the pilot have any debilitating fears"
  102. Others could not. The GM as always has the final say in what is appropriate information, for NERV to have on record.
  103. To reemphasise: No information can be found using this power that you couldn't find by going to a computer station / speaking to someone in H.R
  104. And looking at the Pilots file.
  107. Pre-emptive Supply's
  108. //this shouldn't be too OP, though it might want to be higher Tier. Though this sort of anticipation is something OD's should do.
  109. //It's kind of a bit like the Common Sense Asset, you should have worked this out, but you didn't so he's a cheat. ~frames
  110. Tier 2
  111. COST: 200 XP
  112. Prerequisites: OD, Foresight, int 30, Scholastic Lore Tactics
  113. The pilot calls out: "Shit! I'm out of ammo, can you send some up?” Luckily you already did that, and it arrives about now.
  114. As a Half action, you can roll a (Scholastic Lore Tactics) test
  115. At 0 penalty, to have sent equipment to a Supply Cache, or Launch Port 1 round ago,
  116. Or a test at -20 to have sent it to an Embarkation Port three rounds ago.
  117. So that it would arrive this round.
  118. On a success: You already noticed that the pilot was running out of ammo, or anticipated that he would need a new sword, and the equipment turns up now.
  119. On a failure, you spend that half action regretting your lack of foresight. You didn't think to send it up. (Unless you try again w
  122. Reserve Forces
  123. //this talent is expensive, if you bought it 3 times you would have quite a sizable force.
  124. // a simple nerf to it would be to make it not count the Requestion support forces, in which case I would make it only 200XP
  125. // The Fact is conventional forces suck (intentionally so), having more of them just means more will die usually.
  126. // most conventional forces have trouble making it to the angel intimae to do anything,
  127. // so most of these reserves will spend all their time moving towards battle (IMEXP ~frames)
  128. Once at each of: Tier 4, Tier 5, and Tier 6
  129. Cost: 300XP
  130. There are additional conventional forces you've kept in reserve.
  131. For each time you purchase this talent you gain a reserve force consisting of the standard deployment for you base
  132. (Usually a minimum of 4 Tank squadrons and 2 wings of VTOLS, see "Phase 1 Static Defence - Defending Your Base")
  133. And also of any Requisition Support planes.
  134. When all you conventional forces on the map have been defeated, the reserve is launched.
  135. If you have purchased this talent multiple times then when they are defeated, the next reserve is launched.
  136. As a Full action you can "Call in the Reserves", and order the next reserve on to the map before the previous forces are defeated.
  137. If you have this talent multiple times, then it is a separate full action to Call in each Reserve force.
  138. Similar to Requisition Support:
  139. The OD must designate a place on the map where they are being held in reserve and where they will appear if they are
  140. Ordered to deploy mid-battle. If they are not specifically held in reserve in this fashion,
  141. Then if ordered to deploy mid-battle they are deployed on the edge of the map 1 round after the order is given.
  144. Under Your Nose
  145. //allot of people house rule you can spend a fate point to have an XP expenditure come into play midsession, this provides a limited alternative.
  146. //For Under your Nose/Over your Head, for BUP/SUP's, perhaps a small temporary SR penalty to the pilot might be appropriate? After all, someones been messing with their Eva without them knowing about it, so it might cause them a few issues before they get the feel for it again.
  147. Tier 3
  148. COST: 100 XP
  149. Prerequisites: OD, Foresight, int 30
  150. You went under the Pilots nose and had an upgrade installed into their Eva (or its weaponry) without telling them.
  151. Maybe it's on they wanted that wasn't expected to be ready in time. Whatever it, it cost a bit of extra cash, but you deemed it worth wild.
  152. By Spending 5 Surplus, an Upgrade the pilot could have bought with WUP, BUP, or SUP, comes into play now.
  153. The Pilot's Player must spend the WUP/BUP/SUP as appropriate for the upgrade and gains it permanently.
  154. (the upgrade is should be decided by the Pilot's Player in conjunction with the OD's player).
  155. It does however come into play now, this round. (If it was a new weapon bought with WUP, then it still has to be launched as appropriate.)
  157. Over Your Head
  158. //this one could be broken, depending on how carefully BUP/WUP/SUP allocation for each class is decided.
  159. //it provides a method to overcome the limit of Upgrades. Abet at a High Cost.
  160. // it might need scaling differently, and a how it works with Facilitate upgrades is a good question.
  161. // it's also reasonable that if you are buying a whole weapons worth of WUP then you pay skirmisher costs, since weapons can be shared
  162. //It's neat idea though. The Base spends money that could have been spent on research or ground infrastructure,
  163. //on upgrading a particular Eva. ~Frames
  164. Tier 6.
  165. Cost 50XP per Use. It may be purchased an unlimited number of times
  166. Prerequisites: OD, Under Your Nose, Foresight, int 30
  167. You had an upgrade installed into an Eva, at great expense to the base you threw Billions of Dollars at the problem, to have one Eva made a bit better.
  168. Thousands of children starved in Africa so you could have that money, I hope it was worth it, General.
  169. You may purchase 1 WUP/BUP/SUP point at a cost of 1/4 the XP it would cost for the pilot to purchase it, in surplus
  170. Thus to purchase a
  171. For a
  172. Berserker's Eva : WUP: 50 Surplus, BUP: 25 Surplus, SUP: 50 Surplus
  173. ATT's Eva : WUP: 50 Surplus, BUP: 50 Surplus, SUP: 50 Surplus
  174. Skirmisher’s Eva: WUP: 25 Surplus, BUP: 50 Surplus, SUP: 25 Surplus
  175. Pointman's Eva : WUP: 25 Surplus, BUP: 50 Surplus, SUP: 25 Surplus
  177. This point may either be pooled with that of the pilot,
  178. Or if you have enough, then you can purchase an upgrade without consulting with them at all.
  182. The People's Man
  183. Tier 6
  184. Cost: 100 XP
  185. You are generally popular around the city, most everyone one knows you.
  186. This talent functions at Peer (City's Civilians),
  187. With the following exceptions: It only applies to people who recognise you, and who like you.
  188. So a Hobo who's never seen the news, and never met you before, you would not get a bonus to dealing with.
  189. and someone who hates you because she blames you for the destruction of her house after it was destroyed by an Eva, you like wise would not get a bonus to dealing with.
  190. It only applies to Civilians: military personal, wether NERV, UN do not count as Civilians. (Nor do the pilots, to reemphasise)
  191. And with the Drawback that this kinda fame applies:
  192. You recognised by most people, all attempts at passing at not one in particular are at -10.
  193. It's not rare for people to just come up to you on the street and ask you about things. (Whether or not they know what you really do)
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