
Protocol jokes

Jan 13th, 2018
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  1. 08:12PM <Aerdan> to joke tried it out order. of but complex UDP a I tell once,
  2. came
  3. � Chloe pokes Aerdan
  4. 08:12PM <Aerdan> Yes?
  5. <Chloe> that's bad enough to be one of mine
  6. 08:13PM <DracoTrapnet> I'd try telling a GRE joke but a cheap router probably
  7. won't let it pass
  8. <Chloe> DracoTrapnet: better then the tcp joke
  9. 08:14PM <DracoTrapnet> TCP jokes are like knock knock jokes. The other person
  10. has to respond.
  11. <Chloe> DracoTrapnet: that's where you keep telling the punch line till you
  12. get a laugh
  13. <Chloe> DracoTrapnet: that's where you keep telling the punch line till you
  14. get a laugh
  15. <Chloe> DracoTrapnet: that's where you keep telling the punch line till you
  16. get a laugh
  17. <Chloe> ;)
  18. 08:15PM <DracoTrapnet> LMAO
  19. 08:15PM <cheapie> The best thing about UDP jokes is I don't care if you get
  20. them or not :P
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