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- --[[
- A central server to coordinate a rail network. This central server keeps a
- graph of the entire network, and handles requests to find paths to route
- traffic through.
- ]]--
- local RECEIVE_CHANNEL = 45452
- local g = require("simple-graphics")
- local W, H = term.getSize()
- local console = g.createConsole(W, H-2, colors.white,, "UP")
- -- inspect = require("inspect")
- local modem = peripheral.wrap("top") or error("Missing top modem")
- local function logToConsole(text)
- local timestamp ="%F %T")
- g.appendAndDrawConsole(term, console, timestamp.." "..text, 1, 3)
- end
- local function generateStandardNode(id, edgeIds)
- local node = {id = id, connections = {}, type = "JUNCTION"}
- for _, edgeId in pairs(edgeIds) do
- for _, edgeId2 in pairs(edgeIds) do
- if edgeId2 ~= edgeId then
- table.insert(node.connections, {from = edgeId, to = edgeId2})
- end
- end
- end
- return node
- end
- local function generateStationNode(id, displayName, edgeId)
- return {
- id = id,
- displayName = displayName,
- connections = {
- {from = nil, to = edgeId},
- {from = edgeId, to = nil}
- },
- type = "STATION"
- }
- end
- local function loadGraph()
- -- local g = nil
- -- local f ="network_graph.tbl", "r")
- -- g = textutils.unserialize(f:read("*a"))
- -- f:close()
- --return g
- local tempGraph = {
- nodes = {
- generateStandardNode("Junction-HandieVale", {"handievale", "N1", "W1"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-Middlecross", {"W1", "N2", "W2", "S1"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-Foundry", {"E1", "N3", "W3", "N2"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-End", {"E1", "E2", "end"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-Klausville", {"N3", "N4", "klausville"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-Foundry-West", {"W3", "foundry", "W4"}),
- generateStandardNode("Junction-Cam", {"S1", "S2", "cam"}),
- generateStationNode("station-klausville", "Klausville", "klausville"),
- generateStationNode("station-handievale", "HandieVale", "handievale"),
- generateStationNode("station-end", "End & Biofuel Refinery", "end"),
- generateStationNode("station-foundry", "Jack's Foundry", "foundry"),
- generateStationNode("station-cam", "Camville", "cam")
- },
- edges = {
- {id = "handievale", length = 16},
- {id = "end", length = 48},
- {id = "foundry", length = 45},
- {id = "klausville", length = 12},
- {id = "cam", length = 16},
- {id = "N1", length = nil},
- {id = "W1", length = 300},
- {id = "N2", length = 600},
- {id = "E1", length = 75},
- {id = "W2", length = nil},
- {id = "S1", length = 420},
- {id = "S2", length = nil},
- {id = "W3", length = 50},
- {id = "W4", length = nil},
- {id = "N3", length = 350},
- {id = "N4", length = nil}
- }
- }
- return tempGraph
- end
- local function filterTable(arr, func)
- local new_index = 1
- local size_orig = #arr
- for old_index, v in ipairs(arr) do
- if func(v, old_index) then
- arr[new_index] = v
- new_index = new_index + 1
- end
- end
- for i = new_index, size_orig do arr[i] = nil end
- end
- local function findNodeById(graph, nodeId)
- for _, node in pairs(graph.nodes) do
- if == nodeId then return node end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function findEdgeById(graph, edgeId)
- for _, edge in pairs(graph.edges) do
- if == edgeId then return edge end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function findEdgeBetweenNodes(graph, fromNode, toNode)
- local edgeIdsFrom = {}
- for _, conn in pairs(fromNode.connections) do
- if and not tableContains(edgeIdsFrom, then
- table.insert(edgeIdsFrom,
- end
- end
- local edgeIds = {}
- for _, conn in pairs(toNode.connections) do
- if conn.from and tableContains(edgeIdsFrom, conn.from) and not tableContains(edgeIds, conn.from) then
- table.insert(edgeIds, conn.from)
- end
- end
- end
- local function tableContains(table, value)
- for _, item in pairs(table) do
- if item == value then return true end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function removeElement(table, value)
- local idx = nil
- for i, item in pairs(table) do
- if item == value then idx = i break end
- end
- if idx then table.remove(table, idx) end
- end
- local function findNextEdges(graph, edgeId)
- local edges = {}
- for _, node in pairs(graph.nodes) do
- for _, connection in pairs(node.connections) do
- if connection.from == edgeId then
- table.insert(edges, findEdgeById(
- end
- end
- end
- return edges
- end
- -- Find the set of nodes directly connected to this one via some edges
- local function findConnectedNodes(graph, startNode)
- local edges = {}
- local edgeIds = {}
- for _, conn in pairs(startNode.connections) do
- if ~= nil then
- local edge = findEdgeById(graph,
- if edge ~= nil and edge.length ~= nil and not tableContains(edgeIds, then
- table.insert(edges, edge)
- table.insert(edgeIds,
- end
- end
- end
- local connections = {}
- for _, edge in pairs(edges) do
- for _, node in pairs(graph.nodes) do
- if ~= then
- for _, conn in pairs(node.connections) do
- if conn.from == then
- table.insert(connections, {node = node, distance = edge.length, via =})
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return connections
- end
- local function findPath(graph, startNode, endNode)
- local INFINITY = 1000000000
- local dist = {}
- local prev = {}
- local queue = {}
- for _, node in pairs(graph.nodes) do
- dist[] = INFINITY
- prev[] = nil
- table.insert(queue, node)
- end
- dist[] = 0
- while #queue > 0 do
- local minIdx = nil
- local minDist = INFINITY + 1
- for i, node in pairs(queue) do
- if dist[] < minDist then
- minIdx = i
- minDist = dist[]
- end
- end
- if minIdx == nil then return nil end
- local u = table.remove(queue, minIdx)
- if == and (prev[] or == then
- local s = {}
- while u ~= nil do
- local via = nil
- local distance = nil
- local node = u
- u = nil
- if prev[] then
- via = prev[].via
- distance = prev[].distance
- u = prev[].node
- end
- table.insert(s, 1, {node = node, via = via, distance = distance})
- end
- return s
- end
- for _, neighbor in pairs(findConnectedNodes(graph, u)) do
- local unvisited = false
- for _, node in pairs(queue) do
- if == then
- unvisited = true
- break
- end
- end
- if unvisited then
- local alt = dist[] + neighbor.distance
- if alt < dist[] then
- dist[] = alt
- prev[] = {node = u, via = neighbor.via, distance = neighbor.distance}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
- end
- local function getReachableStations(graph, startNode)
- local queue = findConnectedNodes(graph, startNode)
- local stations = {}
- local visitedNodeIds = {}
- while #queue > 0 do
- local node = table.remove(queue, 1).node
- if node.type == "STATION" and not tableContains(visitedNodeIds, then
- table.insert(stations, node)
- end
- table.insert(visitedNodeIds,
- for _, conn in pairs(findConnectedNodes(graph, node)) do
- if not tableContains(visitedNodeIds, then
- table.insert(queue, conn)
- end
- end
- end
- return stations
- end
- local function handleRouteRequest(graph, replyChannel, msg)
- if not msg.startNode or not msg.endNode then
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "Invalid request"})
- return
- end
- local startNode = findNodeById(graph, msg.startNode)
- local endNode = findNodeById(graph, msg.endNode)
- if not startNode or not endNode then
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "Unknown node(s)"})
- return
- end
- logToConsole("Finding path from "" to ""...")
- local path = findPath(graph, startNode, endNode)
- if not path then
- logToConsole("Couldn't find a path!")
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "No valid path"})
- return
- end
- local pathStr = ""
- for i, segment in pairs(path) do
- pathStr = pathStr ..
- if i < #path - 1 then pathStr = pathStr .. ", " end
- end
- logToConsole("Found path: "..pathStr)
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = true, route = path})
- end
- local function handleGetRoutesRequest(graph, replyChannel, msg)
- if not msg.startNode then
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "Invalid request"})
- return
- end
- local startNode = findNodeById(graph, msg.startNode)
- if not startNode then
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "Unknown node"})
- return
- end
- logToConsole("Finding reachable stations from ""...")
- local stations = getReachableStations(graph, startNode)
- logToConsole("Found "..#stations.." results.")
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = true, stations = stations})
- end
- local function handleRequests(graph, console)
- while true do
- local event, side, channel, replyChannel, msg, dist = os.pullEvent("modem_message")
- if channel == RECEIVE_CHANNEL and msg and msg.command and type(msg.command) == "string" then
- logToConsole("Got request on CH: "", RCH: "..replyChannel..", CMD: "..msg.command)
- if msg.command == "ROUTE" then
- handleRouteRequest(graph, replyChannel, msg)
- elseif msg.command == "GET_ROUTES" then
- handleGetRoutesRequest(graph, replyChannel, msg)
- else
- modem.transmit(replyChannel, RECEIVE_CHANNEL, {success = false, error = "Invalid command"})
- end
- end
- end
- end
- g.clear(term,
- g.drawTextCenter(term, W/2, 1, "CC-Rail Central Server", colors.yellow,
- g.drawXLine(term, 1, W, 2, colors.gray)
- logToConsole("Now taking requests.")
- handleRequests(loadGraph(), console)
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