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- function saveVarsToConsole(name)
- local h =,'w')
- local env = getfenv()
- for i,v in pairs(env) do
- if i then
- h.write(i)
- if v then
- --h.write("("..tostring(type(v))..")")
- h.write(': ')
- h.writeLine(v)
- end
- end
- end
- h.close()
- end
- function openRednet()
- for _,v in ipairs(peripheral.getNames()) do
- if peripheral.getType(v)=="modem" then
- end
- end
- end
- function checkIfRefill()
- local _,inFront = turtle.inspect()
- local _,below = turtle.inspectDown()
- local mem = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- local check = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if check and ~= "EnderStorage:enderChest" then
- if not turtle.dropDown() then
- if not turtle.drop() then
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- end
- end
- if inFront or below then
- if == "EnderStorage:enderChest" then
- turtle.dig()
- end
- if == "EnderStorage:enderChest" then
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- end
- end
- function calibrateDir()
- if gpsi then
- local dir
- local h,k,l = gps.locate()
- while not turtle.forward() do
- turtle.dig()
- end
- local h2,k2,l2 = gps.locate()
- turtle.back()
- if h2>h then
- dir = "east"
- elseif h2<h then
- dir = "west"
- elseif l2>l then
- dir = "south"
- elseif l2<l then
- dir = "north"
- end
- return dir
- end
- end
- function recalibratePos()
- local h,k,l = gps.locate()
- local ytemp,xtemp,ztemp = h - Hoff, k - Koff, l - Loff
- local ynew,xnew,znew = 0,0,0
- if origDir == "south" then
- xnew = xnew + xtemp
- ynew = ytemp
- znew = znew + ztemp
- elseif origDir == "north" then
- xnew = xnew - xtemp
- ynew = ytemp
- znew = znew - ztemp
- elseif origDir == "east" then
- xnew = xnew - znew
- ynew = ytemp
- znew = znew + xtemp
- end
- end
- function recalibrateFace()
- face = calibrateDir()
- if origDir ~= "south" then
- if origDir == "north" then
- update("right")
- update("right")
- elseif origDir == "east" then
- update("right")
- elseif origDir == "west" then
- update("left")
- end
- end
- end
- function saveVarsToFile()
- local h ="currentVars",'w')
- local env = getfenv()
- for i,v in pairs(env) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- h.write(tostring(i))
- h.write(" = ")
- h.write([["]]..tostring(v)..[["]])
- elseif type(v) == "table" then
- h.write(i)
- h.write(" = ")
- h.write(textutils.serialize(v))
- end
- end
- h.close()
- end
- function loadVars()
- local h ="currentVars",'r')
- end
- function recordPos(heightPos,widthPos,lengthPos,face)
- local h ="position","w")
- h.writeLine("heightPos = "..tostring(heightPos))
- h.writeLine("widthPos = "..tostring(widthPos))
- h.writeLine("lengthPos = "..tostring(lengthPos))
- h.writeLine("face = ".."\""..tostring(face).."\"")
- h.close()
- end
- function recordObj(x,y,z)
- local h ="objective",'w')
- h.writeLine("x = "..tostring(x))
- h.writeLine("y = "..tostring(y))
- h.writeLine("z = "..tostring(z))
- h.close()
- end
- block_id = {}
- block_id[0] = "Air"
- block_id[1] = "Stone"
- block_id[2] = "Grass"
- block_id[3] = "Dirt"
- block_id[4] = "Cobblestone"
- block_id[5] = "Wooden Plank"
- block_id[6] = "Sapling"
- block_id[7] = "Bedrock"
- block_id[8] = "Water"
- block_id[9] = "Stationary water"
- block_id[10] = "Lava"
- block_id[11] = "Stationary lava"
- block_id[12] = "Sand"
- block_id[13] = "Gravel"
- block_id[14] = "Gold Ore"
- block_id[15] = "Iron (Ore)"
- block_id[16] = "Coal Ore"
- block_id[17] = "Log"
- block_id[18] = "Leaves"
- block_id[19] = "Sponge"
- block_id[20] = "Glass"
- block_id[21] = "Lapis Lazuli (Ore)"
- block_id[22] = "Lapis Lazuli (Block)"
- block_id[23] = "Dispenser"
- block_id[24] = "Sandstone"
- block_id[25] = "Note Block Tile entity"
- block_id[26] = "Bed"
- block_id[27] = "Powered Rail "
- block_id[28] = "Detector Rail "
- block_id[29] = "Sticky Piston"
- block_id[30] = "Cobweb"
- block_id[31] = "Tall Grass"
- block_id[32] = "Dead Bush"
- block_id[33] = "Piston"
- block_id[34] = "Piston Extension"
- block_id[35] = "Wool"
- block_id[36] = "Block moved by Piston"
- block_id[37] = "Dandelionandelion"
- block_id[38] = "Rose"
- block_id[39] = "Brown Mushroom"
- block_id[40] = "Red Mushroom"
- block_id[41] = "Block of Gold"
- block_id[42] = "Block of Iron"
- block_id[43] = "Double Slabs"
- block_id[44] = "Slabs"
- block_id[45] = "Brick Block"
- block_id[46] = "TNT"
- block_id[47] = "Bookshelf"
- block_id[48] = "Moss Stone"
- block_id[49] = "Obsidian"
- block_id[50] = "Torch"
- block_id[51] = "Fire"
- block_id[52] = "Monster Spawner"
- block_id[53] = "Wooden Stairs"
- block_id[54] = "Chest"
- block_id[55] = "Redstone (Wire)"
- block_id[56] = "Diamond (Ore)"
- block_id[57] = "Block of Diamond"
- block_id[58] = "Crafting Table"
- block_id[59] = "Seeds"
- block_id[60] = "Farland"
- block_id[61] = "Furnace"
- block_id[62] = "Burning Furnace"
- block_id[63] = "Sign Post"
- block_id[64] = "Wooden Door"
- block_id[65] = "Ladders"
- block_id[66] = "Rails"
- block_id[67] = "Cobblestone Stairs"
- block_id[68] = "Wall Sign"
- block_id[69] = "Lever"
- block_id[70] = "Stone Pressure Plate"
- block_id[71] = "Iron Door"
- block_id[72] = "Wooden Pressure Plates"
- block_id[73] = "Redstone Ore"
- block_id[74] = "Glowing Redstone Ore"
- block_id[75] = "Redstone Torch"
- block_id[76] = "Redstone Torch"
- block_id[77] = "Stone Button "
- block_id[78] = "Snow"
- block_id[79] = "Ice"
- block_id[80] = "Snow Block"
- block_id[81] = "Cactus"
- block_id[82] = "Clay (Block)"
- block_id[83] = "Sugar Cane"
- block_id[84] = "Jukebox"
- block_id[85] = "Fence"
- block_id[86] = "Pumpkin"
- block_id[87] = "Netherrack"
- block_id[88] = "Soul Sand"
- block_id[89] = "Glowstone"
- block_id[90] = "Portal"
- block_id[91] = "Jack-O-Lantern"
- block_id[92] = "Cake Block"
- block_id[93] = "Redstone Repeater"
- block_id[94] = "Redstone Repeater"
- block_id[95] = "Locked Chest"
- block_id[96] = "Trapdoors"
- block_id[97] = "Hidden Silverfish"
- block_id[98] = "Stone Brick"
- block_id[99] = "Huge brown and red mushroom"
- block_id[100] = "Huge brown and red mushroom"
- block_id[101] = "Iron Bars"
- block_id[102] = "Glass Pane"
- block_id[103] = "Melon"
- block_id[104] = "Pumpkin Stem"
- block_id[105] = "Melon Stem"
- block_id[106] = "Vines"
- block_id[107] = "Fence Gate"
- block_id[108] = "Brick Stairs"
- block_id[109] = "Stone Brick Stairs"
- block_id[110] = "Mycelium"
- block_id[111] = "Lily Pad"
- block_id[112] = "Nether Brick"
- block_id[113] = "Nether Brick Fence"
- block_id[114] = "Nether Brick Stairs"
- block_id[115] = "Nether Wart"
- block_id[116] = "Enchantment Table"
- block_id[117] = "Brewing Stand"
- block_id[118] = "Cauldron"
- block_id[119] = "End Portal"
- block_id[120] = "End Portal Frame"
- block_id[121] = "End Stone "
- block_id[256] = "Iron Ingotron Shovel"
- block_id[257] = "Iron Pickaxe"
- block_id[258] = "Iron Axe"
- block_id[259] = "Flint and Steel"
- block_id[260] = "Red Apple"
- block_id[261] = "Bow"
- block_id[262] = "Arrow"
- block_id[263] = "Coal"
- woolColors = {}
- woolColors[0] = "White"
- woolColors[1] = "Orange"
- woolColors[2] = "Magenta"
- woolColors[3] = "Light Blue"
- woolColors[4] = "Yellow"
- woolColors[5] = "Lime"
- woolColors[6] = "Pink"
- woolColors[7] = "Gray"
- woolColors[8] = "Light Gray"
- woolColors[9] = "Cyan"
- woolColors[10] = "Purple"
- woolColors[11] = "Blue"
- woolColors[12] = "Brown"
- woolColors[13] = "Green"
- woolColors[14] = "Red"
- woolColors[15] = "Black"
- --[[Navigation Functions]]--
- function goto(heightGoal,widthGoal,lengthGoal)
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 200 then
- refill()
- end
- if heightGoal > heightPos then
- while heightGoal > heightPos do
- up()
- end
- elseif heightGoal < heightPos then
- while heightGoal < heightPos do
- down()
- end
- end
- if widthGoal > widthPos then
- turn("east")
- while widthGoal > widthPos do
- forward()
- end
- elseif widthGoal < widthPos then
- turn("west")
- while widthGoal < widthPos do
- forward()
- end
- end
- if lengthGoal > lengthPos then
- turn("south")
- while lengthGoal > lengthPos do
- forward()
- end
- elseif lengthGoal < lengthPos then
- turn("north")
- while lengthGoal < lengthPos do
- forward()
- end
- end
- end
- function update(dir)
- if dir == "forward" then
- if face == "north" then
- lengthPos = lengthPos - 1
- elseif face == "south" then
- lengthPos = lengthPos + 1
- elseif face == "west" then
- widthPos = widthPos - 1
- elseif face == "east" then
- widthPos = widthPos + 1
- end
- elseif dir == "backward" then
- if face == "north" then
- lengthPos = lengthPos + 1
- elseif face == "south" then
- lengthPos = lengthPos - 1
- elseif face == "west" then
- widthPos = widthPos + 1
- elseif face == "east" then
- widthPos = widthPos - 1
- end
- elseif dir == "up" then
- heightPos = heightPos + 1
- elseif dir == "down" then
- heightPos = heightPos - 1
- elseif dir == "right" then
- if face == "north" then
- face = "east"
- elseif face == "east" then
- face = "south"
- elseif face == "south" then
- face = "west"
- elseif face == "west" then
- face = "north"
- end
- elseif dir == "left" then
- if face == "north" then
- face = "west"
- elseif face == "west" then
- face = "south"
- elseif face == "south" then
- face = "east"
- elseif face == "east" then
- face = "north"
- end
- end
- recordPos(heightPos,widthPos,lengthPos,face)
- end
- --[[Refill Functions]]--
- function scanInv()
- local invList = {}
- for i = 1,16 do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if item then
- invList[i] = {}
- invList[i][] = item.damage
- end
- end
- return invList
- end
- function ParseInv()
- turtle.dropUp()
- while turtle.suck() do
- local item = turtle.getItemDetail()
- for i =1,16 do
- if invList[i][] then
- if invList[i][] == item.damage then
- turtle.transferTo(i)
- break
- end
- end
- if == "minecraft:lava_bucket" or == "minecraft:coal" then
- turtle.refuel(64)
- end
- end
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- end
- function refill()
- local mem = turtle.getSelectedSlot()
- chester("set")
- ParseInv()
- chester("gather")
- end
- function chester(action)
- --action = 'set' or 'gather'
- if action == "set" then
- turtle.placeUp()
- elseif action == "gather" then
- if tonumber(chestOrder) == 1 then
- turtle.digUp()
- turtle.dig()
- chestOrder = 2
- elseif tonumber(chestOrder) == 2 then
- turtle.dig()
- turtle.digUp()
- chestOrder = 1
- end
- end
- end
- function getBlockName(id, blockData)
- blockData = blockData or nil
- if(block_id[id] == nil) then
- return "ID: "..tostring(id)..", Data: "..tostring(blockData)
- else
- if(blockData) then
- if(id == 35) then
- str = woolColors[blockData] .. " " .. block_id[id]
- return str
- end
- end
- return block_id[id]
- end
- end
- function getBlockId(x,y,z)
- return blocks[y + z*width + x*length*width + 1]
- end
- function getData(x,y,z)
- return data[y + z*width + x*length*width + 1]
- end
- function readbytes(handle, n)
- for i=1,n do
- end
- end
- function readname(handle)
- n1 =
- n2 =
- if(n1 == nil or n2 == nil) then
- return ""
- end
- n = n1*256 + n2
- str = ""
- for i=1,n do
- c =
- if c == nil then
- return
- end
- str = str .. string.char(c)
- end
- return str
- end
- function parse(a, handle, containsName)
- containsName = containsName or true
- if a==0 then
- return
- end
- if containsName then
- name = readname(handle)
- end
- if a==1 then
- readbytes(handle,1)
- elseif a==2 then
- i1 =
- i2 =
- i = i1*256 + i2
- if(name=="Height") then
- height = i
- elseif (name=="Length") then
- length = i
- elseif (name=="Width") then
- width = i
- end
- elseif a==3 then
- readbytes(handle,4)
- elseif a==4 then
- readbytes(handle,8)
- elseif a==5 then
- readbytes(handle,4)
- elseif a==6 then
- readbytes(handle,8)
- elseif a==7 then
- i1 =
- i2 =
- i3 =
- i4 =
- i = i1*256*256*256 + i2*256*256 + i3*256 + i4
- if name == "Blocks" then
- for i=1,i do
- table.insert(blocks,
- end
- elseif name == "Data" then
- for i=1,i do
- table.insert(data,
- end
- else
- readbytes(handle,i)
- end
- elseif a==8 then
- i1 =
- i2 =
- i = i1*256 + i2
- readbytes(handle,i)
- elseif a==9 then
- --readbytes(handle,5)
- type =
- i1 =
- i2 =
- i3 =
- i4 =
- i = i1*256*256*256 + i2*256*256 + i3*256 + i4
- for j=1,i do
- parse(, handle, false)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[Movement Functions]]--
- function forward()
- update("forward")
- while not turtle.forward() do
- turtle.dig()
- end
- end
- function up()
- update("up")
- while not turtle.up() do
- turtle.digUp()
- end
- end
- function down()
- update("down")
- while not turtle.down() do
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- end
- function right()
- update("right")
- turtle.turnRight()
- end
- function left()
- update("left")
- turtle.turnLeft()
- end
- function turn(dir)
- if face == "north" then
- if dir == "east" then
- while face ~= dir do
- right()
- end
- else
- while face ~= dir do
- left()
- end
- end
- elseif face == "east" then
- if dir == "south" then
- while face ~= dir do
- right()
- end
- else
- while face ~= dir do
- left()
- end
- end
- elseif face == "south" then
- if dir == "west" then
- while face ~= dir do
- right()
- end
- else
- while face ~= dir do
- left()
- end
- end
- elseif face == "west" then
- if dir == "north" then
- while face ~= dir do
- right()
- end
- else
- while face ~= dir do
- left()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function place()
- while not turtle.placeDown() do
- turtle.digDown()
- end
- return true
- end
- --[[Working Functions]]--
- function setup()
- a = 0
- while (a ~= nil) do
- a =
- parse(a, handle)
- end
- write("length: " .. length)
- write(" width: " .. width)
- write(" height: " .. height .. "\n")
- uniqueblocks={}
- for i,v in ipairs(blocks) do
- found = false
- for j,w in ipairs(uniqueblocks) do
- -- for now, data is only accounted for when the block is wool
- if (w.blockID==v and ([i] or w.blockID ~= 35)) then
- found = true
- w.amount = w.amount + 1
- break
- end
- end
- if found==false then
- uniqueblocks[#uniqueblocks+1] = {}
- uniqueblocks[#uniqueblocks].blockID = v
- uniqueblocks[#uniqueblocks].data = data[i]
- uniqueblocks[#uniqueblocks].amount = 1
- end
- end
- print("number of block types: " .. #uniqueblocks)
- for i,v in ipairs(uniqueblocks) do
- if (i%9)==0 then
- read()
- end
- print(" -" .. getBlockName(v.blockID, .. ": " .. v.amount)
- end
- read()
- print("Give the numbers of all slots containing the specified block type:")
- slots={}
- for i,block in ipairs(uniqueblocks) do
- blockData =
- print(" -in which slots is " .. getBlockName(block.blockID, blockData) .. "?")
- if not slots[block.blockID] then
- slots[block.blockID] = {}
- end
- slots[block.blockID][blockData] = {}
- write(" ")
- str = read()
- for i = 1, #str do
- local c = str:sub(i,i)
- n = tonumber(c)
- if(n) then
- if(n>0 and n<10) then
- table.insert(slots[block.blockID][blockData], n)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- invList = scanInv()
- end
- function run()
- print("Press key to start building...")
- read()
- --invList = scanInv()
- up()
- n = 1
- for x=1,height do
- for y=1,width do
- for z=1,length do
- blockID = getBlockId(x-1,y-1,z-1)
- blockData = getData(x-1,y-1,z-1)
- forward()
- turtle.digDown()
- slot_lst = slots[blockID][blockData]
- if(slot_lst ~= nil) then
- if(#slot_lst > 0) then
- local found=false
- for i,v in ipairs(slot_lst) do
- if(turtle.getItemCount(v) > 0) then
- found=true
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- print("Not enough " .. getBlockName(blockID, blockData) .. ". Please refill...")
- refill()
- end
- while turtle.getItemCount() == 0 do
- refill()
- end
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 200 then
- refill()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- left()
- forward()
- left()
- for i=1,length do
- forward()
- end
- right()
- right()
- end
- right()
- for i=1,width do
- forward()
- end
- left()
- up()
- end
- for i=1,height+1 do
- down()
- end
- end
- function findNextBlock(x,y,z)
- blockID = getBlockId(x,y,z)
- blockData = getData(x,y,z)
- if blockID then
- slot_lst = slots[blockID][blockData]
- if(slot_lst ~= nil) then
- if(#slot_lst > 0) then
- local found=false
- for i,v in ipairs(slot_lst) do
- if(turtle.getItemCount(v) > 0) then
- found=true
- break
- end
- end
- if not found then
- print("Not enough " .. getBlockName(blockID, blockData) .. ". Please refill...")
- refill()
- end
- while turtle.getItemCount() == 0 do
- refill()
- end
- local doubleCheck = turtle.getItemDetail()
- if ~= "EnderStorage:enderChest" then
- place()
- else
- findNextBlock(x,y,z)
- end
- end
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 200 then
- refill()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function oldIterate()
- --x,y,z = height,width,length
- if z < length then
- z = z + 1
- elseif z == length then
- z = 0
- if y < width then
- y = y + 1
- elseif y == width then
- y = 0
- if x < height then
- x = x + 1
- elseif x == height then
- x = 'max'
- y = 'max'
- z = 'max'
- end
- end
- end
- recordObj(x,y,z)
- end
- function check()
- if x%2==0 then
- evenx = true
- if y%2==0 then
- eveny = true
- else
- eveny = false
- end
- else
- evenx = false
- if y%2==0 then
- eveny = false
- else
- eveny = true
- end
- end
- end
- function iterate()
- check()
- if z == length and eveny then
- Yiterate()
- elseif z==length and (not eveny) then
- z = z - 1
- elseif z == 0 and eveny then
- z = z + 1
- elseif z == 0 and (not eveny) then
- Yiterate()
- elseif z < length then
- if eveny then
- z = z + 1
- else
- z = z - 1
- end
- end
- end
- function Yiterate()
- if evenx then
- if y < width then
- y = y + 1
- elseif y == width then
- if x < height then
- x = x + 1
- end
- end
- else
- if y == 0 then
- if x < height then
- x = x + 1
- end
- else
- y=y-1
- end
- end
- end
- function checkIfAir()
- while true do
- iterate()
- blockID2 = getBlockId(x,y,z)
- blockData2 = getData(x,y,z)
- slot_2nd = slots[blockID2][blockData2]
- if slot_2nd then
- if #slot_2nd > 0 then
- recordObj(x,y,z)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function autorun()
- --get the current coords
- --get the iterater/goal block location
- while true do
- goto(x,y,z)
- findNextBlock(x,y,z)
- checkIfAir()
- end
- end
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