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- OoT BG Actors next to black load planes
- bgactor (vtx count, poly count)
- DC room 0
- 801F36F0 012A Obj_Switch (12,12)
- 801F5F20 012A Obj_Switch (12,12)
- 801F7380 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F7190 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F6F40 003F Bg_Dodoago (50,82)
- 801F3CA0 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F1790 0058 Bg_Ddan_Jd (24,38)
- 801EF0E0 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801EEEF0 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801E5B90 0058 Bg_Ddan_Jd (24,38)
- 801E5A20 0058 Bg_Ddan_Jd (24,38)
- 801F3950 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801F1590 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 8025C030 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=182/512)
- 8025CC30 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=254/512)
- 8025EC30 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025FA84 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 742 poly to corrupt tbl - ACHIEVABLE
- DC room 1
- 801F4A00 012A Obj_Switch (12,12)
- 801ECA50 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801EB840 0054 En_Am (9,12)
- 801EB4B0 0054 En_Am (9,12)
- 8025C030 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=34/512)
- 8025CC30 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=38/512)
- 8025EC30 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025FA84 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 742 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- DC room 7
- 801E92A0 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801EB450 012A Obj_Switch (12,12)
- 8025C030 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=20/512)
- 8025CC30 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=24/512)
- 8025EC30 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025FA84 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 742 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- DC room 8
- 801E7A90 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801E7C70 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801E7E50 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801E8EB0 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 8025C030 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=28/512)
- 8025CC30 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=38/512)
- 8025EC30 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025FA84 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 742 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- DC room 9
- 801E6B60 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801ED640 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801EA900 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801EC860 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801EC660 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 8025C030 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=32/512)
- 8025CC30 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=40/512)
- 8025EC30 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025FA84 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 742 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- collapse inside tower room 0
- 801EFF20 0177 Bg_Zg (6,4)
- 80269260 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=6/512)
- 80269E60 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=4/512)
- 8026BE60 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8026C314 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 588 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- collapse inside tower room 3
- 801EEB50 0177 Bg_Zg (6,4)
- 80269260 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=6/512)
- 80269E60 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=4/512)
- 8026BE60 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8026C314 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 588 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- trials room 1
- 801EB8B0 0092 Bg_Heavy_Block (14,24)
- 8024F9A0 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=14/512)
- 802505A0 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=24/512)
- 802525A0 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8025399C colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 832 poly to corrupt tbl - ACHIEVABLE
- collapse redead room 0
- 801EC950 0177 Bg_Zg (6,4)
- 8026C670 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=6/512)
- 8026D270 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=4/512)
- 8026F270 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8026F470 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 545 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- collapse redead room 1
- 801EC950 0177 Bg_Zg (6,4)
- 8026C670 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=6/512)
- 8026D270 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=4/512)
- 8026F270 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8026F470 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 545 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- spirit room 0
- 801E9CD0 00FF Obj_Oshihiki (8,12)
- 801EBED0 018E Bg_Jya_1flift (12,20)
- 8025D560 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=20/512)
- 8025E160 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=32/512)
- 80260160 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 8026126C colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 785 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible because the lift will not spawn if it already has spawned
- also note that there is an additional Bg_Jya_Block (8,12) if you are child and the block has been pushed as adult, but this makes no difference other than making duping faster
- GTG room 6
- 801F5B80 012A Obj_Switch (12,12)
- 801E3ED0 012D Obj_Hsblock (4,2)
- 801E9F80 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 801E9E00 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 8025FC40 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=32/512)
- 80260840 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=38/512)
- 80262840 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80263414 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 702 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- GTG room 8
- 801E8AE0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E88E0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E86E0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E84E0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E82E0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E80E0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E7EE0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E7CE0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 8025FC40 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=64/512)
- 80260840 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=96/512)
- 80262840 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80263414 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 702 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- GC room 1 (child)
- 801E3EC0 00B9 Bg_Spot18_Obj (10,14)
- 801E3D50 00B9 Bg_Spot18_Obj (15,23)
- 80274910 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=25/512)
- 80275510 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=37/512)
- 80277510 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80277978 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 583 poly to corrupt tbl - ACHIEVABLE
- GC room 3 (child)
- 801F4910 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F4000 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F3E10 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801F2CB0 012D Obj_Hsblock (12,18)
- 801FB040 015C Bg_Spot18_Basket (42,58)
- 801FCC30 01C3 Bg_Spot18_Futa (12,11)
- 801F67E0 01C4 Bg_Spot18_Shutter (6,4)
- 801F6100 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 801F5F80 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 80274910 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=100/512)
- 80275510 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=121/512)
- 80277510 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80277978 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 583 poly to corrupt tbl - ACHIEVABLE
- GC room 1 (adult)
- 801E3D50 00B9 Bg_Spot18_Obj (15,23)
- 80274910 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=15/512)
- 80275510 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=23/512)
- 80277510 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80277978 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 583 poly to corrupt tbl - ACHIEVABLE
- GC room 3 (adult)
- 801F8FC0 012D Obj_Hsblock (12,18)
- 801ECC00 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801ECA10 0059 Bg_Breakwall (4,2)
- 801EB480 01C4 Bg_Spot18_Shutter (6,4)
- 801EB310 01C4 Bg_Spot18_Shutter (6,4)
- 801F3E90 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 801F3D10 01D1 Obj_Timeblock (8,12)
- 80274910 colCtx_dyna_vtxList (used=48/512)
- 80275510 colCtx_dyna_polyList (used=54/512)
- 80277510 colCtx_polyNodes_polyCheckTbl
- 80277978 colCtx_polyNodes_tbl
- need 583 poly to corrupt tbl - impossible
- tl;dr
- DC, trials, GC child, GC adult are possible.
- collapse tower, collapse redead, spirit, GTG are impossible.
- or is it???
- spirit room 0 is adjacent to spirit room 15 which has
- 80205320 00FC Bg_Jya_Cobra (75,119)
- 801E9AF0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 801E98F0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 48*12 + 1*20 + 1*119 = 715 which is still less than 785.
- 47*12 + 1*20 + 2*119 = 822 which is greater than 785! is it possible to have exactly two copies of room 15 loaded while there are many dupes of room 0?
- GTG room 8 is adjacent to GTG room 4 which has
- 801E7E50 0061 Bg_Menkuri_Kaiten (64,96)
- 801E3D70 012D Obj_Hsblock (4,2)
- 801E7AB0 000A En_Box (8,12)
- 49*12 + 1*96 = 684 which is still less than 702
- 42*12 + 2*96 + 2*2 = 700 which is still less than 702 - no hope here
- -- entrances achievable (excluding spirit and GTG) --
- 0000
- 0019
- 001E
- 0023
- 002D
- 0033
- 00BE
- 00E6
- 00FC
- 018D
- 018E
- 018F
- 0190
- 01B9
- 0208
- 0228
- 022C
- 0235
- 023D
- 0242
- 0246
- 02FF
- 037C
- 040B
- 041B
- 04D6
- 0526
- 07CA
- 07CF
- 07D1
- 07DE
- 07E2
- 0A00
- 0A06
- 0A23
- 0BB8
- 0F1E
- 0FA0
- 1614
- 1E00
- 1E49
- 2300
- 2328
- 2828
- 3200
- 3232
- 371E
- 3737
- 3746
- 3C3C
- 4632
- 4949
- 4B49
- 504B
- 6733
- 786E
- 8100
- 96B7
- B7B7
- B9AA
- FAB7
- FCC1
- FCE9
- FDC8
- FDE5
- FE11
- FE3B
- FE46
- FE4D
- FE68
- FF53
- FFA7
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