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- /*-------------the metabox template --------------------------------*/
- /*
- * for my JS to work it is necessary that my markup is always the same
- * at least for div .slide_preview
- */
- <div class="my_meta_control">
- <a href="#" class="deleteall dodelete-artworks button"><span class="icon delete"></span><?php _e('Remove All');?></a>
- <?php while($mb->have_fields_and_multi('artworks')): ?>
- <?php $mb->the_group_open(); ?>
- <a href="#" class="dodelete icon close" title="<?php _e('Remove');?>"><?php _e('Remove');?></a>
- <h3 class="slide handle"><?php _e('Artwork #')?><span class="count"><?php echo ($mb->get_the_index() +1 );?></span></h3>
- <div class="meta_inside clearfix">
- <div class="slide_preview wide">
- <div class="preview_wrap">
- <?php $mb->the_field('image_src'); ?>
- <img class="preview" src="<?php if($mb->get_the_value()){$mb->the_value();}else { echo WPALCHEMY . '/images/default_preview.png';}?>" alt="<?php $mb->the_name();?> Preview" />
- </div>
- <input type="hidden" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?>" value="<?php $mb->the_value(); ?>" class="image_src" />
- <?php $mb->the_field('image_id'); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?>" value="<?php $mb->the_value(); ?>" class="image_id" />
- <?php $mb->the_field('image_alt'); ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="<?php $mb->the_name(); ?>" value="<?php $mb->the_value(); ?>" class="image_alt" />
- <?php if($mb->get_the_value('image_src') != "") {$icon = "change"; $button_text = __('Change Image'); $hide = '';} else { $icon = "upload"; $button_text = __('Upload Image'); $hide='hide';} ?>
- <button class="upload_image_button button" type="button"><span class="icon <?php echo $icon;?>"></span><?php echo $button_text;?></button>
- <button class="delete_image_button button <?php echo $hide;?>" type="button"><span class="icon delete"></span><?php _e('Remove Image')?></button>
- </div>
- </div><!--.meta_inside-->
- <?php $mb->the_group_close(); ?>
- <?php endwhile; ?>
- <p style="margin-bottom:15px; padding-top:5px;"><a href="#" class="docopy-artworks button"><span class="icon add"></span><?php _e('Add Artwork');?></a></p>
- <p class="meta-save"><button type="submit" class="button-primary" name="save"><?php _e('Update');?></button></p>
- </div><!-- .my_meta_control -->
- /*-------------ADD to Functions.php --------------------------------*/
- function my_admin_print_footer_scripts() { ?>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- /* <![CDATA[ */
- jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
- /*
- * Upload function
- */
- var form_src, form_alt, form_id, button, tbframe_interval;
- $('.my_meta_control').delegate('.upload_image_button','click', function() {
- form_src = $(this).prevAll('input.image_src');
- form_alt = $(this).prevAll('input.image_alt');
- form_id = $(this).prevAll('input.image_id');
- button = $(this);
- tbframe_interval = setInterval(function() {
- //change button text
- $('#TB_iframeContent').contents().find('.savesend .button').val('Use This Image');
- //remove url, alignment and size fields- auto set to null, none and full respectively
- $('#TB_iframeContent').contents().find('.url').hide().find('input').val('');
- $('#TB_iframeContent').contents().find('.align').hide().find('input:radio').filter('[value="none"]').attr('checked', true);
- $('#TB_iframeContent').contents().find('.image-size').hide().find('input:radio').filter('[value="full"]').attr('checked', true);
- }, 2000);
- tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=image&tab=library&TB_iframe=true');
- //tb_show('', 'media-upload.php?type=image&TB_iframe=true');
- return false;
- });
- window.original_send_to_editor = window.send_to_editor;
- window.send_to_editor = function(html){
- clearInterval(tbframe_interval);
- if (form_src) {
- //if image links somewhere then the img node will be a child of the returned html
- if ( $(html).children().length > 0) {
- src = $('img',html).attr('src');
- imgclass = $('img',html).attr('class');
- alt = $('img',html).attr('alt');
- href = $('a',html).attr('href');
- } else { //img node IS the returned html
- src = $(html).attr('src');
- imgclass = $(html).attr('class');
- alt = $(html).attr('alt');
- }
- if(typeof imgclass != 'undefined') {
- var imageID = imgclass.match(/([0-9]+)/i);
- imageID = (imageID && imageID[1]) ? imageID[1] : '' ;
- }
- var url = src ? src : href ;
- form_src.val(url);
- form_alt.val(alt);
- form_id.val(imageID);
- form_src.prevAll('.preview_wrap').children('img').attr('src',url).fadeIn();
- button.html('<span class="icon change"></span><?php _e('Change Image');?>').next('.delete_image_button').fadeIn();
- tb_remove();
- form_src = ''; //reset form_src to null so original works
- } else {
- window.original_send_to_editor(html);
- }
- };
- /*
- * Remove Function
- */
- $('.my_meta_control').delegate('.delete_image_button','click', function() {
- form_src = $(this).prevAll('input.image_src').val('');
- form_alt = $(this).prevAll('input.image_alt').val('');
- form_id = $(this).prevAll('input.image_id').val('');
- var img = form_src.prevAll('.preview_wrap').children('img');
- if( img.hasClass('photo')){
- img.attr('src','<?php echo WPALCHEMY; ?>/images/default_photo.png').fadeIn();
- } else {
- img.attr('src','<?php echo WPALCHEMY; ?>/images/default_preview.png').fadeIn();
- }
- $(this).prev().html('<span class="icon upload"></span><?php _e('Upload Image');?>');
- $(this).fadeOut();
- return false;
- });
- $('.slide_preview').each(function(){
- var src = $(this).find('.image_src').val();
- if(src) { $(this).find('.delete_image_button').show(); } else { $(this).find('.delete_image_button').hide(); }
- });
- }); //end doc ready
- /* ]]> */</script><?php
- }
- //only load on pages and posts!
- add_action('admin_footer-post.php','my_admin_print_footer_scripts',99);
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