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- -- VirtualFSLayer
- -- Modes of operation:
- -- -1: No FS loaded
- -- 0: RAM Filesystem (no flush)
- -- 1: Unencrypted Filesystem
- -- 2: Encrypted Filesystem
- -- 3: Networked Filesystem
- local canUseEncryptedFS = true
- local canUseNFS = true
- local canUsePasswordedNFS = true
- if (not base64) and (not os.loadAPI("base64")) then
- if http then
- local h = http.get("")
- if h then
- local data = h.readAll()
- h.close()
- local f ="base64", "w")
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- if not os.loadAPI("base64") then
- error("Could not load base64 API!")
- end
- else
- error("Could not load base64 API!")
- end
- else
- error("Could not load base64 API!")
- end
- end
- -- We can't really protect against adversaries modifying the libraries themselves. Oh well.
- if (not AES) and (not os.loadAPI("AES")) then
- canUseEncryptedFS = false
- print("Encrypted FS disabled; could not load AES library.")
- end
- if (not SHA1) and (not os.loadAPI("SHA1")) then
- canUseNFS = false
- print("NetFS disabled; could not load SHA1 library.")
- end
- if (not SHA2) and (not os.loadAPI("SHA2")) then
- canUsePasswordedNFS = false
- print("Passworded NetFS disabled; could not load SHA2 library.")
- end
- local sides = rs.getSides()
- local modem = false
- for i=1, 6 do
- if peripheral.isPresent(sides[i]) and (peripheral.getType(sides[i]) == "modem") then
- modem = peripheral.wrap(sides[i])
- break
- end
- end
- if not modem then
- canUseNFS = false
- print("NetFS disabled; could not find modem.")
- end
- local fileCache = {
- files = {},
- dirs = { [""] = {} },
- } -- list of files contained in the mounted filesystem
- local locks = {} -- list of file locks
- local modTimestamps = {} -- File mod timestamps
- local mountPath = "" -- Folder that the encrypted file is "mounted" to
- local loadedFile = "" -- path to the file storing the files
- local key = {}
- local mode = -1
- local oldFSOpen =
- local oldFSDelete = fs.delete
- local oldFSMakeDir = fs.makeDir
- local oldFSList = fs.list
- local oldFSExists = fs.exists
- local oldFSIsDir = fs.isDir
- local oldFSGetDrive = fs.getDrive
- local oldFSMove = fs.move
- local oldFSCopy = fs.copy
- local NFSTimeout = 60
- local NFSIdent = "NetFS"
- local NFSChannel = 0xDA7A
- local NFSCredential = {}
- local NFSChecksums = {}
- local NFSServer = -1
- if modem then
- end
- function flush(verbose)
- if loadedFile ~= "" then
- local fCacheCopy = { -- file cache copy, for writing to disk.
- files = {},
- dirs = fileCache.dirs,
- }
- for file, contents in pairs(fileCache.files) do
- local rawData = {string.byte(contents, 1, #contents)}
- local out = ""
- local isBinary = false
- for i=1, #contents do
- local byte = string.byte(contents, i, i)
- if (byte < 0x20) or (byte > 0x7E) then
- out = "BINARY:"
- isBinary = true
- break
- end
- out = out..string.sub(contents, i, i)
- end
- if isBinary then
- out = out..base64.encode(rawData)
- end
- fCacheCopy.files[file] = out
- end
- if mode == 2 then
- if verbose then
- print("1. Preprocessing..")
- end
- local iv = {}
- for i=1, 16 do
- iv[i] = math.random(0, 255)
- end
- --local ivStr = base64.encode(iv)
- local pText = {}
- local pText_str = textutils.serialize(fCacheCopy)
- local lastPause = os.clock()
- for i=1, #pText_str do
- pText[i] = string.byte(pText_str, i, i)
- if (os.clock() - lastPause) >= 2.90 then -- Only pause when necessary
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- lastPause = os.clock()
- end
- end
- if verbose then
- print("2. Encrypting..")
- end
- local cText = AES.encrypt_bytestream(pText, key, iv)
- --local cText_str = base64.encode(cText)
- local file =, "wb")
- --file.write(ivStr..":"..cText_str)
- for i=1, 16 do
- file.write(iv[i])
- end
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- local lastPause = os.clock()
- if verbose then
- print("3. Writing..")
- end
- local _, y = term.getCursorPos()
- for i=1, #cText do
- if verbose then
- term.setCursorPos(1, y)
- term.clearLine()
- write(math.floor((i/#cText)*100).."% done.")
- end
- file.write(cText[i])
- if (os.clock() - lastPause) >= 2.90 then
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- lastPause = os.clock()
- end
- end
- file.close()
- elseif mode == 1 then
- local file =, "w")
- local data = textutils.serialize(fCacheCopy)
- file.write(data)
- file.close()
- elseif mode == 3 then
- -- NFS sync method:
- -- Step1 / C->S: Request to connect
- -- Step2 / S->C: Send challenge
- -- Step3 / C->S: Send response
- -- Step4 / S->C: Get SHA1 hash of all files on local store,
- -- Client: Check which versions differ,
- -- Step5 / C->S: transmit newer versions if necessary and list of files to get
- -- Client: Write their versions of files to cache if necessary.
- -- Step6 / S->C: transmit newer versions if necessary.
- local function compareTimestamps(ts1, ts2)
- if ts1[1] == ts2[1] then
- return (ts1[2] > ts2[2])
- else
- if ts1[1] > ts2[1] then
- return true
- elseif ts1[1] < ts2[1] then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- if verbose then
- print("Calculating file checksums...")
- end
- NFSChecksums = {}
- local nChecksums = 0
- local cksumItr = 0
- for i,v in pairs(fCacheCopy.files) do
- nChecksums = nChecksums+1
- end
- for i,v in pairs(fCacheCopy.files) do
- cksumItr = cksumItr+1
- NFSChecksums[i] = SHA1.digest2str(SHA1.digestStr(v))
- if verbose then
- print("File "..cksumItr.."/"..nChecksums..": "..i)
- end
- os.sleep(0)
- end
- --print("Done calculating file checksums.")
- local state = 1
- if verbose then print("NFS Server: "..NFSServer) end
- --print("Sending step 1...")
- modem.transmit(NFSChannel, NFSChannel, textutils.serialize({NFSIdent, os.computerID(), NFSServer, "Step1"}))
- --print("Sent step 1.")
- local timer = os.startTimer(NFSTimeout)
- local challenge = false
- local serverHashes = {}
- while true do
- local event, side, sCh, rCh, msg = os.pullEvent()
- if event == "timer" then
- if side == timer then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Sync: Server timed out.", 2)
- end
- elseif event == "modem_message" then
- msg = textutils.unserialize(msg)
- if type(msg) == "table" then
- if (msg[1] == NFSIdent) and (msg[3] == os.computerID()) and (msg[2] == NFSServer) then
- if state == 1 then
- if msg[4] == "Step2" then
- if verbose then
- print("Got step 2 response.")
- end
- state = 2
- challenge = msg[4]
- local response = {}
- for i=1, #NFSCredential do
- response[i] = NFSCredential[i]
- end
- for i=1, #challenge do
- table.insert(response, challenge[i])
- end
- response = SHA2.digest(response)
- --print("Sending step 3...")
- modem.transmit(NFSChannel, NFSChannel, textutils.serialize({NFSIdent, os.computerID(), NFSServer, "Step3", response}))
- --print("Sent step 3.")
- elseif msg[4] == "Step4" then
- if verbose then print("Skipping to step 4.") end
- state = 4
- serverHashes = msg[5]
- local serverTimestamps = msg[6]
- local filesToSend = {}
- local filesToGet = {}
- for i,v in pairs(NFSChecksums) do
- if serverHashes[i] ~= v then
- if serverHashes[i] == nil then
- if verbose then print("Our version of "..i.." is a new file.") end
- filesToSend[i] = fileCache.files[i]
- else
- if modTimestamps[i] then
- if verbose then print("Server timestamp is "..serverTimestamps[i][1].."/"..serverTimestamps[i][2]) end
- if verbose then print("Our timestamp is "..modTimestamps[i][1].."/"..modTimestamps[i][2]) end
- if compareTimestamps(modTimestamps[i], serverTimestamps[i]) then -- Our version is newer
- if verbose then print("Our version of "..i.." is newer.") end
- filesToSend[i] = fCacheCopy.files[i]
- else
- if verbose then print("Server version of "..i.." is newer.") end
- filesToGet[i] = true -- Their version is newer
- end
- else -- assume their version is newer
- if verbose then print("Server version of "..i.." is apparently a new file.") end
- filesToGet[i] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(serverHashes) do
- local file = i
- file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(file, 1, 1) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 2) end
- if string.sub(file, #file, #file) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 1, #file-1) end
- if (not NFSChecksums[i]) or (not fileCache.files[file]) then
- filesToGet[i] = true
- end
- end
- --print("Sending step 5...")
- modem.transmit(NFSChannel, NFSChannel, textutils.serialize({NFSIdent, os.computerID(), NFSServer, "Step5", filesToSend, filesToGet}))
- --print("Sent step 5.")
- end
- elseif state == 2 then
- if msg[4] == "Step4" then
- if verbose then print("Got step 4 response.") end
- state = 4
- serverHashes = msg[5]
- local serverTimestamps = msg[6]
- local filesToSend = {}
- local filesToGet = {}
- for i,v in pairs(NFSChecksums) do
- if serverHashes[i] ~= v then
- if serverHashes[i] == nil then
- if verbose then print("Our version of "..i.." is a new file.") end
- filesToSend[i] = fileCache.files[i]
- else
- if modTimestamps[i] then
- if verbose then print("Server timestamp is "..serverTimestamps[i][1].."/"..serverTimestamps[i][2]) end
- if verbose then print("Our timestamp is "..modTimestamps[i][1].."/"..modTimestamps[i][2]) end
- if compareTimestamps(modTimestamps[i], serverTimestamps[i]) then -- Our version is newer
- if verbose then print("Our version of "..i.." is newer.") end
- filesToSend[i] = fCacheCopy.files[i]
- else
- if verbose then print("Server version of "..i.." is newer.") end
- filesToGet[i] = true -- Their version is newer
- end
- else -- assume their version is newer
- if verbose then print("Server version of "..i.." is apparently a new file.") end
- filesToGet[i] = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(serverHashes) do
- local file = i
- file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(file, 1, 1) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 2) end
- if string.sub(file, #file, #file) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 1, #file-1) end
- if (not NFSChecksums[i]) or (not fileCache.files[file]) then
- filesToGet[i] = true
- end
- end
- --print("Sending step 5...")
- modem.transmit(NFSChannel, NFSChannel, textutils.serialize({NFSIdent, os.computerID(), NFSServer, "Step5", filesToSend, filesToGet}))
- --print("Sent step 5.")
- elseif msg[4] == "AuthFailure" then
- error("NFS-Sync: Authentication failure", 2)
- end
- elseif state == 4 then
- if msg[4] == "Step6" then
- if verbose then print("Got step 6 response.") end
- local fSendData = msg[5]
- for i,v in pairs(fSendData) do
- local file = i
- file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(file, 1, 1) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 2) end
- if string.sub(file, #file, #file) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 1, #file-1) end
- if string.sub(v, 1, 7) == "BINARY:" then
- local data = base64.decode(string.sub(v, 8))
- fileCache.files[file] = ""
- for i2=1, #data do
- fileCache.files[file] = fileCache.files[file]..string.char(data[i2])
- end
- else
- fileCache.files[file] = v
- end
- end
- return
- end
- end
- timer = os.startTimer(NFSTimeout)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Flush: No file has been loaded.", 2)
- end
- end
- function unmount()
- if mode >= 1 then
- flush()
- end
- mode = -1
- key = {}
- mountPath = ""
- locks = {}
- fileCache = { dirs = { [""] = {} }, files = {} }
- end
- function mount(mtPath, file, k)
- if file then
- file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(file, 1, 1) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 2) end
- if string.sub(file, #file, #file) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 1, #file-1) end
- end
- mtPath = string.gsub(mtPath, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(mtPath, 1, 1) == "/" then mtPath = string.sub(mtPath, 2) end
- if string.sub(mtPath, #mtPath, #mtPath) == "/" then mtPath = string.sub(mtPath, 1, #mtPath-1) end
- if mtPath == "" then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Cannot mount directly to root folder!", 2)
- end
- if oldFSExists(mtPath) then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Mount path already exists!", 2)
- end
- if loadedFile ~= "" then
- unmount() -- Unload the current file before loading a new one
- end
- if canUseNFS and (string.sub(file, 1, 2) == "c:") then
- print("Mounting NFS...")
- NFSCredential = {}
- if type(k) == "string" then
- for i=1, #k do
- NFSCredential[i] = string.byte(k, i, i)
- end
- elseif type(k) == "table" then
- for i=1, #k do
- NFSCredential[i] = k[i]
- end
- elseif type(k) ~= "nil" then
- error("NFS-Mount: Invalid password type.", 2)
- end
- if (#NFSCredential > 0) and (not canUsePasswordedNFS) then
- error("NFS-Mount: Cannot use passworded NFS!", 2)
- end
- NFSServer = tonumber(string.sub(file, 3))
- if not NFSServer then
- error("NFS-Mount: Invalid server.", 2)
- end
- fileCache = {
- files = {},
- dirs = { [""] = {} },
- }
- loadedFile = file
- mountPath = mtPath
- mode = 3
- print("Performing inital sync...")
- flush() -- Sync with server
- return
- end
- if canUseEncryptedFS and k then
- if type(k) == "string" then
- if SHA2 then
- _, k = SHA2.digestStr(k)
- k = SHA2.hashToBytes(k)
- else
- local t = {}
- for i=1, #k do
- t[i] = string.byte(k, i, i)
- end
- k = t
- end
- elseif type(k) ~= "table" then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Needs a string or table as a key!", 2)
- end
- end
- key = {}
- if canUseEncryptedFS and k then
- for i=1, #k do
- if (type(k[i]) == "number") and ((k[i] >= 0) and (k[i] <= 255)) then
- table.insert(key, k[i])
- end
- end
- if #key < 16 then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Not enough keying data!", 2)
- end
- end
- if canUseEncryptedFS and k and file then
- mode = 2
- elseif file then
- mode = 1
- else
- mode = 0
- end
- if file and fs.exists(file) then
- --print(fData)
- -- File format: [iv (16 bytes / 24 when base64 encoded)]:[encrypted data]
- if canUseEncryptedFS and k then
- local iv = {}
- local encData = {}
- local f =, "rb")
- -- Load the IV:
- for i=1, 16 do
- local byte =
- if byte then
- table.insert(iv, byte)
- else
- f.close()
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Invalid file loaded!", 2)
- end
- end
- -- Pause for a bit, and reset the "watchdog" timer:
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- local lastPause = os.clock()
- -- Read the the encrypted data:
- while true do
- local byte =
- if byte then
- table.insert(encData, byte)
- else
- break
- end
- if (os.clock() - lastPause) >= 2.90 then
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- lastPause = os.clock()
- end
- end
- f.close()
- print("Loaded data!")
- --local iv = base64.decode(string.sub(fData, 1, 24))
- --local encData = base64.decode(string.sub(fData, 26))
- local decData = AES.decrypt_bytestream(encData, key, iv)
- local decFileCache = textutils.unserialize(string.char(unpack(decData)))
- if type(decFileCache) ~= "table" then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Could not decrypt file!", 2)
- end
- for file, contents in pairs(decFileCache) do
- if string.sub(contents, 1, 7) == "BINARY:" then
- decFileCache.files[file] = string.char(unpack(base64.decode(string.sub(contents, 8))))
- end
- end
- fileCache = decFileCache
- else
- local f =, "r")
- local fData = f.readAll()
- f.close()
- local lFileCache = textutils.unserialize(fData)
- if type(lFileCache) ~= "table" then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-Mount: Invalid file loaded!", 2)
- end
- for file, contents in pairs(lFileCache.files) do
- if string.sub(contents, 1, 7) == "BINARY:" then
- lFileCache.files[file] = string.char(unpack(base64.decode(string.sub(contents, 8))))
- end
- end
- fileCache = lFileCache
- end
- end
- loadedFile = file or ""
- mountPath = mtPath
- end
- function unload() -- Remove the hooks we've installed into the FS API. It's up to the caller to unload the API itself.
- if mode ~= -1 then
- unmount()
- end
- = oldFSOpen
- fs.delete = oldFSDelete
- fs.makeDir = oldFSMakeDir
- fs.list = oldFSList
- fs.exists = oldFSExists
- fs.isDir = oldFSIsDir
- fs.getDrive = oldFSGetDrive
- fs.move = oldFSMove
- fs.copy = oldFSCopy
- end
- function makeNFS(server, k) -- mode change to 3
- if canUseNFS then
- key = {}
- print("Mounting NFS...")
- NFSCredential = {}
- if type(k) == "string" then
- for i=1, #k do
- NFSCredential[i] = string.byte(k, i, i)
- end
- elseif type(k) == "table" then
- for i=1, #k do
- NFSCredential[i] = k[i]
- end
- elseif type(k) ~= "nil" then
- error("NFS-Mount: Invalid password type.", 2)
- end
- if (#NFSCredential > 0) and (not canUsePasswordedNFS) then
- error("NFS-Mount: Cannot use passworded NFS!", 2)
- end
- NFSServer = server
- if not NFSServer then
- error("NFS-Mount: Invalid server.", 2)
- end
- loadedFile = "c:"..server
- mode = 3
- print("Performing inital sync...")
- flush() -- Sync with server
- end
- end
- function makeEncrypted(k) -- mode change to 2
- if not canUseEncryptedFS then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-makeEncrypted: Cannot use encrypted filesystem!", 2)
- end
- if type(k) == "string" then
- if SHA2 then
- _, k = SHA2.digestStr(k)
- k = SHA2.hashToBytes(k)
- else
- local t = {}
- for i=1, #k do
- t[i] = string.byte(k, i, i)
- end
- k = t
- end
- elseif type(k) ~= "table" then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-makeEncrypted: Needs a string or table as a key!", 2)
- end
- key = {}
- for i=1, #k do
- if (type(k[i]) == "number") and ((k[i] >= 0) and (k[i] <= 255)) then
- table.insert(key, k[i])
- end
- end
- if #key < 16 then
- error("VirtualFSLayer-makeEncrypted: Not enough keying data!", 2)
- end
- mode = 2
- end
- function makeUnencrypted() -- mode change to 1
- mode = 1
- key = {}
- end
- function makeMemdisk() -- mode change to 0
- mode = 0
- key = {}
- loadedFile = ""
- end
- function getMountPath()
- return mountPath
- end
- function getLoadedFile()
- return loadedFile
- end
- function setLoadedFile(file)
- loadedFile = file
- end
- function getMode()
- return mode
- end
- local function updateDirTables() -- Update fileCache.dirs
- for i,v in pairs(fileCache.dirs) do
- fileCache.dirs[i] = {}
- end
- for i,v in pairs(fileCache.files) do
- if i == fs.getName(i) then -- Bit of a hack, to make files directly inside the mount path work
- table.insert(fileCache.dirs[""], i)
- else
- --print(i)
- local fileBasePath = string.sub(i, 1, (#i - #fs.getName(i))-1)
- --print(fileBasePath)
- if type(fileCache.dirs[fileBasePath]) == "table" then
- table.insert(fileCache.dirs[fileBasePath], fs.getName(i))
- end
- end
- end
- for i,v in pairs(fileCache.dirs) do
- if i == fs.getName(i) then
- table.insert(fileCache.dirs[""], i)
- else
- --print(i)
- local fileBasePath = string.sub(i, 1, (#i - #fs.getName(i))-1)
- --print(fileBasePath)
- if (type(fileCache.dirs[fileBasePath]) == "table") and (fileBasePath ~= i) then
- table.insert(fileCache.dirs[fileBasePath], fs.getName(i))
- end
- end
- end
- end
- = function(file, mode)
- -- force paths to a "standard" format:
- file = string.gsub(file, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(file, 1, 1) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 2) end
- if string.sub(file, #file, #file) == "/" then file = string.sub(file, 1, #file-1) end
- local isInMountedPath = false
- if mode ~= -1 then -- we don't have anything loaded yet, skip the special handling:
- isInMountedPath = ((string.sub(file, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= ""))
- if isInMountedPath then
- local mountSubpath = string.sub(file, #mountPath+2)
- if not locks[mountSubpath] then
- local fileObject = { vfs = true }
- fileObject.internal = fileCache.files[mountSubpath] or ""
- fileObject.ptr = 1
- fileObject.fileHandleIdent = math.random(0, 0xFFFF)
- locks[mountSubpath] = fileObject.fileHandleIdent
- fileObject.close = function()
- if locks[mountSubpath] == fileObject.fileHandleIdent then -- Keep us from writing to the cache twice
- if fileCache.files[mountSubpath] ~= fileObject.internal then
- modTimestamps[mountSubpath] = {, os.time()}
- end
- fileCache.files[mountSubpath] = fileObject.internal
- locks[mountSubpath] = nil
- end
- end
- if string.sub(mode, 1, 1) == "r" then
- if string.sub(mode, 2, 2) == "b" then
- = function()
- fileObject.ptr = fileObject.ptr+1
- return string.byte(fileObject.internal, fileObject.ptr-1, fileObject.ptr-1)
- end
- else
- fileObject.readAll = function()
- local ret = string.sub(fileObject.ptr, #fileObject.internal)
- fileObject.ptr = #fileObject.internal+1
- if ret == "" then
- ret = nil
- end
- return ret
- end
- fileObject.readLine = function()
- local stPtr = fileObject.ptr
- for i=fileObject.ptr, #fileObject.internal do
- if (string.sub(fileObject.internal, i, i) == "\n") or (string.sub(fileObject.internal, i, i) == "") then
- fileObject.ptr = i+1
- return string.sub(fileObject.internal, stPtr, i-1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif (string.sub(mode, 1, 1) == "w") or (string.sub(mode, 1, 1) == "a") then
- if string.sub(mode, 1, 1) == "w" then
- fileObject.internal = ""
- end
- if string.sub(mode, 2, 2) == "b" then
- fileObject.write = function(b)
- fileObject.internal = fileObject.internal..string.char(b)
- end
- else
- fileObject.writeLine = function(t)
- fileObject.internal = fileObject.internal..t..'\n'
- end
- fileObject.write = function(t)
- fileObject.internal = fileObject.internal..t
- end
- end
- end
- return fileObject
- end
- end
- end
- return oldFSOpen(file, mode)
- end
- fs.exists = function(path)
- path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 2) end
- if string.sub(path, #path, #path) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end
- if ((string.sub(path, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- return ((fileCache.files[string.sub(path, #mountPath+2)] ~= nil) or (fileCache.dirs[string.sub(path, #mountPath+2)] ~= nil))
- else
- return oldFSExists(path)
- end
- end
- fs.isDir = function(path)
- path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 2) end
- if string.sub(path, #path, #path) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end
- if ((string.sub(path, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- return (fs.exists(path) and (fileCache.dirs[string.sub(path, #mountPath+2)] ~= nil))
- else
- return oldFSIsDir(path)
- end
- end
- fs.makeDir = function(dir)
- dir = string.gsub(dir, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(dir, 1, 1) == "/" then dir = string.sub(dir, 2) end
- if string.sub(dir, #dir, #dir) == "/" then dir = string.sub(dir, 1, #dir-1) end -- Strip first and last characters if they're slashes: '/a/b/c/' becomes 'a/b/c'
- if ((string.sub(dir, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- if not fileCache.dirs[string.sub(dir, #mountPath+2)] then
- fileCache.dirs[string.sub(dir, #mountPath+2)] = {}
- end
- else
- oldFSMakeDir(dir)
- end
- end
- fs.delete = function(path)
- path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 2) end
- if string.sub(path, #path, #path) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end
- if ((string.sub(path, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- if fs.isDir(path) then
- fileCache.dirs[string.sub(path, #mountPath+2)] = nil
- else
- fileCache.files[string.sub(path, #mountPath+2)] = nil
- end
- else
- oldFSDelete(path)
- end
- end
- fs.getDrive = function(path)
- path = string.gsub(path, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(path, 1, 1) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 2) end
- if string.sub(path, #path, #path) == "/" then path = string.sub(path, 1, #path-1) end
- if ((string.sub(path, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- return "virtual filesystem"
- else
- return oldFSGetDrive(path)
- end
- end
- fs.list = function(dir)
- dir = string.gsub(dir, "\\", "/")
- if string.sub(dir, 1, 1) == "/" then dir = string.sub(dir, 2) end
- if string.sub(dir, #dir, #dir) == "/" then dir = string.sub(dir, 1, #dir-1) end
- if ((string.sub(dir, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (mountPath ~= "")) then
- if fileCache.dirs[string.sub(dir, #mountPath+2)] then
- updateDirTables()
- local list = {}
- for i=1, #fileCache.dirs[string.sub(dir, #mountPath+2)] do
- list[i] = fileCache.dirs[string.sub(dir, #mountPath+2)][i]
- end
- return list
- end
- else
- local list = oldFSList(dir)
- if ((dir ~= "") and (dir.."/"..fs.getName(mountPath) == mountPath)) or ((dir == "") and (fs.getName(mountPath) == mountPath)) then
- table.insert(list, fs.getName(mountPath))
- end
- return list
- end
- return {}
- end
- fs.copy = function(oldPath, newPath)
- if not (fs.exists(oldPath) and (not fs.exists(newPath))) then
- return
- end
- if mode ~= -1 then
- if (string.sub(oldPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (string.sub(newPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) then -- copying from the cache to itself
- fileCache.files[string.sub(newPath, #mountPath+2)] = fileCache.files[string.sub(oldPath, #mountPath+2)]
- elseif (string.sub(oldPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) and (not (string.sub(newPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath)) then -- copying from the cache to disk
- local file =, "wb")
- local lastPause = os.clock()
- for i=1, #fileCache.files[string.sub(oldPath, #mountPath+2)] do
- file.write(string.byte(fileCache.files[string.sub(oldPath, #mountPath+2)], i, i))
- if (os.clock() - lastPause) >= 2.90 then
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- lastPause = os.clock()
- end
- end
- file.close()
- elseif (not (string.sub(oldPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath)) and (string.sub(newPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) then -- copying from disk to the cache
- local file =, "rb")
- fileCache.files[string.sub(newPath, #mountPath+2)] = ""
- local lastPause = os.clock()
- while true do
- local byte =
- if not byte then
- file.close()
- break
- end
- fileCache.files[string.sub(newPath, #mountPath+2)] = fileCache.files[string.sub(newPath, #mountPath+2)]..string.char(byte)
- if (os.clock() - lastPause) >= 2.90 then
- os.queueEvent("")
- os.pullEvent("")
- lastPause = os.clock()
- end
- end
- else -- copying from disk to disk
- oldFSCopy(oldPath, newPath)
- end
- else -- again, disk->disk copy
- oldFSCopy(oldPath, newPath)
- end
- end
- fs.move = function(oldPath, newPath)
- if not (fs.exists(oldPath) and (not fs.exists(newPath))) then
- return
- end
- if (((string.sub(oldPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath) or (string.sub(newPath, 1, #mountPath) == mountPath)) and (mountPath ~= "")) then -- moving to or from the cache
- fs.copy(oldPath, newPath)
- fs.delete(oldPath)
- else
- oldFSMove(oldPath, newPath)
- end
- end
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