

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. old = {}
  2. old.execAsync = commands.execAsync
  3. dangerousAmountOfQueries = 700 -- blocks
  4. restingTime = 0.1 -- seconds
  6. sandstone = "minecraft:sandstone"
  7. stone = "minecraft:stone"
  8. air = "minecraft:air"
  9. glass = "minecraft:stained_glass"
  10. wood = "minecraft:planks"
  12. x="x"
  13. y="y"
  14. z="z"
  16. function isTrue(number)
  17.     if number == 0 then
  18.         return false
  19.     else
  20.         return true
  21.     end
  22. end
  24. function round(num, idp)
  25.   local mult = 10^(idp or 0)
  26.   return math.floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult
  27. end
  28. math.round = round
  30. function console(txt,line)
  31.     if true then
  32.         if line == nil then
  33.             line = 1
  34.         end
  35.         term.setCursorPos(1,line)
  36.         term.clearLine(line)
  37.         term.write(txt)
  38.         term.setCursorPos(1,line+1)
  39.     end
  40. end
  42. function deltaT(timerID)
  43.     if type(lastCallFromTheID) ~= "table" then
  44.         lastCallFromTheID = {}
  45.     end
  47.     if lastCallFromTheID[timerID] == nil then
  48.         lastCallFromTheID[timerID] = os.clock()
  49.     end
  51.     temp = os.clock()-lastCallFromTheID[timerID]
  52.     lastCallFromTheID[timerID] = os.clock()
  53.     return temp
  54. end
  56. function execAsync(str)
  57.     if execAsyncQueries == nil then
  58.         execAsyncQueries = 0
  59.     end
  61.     timeDiff2 = deltaT("execAsync")
  62.     if timeDiff2 > restingTime then
  63.         execAsyncQueries = 0 --Blast of queries was cut off. I consider this one a new one.
  64.     else
  65.         execAsyncQueries = execAsyncQueries+1
  66.     end
  67.     -- console(execAsyncQueries, 7)
  68.     if execAsyncQueries > dangerousAmountOfQueries then
  69.         sleep(restingTime)
  70.         execAsyncQueries = 0 --just to be sure, manually consider the blast as done and down
  71.     end
  73.     return old.execAsync(str)
  74. end
  75. commands.execAsync = execAsync
  77. function setBlock(block,xa,ya,za,dataValue,oldBlockHandling)
  78.     if type(dataValue) ~= "string" then
  79.         dataValue = ""
  80.     end
  81.     if type(oldBlockHandling) ~= "string" then
  82.         oldBlockHandling = ""
  83.     end
  84.     -- print("setblock ~" .. tostring(xa) .. " ~" .. tostring(za) .. " ~".. tostring(ya) .. " " .. tostring(block) .. " " .. tostring(dataValue) .. " " .. tostring(oldBlockHandling))
  85.     commands.execAsync("setblock ~" .. tostring(xa) .. " ~" .. tostring(za) .. " ~".. tostring(ya) .. " " .. tostring(block) .. " " .. tostring(dataValue) .. " " .. tostring(oldBlockHandling))
  86. end
  88. function fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  89.     queries = 0
  90.     for i=xa,xa+width-1 do
  91.         for j=ya,ya+length-1 do
  92.             for k=za,za+height-1 do
  93.                 setBlock(block, i, j, k)
  94.                 queries = queries+1
  95.             end
  96.         end
  97.     end
  98.     return queries
  99. end
  101. function fillNicely(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  102.     queries = fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  103.     queries = queries + fill(glass, xa+1, ya+1, za, width-2, length-2, height)
  104.     return queries
  105. end
  107. function floor(block, xa, ya, za, width, length)
  108.     return fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, 1)
  109. end
  111. function walls(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  112.     queries = fill(block, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  113.     queries = queries + fill(air, xa+1, ya+1, za, width-2, length-2, height)
  114.     return queries
  115. end
  117. function room(blockFloor, blockWalls, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  118.     fill(air, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  119.     floor(blockFloor, xa, ya, za, width, length)
  120.     walls(blockWalls, xa, ya, za+1, width, length, height-2)
  121.     floor(blockFloor, xa, ya, za+height-1, width, length)
  122. end
  124. function forEachColumnOfAWallDoMyFunc(yourFunc, xa, ya, width, length)
  125.     column = 1
  126.     for i=xa,width+2 do
  127.         yourFunc(i, ya, column, true)
  128.         yourFunc(i, ya+length-1, column, true)
  129.         -- sleep(1)
  130.         column = column+1
  131.     end
  132.     column = 1
  133.     glass = "minecraft:glass"
  134.     for i=ya,length+2 do
  135.         yourFunc(xa, i, column, false)
  136.         yourFunc(xa+width-1, i, column, false)
  137.         -- sleep(1)
  138.         column = column+1
  139.     end
  140. end
  142. function roomWithWindows(blockFloor, blockWalls, xa, ya, za, width, length, height, numberOfWindowsFront, numberOfWindowsSide)
  143.     room(blockFloor, blockWalls, xa, ya, za, width, length, height)
  145.     if numberOfWindowsFront == nil then
  146.         numberOfWindowsFront = math.floor(math.sqrt(width))
  147.         print(numberOfWindowsFront)
  148.     end
  149.     if numberOfWindowsSide == nil then
  150.         numberOfWindowsSide = math.floor(math.sqrt(length))
  151.         print(numberOfWindowsSide)
  152.     end
  154.     frontWindowsLength = math.floor((width-numberOfWindowsFront-1)/numberOfWindowsFront)
  155.     frontMiddleWindowLength = width-(numberOfWindowsFront+1)-((numberOfWindowsFront-1)*frontWindowsLength)
  156.     frontMiddleWindow = math.ceil(numberOfWindowsFront/2)
  157.     frontMiddleWindowPosition = frontMiddleWindow + (frontMiddleWindow-1)*frontWindowsLength
  159.     sideWindowsLength = math.floor((length-numberOfWindowsSide-1)/numberOfWindowsSide)
  160.     sideMiddleWindowLength = length-(numberOfWindowsSide+1)-((numberOfWindowsSide-1)*sideWindowsLength)
  161.     sideMiddleWindow = math.ceil(numberOfWindowsSide/2)
  162.     sideMiddleWindowPosition = sideMiddleWindow + (sideMiddleWindow-1)*sideWindowsLength
  164.     -- Maintenant on a les dimensions des fenêtres. Longueurs. Positions. Tout.
  165.     -- L'idée est de parcourir le contour du mur et de dessiner les fenêtres.
  166.     validColumns = {}
  167.     validColumns.front = {}
  168.     validColumns.side = {}
  169.         -- Murs de face et arrière
  170.     for i=1,width do --tout en verre
  171.         validColumns.front[i] = true
  172.     end
  173.     validColumns.front[1] = false --sauf le début
  174.     validColumns.front[width] = false --et la fin
  175.     i=1
  176.     while i < width/2 do --puis on fait vitre après vitre depuis le début jusqu'au milieu
  177.         validColumns.front[i] = false
  178.         i=i+frontWindowsLength+1
  179.     end
  180.     i=width
  181.     while i > width/2 do --puis de la fin jusqu'au milieu
  182.         validColumns.front[i] = false
  183.         i=i-frontWindowsLength-1
  184.     end
  185.     for i=frontMiddleWindowPosition+1,frontMiddleWindowPosition+frontMiddleWindowLength do
  186.         validColumns.front[i] = true
  187.     end
  190.         -- Murs de face et arrière
  191. --  for i=1,width do
  192. --      validColumns.front[i] = true
  193. --  end
  194. --  validColumns.front[1] = false
  195. --  validColumns.front[width] = false
  196. --  i=1
  197. --  while i<frontMiddleWindowPosition do
  198. --      validColumns.front[i] = false
  199. --      i=i+frontWindowsLength+1
  200. --  end
  201. --  i=frontMiddleWindowPosition
  202. --  validColumns.front[i] = false
  203. --  i=frontMiddleWindowPosition+frontMiddleWindowLength+1
  204. --  while i<=width do
  205. --      validColumns.front[i] = false
  206. --      i=i+frontWindowsLength+1
  207. --  end
  209.         -- Murs des côtés
  210.     for i=1,length do --tout en verre
  211.         validColumns.side[i] = true
  212.     end
  213.     validColumns.side[1] = false --sauf le début
  214.     validColumns.side[length] = false --et la fin
  215.     i=1
  216.     while i < length/2 do --puis on fait vitre après vitre depuis le début jusqu'au milieu
  217.         validColumns.side[i] = false
  218.         i=i+sideWindowsLength+1
  219.     end
  220.     i=length
  221.     while i > length/2 do --puis de la fin jusqu'au milieu
  222.         validColumns.side[i] = false
  223.         i=i-sideWindowsLength-1
  224.     end
  225.     center = (length/2)
  226.     otherCenter = math.ceil(sideMiddleWindowPosition+(sideMiddleWindowLength/2))
  227. --  for i=sideMiddleWindowPosition+1,sideMiddleWindowPosition+sideMiddleWindowLength do
  228. --      validColumns.side[i] = true
  229. --  end
  232.     function myFunc(xa,ya,column,isFront)
  233.         if isFront == true then
  234.             if validColumns.front[column] == true then
  235.                 fill(glass, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
  236.             end
  237.         else --if isSide
  238.             if validColumns.side[column] == true then
  239.                 fill(glass, xa, ya, za+1, 1, 1, height-2) --glassify column
  240.             end
  241.         end
  242.     end
  244.     forEachColumnOfAWallDoMyFunc(myFunc, xa, ya, width, length)
  245. end
  247. if false then
  248.     fill(air,3,3,3,20,20,20)
  249.     roomWithWindows(wood, stone, 3,3,3, 9,15,5,4,4)
  250. else
  251.     while true do
  252.         fill(air,3,3,3,20,20,20)
  253.         roomWithWindows(wood, stone, 3,3,3, math.random(4,20),math.random(4,20),5,math.random(1,7),math.random(1,7))
  254.         sleep(2)
  255.     end
  256. end
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