
Medical Supply/Inventory List

Oct 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Airway, Laryngeal, 2.5, Air-Q, Yellow
  2. Airway, Laryngeal, 3.5, Air-Q, Red
  3. Airway, Laryngeal, 35mm, Air-Q, Yellow
  4. Airway, Laryngeal, 4.5, Air-Q, Purple
  5. Airway, Laryngeal, 45mm, Air-Q, Red
  6. Airway, Laryngeal, 55mm, Air-Q, Purple
  7. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 12Fr
  8. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 14Fr
  9. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 16Fr
  10. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 18Fr
  11. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 20Fr
  12. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 22Fr
  13. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 24Fr
  14. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 26Fr
  15. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 28Fr
  16. Airway, Nasopharyngeal, 30Fr
  17. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 100
  18. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 110
  19. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 40
  20. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 50
  21. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 60
  22. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 70
  23. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 80
  24. Airway, Oropharyngeal, 90
  25. Albuterol, 2.5mg
  26. Aspirator, Meconium
  27. Aspirin, Baby
  28. Bag, Bio-Hazard, Large
  29. Bag, Bio-Hazard, Small
  30. Bag, Convenience
  31. Bandage, Ace, 3\
  32. Bandage, Ace, 6\
  33. Bandage, Triangular
  34. Band-Aid
  35. Battery, C
  36. Blade, Laryngoscope, MAC 2
  37. Blade, Laryngoscope, MAC 3
  38. Blade, Laryngoscope, MAC 4
  39. Blade, Laryngoscope, Miller 1
  40. Blade, Laryngoscope, Miller 2
  41. Blade, Laryngoscope, Miller 3
  42. Blanket, Burn, Sterile
  43. Blanket, Trauma
  44. Block, Bite
  45. Board, Arm, IV
  46. Cable, EKG, 12 lead
  47. Cable, EKG, 5 lead
  48. Cable, Pulse Oximetry, Adult
  49. Cable, Therapy
  50. Canister, Suction w/lid
  51. Cannula, Nasal, Adult
  52. Cannula, Nasal, Pediatric
  53. Card, Reference, Defib-Cardiovert-Pace
  54. Card, Trauma Alert
  55. Catheter, IV, 14G
  56. Catheter, IV, 16G
  57. Catheter, IV, 18G
  58. Catheter, IV, 20G
  59. Catheter, IV, 22g
  60. Catheter, Suction, 10Fr
  61. Catheter, Suction, 12Fr
  62. Catheter, Suction, 6Fr
  63. Catheter, Suction, 8Fr
  64. Chart, Dose, Lidocaine
  65. Collar, Cervical, Adult
  66. Collar, Cervical, Child
  67. Cuff, Blood Pressure, Adult, Regular
  68. Cuff, Blood Pressure, Adult, X-Large
  69. Cuff, Blood Pressure, Infant
  70. Cuff, Blood Pressure, Pediatric
  71. Cup, Styrofoam
  72. Cutter, Ring
  73. Cylinder, Oxygen, D (min 500psi)
  74. Depressor, Tongue
  75. Detector, End Tidal CO2
  76. Device, Atomization, Intranasal
  77. Device, Atomization, Mucosal
  78. Device, Q-CPR
  79. Dextrose, 50%, 25g/50ml
  80. Diphenhydramine, 50mg/1ml
  81. Dressing, Trauma, 10\
  82. Drill, Intraosseous IV
  83. Electrodes, EKG, Adult
  84. Electrodes, EKG, Pediatric
  85. Epinephrine, 1:10,000
  86. Epinephrine, 1:1000, 1mg/1ml
  87. Epinephrine, 1:1000, 1mg/1ml, Multi-Dose
  88. Fluid, IV, Sodium Chloride, 1000ml
  89. Fluid, IV, Sodium Chloride, 250ml
  90. Forceps, Magill, Adult
  91. Forceps, Magill, Pediatric
  92. Gauze, Kling, Roll
  93. Glasses, Medical, Safety
  94. Gloves, Medical, L
  95. Gloves, Medical, M
  96. Gloves, Medical, S
  97. Gloves, Medical, XL
  98. Gloves, Medical, XXL
  99. Glucose
  100. Goggles, Eye
  101. Gown, Disposable
  102. Gown, Isolation
  103. Guard, Eye
  104. Guard, Vein, IV
  105. Gauze, 4\
  106. Handle, Laryngoscope
  107. Head Bed, Immobilization
  108. Holder, Endotracheal Tube
  109. Inhalant, Ammonia
  110. Kit, Intraosseous IV, EX-I/O G3
  111. Kit, Intubation
  112. Kit, OB
  113. Kit, Surgical, Cricothyrotomy
  114. Lancets
  115. Lidocaine, HCI, Multi-Dose, 20mg/ml
  116. Light, Pen
  117. Lubricant, Airway
  118. Lubricant, KY Jelly
  119. Marker, Permanent, Fine
  120. Marker, Permanent, Regular Tip
  121. Mask, Bag Valve, Adult
  122. Mask, Bag Valve, Child
  123. Mask, Bag Valve, Infant
  124. Mask, CPAP, Adult, Large
  125. Mask, CPAP, Adult, Medium
  126. Mask, CPAP, Adult, Small
  127. Mask, N95
  128. Mask, Non-Rebreather, Adult
  129. Mask, Non-Rebreather, Infant
  130. Mask, Non-Rebreather, Pediatric
  131. Meter, Glucose
  132. Meter, Pulse Oximetry, Adult
  133. Meter, Pulse Oximetry, Infant
  134. Meter, Pulse Oximetry, Pediatric
  135. Mister Blister, pump spray bottle, 4 oz
  136. Monitor, ETCO2
  137. Naloxone, 2mg/2ml
  138. Narcan
  139. Nebulizer
  140. Needle, 18g
  141. Needle, 21g
  142. Needle, Butterfly, 23g
  143. Needle, Butterfly, 25g
  144. Needle, Cricothyrotomy
  145. Needle, Intraosseous, 15mm, 15ga
  146. Needle, Intraosseous, 25mm, 15ga
  147. Needle, Intraosseous, 45mm, 15ga
  148. Nitroglycerine
  149. Pack, Cold
  150. Pack, Heat
  151. Pad, Abdominal, 8\
  152. Pad, Alcohol
  153. Pad, Combo, Quick, Adult
  154. Pad, Combo, Quick, Pediatric
  155. Pad, Defib, Adult, Set
  156. Pad, Defib, Pediatric, Set
  157. Gauze, 4\
  158. Pad, Gauze, Vaseline, 4\
  159. Paper, EKG, Roll
  160. Patch, Eye, Sterile
  161. Pen, Epi, Auto-Inject, Adult
  162. Pen, Epi, Auto-Inject, Pediatric
  163. Pen, Epinephrine, Adult
  164. Pen, Epinephrine, Pediatric
  165. Punch, Center
  166. Razor, Disposable
  167. Regulator, Cylinder, Oxygen
  168. Restraint, Soft
  169. Sanitizer, Hand
  170. Scissor, Bandage
  171. Scissor, Trauma
  172. Shield, Face
  173. Shuttle, Sharps
  174. Sleeve, Thermometer
  175. Sleeve, Trauma
  176. Splint, Formable, Sam Splint, Roll
  177. Spray, Mister Blister, 4oz
  178. Stabilizer, Needle, Interosseous
  179. Stethoscope, Child
  180. Stethoscope, Pediatric
  181. Stethoscope, Adult
  182. Straps, Backboard
  183. Strips, Test, Glucose
  184. Stylet, Endotracheal Tube, Adult
  185. Stylet, Endotracheal Tube, Pediatric/Infant
  186. Swab, Betadine
  187. Syringe, 10ml
  188. Syringe, 1ml
  189. Syringe, 20ml
  190. Syringe, 3ml
  191. Syringe, 60ml
  192. Syringe, Bulb
  193. Tag, Triage
  194. Tape, Measuring, Pediatric
  195. Tape, Medical, 1\
  196. Tape, Medical, 2\
  197. Thermometer, Forehead
  198. Thermometer, Oral
  199. Tip, Suction, Yankauer
  200. Tourniquet, Trauma
  201. Tourniquet, IV
  202. Tube, Endotracheal, 2.5
  203. Tube, Endotracheal, 3.0
  204. Tube, Endotracheal, 3.5
  205. Tube, Endotracheal, 4.0
  206. Tube, Endotracheal, 4.5
  207. Tube, Endotracheal, 5.0
  208. Tube, Endotracheal, 5.5
  209. Tube, Endotracheal, 6.0
  210. Tube, Endotracheal, Cuffed, 6.0, 24Fr
  211. Tube, Endotracheal, Cuffed, 7.0, 28Fr
  212. Tube, Endotracheal, Cuffed, 7.5, 30Fr
  213. Tube, Endotracheal, Cuffed, 8.0, 32Fr
  214. Tube, Nasogastric, 10Fr
  215. Tube, Nasogastric, 14Fr
  216. Tube, Nasogastric, 16Fr
  217. Tube, Nasogastric, 5.0Fr
  218. Tube, Nasogastric, 8.0Fr
  219. Tubing, IV, 15qtts/min
  220. Tubing, IV, 60qtts/min
  221. Tubing, Suction
  222. Water, Sterile
  223. Wipe, Sanitizing Tub
  224. Wrench, Cylinder, Oxygen
  225. Collar, Cervical, Pediatric
  226. Straps, Head
  227. Bags, Zip-Lock
  228. Flush, Saline
  229. Loop, J
  230. 5X9
  231. 4X4
  232. Cling Gauze
  233. Occlusive Dressing
  234. Burn Sheet
  235. Triangular Bandage
  236. Shears
  237. OB Kit
  238. Ped. BP Cuff
  239. Adult BP Cuff
  240. Lg. BP Cuff
  241. Stethoscope
  242. Adult Magill Forceps
  243. Child Magill Forceps
  244. 250ML Sterile Water
  245. BGL Kit
  246. Tourniquet
  247. Hot Pack
  248. Cold Pack
  249. Bio Bag
  250. Vomit/Urine Bag
  251. Thermometer
  252. Ring Cutter
  253. Pen Light
  254. Hyfin Vent Chest Seal
  255. Nar Gauze S Rolled
  256. Albuterol
  257. Saline Flush Syringe
  258. 02 Cylinder
  259. Adult NRB
  260. Adult Nasal Canula
  261. Ped. NRB
  262. Ped. Nasal Canula
  263. Adult BVM
  264. Adult Mask
  265. Ped. BVM
  266. Toddler Mask
  267. Infant BVM
  268. Neonate Mask
  269. 02 Sat Meter
  270. 14 NPA
  271. 18 NPA
  272. 22 NPA
  273. 28 NPA
  274. 30 NPA
  275. 32 NPA
  276. 34 NPA
  277. OPA
  278. Bite Stick
  279. Size 2 King LT
  280. Size 3 King LT
  281. Size 4 King LT
  282. Size 5 King LT
  283. Adult Tube Holder
  284. Ped. Tube Holder
  285. Size 1 iGel
  286. Size 2 iGel
  287. Size 3 iGel
  288. Size 4 iGel
  289. Size 5 iGel
  290. 10ml Syringe
  291. 20ml Syringe
  292. 50ml Syringe
  293. CPAP
  294. 14 G Needle
  295. 16 G. Needle
  296. 18 G. Needle
  297. 20 G. Needle
  298. 22 G. Needle
  299. 24 G. Needle
  300. 60 Drop Set
  301. 10 Drop Set
  302. IV Start Kit
  303. Alcohol Or Iodine Swabs
  304. Tegaderm
  305. Extension Set
  306. 250 ML D-10
  307. 1000 ML Saline Bag
  308. 3 ML Syringe
  309. 4X4 Dressing
  310. Adult Pads
  311. Pediatric Pads
  312. Wide Bore Tubing
  313. Rigid Suction Catheter
  314. 6fr. Suction Catheter
  315. 10fr. Suction Catheter
  316. 16fr. Suction Catheter
  317. KED/Short Spine Board
  318. Long Spine Board
  319. Adult C-Collars
  320. Ped. C-Collar
  321. Spider Straps
  322. Head Block
  323. 3' Padded Splint
  324. Cylinder, Oxygen, M
  325. Mask, Surgical
  326. Gloves, Medical, XS
  327. Instant Cold Compress
  328. 4x4 Bandages
  329. Triangle Bandaes
  330. Rolled Gause
  331. Tape
  332. Blood Glucose Test Strips
  333. Blood Glucose Monitor
  334. Alcohol Wipes
  335. Nasal Canula
  336. Adult Non Rebreather
  337. Adult C Collar
  338. Adult AMBU Bag
  339. Pedi AMPU Bag
  340. PEDI Non Rebreather
  341. Childs C Collar
  342. Oral Airways
  343. 8x10 Abdominal Pads
  344. Nasopharyngeal Airway Set
  345. #5 King Tube
  346. Tube Holder
  347. G5 Pedi Pads
  348. G5 Adult Pads
  349. Mega Mover
  350. ETCO2 Cannula
  351. ETCOS In-line
  352. Nebulizer- Kit
  353. Pedi BVM Mask Only
  354. Infant BVM Mask Only
  355. Adenosine 6mg/2CC
  356. O2 Regulastor
  357. O2 Regulator
  358. Cutter, Seat Belt
  359. NIBP Adult Cuff
  360. NIBP Pedi Cuff
  361. NIBP Infant Cuff
  362. vein guard
  363. D-10 250 Ml
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