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- <?php
- $debug=false; //NEED to be false to enable download
- /*
- v221125b - Seems to work Teamnames+Player names
- v221125a - Added loop for names (but not working) - BUG- File write was for fixed size
- v221124b-
- v221123 - Initial PHP version
- use
- ToDo:
- - Create second PHP file where it merges changes and SNA file
- - Footballer of the year -add HEX for players names
- */
- $write_enabled=false;
- //$filename="fb_year.sna";
- $filename="footgr21.sna";
- //echo str_pad($input, 9); // produces "Alien "
- //$position=hexdec("00004Α2Β"); // You have to pre-calculate it once
- //$position=hexdec("00010edb"); // You have to pre-calculate it
- $interval_size=10;// intervals 37 ok for first 17 ($group_iterations)
- $string_size=9; //Size of stored string
- $group_iterations=23;
- //Second time
- $addr_array = array(
- "00004A2B"=>"Category 1",
- //"00004B07"=>"B ethniki",
- "00004B07"=>"Category 2",
- "00004BE3"=>"Category 3",
- "00004CBF"=>"Category 4",
- "00004D9B"=>"Champions league",
- //"00024B07"=>"EEtniki???",
- "00004E77"=>"Nations League",
- );
- //$position=hexdec($addr);
- //if ($debug) echo $position;
- //$data="ARISOLE".$addr; // Replacement
- $data="TEAM";
- $data=str_pad($data, 9);
- $index_add=0;
- /*
- if ($f=fopen($filename, "r+")) {
- foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- echo "<h3>$pos / ".hexdec($pos)." , $pos_team </h3>";
- $position=hexdec($pos);
- $index_add=0;
- for($i=1;$i<23;$i++){
- fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- $teamname=fread($f,9);
- fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- echo "<li>$i ) $teamname (position+index_add($index_add))".dechex($position+$index_add)."/".($position+$index_add);
- if ($write_enabled)fwrite($f, $data);
- $index_add=10*$i;
- } //End of for($i=1;$i,30l$i++){
- echo "<HR>";
- } //foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- fclose($f);
- } else {
- echo "Can't open file";
- }
- */
- if ($f=fopen($filename, "rb")) {
- //READ contents of file
- $contents = '';
- while (!feof($f)) {
- $contents .= fread($f, 8192);
- }
- //echo "<hr>".$contents;
- fclose($f);
- }
- $content_orig=$contents;
- if ($debug) echo '<hr> COMPARE1 '.strcmp($content_orig, $contents);
- if(@$_REQUEST["getfile"]!="true") {
- //if we don't have a request
- //echo "<h3>".substr($contents, 18987,220)."</h3>";
- echo "<form target='_blank' action='' method=POST >";
- foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- echo "<h3>$pos / ".hexdec($pos)." , $pos_team </h3>";
- $position=hexdec($pos);
- $index_add=0;
- for($i=1;$i<$group_iterations;$i++){
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- // $teamname=fread($f,9);
- $teamname=substr($contents, $position+$index_add,$string_size);
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- echo "<li>$i ) $teamname <!--(position+index_add($index_add))-->".dechex($position+$index_add)."/".($position+$index_add);
- echo '<input type="text" id="fname'.($position+$index_add).'" name="'.($position+$index_add).'" value="'.$teamname.'" maxlength="'.$string_size.'" size="'.($string_size+1).'" ><br>';
- if ($write_enabled)fwrite($f, $data);
- $index_add=$interval_size*$i;
- } //End of for($i=1;$i,30l$i++){
- echo "<HR>";
- } //foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- //Footballer of the year Player names
- $interval_size=20;// intervals 37 ok for first 17 ($group_iterations)
- $string_size=19; //Size of stored string
- $group_iterations=15;
- $addr_array = array("00006FD5"=>"Player Names",);
- foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- echo "<h3>$pos / ".hexdec($pos)." , $pos_team </h3>";
- $position=hexdec($pos);
- $index_add=0;
- for($i=1;$i<$group_iterations;$i++){
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- // $teamname=fread($f,9);
- $teamname=substr($contents, $position+$index_add,$string_size);
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- echo "<li>$i ) $teamname <!--(position+index_add($index_add))-->".dechex($position+$index_add)."/".($position+$index_add);
- echo '<input type="text" id="fname'.($position+$index_add).'" name="'.($position+$index_add).'" value="'.$teamname.'" maxlength="'.$string_size.'" size="'.($string_size+4).'" ><br>';
- if ($write_enabled)fwrite($f, $data);
- $index_add=$interval_size*$i;
- } //End of for($i=1;$i,30l$i++){
- echo "<HR>";
- } //foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- echo "<input type=hidden name='getfile' value=true >";
- echo "<input type=submit>";
- echo "</form>";
- }else {
- // If file download
- //if($debug)echo "<h3>contents line 126</h3>".$contents."<hr>";
- foreach($_REQUEST as $pos => $text ){
- if ($debug) echo "<hr> $pos => $text";
- if($pos=="getfile") continue;
- //
- //}
- //echo "<h3>".substr($contents, 18987,220)."</h3>";
- //echo "<form target='_blank' action=zx_recreate_sna_file.php >";
- //oreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- if ($debug) echo "<h3>$pos / ".hexdec($pos)." , $text </h3>";
- $position=hexdec($pos);
- $index_add=0;
- //for($i=1;$i<23;$i++){
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- // $teamname=fread($f,9);
- //if($debug)echo "<h3>contents line 143</h3>".substr($contents, 0,9)."<hr>";
- //$contents=substr_replace($contents,$text,$pos,9);
- $text_length=strlen($text);
- $contents=substr_replace($contents,$text,$pos,$text_length);
- //fseek($f, $position+$index_add);
- $teamname=substr($contents, $position+$index_add,$text_length);
- if ($debug) echo "<li> ) $teamname (position+index_add($index_add))".dechex($position+$index_add)."/".($position+$index_add);
- //echo '<input type="text" id="fname'.($position+$index_add).'" name="'.($position+$index_add).'" value="'.$teamname.'" maxlength="9" ><br>';
- //if ($write_enabled)fwrite($f, $data);
- //$index_add=10*$i;
- //} //End of for($i=1;$i,30l$i++){
- if ($debug) echo "<HR>";
- } //foreach($addr_array as $pos => $pos_team ){
- //echo "<input type=submit>";
- //echo "</form>";
- if ($debug) echo '<hr> COMPARE '.strcmp($content_orig, $contents);
- //if($debug)echo "<hr><hr><hr>".$content_orig."<hr><hr>";
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="fotygr.sna"');
- header('Content-Type: text/plain'); # Don't use application/force-download - it's not a real MIME type, and the Content-Disposition header is sufficient
- header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($contents));
- header('Connection: close');
- echo $contents;
- //print_r($_REQUEST);
- //echo $str;
- }
- //end of if($_REQUEST["getfile"]!="true") {
- ?>