
_brew install SOMESTUFF.txt

Aug 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. brew install fff
  2. brew install detect-secrets
  3. brew install ripsecrets
  5. brew tap hupe1980/awsrecon
  6. brew install awsrecon
  8. brew tap trufflesecurity/trufflehog
  9. brew install trufflehog
  12. brew install authoscope
  13. brew install bandwhich
  14. brew install fselect
  15. brew install lsd
  16. brew install rargs
  17. brew install diskonaut
  18. brew tap cantino/mcfly
  19. brew install cantino/mcfly/mcfly
  20. eval "$(mcfly init zsh)"
  21. brew install xsv
  22. brew install 1History/onehistory/onehistory
  23. brew tap fujiapple852/trippy && brew install trippy
  24. brew install vishaltelangre/tap/ff
  26. brew tap sstadick/crabz
  27. brew install crabz
  28. brew tap sstadick/hck
  29. brew install hck
  31. brew install xonsh
  33. brew install amoffat/rnd/supertag
  35. brew install --cask ad-si/tap/perspec
  36. brew install --cask sloth
  37. brew tap trufflesecurity/trufflehog
  38. brew install trufflehog
  39. brew install rustscan
  40. brew install dust
  41. brew tap frain-dev/tools
  42. brew install convoy
  43. brew install jc
  44. brew install rich
  45. brew install defaultbrowser
  46. brew install tree
  47. brew install yschimke/tap/okurl
  48. brew tap sidneys/homebrew
  49. brew install cabextract wimlib cdrtools sidneys/homebrew/chntpw
  50. brew install exa
  51. brew install gotop
  52. brew install bat
  53. brew install lsd
  54. brew install git-delta
  55. brew install dust
  56. brew install ncdu
  57. brew install glances
  58. brew install duf
  59. brew install broot
  60. brew install fd
  61. brew install sd
  62. brew install ripgrep
  63. brew install the_silver_searcher
  64. brew install fzf
  65. brew install zoxide
  66. brew install neovim
  67. brew install xxh
  68. brew install xh
  69. brew install rs/tap/curlie
  70. brew install httpie
  71. brew install procs
  72. brew install hyperfine
  73. brew install tealdeer
  74. brew install tldr
  75. brew install watchexec
  76. brew install youtube-dl
  77. brew install screenfetch
  78. brew install modd
  79. brew install hugo
  80. brew install xsv
  81. brew install pgcli
  82. brew install m-cli
  83. brew install ghq
  84. brew install wifi-password
  85. brew install pure
  86. brew install neovim
  87. brew install franz
  88. brew install qownnotes
  89. brew install tusk
  90. brew install joplin
  91. brew update && brew install mycli
  92. brew tap caffix/amass
  93. brew install amass
  94. brew install librsvg python homebrew/cask/basictex
  95. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  96. brew install choose-rust
  97. brew install porras/tap/tlcr
  98. brew tap cantino/mcfly && brew install mcfly
  99. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  100. brew tap gnebbia/kb
  101. brew install gnebbia/kb/kb
  102. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  103. brew install buku
  104. brew tap strongdm/comply && brew install comply
  105. brew install peco
  106. brew install httpie
  107. brew install shellcheck
  108. brew install keybase
  109. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis && brew install pipethis
  110. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl && brew install mosl
  111. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  112. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  113. brew install buku
  114. brew tap strongdm/comply; brew install comply
  115. brew install peco
  116. brew install httpie
  117. brew install shellcheck
  118. brew install keybase
  119. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis
  120. brew install pipethis
  121. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl
  122. brew install mosl
  123. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  124. brew tap caffix/amass
  125. brew install amass
  126. brew install feroxbuster
  127. brew install driftctl
  128. brew install --cask copyq
  129. brew install piknik
  130. brew tap turbot/tap
  131. brew install steampipe
  133. brew install tmate
  135. brew install --cask multipass
  136. brew tap devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap
  137. brew install devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap/bomber
  140. brew install feroxbuster
  141. brew install driftctl
  142. brew install --cask copyq
  143. brew install piknik
  144. brew tap turbot/tap
  145. brew install steampipe
  146. brew install --cask ad-si/tap/perspec
  147. brew install --cask sloth
  148. brew tap trufflesecurity/trufflehog
  149. brew install trufflehog
  150. brew install rustscan
  151. brew install dust
  152. brew tap frain-dev/tools
  153. brew install convoy
  154. brew install jc
  155. brew install rich
  156. brew install defaultbrowser
  157. brew install tree
  158. brew install yschimke/tap/okurl
  159. brew tap sidneys/homebrew
  160. brew install cabextract wimlib cdrtools sidneys/homebrew/chntpw
  161. brew install exa
  162. brew install gotop
  163. brew install bat
  164. brew install lsd
  165. brew install git-delta
  166. brew install dust
  167. brew install ncdu
  168. brew install glances
  169. brew install duf
  170. brew install broot
  171. brew install fd
  172. brew install sd
  173. brew install ripgrep
  174. brew install the_silver_searcher
  175. brew install fzf
  176. brew install zoxide
  177. brew install neovim
  178. brew install xxh
  179. brew install xh
  180. brew install rs/tap/curlie
  181. brew install httpie
  182. brew install procs
  183. brew install hyperfine
  184. brew install tealdeer
  185. brew install tldr
  186. brew install watchexec
  187. brew install youtube-dl
  188. brew install screenfetch
  189. brew install modd
  190. brew install hugo
  191. brew install xsv
  192. brew install pgcli
  193. brew install m-cli
  194. brew install ghq
  195. brew install wifi-password
  196. brew install pure
  197. brew install neovim
  198. brew install franz
  199. brew install qownnotes
  200. brew install tusk
  201. brew install joplin
  202. brew update && brew install mycli
  203. brew tap caffix/amass
  204. brew install amass
  205. brew install librsvg python homebrew/cask/basictex
  206. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  207. brew install choose-rust
  208. brew install porras/tap/tlcr
  209. brew tap cantino/mcfly && brew install mcfly
  210. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  211. brew tap gnebbia/kb
  212. brew install gnebbia/kb/kb
  213. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  214. brew install buku
  215. brew tap strongdm/comply && brew install comply
  216. brew install peco
  217. brew install httpie
  218. brew install shellcheck
  219. brew install keybase
  220. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis && brew install pipethis
  221. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl && brew install mosl
  222. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  223. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  224. brew install buku
  225. brew tap strongdm/comply; brew install comply
  226. brew install peco
  227. brew install httpie
  228. brew install shellcheck
  229. brew install keybase
  230. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis
  231. brew install pipethis
  232. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl
  233. brew install mosl
  234. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  235. brew tap caffix/amass
  236. brew install amass
  237. brew install feroxbuster
  238. brew install driftctl
  239. brew install --cask copyq
  240. brew install piknik
  241. brew tap turbot/tap
  242. brew install steampipe
  243. rew install tmate
  245. brew install --cask multipass
  246. brew tap devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap
  247. brew install devops-kung-fu/homebrew-tap/bomber
  250. brew install feroxbuster
  251. brew install driftctl
  252. brew install --cask copyq
  253. brew install piknik
  254. brew tap turbot/tap
  255. brew install steampipe
  256. brew install --cask ad-si/tap/perspec
  257. brew install --cask sloth
  258. brew tap trufflesecurity/trufflehog
  259. brew install trufflehog
  260. brew install rustscan
  261. brew install dust
  262. brew tap frain-dev/tools
  263. brew install convoy
  264. brew install jc
  265. brew install rich
  266. brew install defaultbrowser
  267. brew install tree
  268. brew install yschimke/tap/okurl
  269. brew tap sidneys/homebrew
  270. brew install cabextract wimlib cdrtools sidneys/homebrew/chntpw
  271. brew install exa
  272. brew install gotop
  273. brew install bat
  274. brew install lsd
  275. brew install git-delta
  276. brew install dust
  277. brew install ncdu
  278. brew install glances
  279. brew install duf
  280. brew install broot
  281. brew install fd
  282. brew install sd
  283. brew install ripgrep
  284. brew install the_silver_searcher
  285. brew install fzf
  286. brew install zoxide
  287. brew install neovim
  288. brew install xxh
  289. brew install xh
  290. brew install rs/tap/curlie
  291. brew install httpie
  292. brew install procs
  293. brew install hyperfine
  294. brew install tealdeer
  295. brew install tldr
  296. brew install watchexec
  297. brew install youtube-dl
  298. brew install screenfetch
  299. brew install modd
  300. brew install hugo
  301. brew install xsv
  302. brew install pgcli
  303. brew install m-cli
  304. brew install ghq
  305. brew install wifi-password
  306. brew install pure
  307. brew install neovim
  308. brew install franz
  309. brew install qownnotes
  310. brew install tusk
  311. brew install joplin
  312. brew update && brew install mycli
  313. brew tap caffix/amass
  314. brew install amass
  315. brew install librsvg python homebrew/cask/basictex
  316. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  317. brew install choose-rust
  318. brew install porras/tap/tlcr
  319. brew tap cantino/mcfly && brew install mcfly
  320. brew install clementtsang/bottom/bottom
  321. brew tap gnebbia/kb
  322. brew install gnebbia/kb/kb
  323. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  324. brew install buku
  325. brew tap strongdm/comply && brew install comply
  326. brew install peco
  327. brew install httpie
  328. brew install shellcheck
  329. brew install keybase
  330. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis && brew install pipethis
  331. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl && brew install mosl
  332. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  333. brew install saulpw/vd/visidata
  334. brew install buku
  335. brew tap strongdm/comply; brew install comply
  336. brew tap dennisdegreef/pipethis
  337. brew install pipethis
  338. brew tap 0xmachos/homebrew-mosl
  339. brew install mosl
  340. brew update && brew install phantomjs
  341. brew tap caffix/amass
  342. brew install amass
  349. gem install colorls
  350. pip3 install asciinema
  351. pip install ipython-sql
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