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- .............................. Time for some fucking news, you fucking niggers.
- Testing...
- Testing...
- Testing...
- Testing...
- Test 1...
- Test 2...
- Test 3...
- Test complete... Let's see if Joe Biden admits to having a gay affair this time.
- Poll: 70% of Likely Voters Describe Themselves as ‘America First,’ 19% as ‘Socialist’
- A veteran carries an American flag as he marches on the street May 27, 2019 during the 152nd Memorial Day Parade in the New York City borough of Brooklyn. - The Kings County Parade is one of the oldest Memorial Day Parades in the nation. (Photo by Johannes EISELE / …
- Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, the overwhelming majority of likely voters say they believe in the doctrine of “America First” when it comes to national public policy, a new poll reveals.
- House Democrat Jeff Van Drew Signals He’s Not Voting for Pelosi’s Impeachment Bill
- Impeachment Omen: First Democrat Breaks Ranks
- Republicans Unanimous in Opposition
- 0
- Dems Mulling Public Impeachment Hearings Before Thanksgiving
- 0
- Schumer: I Worry Trump Might Want Shutdown to Distract from Impeachment
- Schumer: I Worry Trump Might Want Shutdown to Distract from Impeachment
- 0
- Arizona Democrat Party Chair: President Trump ‘Has Aligned Himself with ISIS’
- 0
- MSNBC’s Wallace Calls Laura Ingraham, John Yoo, Sean Duffy ‘Chickensh*t’ for Attacking Vindman
- MSNBC’s Wallace Calls Laura Ingraham, John Yoo, Sean Duffy ‘Chickensh*t’ for Attacking Vindman
- 0
- Rep. Jordan: Schiff Directed Vindman Not to Answer Certain Questions from Republicans
- Rep. Jordan: Schiff Directed Vindman Not to Answer Certain Questions from Republicans
- 0
- Joni Ernst Unveils SWAG Act to Cut Wasteful Government Spending on Fidget Spinners, Mascots, Koozies
- Exclusive: Sen. Ernst Unveils SWAG Act to Cut Wasteful Government Spending
- As Debt Balloons, Tax Payers Fund Coloring Books, Fidget Spinners, Snuggies
- Steny Hoyer Won’t Commit to Floor Vote on Impeachment Proceedings
- 👻 Trick or Treat?🎃: Hoyer Won’t Commit to Halloween Vote on Impeachment Proceedings
- 0
- Nevada Sheriff Facing Recall over His Plans to Enforce Red Flag Law
- 0
- Beto ☘️️ : Baghdadi Raid Succeeded ‘Despite’ Trump
- Impeachment Unpopular in Battleground States
- Impeachment Unpopular in Battleground States
- Italy: Tunisian Attacks Woman on Street Because He Wanted to “Scar an Italian Woman”
- Charles Martel
- A true go-getter, this haji.
- Negro Sought After 18-Year-Old White Murder Defendant is Killed at Party Shooting
- Charles Martel
- Oklahoma City: Gook-Looking Wetback on Trial for Shooting His White Wife to Death
- Charles Martel
- UK: Half-Caste Beats Up White Teen on Street, Steals His Wallet
- Charles Martel
- Texas: Execution Date Set for Missing Link Who Strangled White Woman to Death in 1996
- Charles Martel
- Second Chimpanzee Wanted for Homicide of White Woman at Colorado Motel
- Charles Martel
- UK: Wog Gets Life in Jail for 30-Year Reign of TNB
- Charles Martel
- Florida: Trio of Colorfuls Arrested Over Shooting Death of White Fireman Outside Hotel
- ... Well penis...
- Time for the weather.
- .....
- OCT 30
- Rain/Thunder
- 53°34°
- 60%
- N 19 mph 87%
- OCT 31
- Sunny
- 57°31°
- 0%
- N 18 mph 43%
- NOV 1
- Sunny
- 64°41°
- 0%
- SE 6 mph 41%
- NOV 2
- Partly Cloudy
- 63°38°
- 0%
- N 13 mph 53%
- NOV 3
- Partly Cloudy
- 66°47°
- 10%
- SE 7 mph 54%
- NOV 4
- Partly Cloudy
- 76°58°
- 20%
- SSE 10 mph 67%
- NOV 5
- Mostly Cloudy
- 80°57°
- 20%
- SSE 8 mph 71%
- NOV 6
- Mostly Cloudy
- 74°54°
- 20%
- NE 9 mph 69%
- NOV 7
- Partly Cloudy
- 75°57°
- 20%
- E 8 mph 63%
- NOV 8
- Scattered Thunderstorms
- 75°53°
- 40%
- ESE 9 mph 76%
- NOV 9
- Showers
- 69°51°
- 40%
- NNE 9 mph 75%
- NOV 10
- Showers
- 69°52°
- 40%
- E 9 mph 72%
- NOV 11
- AM Showers
- 69°54°
- 30%
- E 9 mph 71%
- NOV 12
- AM Showers
- 71°55°
- 40%
- SE 9 mph 71%
- NOV 13
- Partly Cloudy
- 72°55°
- 20%
- SW 11 mph 69%
- ..........
- Current threat: The pumpkin headed man. 🎃
- ..........
- Lowti3rgod
- Low Tier God YouTube Favicon.png sparrow25, (Dale Emanuel Wilson), is a lolcow ragequitter that roams in the bowels of the Street Fighter online gaming network . Appropriately renamed "The Black DSP" (or "DarkerSydePhil" since he loves to cry RACISS whenever someone says 'black'). His signature threatening behavior is one of his more known reactions, where he tries to intimidate others with physical and psychological violence mixed with huge quantities of foam at the mouth verbal abuse, aka a chimp.
- .......
- Well me hearties, shiver me niggers!
- .......
- Time for some funny quotes.
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- [02:46am] [+oc] earlier when my video card wasnt working i started crying seriously
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- <kisama> and i'm feeling invisible, you can't see me anywhere.
- *** kisama was kicked by Amanda^_^ (ensuring your invisibility)
- ..........
- John Adams (October 30, 1735 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, attorney, diplomat, writer, and Founding Father who served as the second president of the United States from 1797 to 1801. Before his presidency, he was a leader of the American Revolution that achieved independence from Great Britain, and he served as the first vice president of the United States. Adams was a dedicated diarist and regularly corresponded with many important figures in early American history, including his wife and adviser, Abigail. His letters and other papers serve as an important source of historical information about the era.
- This picture is a line engraving of Adams, produced around 1902 by the Department of the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) as part of a BEP presentation album of the first 26 presidents.
- Engraving credit: Bureau of Engraving and Printing; restored by Andrew Shiva
- .........
- Well that's it. I'm going to go to the Louvre and yell at some gay french people.
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