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- <?php
- /*
- index.php
- changes:
- -220909 - Trying to show remainign hours v001
- ToDo / Bugs:
- -220909 - [seemed Fixed] Export/Import broken
- */
- //print_r($_POST) ;
- $posted_data=false; //if true we will fill all cells with ready data
- $teacherlist_text= "Α1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ1,24\nΑ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ2,20\nΒ1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ3,20\nΒ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ4,20\nΓ1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ5,20\nΓ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ6,20\nΔ1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ7,20\nΔ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ8,20\nΕ1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ9,20\nΕ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ10,20\nΣΤ1-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ11,20\nΣΤ2-ΔΑΣΚΑΛΟΣ12,20\nΠΛΗΡ,11,cyan\nΓΥΜΝ1,11,yellow\nΑΓΓΛ,11,green\nΓΕΡΜ,4,grey\nΓΑΛ,4,purple\n";
- $tmimatalist_text="Α1,Α2,Β1,Β2,Γ1,Γ2,Δ1,Δ2,Ε1,Ε2,ΣΤ1,ΣΤ2";
- include "include_posted_variables.php";
- /*
- if(@($_POST['timetable_teacher'] )) {
- $teacherlist_text=$_POST['timetable_teacher'];
- $posted_data=true;
- }
- if(@($_POST['timetable_tmimata'] )) {
- $tmimatalist_text=$_POST['timetable_tmimata'];
- $posted_data=true;
- }
- $program_data=""; //not impemented yet
- if(@($_POST['timetable_program'] )) {
- $program_data=$_POST['timetable_program'];
- $posted_data=true;
- }
- */
- $tmimata_array = explode(',',$tmimatalist_text);
- ?>
- <html>
- <head>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery1.12.4.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script>
- <!--<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/js-xlsx/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
- <link href="css/tabulator353/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
- <!--<link href="css/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> -->
- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tabulator353/tabulator.min.js"></script>
- <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="js/tabulator.min.js"></script>-->
- <!--<script src="js/selectize-standalone/selectize.min.js"></script> -->
- </head>
- <body>
- <table><tr><td>
- <form method="post" >
- ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟΙ (Ένας σε κάθε σειρά):<BR> <textarea id="teacherslist" name='timetable_teacher' cols=50 rows=10 ><?php echo $teacherlist_text; ?></textarea><BR><BR><BR><BR>
- </td><td>
- TMHMATA (χωρισμένα με κόμμα):<BR><textarea id="tmimatalist" name='timetable_tmimata' cols=50 rows=10 ><?php echo $tmimatalist_text; ?></textarea>
- <input type=submit value="ΚΑΤΑΧΩΡΗΣΗ ΤΜΗΜΑΤΩΝ"> (ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ!!! Θα διαγραφεί το πρόγραμμα)
- </form>
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- <hr size=10 color=lightgrey>
- <!-- <button id="download-json">download-json</button> -->
- <button id="download-xlsx">Εξαγωγή σε excel</button>
- <button id="auto_assign_first_teachers">Αρχική κατανομή δασκαλών</button>
- <button id="btn-save-all-data">Πλήρες αντίγραφό (αποθήκευση)</button>
- <button id="count-teacher-hours">count-teacher-hours</button>
- <button id="test-button">TEsT stuff button</button>
- <hr size=10 color=lightgrey>
- <div id="example-table"></div>
- <script>
- var posted_data=false;
- <?php if( $posted_data==true) echo "posted_data=true;"; ?>
- //$("#example-table").tabulator();
- var arrayOfTeachers = $('#teacherslist').val().split('\n');
- //var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {});
- //Note Formatter is only visual , MUTATOR is stored
- var colorFormatter = function(cell, formatterParams){
- var value = cell.getValue();
- if(value == "-"){
- cell.getElement().css("background-color","lightgrey");
- return value;
- }else{
- return value;
- }
- };
- var countTeachersHours_json = function(){
- //table.setData($('textarea#programdata').val()); //tabulator v4
- var mytabledata_json =$("#example-table").tabulator("getData"); //tabulator v3
- var json=mytabledata_json;
- var obj = {};
- //FIXED counter for up to 16 tmimata
- for (var i = 0, j = json.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode0]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode0]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode0] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode1]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode1]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode1] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode2]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode2]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode2] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode3]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode3]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode3] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode4]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode4]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode4] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode5]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode5]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode5] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode6]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode6]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode6] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode7]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode7]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode7] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode8]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode8]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode8] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode9]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode9]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode9] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode10]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode10]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode10] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode11]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode11]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode11] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode12]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode12]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode12] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode13]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode13]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode13] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode14]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode13]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode14] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode15]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode13]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode15] = 1;}
- }
- console.log(obj);
- //console.log(Object.values(obj));
- //console.log(Object.keys(obj));
- return obj;
- };
- function auto_assined_teacher_table(){
- var counter_row_whole_table=1;
- var counter_tmima_col=0;
- //$array_of_teachers_php=explode(PHP_EOL, $teacherlist_text);
- //var get_teachers_textarea = $('#teacherslist').val();
- var arrayOfTeachers = $('#teacherslist').val().split('\n');
- //var get_tmimata_textarea = $('#tmimatalist').val();
- var tmimata_array = $('#tmimatalist').val().split(',');
- var tmimata_arrayLength = tmimata_array.length;
- //console.log("tmimata length="+tmimata_arrayLength)
- // day 1
- var days_array=["ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ","ΤΡΙΤΗ","ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ","ΠΕΜΠΤΗ","ΠΑΡΑΣΚΕΥΗ"];
- var timetable_json="[";
- var timetable_row="";
- for( var i=1;i<=5;i++) { //Loop through 5 days of week
- /*
- echo '{id:'.$counter_row_whole_table.',time:"'.$this_day.'"},';
- $counter_row_whole_table++;
- */
- //put teachers to first 4 hours
- for(var daily_hour_counter=1;daily_hour_counter<5;daily_hour_counter++){
- timetable_row= '{"id":'+counter_row_whole_table+',"day":"'+days_array[i-1]+'","time":"'+daily_hour_counter+'",';
- counter_tmima_col=0;
- //foreach(tmimata_array as $tmima) {
- for( var j=0;j<tmimata_arrayLength;j++) {
- var teacher_row_data=arrayOfTeachers[counter_tmima_col].split(','); // get the name of the chosen teacher
- var teacher_name=teacher_row_data[0];
- //timetable_row+= '"tmimacode'+counter_tmima_col+'":"'+arrayOfTeachers[counter_tmima_col]+'"';
- timetable_row+= '"tmimacode'+counter_tmima_col+'":"'+teacher_name+'"';
- if(j<(tmimata_arrayLength-1))timetable_row+=',';
- counter_tmima_col++;
- }
- counter_row_whole_table++;
- timetable_row+='}';
- if(!(daily_hour_counter==4 && i==5))timetable_row+=',';
- timetable_json+=timetable_row;
- } //end of for($daily_hour_counter=1
- //timetable_row+=',';
- counter_row_whole_table+=6;
- }
- timetable_json+=']';
- //console.log(timetable_json) ;
- return timetable_json;
- }
- function split_remaining_hours(combo_name){
- //This will seperate the visible combo value (name+remaining hours) so we return ONLY the name -without hours
- var array = combo_name.split('[');
- return array[0];
- }
- var cellEditSelectTeacherFunction=function(cell){
- var count_teacher_hours_object=countTeacherHours();
- var cellValue = cell.getValue();
- //console.log(cell);
- //create a options list of all names currently in the table
- var arrayOfTeachers = $('#teacherslist').val().split('\n');
- var arrayOfTeachers2 = {};
- arrayOfTeachers.forEach(function(row){
- var data = row;
- //alert(data);
- //console.log(data);
- var teacher_row_data=data.split(',');
- var teacher_name=teacher_row_data[0];
- var teacher_max_hours=teacher_row_data[1];
- //calculated vars :
- var remaining_hours_of_teacher=teacher_max_hours-count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name];
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(remaining_hours_of_teacher)) ) remaining_hours_of_teacher=teacher_max_hours;
- var combo_teacher_display_text=teacher_name+"["+remaining_hours_of_teacher+']';
- //var combo_teacher_display_text=teacher_name+"[<font color=red> "+remaining_hours_of_teacher+'</font>]';
- if (teacher_name.length<2) return; //jon 220909 - maybe merge with the if exceed max hours
- //console.log(teacher_name ,count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name],'remain:',teacher_max_hours-count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name]);
- //console.log("\n",'HELLOOOOOOOOO',combo_teacher_display_text," :" ,split_remaining_hours(teacher_name+"[10]"));
- //console.log(count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name]);
- //console.log(teacher_row_data[0]);
- //console.log(count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name]);
- if(count_teacher_hours_object[teacher_name]>=teacher_max_hours && cellValue!=teacher_name) return; //skip this iteration if teacher exceeded his hours
- //arrayOfTeachers2[data] = data;
- //arrayOfTeachers2[teacher_name] = teacher_name; // Combo Box Value ORIGINAL (THIS WORKS)
- arrayOfTeachers2[teacher_name] = combo_teacher_display_text; // jon TEST 220909 Combo Box Value
- });
- arrayOfTeachers2['-'] ='--';
- return arrayOfTeachers2;
- //var rows = $("example-table").tabulator("getRows");
- /*
- var options = {};
- options["ΠΛΗΡ"]="ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗ";
- options["Α"]="Α";
- options["Β1"]="Β1";
- options["Γ1"]="Γ1";
- options["Δ1"]="Δ1";
- options["ΜΟΥΣ"]="ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ";
- return options;
- */
- }; // end of var cellEditSelectTeacherFunction
- /* alert ("<?php echo $program_data;?>"); */
- var tableData =
- <?php
- if($posted_data) {
- echo $program_data;
- }else
- {
- echo"[";
- $counter_row_whole_table=1;
- // day 1
- foreach($days_array as $this_day) {
- /*
- echo '{id:'.$counter_row_whole_table.',time:"'.$this_day.'"},';
- $counter_row_whole_table++;
- */
- for($daily_hour_counter=1;$daily_hour_counter<11;$daily_hour_counter++){
- $timetable_row= '{id:'.$counter_row_whole_table.',day:"'.$this_day.'",time:"'.$daily_hour_counter.'",';
- $counter_tmima_col=0;
- foreach($tmimata_array as $tmima) {
- $timetable_row.= 'tmimacode'.$counter_tmima_col.':"-",';
- $counter_tmima_col++;
- }
- $counter_row_whole_table++;
- $timetable_row.='},';
- echo $timetable_row;
- } //end of for($daily_hour_counter=1
- }
- echo"]";
- }
- ?>
- //var table = new Tabulator("#example-table", { // tabulator v4
- $("#example-table").tabulator( { //tabulator v3
- data:tableData, //set initial table data
- //eight:"311px",
- //layout:"fitDataFill",
- groupBy:"day",
- layout:"fitColumns",
- //movableRows:true,
- columns:[
- {title:"ΗΜΕΡΑ", field:"day",headerSort:false,visible:false ,hideInHtml:false, editor:false},
- {title:"ΩΡΑ", field:"time",headerSort:false, editor:false},
- <?php
- $counter_tmima_col=0;
- foreach($tmimata_array as $tmima) {
- echo '{title:"'.$tmima.'", field:"tmimacode'.$counter_tmima_col.'",headerSort:false, editor:"select",formatter:colorFormatter, editorParams:cellEditSelectTeacherFunction
- },';
- $counter_tmima_col++;
- }
- ?>
- ],
- rowFormatter:function(row){
- //row - row component
- var data = row.getData();
- //console.log(data.tmimacode0);
- if(data.col == "ΠΛΗΡ,11" ){
- // alert(data.tmimacode0);
- //row.getElement().css({"background-color":"cyan"});
- }
- },
- // INTERCEPT download maybe used to make a bigger JSON to contain more teachers& classes
- downloadReady:function(fileContents, blob){
- //fileContents - the unencoded contents of the file
- //blob - the blob object for the download
- //alert(blob);
- //custom action to send blob to server could be included here
- return blob; //must return a blob to proceed with the download, return false to abort download
- },
- validationFailed:function(cell, value, validators){
- //cell - cell component for the edited cell
- //value - the value that failed validation
- //validatiors - an array of validator objects that failed
- //take action on validation fail
- },
- rowMoved:function(row){
- alert("Row: " + row.getData().name + " has been moved");
- },
- rowClick:function(e, row){
- // alert("Row " + row.getIndex() + " Clicked!!!!")
- },
- rowContext:function(e, row){
- alert("Row " + row.getIndex() + " Context Clicked!!!!")
- },
- }); // END Of tabulator Init
- /* if(posted_data && (typeof program_data !== 'undefined') ) $("#example-table").tabulator("setData","<?php print_r($program_data); echo $program_data; ?>"); //tabulator v3 */
- //$("#example-table").tabulator("download", "xlsx", "data.xlsx", {sheetName:"MyData"}); //download a Xlsx file that has a sheet name of "MyData"
- //trigger download of data.xlsx file
- $("#download-xlsx").click(function(){
- /*
- // +++++++++tab v4++++++++++++
- table.showColumn("day"); //show the "name" column
-"xlsx", "school_program.xlsx", {sheetName:"My Data"});
- table.hideColumn("day"); //show the "name" column
- */
- // +++++++++tab v3++++++++++++
- $("#example-table").tabulator("showColumn","day");
- $("#example-table").tabulator("download", "xlsx", "school_program.xlsx", {sheetName:"MyData"}); //download a Xlsx file that has a sheet name of "MyData"
- $("#example-table").tabulator("hideColumn","day");
- });
- //trigger download of data.xlsx file
- $("#auto_assign_first_teachers").click(function(){
- //var arrayOfTeachers = $('#teacherslist').val().split('\n');
- //console.log(auto_assined_teacher_table());
- //var jsontext = '{"firstname":"Jesper","surname":"Aaberg","phone":["555-0100","555-0120"]}';
- //var auto_assined_teacher_table = JSON.parse(jsontext);
- //$("#example-table").tabulator("updateOrAddData", [{id:1, name:"bob"}, {id:3, name:"steve"}]);
- $("#example-table").tabulator("updateOrAddData",auto_assined_teacher_table()); //tabulator v3
- });
- var json_imported_data = [
- {
- "id": "1",
- "day": "ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ",
- "time": "1",
- "tmimacode0": "-",
- "tmimacode1": "-",
- "tmimacode2": "-",
- "tmimacode3": "-",
- "tmimacode4": "-",
- "tmimacode5": "-",
- "tmimacode6": "-",
- "tmimacode7": "-",
- "tmimacode8": "-",
- "tmimacode9": "-"
- },
- {
- "id": "2",
- "day": "ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ",
- "time": "2",
- "tmimacode0": "-",
- "tmimacode1": "-",
- "tmimacode2": "-",
- "tmimacode3": "-",
- "tmimacode4": "-",
- "tmimacode5": "-",
- "tmimacode6": "-",
- "tmimacode7": "-",
- "tmimacode8": "-",
- "tmimacode9": "-"
- } ] ;
- //Add row on "import json" button click
- </script>
- <hr size=10 color=olive>
- <h3>Αποθήκευση/Επαναφορά ΜΟΝΟ πίνακα προγράμματος</h3>
- <button id="download-json">download-json</button>
- <button id="import_json">import_json</button><BR>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- $("#import_json").click(function(){
- //table.setData($('textarea#programdata').val()); //tabulator v4
- $("#example-table").tabulator("setData",$('textarea#programdata').val()); //tabulator v3
- });
- //trigger download of data.json file
- $("#download-json").click(function(){
- /*
- // +++++++++tab v4++++++++++++
- table.showColumn("day"); //show the "name" column
-"json", "data.json");
- table.hideColumn("day"); //show the "name" column
- */
- // +++++++++tab v3++++++++++++
- $("#example-table").tabulator("showColumn","day");
- $("#example-table").tabulator("download", "json", "backup_school_program.json");
- $("#example-table").tabulator("hideColumn","day");
- });
- // ################## download TOTAL backup file +++++++++++++++
- var textFile = null,
- makeTextFile = function (text) {
- var data = new Blob([text], {type: 'text/plain'});
- // If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to
- // manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
- if (textFile !== null) {
- window.URL.revokeObjectURL(textFile);
- }
- textFile = window.URL.createObjectURL(data);
- return textFile;
- };
- $("#btn-save-all-data").click(function () {
- var get_mytabledata =$("#example-table").tabulator("getData"); //tabulator v3 -OBJECT must make it TEXT
- var myJSON_mytabledata = JSON.stringify(get_mytabledata);
- var get_teachers_textarea = $('#teacherslist').val();
- var get_tmimata_textarea = $('#tmimatalist').val();
- //var create = document.getElementById('create'),
- //textbox = document.getElementById('textbox');
- var d = new Date();
- var link = document.createElement('a');
- link.setAttribute('download', 'school_full_backup'+d.getTime()+'.txt');
- //link.href = makeTextFile(textbox.value);
- link.href = makeTextFile(get_teachers_textarea+'|||||'+get_tmimata_textarea+'|||||'+myJSON_mytabledata);
- document.body.appendChild(link);
- // wait for the link to be added to the document
- window.requestAnimationFrame(function () {
- var event = new MouseEvent('click');
- link.dispatchEvent(event);
- document.body.removeChild(link);
- });
- });
- // ################## download file -----------------
- //
- $("#count-teacher-hours").click(function(){
- return countTeacherHours();
- });
- //Test button
- $("#test-button").click(function(){
- var get_mytabledata =$("#example-table").tabulator("getData");
- console.log(get_mytabledata);
- //var mytabledata_json =$("#example-table").tabulator("getData"); //tabulator v3
- var result_obj=countTeacherHours();
- for (var key in result_obj) {
- console.log("key " + key + " has value " + result_obj[key]);
- }
- console.log(result_obj);
- return result_obj;
- });
- var countTeacherHours = function(){
- //table.setData($('textarea#programdata').val()); //tabulator v4
- var mytabledata_json =$("#example-table").tabulator("getData"); //tabulator v3
- //console.log(mytabledata);
- var json=mytabledata_json;
- var obj = {};
- //var tmimata_array = $('#tmimatalist').val().split(',')
- //var counter_tmima_col=0;
- //var arrayLength = tmimata_array.length;
- //console.log(tmimata_array);
- //FIXED counter for up to 16 tmimata
- for (var i = 0, j = json.length; i < j; i++) {
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode0]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode0]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode0] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode1]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode1]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode1] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode2]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode2]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode2] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode3]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode3]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode3] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode4]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode4]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode4] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode5]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode5]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode5] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode6]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode6]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode6] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode7]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode7]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode7] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode8]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode8]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode8] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode9]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode9]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode9] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode10]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode10]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode10] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode11]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode11]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode11] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode12]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode12]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode12] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode13]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode13]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode13] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode14]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode14]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode14] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode15]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode15]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode15] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode16]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode16]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode16] = 1;}
- if (obj[json[i].tmimacode17]) {obj[json[i].tmimacode17]++;}else {obj[json[i].tmimacode17] = 1;}
- /* // this eval() crashes PC ...
- arrayLength=1;
- var i=2;
- //for(var i=0;i<arrayLength;i++) {
- if (eval(`obj[json[i].tmimacode${i}]`)) {
- (eval(`obj[json[i].tmimacode${i}]`))++;
- }
- else {
- (eval(`obj[json[i].tmimacode${i}] `))= 1;
- }
- //counter_tmima_col++
- //}
- */
- }
- console.log(obj);
- //console.log(Object.values(obj));
- //console.log(Object.keys(obj));
- return (obj);
- };
- /*
- //Delete row on "Delete Row" button click
- $("#del-row").click(function(){
- table.deleteRow(1);
- });
- //Clear table on "Empty the table" button click
- $("#clear").click(function(){
- table.clearData()
- });
- //Reset table contents on "Reset the table" button click
- $("#reset").click(function(){
- table.setData(tabledata);
- });
- */
- </script>
- ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ που έχουν γίνει με το κουμπι εξαγωγή πίνακα σε JSON (αντιγραψτε τα εδώ):<BR> <textarea id="programdata" name='timetable_program' cols=50 rows=10 ></textarea>
- <!-- <button id="import_json">import_json</button> BUTTON DOES NOT WORK HERE-->
- <BR>
- <hr size=10 color=red>
- <BR>
- <h2>ΕΠΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΥΣ ΑΝΤΙΓΡΑΦΟΥ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΊΑΣ(κάντε επικόλληση του πλήρους περιεχομένου του αρχείου backup παρακάτω και πατείστε "ΕΠΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ")</h2>
- <form method="post" >
- <textarea id="restorebackup" name='timetable_restorebackup' cols=50 rows=10 ></textarea>
- <input type=submit value="ΕΠΑΝΑΦΟΡΑ αντίγραφου ασφαλείας">
- </form>
- <?php
- //my tests
- $options["ΠΛΗΡ"]="ΠΛΗΡ";
- $options["Δ1"]="Δ1";
- //print_r($options);
- ?>
- </body>
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