

Apr 25th, 2010
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  1. 10[10:40] * Unknown29632 ( has joined #xbnc
  2. 10[10:40] * silver_axe77 ( has joined #xbnc
  3. 10[10:41] * silver_axe77 is now known as Unknown51103
  4. 10[10:42] * Nick_Numbers ( has joined #xbnc
  5. 10[10:43] * Jords ( has joined #xbnc
  6. 10[10:43] * Joord`bnc ( has joined #xbnc
  7. 10[10:43] * Ryan|Gone ( has joined #xbnc
  8. 10[10:44] * Breaker|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  9. 10[10:44] * Ryan|Gone is now known as Unknown49150
  10. 10[10:45] * SpiderPiggy is now known as Piggy|Sleeping
  11. 10[10:45] * |Ryan is now known as Ryan``AfK
  12. 10[10:45] * Pyker ( has joined #xbnc
  13. 10[10:46] * NumbaAfkish`BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  14. 10[10:46] * Unknown42630 ( has joined #xbnc
  15. 10[10:46] * hmg|away ( has joined #xbnc
  16. 10[10:46] * [R]iccmaster ( has joined #xbnc
  17. 10[10:46] * Jaimy|Away ( has joined #xbnc
  18. 10[10:47] * den[food] is now known as denikids
  19. 10[10:48] * freeh2o ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  20. 10[10:48] * kratosz[BNC] ( has joined #xbnc
  21. 10[10:48] * Aron ( has joined #xbnc
  22. 10[10:48] * DiseAFK ( has joined #xbnc
  23. 10[10:48] * `Tony` ( has joined #xbnc
  24. 10[10:48] * Lacrimas_ ( has joined #xbnc
  25. 10[10:48] * Khenan_ ( has joined #xbnc
  26. 10[10:48] * Ryan|AGS_Turmoil (~ugo@E0336B7B:2E4B549A:EF0BF3E5:IP) has joined #xbnc
  27. 10[10:48] * Led-Zeppelin ( has joined #xbnc
  28. 10[10:48] * naim|busy ( has joined #xbnc
  29. 10[10:48] * Yop|Somewhere ( has joined #xbnc
  30. 10[10:48] * heavenshood|away ( has joined #xbnc
  31. 10[10:48] * ```Aaron ( has joined #xbnc
  32. 10[10:48] * Lacrimas_ is now known as Pwned
  33. 10[10:48] * WolFeYeZ ( has joined #xbnc
  34. 10[10:48] * Dad_In_A_Cactus ( has joined #xbnc
  35. 10[10:48] * Banny|bnc ( has joined #xbnc
  36. 10[10:48] * dRicho[AFK] ( has joined #xbnc
  37. 10[10:48] * Jul`BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  38. 10[10:48] * freeh2o ( has joined #xbnc
  39. 10[10:48] * [Leo|AfK] ( has joined #xbnc
  40. 10[10:48] * [Trump] ( has joined #xbnc
  41. 10[10:48] * noobie|xBNC ( has joined #xbnc
  42. 10[10:48] * iRcbow ( has joined #xbnc
  43. 10[10:48] * Zak`bnc ( has joined #xbnc
  44. 10[10:48] * Skinnyskinny ( has joined #xbnc
  45. 10[10:48] * TheNitin ( has joined #xbnc
  46. 10[10:48] * TheNitin ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  47. 10[10:48] * dskimmyx ( has joined #xbnc
  48. 10[10:48] * Mfgdjyb ( has joined #xbnc
  49. 10[10:48] * xBNC5 ( has joined #xbnc
  50. 10[10:48] * Pwned ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  51. 10[10:48] * Vivid[Away] ( has joined #xbnc
  52. 10[10:48] * WotIsRS ( has joined #xbnc
  53. 10[10:48] * Aron is now known as Unknown27597
  54. 10[10:48] * `Tony` is now known as Unknown63933
  55. 10[10:48] * xBNC5 ( Quit (Quit: Requested.)
  56. 10[10:49] * Unknown51103 ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  57. 10[10:49] * Unknown17138 ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  58. 10[10:49] * Rory|Bnc ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  59. 10[10:49] * DigitalDesire ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  60. 10[10:49] * Jords ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  61. 10[10:49] * LF[BNC] ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  62. 10[10:49] * Nick_Numbers ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  63. 10[10:49] * NumbaAfkish`BNC ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  64. 10[10:49] * Jords ( has joined #xbnc
  65. 10[10:49] * Unknown49150 ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  66. 10[10:49] * DigitalDesire ( has joined #xbnc
  67. 10[10:49] * Ryan|Gone ( has joined #xbnc
  68. 10[10:49] * KoolStoryPedo ( has joined #xbnc
  69. 10[10:49] * `Henry88-gone ( has joined #xbnc
  70. 10[10:49] * silver_axe77 ( has joined #xbnc
  71. 10[10:49] * Truth_ ( has joined #xbnc
  72. 10[10:49] * Rory|Bnc ( has joined #xbnc
  73. 10[10:49] * Rickey|sleep ( has joined #xbnc
  74. 10[10:49] * Adored ( has joined #xbnc
  75. 10[10:49] * Tomo ( has joined #xbnc
  76. 10[10:49] * Josh|Away ( has joined #xbnc
  77. 10[10:49] * IVI-Zero-IVIBNC ( has joined #xbnc
  78. 10[10:49] * Nick_Numbers ( has joined #xbnc
  79. 10[10:49] * Vitor[BNC] ( has joined #xbnc
  80. 10[10:49] * KstyleAzure ( has joined #xbnc
  81. 10[10:49] * Meep|Gold-Coast ( has joined #xbnc
  82. 10[10:49] * [\Life] ( has joined #xbnc
  83. 10[10:49] * NumbaAfkish`BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  84. 10[10:49] * LF[BNC] ( has joined #xbnc
  85. 10[10:49] * Lacrimas_ (~admin@E0336B7B:2E4B549A:EF0BF3E5:IP) has joined #xbnc
  86. 10[10:49] * Border ( has joined #xbnc
  87. 10[10:49] * I3ebo ( has joined #xbnc
  88. 10[10:49] * blk ( has joined #xbnc
  89. 10[10:49] * SOS20410 ( has joined #xbnc
  90. 10[10:49] * Johnny_Rebel|AWAY ( has joined #xbnc
  91. 10[10:49] * Lacrimas_ is now known as Pwned
  92. 10[10:49] * IVI-Zero-IVIBNC is now known as Unknown15744
  93. 10[10:49] * Tomo is now known as Unknown27461
  94. 10[10:49] * Unknown15744 ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  95. 10[10:49] * t0ragd3ath|Sleep ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  96. 10[10:49] * Unknown44652 ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  97. 10[10:49] * Downsey ( Quit (Broken pipe)
  98. 10[10:49] * Lisa|Bnc ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  99. 10[10:49] * Unknown52004 ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  100. 10[10:49] * [Foe]0n_top ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  101. 10[10:49] * |Sirius|away ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  102. 10[10:49] * [Foe]0n_top ( has joined #xbnc
  103. 10[10:49] * Downsey ( has joined #xbnc
  104. 10[10:49] * Tiger|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  105. 10[10:49] * Bent||Away ( has joined #xbnc
  106. 10[10:49] * Jerr|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  107. 10[10:49] * Gillez ( has joined #xbnc
  108. 10[10:49] * Mixer|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  109. 10[10:49] * xBNC8 ( has joined #xbnc
  110. 10[10:49] * [-Havoc-] ( has joined #xbnc
  111. 10[10:49] * foss ( has joined #xbnc
  112. 10[10:49] * Pwned (~admin@E0336B7B:2E4B549A:EF0BF3E5:IP) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
  113. 10[10:49] * t0ragd3ath|Sleep ( has joined #xbnc
  114. 10[10:49] * iFlock`away ( has joined #xbnc
  115. 10[10:49] * Tim|AWAY| ( has joined #xbnc
  116. 10[10:49] * demon|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  117. 10[10:49] * `^` ( has joined #xbnc
  118. 10[10:49] * Lisa|Bnc ( has joined #xbnc
  119. 10[10:49] * [DS]`Nik`BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  120. 10[10:49] * midBNC ( has joined #xbnc
  121. 10[10:49] * pogo sets mode: +v midBNC
  122. 10[10:49] * |Sirius|away ( has joined #xbnc
  123. 10[10:49] * dice ( has joined #xbnc
  124. 10[10:50] * Ryan``AfK ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  125. 10[10:50] * Jose|Away ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  126. 10[10:50] * Basit|Away ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  127. 10[10:50] * Sid|Away is now known as Sid
  128. 10[10:50] * Doc ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting.)
  129. 10[10:50] * `^` is now known as Unknown45897
  130. 10[10:50] * Simmo|Away ( has joined #xbnc
  131. 10[10:50] * Jose|Away ( has joined #xbnc
  132. 10[10:50] * Shelton ( has joined #xbnc
  133. 10[10:50] * Jagermeister ( has joined #xbnc
  134. 10[10:50] * Kylur ( has joined #xbnc
  135. 10[10:50] * Ryan``AfK ( has joined #xbnc
  136. 10[10:50] * Bhavic ( has joined #xbnc
  137. 10[10:50] * Doc ( has joined #xbnc
  138. 10[10:50] * Emporer_Diaz ( has joined #xbnc
  139. 10[10:50] * `9an9sta` ( has joined #xbnc
  140. 10[10:50] * Antebellum_ ( has joined #xbnc
  141. 10[10:50] * Ryguy395 ( has joined #xbnc
  142. 10[10:50] * Powerr ( has joined #xbnc
  143. 10[10:50] * Joel|Sleep ( has joined #xbnc
  144. 10[10:50] * unreal|away ( has joined #xbnc
  145. 10[10:50] * Vanilla-Coke ( has joined #xbnc
  146. 10[10:50] * Unknown34997 ( has joined #xbnc
  147. 10[10:50] * silver_axe77 is now known as Unknown34465
  148. 10[10:50] * [-TP-]Andrew ( has joined #xbnc
  149. 10[10:50] * Basit|Away ( has joined #xbnc
  150. 10[10:50] * julian|away ( has joined #xbnc
  151. 10[10:50] * DecepticonBNC ( has joined #xbnc
  152. 10[10:50] * Chase`AFK ( has joined #xbnc
  153. 10[10:50] * Rocker|Afk ( has joined #xbnc
  154. 10[10:50] * lloll_ ( has joined #xbnc
  155. 10[10:50] * Ryan|Gone is now known as Unknown47247
  156. 10[10:50] * kodie|away ( has joined #xbnc
  157. 10[10:50] * Lordi`Away[BNC] ( has joined #xbnc
  158. 10[10:50] * TheNitin ( has joined #xbnc
  159. 10[10:50] * blk is now known as Unknown47032
  160. 10[10:50] * R0bert ( has joined #xbnc
  161. 10[10:50] * Shelton is now known as Unknown51008
  162. 10[10:50] * foss is now known as Unknown11094
  163. 10[10:51] * julian|away is now known as Unknown13257
  164. 10[10:51] * Lacrimas_ ( has joined #xbnc
  165. 10[10:51] * LacrimasX ( has joined #xbnc
  166. 10[10:52] * IVI-Zero-IVIBNC ( has joined #xbnc
  167. 10[10:52] * Lacrimas__ ( has joined #xbnc
  168. 10[10:52] * IVI-Zero-IVIBNC is now known as Unknown62899
  169. 10[10:52] * Lacrimas__ is now known as Pwned
  170. 10[10:52] * Pwned ( Quit (Quit: Requested.)
  171. 10[10:52] * Georgio|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  172. 10[10:52] * Georgio|BNC is now known as Georgio
  173. 10[10:52] * `Jaws is now known as `Jaws|BNC
  174. 10[10:53] * Georgio is now known as Unknown43111
  175. 10[10:53] * Snoezles is now known as SnoezlesGone
  176. 10[10:53] * Adam`BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  177. 10[10:53] * Unknown35767 is now known as Try
  178. 10[10:54] * Dex|Flexa|Asleep ( has joined #xbnc
  179. 10[10:54] * Hugo|BNC ( has joined #xbnc
  180. 10[10:55] * [Foe]Briggsy ( has joined #xbnc
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