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- // Addresses as of 9/26/18 \\
- Most formats : luastate name - address
- Others : luastate name - address - calling convention
- lua_getfield - 0x850620
- lua_setfield - 0x8523A0
- lua_tolstring - 0x8529c0
- lua_pushvalue - 0x851A60
- lua_pcall - 0x8513e0
- lua_settable - 0x84fa90
- lua_gettable - 0x84f8a0
- lua_settop - 0x852780
- lua_toboolean - 0x852900
- lua_pushnumber - 0x851910
- lua_tonumber - 0x852c90
- lua_createtable - 0x8502D0
- lua_pushnil - 0x8518A0
- lua_rawgeti - 0x851d10
- lua_rawseti - 0x851e80
- lua_getmetatable - 0x8508F0
- lua_gettop - 0x77A7B0 - __cdecl
- lua_pushnumber - 0x77B5D0 - __cdecl
- lua_pcall - 0x77B0A0 - __cdecl
- lua_pushcclosure - 0x77B1E0 - __cdecl
- lua_newthread - 0x77AD70 - __cdecl
- lual_ref - 0x775280 - __cdecl
- lua_rawgeti - 0x77B9E0 - __cdecl
- lua_pushlightuserdata - 0x77B440 - __cdecl
- lua_tolstring - 0x77C660 - __stdcall
- ScriptContext - 0x1393300 - lua_state
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