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- --[[
- Game Link:
- Edited By LuaPhysics#6400 (Broke When Jewelry Store Is Opened)
- ***NOTE: Jewelry Removed Bescause Of The Error.***
- __ ____ __
- /\ \ /\ _`\ /\ \ __
- \ \ \ __ __ __ \ \ \L\ \ \ \___ __ __ ____/\_\ ___ ____
- \ \ \ __/\ \/\ \ /'__`\ \ \ ,__/\ \ _ `\/\ \/\ \ /',__\/\ \ /'___\ /',__\
- \ \ \L\ \ \ \_\ \/\ \L\.\_\ \ \/ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \/\__, `\ \ \/\ \__//\__, `\
- \ \____/\ \____/\ \__/.\_\\ \_\ \ \_\ \_\/`____ \/\____/\ \_\ \____\/\____/
- \/___/ \/___/ \/__/\/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/`/___/> \/___/ \/_/\/____/\/___/
- /\___/
- \/__/
- --]]
- if not getrawmetatable then
- local h ="Hint",workspace)
- h.Text = "Incompatible exploit."
- wait(2)
- h:Destroy()
- return
- end
- local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer or game:GetService("Players"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("LocalPlayer"):Wait() or game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local stepconn,uptorso,humanoid
- local root = {}
- local
- local HOLD_E = false
- local abort = false
- local green,red=Color3.fromRGB(0,230,0),Color3.fromRGB(230,0,0)
- local settings = {enabled=true,jewlAllowCrims=false,preferLongTP=false,bankRadius2=19,preferUnsafeEsc=false,warnSeconds=1.5}
- local settingsModified = false
- if readfile then
- pcall(function()
- local new = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(readfile("JBAR.txt"))
- --corruption?
- local doOverwrite=false
- for k,v in pairs(new) do
- if settings[k]==nil then
- doOverwrite=true
- new[k]=nil
- end
- end
- for k,v in pairs(settings) do
- if new[k]==nil then
- doOverwrite=true
- new[k]=v
- end
- end
- --use input
- if doOverwrite then
- settingsModified = true
- writefile("JBAR.txt",game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(new))
- end
- settings = new
- end)
- end
- --// handle character //
- local Stepped = game:GetService("RunService").Stepped
- local NCparts = {}
- local NCconn
- local NCfunc = function()
- for i=1,#NCparts do
- NCparts[i].CanCollide=false
- end
- end
- local function noclip()
- if not NCconn then
- NCconn = Stepped:Connect(NCfunc)
- end
- end
- local function yesclip()
- if NCconn then
- NCconn:Disconnect()
- NCconn = nil
- end
- end
- local lastRootCf
- local function onRootChanged()
- if (,19.6,1013.2)).magnitude < 1 then
- root.CFrame = lastRootCf
- end
- end
- local function newchar(char)
- if char then
- root = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
- root:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):Connect(onRootChanged)
- uptorso = char:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
- humanoid = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
- wait(0.2)
- NCparts = {}
- for _,v in ipairs(char:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- NCparts[#NCparts+1]=v
- end
- end
- end
- end
- newchar(player.Character)
- player.CharacterAdded:Connect(newchar)
- Stepped:Connect(function()
- lastRootCf = root.CFrame
- end)
- --// interface //
- Create = function(class,parent,props)
- local new =
- for k,v in next,props do
- new[k]=v
- end
- new.Parent = parent
- return new
- end
- gui=Create("ScreenGui",game.CoreGui,{Name="AutoRob", ResetOnSpawn=false, ZIndexBehavior="Sibling"})
- main=Create("Frame",gui,{Name="Main", ClipsDescendants=true, Draggable=true, Active=true,,333,0,140),,0,0.3,0),,0.118,0.239)})
- homeFrame=Create("Frame",main,{Name="homeFrame", BackgroundTransparency=1,,-30,1,-55),,15,0,40)})
- AbortBtn=Create("TextButton",homeFrame,{Name="AbortBtn",,0,0.3,0), Text="ABORT", Font="SourceSans",,0,0.25,0), TextSize=23,
-,0.498,0.506), AutoButtonColor=false})
- Shade=Create("Frame",AbortBtn,{Name="Shade", BackgroundTransparency=0.89999997615814,,0,0.5,0),,0,0.5,0),, Visible=false})
- Status=Create("TextLabel",homeFrame,{Name="Status",,0,0.27,0), Text="Status: Loading...", TextSize=15, TextXAlignment="Left", Font="Code",
- BackgroundTransparency=0.25,,0,0.73,0),,1,1)})
- ToggleBtn=Create("TextButton",homeFrame,{Name="ToggleBtn",,0,0.3,0), Text="TOGGLE", Font="SourceSans",,0,0.25,0), TextSize=23,
- BackgroundColor3=settings.enabled and green or red})
- Shade_2=Create("Frame",ToggleBtn,{Name="Shade", BackgroundTransparency=0.89999997615814,,0,0.5,0),,0,0.5,0),})
- availabels=Create("Frame",homeFrame,{Name="availabels", BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,0.23,0),,0,-0.12,0),,1,1)})
- jewelryLbl=Create("TextLabel",availabels,{Name="jewelryLbl",,0,1,0), Text="Jewel", TextSize=18, Font="SourceSansLight", BackgroundTransparency=1,
- trainLbl=Create("TextLabel",availabels,{Name="trainLbl",,0,1,0), Text="Train", TextSize=18, Font="SourceSansLight", BackgroundTransparency=1,
- bankLbl=Create("TextLabel",availabels,{Name="bankLbl",,0,1,0), Text="Bank", TextSize=18, Font="SourceSansLight", BackgroundTransparency=1,
- airdropLbl=Create("TextLabel",availabels,{Name="airdropLbl",,0,1,0), Text="Airdrop", TextSize=18, Font="SourceSansLight", BackgroundTransparency=1,
- museumLbl=Create("TextLabel",availabels,{Name="museumLbl",,0,1,0), Text="Museum", TextSize=18, Font="SourceSansLight", BackgroundTransparency=1,
- CloseBtn=Create("TextButton",main,{Name="CloseBtn", TextWrapped=true, TextStrokeTransparency=0.69999998807907,,25,0,25),,0.9,0.9), Text="X",
- BackgroundTransparency=1, Font="GothamBold",,-22,0,0), TextScaled=true})
- CogBtn=Create("ImageButton",main,{Name="CogBtn", Image="rbxassetid://135740223",,25,0,25),,0,0,2), BackgroundTransparency=1})
- setsframe=Create("Frame",main,{Name="setsframe", BackgroundTransparency=0.019999999552965,,-10,0.8,-10),,5,0.2,5), BorderSizePixel=0,,1,1)})
- Frame=Create("Frame",setsframe,{BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,0.25,0)})
- BankRadiusBox=Create("TextBox",Frame,{Name="BankRadiusBox", TextWrapped=true,,40,0,15), Text=settings.bankRadius2, Font="GothamSemibold",,0,0.2,0),
- TextScaled=true,,1,1)})
- Label=Create("TextLabel",Frame,{TextWrapped=true,,0,1,0), Text="Bank Cops Danger Range", TextSize=15, Font="Code", BackgroundTransparency=1})
- Frame_2=Create("Frame",setsframe,{BackgroundTransparency=0.93000000715256,,0,0.25,0),,0,0.25,0),})
- JewlSetBtn=Create("TextButton",Frame_2,{Name="JewlSetBtn",,25,0,15), Text=settings.jewlAllowCrims and 'X' or '', Font="SourceSansSemibold",,0,0.2,0), TextSize=20,
- Label_2=Create("TextLabel",Frame_2,{TextWrapped=true,,0,1,0), Text="Let Crims Enter Jewelry", TextSize=15, Font="Code", BackgroundTransparency=1})
- Frame_3=Create("Frame",setsframe,{BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,0.25,0),,0,0.5,0)})
- WarnSetBtn=Create("TextButton",Frame_3,{Name="WarnSetBtn",,25,0,15), Text=settings.warnSeconds>1.51 and 'X' or '', Font="SourceSansSemibold",,0,0.2,0), TextSize=20,
- Label_3=Create("TextLabel",Frame_3,{TextWrapped=true,,0,1,0), Text="Prefer Longer Warnings", TextSize=15, Font="Code", BackgroundTransparency=1})
- Frame_4=Create("Frame",setsframe,{BackgroundTransparency=0.93000000715256,,0,0.25,0),,0,0.75,0),})
- EscSetBtn=Create("TextButton",Frame_4,{Name="EscSetBtn",,25,0,15), Text=settings.preferUnsafeEsc and 'X' or '', Font="SourceSansSemibold",,0,0.2,0), TextSize=20,
- Label_4=Create("TextLabel",Frame_4,{TextWrapped=true,,0,1,0), Text="Remember Your Position", TextSize=15, Font="Code", BackgroundTransparency=1})
- Title=Create("TextLabel",main,{Name="Title", TextWrapped=true,,0,0,20), Text="Jailbreak Auto-Rob", TextSize=18, Font="Highway",
- BackgroundTransparency=1,,0,0,3),,0.9,0.9),,1,1)})
- SaveSetsBtn=Create("TextButton",main,{Name="SaveSetsBtn",,60,0,25), Text="Save", Font="SourceSans", Style="RobloxRoundDefaultButton",,30,0,-25),
- TextSize=20})
- --gui code
- CloseBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() gui:Destroy() abort=true end)
- CloseBtn.MouseEnter:Connect(function() CloseBtn.TextColor3=red end)
- CloseBtn.MouseLeave:Connect(function(),0.9,0.9) end)
- local function toggleCanAbort(bool)
- AbortBtn.AutoButtonColor=bool
- AbortBtn.BackgroundColor3 = bool and,0.557,0.914) or,0.498,0.506)
- Shade.Visible = bool
- abort=false
- end
- AbortBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if AbortBtn.AutoButtonColor then
- if stepconn then stepconn:Disconnect() end
- local hit,p = workspace:FindPartOnRay(,10,0),,20,0)))
- if hit then
- player.Character:MoveTo(p)
- else
- local angle = math.random()*math.pi*2
- local door = workspace.Apartments.Skyscraper1.ExitDoor.Touch
- local oldcf = door.CFrame
- door.CFrame = root.CFrame
- wait()
- door.CFrame = oldcf
- root.CFrame =*math.cos(angle),math.max(0,200-root.CFrame.y),80*math.sin(angle))
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- abort=true
- AbortBtn.Text = "Aborted."
- wait(2.8)
- AbortBtn.Text = "ABORT"
- end
- end)
- local function setStatus(txt)
- Status.Text = "Status: "..txt
- end
- local tweenCogOut = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(CogBtn,,{Rotation=135})
- local tweenCogIn = game:GetService("TweenService"):Create(CogBtn,,{Rotation=0})
- local cogOut = false
- CogBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- cogOut = not cogOut
- if cogOut then
- setsframe:TweenPosition(,5,0.2,5),nil,"Quart",0.3,true)
- homeFrame:TweenPosition(,15,0,40),nil,"Quart",0.3,true)
- if writefile then SaveSetsBtn:TweenPosition(,30,0,2),nil,"Quart",0.3,true) end
- tweenCogOut:Play()
- else
- setsframe:TweenPosition(,5,0.2,5),nil,"Quart",0.3,true)
- homeFrame:TweenPosition(,15,0,40),nil,"Quart",0.3,true)
- SaveSetsBtn:TweenPosition(,30,0,-25),nil,"Quart",0.3,true)
- tweenCogIn:Play()
- end
- end)
- local bankBoxOld=BankRadiusBox.Text
- BankRadiusBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Text"):Connect(function()
- BankRadiusBox.Text=BankRadiusBox.Text:sub(1,4)
- local num = tonumber(BankRadiusBox.Text)
- if num then
- if num>99 then
- BankRadiusBox.Text = '99'
- end
- elseif BankRadiusBox.Text~='' then
- BankRadiusBox.Text = bankBoxOld
- end
- bankBoxOld = BankRadiusBox.Text
- end)
- BankRadiusBox.FocusLost:Connect(function()
- if tonumber(BankRadiusBox.Text) then
- settings.bankRadius2=tonumber(BankRadiusBox.Text)
- end
- BankRadiusBox.Text=tostring(settings.bankRadius2)
- end)
- JewlSetBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- settings.jewlAllowCrims = not settings.jewlAllowCrims
- JewlSetBtn.Text = settings.jewlAllowCrims and "X" or ""
- end)
- WarnSetBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- settings.warnSeconds = settings.warnSeconds>1.51 and 1.5 or 3
- WarnSetBtn.Text = settings.warnSeconds>1.51 and "X" or ""
- end)
- EscSetBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- settings.preferUnsafeEsc = not settings.preferUnsafeEsc
- EscSetBtn.Text = settings.preferUnsafeEsc and "X" or ""
- end)
- SaveSetsBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- if writefile and SaveSetsBtn.Style.Name=="RobloxRoundDefaultButton" then
- SaveSetsBtn.Style="RobloxRoundButton"
- writefile("JBAR.txt",game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONEncode(settings))
- SaveSetsBtn.Text="Saved."
- wait(1)
- SaveSetsBtn.Text="Save"
- SaveSetsBtn.Style="RobloxRoundDefaultButton"
- end
- end)
- ToggleBtn.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
- settings.enabled = not settings.enabled
- ToggleBtn.BackgroundColor3 = settings.enabled and green or red
- end)
- local function warnFlash(s)
- setStatus(s.." ready.")
- local col0 = main.BackgroundColor3
- local elapsed = 0
- while elapsed < settings.warnSeconds do
- for a=0,1,1/(30*.25) do
- main.BackgroundColor3 = col0:lerp(red,a)
- elapsed=elapsed+wait()
- end
- for a=0,1,1/(30*.25) do
- main.BackgroundColor3 = red:lerp(col0,a)
- elapsed=elapsed+wait()
- end
- end
- main.BackgroundColor3 = col0
- end
- --// vitals //
- player:WaitForChild("PlayerScripts"):WaitForChild("LocalScript")
- wait(0.5)
- wait(5 - workspace.DistributedGameTime)
- local oldWTSP = workspace.CurrentCamera.WorldToScreenPoint
- local MT = getrawmetatable(game)
- if setreadonly then
- setreadonly(MT,false)
- elseif make_writeable then
- make_writeable(MT)
- end
- local old__namecall = MT.__namecall
- function MT:__namecall(...)
- local args = {...}
- local m = args[#args]
- if m=="WorldToScreenPoint" and self.ClassName=="Camera" then
- local ret = oldWTSP(self,...)
- return ret,true
- elseif m=="FindPartOnRay" and args[1].Origin==uptorso.Position and args[1].Direction.Y==-8 then
- return nil, args[1].Origin+args[1].Direction, v30, Enum.Material.Air
- elseif m=="ChangeState" and args[1].Name=="FallingDown" then
- workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = humanoid
- for _,e in next, Enum.HumanoidStateType:GetEnumItems() do
- if e ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.None and e ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then
- humanoid:SetStateEnabled(e, true)
- end
- end
- return wait(9e9)
- end
- return old__namecall(self,...)
- end
- getupvalues = getupvalues or debug.getupvalues
- local punchSpec, specs
- if (getreg or debug.getregistry) and getupvalues then
- local reg = (getreg or debug.getregistry)()
- for a=1,#reg do
- local f = reg[a]
- if type(f)=="function" then
- for _,t in next,getupvalues(f) do
- if type(t)=="table" then
- if specs==nil and t.Specs and t.Frame and #t==0 then
- specs = t.Specs
- elseif punchSpec==nil and #t==3 then
- for b=1,3 do
- if type(t[b])=="table" and t[b].Name=="Punch" then
- punchSpec = t[b]
- if (getconsts or debug.getconstants) then
- for c,v in next,(getconsts or debug.getconstants)(punchSpec.Callback) do
- if v == 0.5 then
- (setconst or setconstant or debug.setconstant)(punchSpec.Callback,c,0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if specs and punchSpec then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --// misc code //
- local windowFocused = false
- game:GetService("UserInputService").WindowFocused:Connect(function() windowFocused=true end)
- game:GetService("UserInputService").WindowFocusReleased:Connect(function() windowFocused=false end)
- spawn(function()
- game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Wait()
- windowFocused=true
- end)
- for _,part in ipairs(workspace.Buildings:GetChildren()) do
- if (,30.3,1431.9)).magnitude < 1 then
- part.CanCollide=false
- end
- end
- for _,part in ipairs(workspace.Jewelrys:GetChildren()[1].Building:GetChildren()) do
- if part.Name=="Part" and (,63.4,1336.6)).magnitude < 1 then
- part.CanCollide = false
- end
- end
- local museumArray = { {,101.7,1245.6),workspace.Museum.MummyCase.Mummy.Head},{,116.6,1254.8),workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.Gold},
- {,116.6,1262.7),workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.SpinnerRim},{,116.6,1247.7),workspace.Museum.Reference.Items.Cone.Cone},
- {,101.7,1238.7),workspace.Museum.EgyptionCase.Mask},{,101.7,1151),workspace.Museum.JewelCase.Jewel} }
- --// subroutines //
- local function keyclick(num)
- if windowFocused and keypress and keyrelease then
- keypress(num)
- wait()
- keyrelease(num)
- end
- end
- local function exitVehicle()
- if humanoid.Sit then
- keyclick(0x20)
- wait(0.07)
- humanoid.Jump=true
- wait(0.3)
- end
- end
- local function perfectTP(cf)
- local oldg = workspace.Gravity
- workspace.Gravity = 0
- local door = workspace.Apartments.Skyscraper1.ExitDoor.Touch
- local oldcf = door.CFrame
- local elapsed = 0
- while (root.Position-cf.p).magnitude > 14 and elapsed < 9 and not abort do
- door.CFrame = root.CFrame
- elapsed=elapsed+wait()
- door.CFrame = oldcf
- root.CFrame = cf
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- elapsed=elapsed+wait(0.5)
- end
- workspace.Gravity = oldg
- end
- local function miniTP(cf)
- local cf0 = (cf-cf.p) + root.Position +,4,0)
- local diff = cf.p - root.Position
- local oldg = workspace.Gravity
- workspace.Gravity = 0
- for i=0,diff.magnitude,1.8 do
- if abort then break end
- root.CFrame = cf0 + diff.Unit * i
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- wait()
- end
- if not abort then root.CFrame = cf end
- workspace.Gravity = oldg
- end
- local function strToNum(str)
- return tonumber((tostring(str):gsub("%D", "")))
- end
- local function isBagFull()
- return player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible and strToNum(player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Money.Text)+2 > strToNum(player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Maximum.Text)
- end
- local vault
- local function isVaultOpen()
- return (vault.Door.Closed.CFrame.lookVector - vault.Door.Hinge.CFrame.lookVector).magnitude > 0.1
- end
- local function copsTooClose(radius)
- local players = game:GetService("Teams").Police:GetPlayers()
- for i=1,#players do
- local p = players[i]
- if p.Character and p.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and p.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- local rootp = p.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
- if (vault.Door.Hinge.Position - rootp).magnitude < radius and p.Character.Humanoid.Health>0 and workspace:FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist(,vault.TriggerDoor.Position - vault.Door.Hinge.CFrame.lookVector*3 - rootp),{vault.Decoration,vault.Parent.Parent.TopFloor})==nil then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local function waitWhile(t,exitFunc)
- local elapsed = 0
- local increment = 0.1
- t = (t == nil or t <= 0) and 0.001 or t
- increment = (increment > t) and t or increment
- while elapsed < t and abort == false and (exitFunc==nil or exitFunc(elapsed)) do
- elapsed = elapsed + wait(t-elapsed < increment and t-elapsed or increment)
- end
- return elapsed
- end
- local function jailbreak()
- if player.Team.Name=="Prisoner" then
- --jailbreak :^)
- setStatus("Breaking out...")
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- waitWhile(4,function() return player.Team.Name=="Prisoner" end)
- end
- end
- --// entity status //
- local isSteamEngineOpen = workspace.Trains:FindFirstChild("SteamEngine")~=nil
- local current_boxcar = workspace.Trains:FindFirstChild("BoxCar")
- local temp_boxcar = current_boxcar or {} --bugfix for multiple boxcar attempts
- workspace.Trains.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- wait(math.random())
- if child.Name=="SteamEngine" then
- isSteamEngineOpen = true
- elseif child.Name=="BoxCar" and current_boxcar==nil and temp_boxcar.Parent==nil then
- temp_boxcar = child
- wait(24 + math.random()*53) --confuse cops
- if child.Parent and current_boxcar==nil then
- current_boxcar = child
- end
- end
- trainLbl.TextColor3 = (current_boxcar or isSteamEngineOpen) and green or,1,1)
- end)
- workspace.Trains.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)
- if current_boxcar == child then
- current_boxcar = nil
- elseif child.Name=="SteamEngine" then
- isSteamEngineOpen = false
- end
- trainLbl.TextColor3 = (current_boxcar or isSteamEngineOpen) and green or,1,1)
- end)
- trainLbl.TextColor3 = (current_boxcar or isSteamEngineOpen) and green or,1,1)
- local airdrops = {}
- local function checkNewDrop(child)
- local briefcase = child:WaitForChild("Briefcase",2)
- if briefcase then
- local e=0
- while true do
- e=e+wait(0.25)
- local hitpart = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(,,-17,0)),{child},false,true)
- if e>25 or (hitpart and hitpart.CanCollide) or child:FindFirstChild("Parachute")==nil then
- break
- end
- end
- if child.Parent and briefcase.Parent then
- airdrops[#airdrops+1]=child
- airdropLbl.TextColor3 = green
- end
- end
- end
- for _,child in ipairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if child.Name=="Drop" and child.ClassName=="Model" then
- spawn(function() checkNewDrop(child) end)
- end
- end
- workspace.ChildAdded:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name=="Drop" and child.ClassName=="Model" then
- checkNewDrop(child)
- end
- end)
- workspace.ChildRemoved:Connect(function(child)
- if child.Name=="Drop" and child.ClassName=="Model" then
- for i=1,#airdrops do
- if airdrops[i]==child then
- table.remove(airdrops,i)
- airdropLbl.TextColor3 = #airdrops>0 and green or,1,1)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- local bankSign = workspace.Banks:GetChildren()[1].Extra.Sign.Decal
- local museumPart = workspace.Museum.Roof.Hole.Part
- local isBankOpen = bankSign.Transparency>0.01
- local isMuseumOpen = not museumPart.CanCollide
- local isBankCalm = #workspace.Ringers.Bank:GetChildren()==0
- bankSign:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Transparency"):Connect(function()
- wait()
- isBankOpen = bankSign.Transparency>0.01
- bankLbl.TextColor3 = isBankOpen and green or,1,1)
- if not isBankOpen then
- isBankCalm=true
- end
- end)
- museumPart:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CanCollide"):Connect(function()
- wait()
- isMuseumOpen = not museumPart.CanCollide
- museumLbl.TextColor3 = isMuseumOpen and green or,1,1)
- end)
- bankLbl.TextColor3 = isBankOpen and green or,1,1)
- museumLbl.TextColor3 = isMuseumOpen and green or,1,1)
- workspace.Ringers.Bank.ChildAdded:Connect(function() isBankCalm=false end)
- workspace.Ringers.Jewelry.ChildAdded:Connect(function() isJewlCalm=false end)
- --// rob funcs //
- local function robBank()
- toggleCanAbort(true)
- warnFlash("Bank")
- if humanoid==nil or humanoid.Health<1 then wait(5) end
- if abort or not settings.enabled then return true end
- exitVehicle()
- jailbreak()
- local formerCF = root.CFrame
- setStatus("TPing to bank...")
- --enter
- perfectTP(, 18.07, 853.5))
- waitWhile(2,function() return isBankCalm end)
- if abort then return true end
- setStatus("Opening vault...")
- vault = workspace.Banks:GetChildren()[1].Layout:GetChildren()[1]
- local vaultcf = vault.Door.Hinge.CFrame
- perfectTP(vaultcf + vaultcf.lookVector*-3 + vaultcf.rightVector*6)
- if abort then return end
- --get in vault
- if (vaultcf.p - vault.Money.CFrame.p).magnitude < 30 then
- if vault.Name=="TheMint" then
- root.CFrame = vaultcf + vaultcf.lookVector*3 + vaultcf.rightVector*13.5
- else
- root.CFrame = vaultcf + vaultcf.lookVector*3 + vaultcf.rightVector*-5.5 +,3,0)
- end
- else
- if vault:FindFirstChild("Lasers") then
- for _,laser in ipairs(vault.Lasers:GetChildren()) do
- if laser.Name=="LaserTrack" then
- laser:Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- root.CFrame = vault.Money.CFrame
- end
- --wait until open
- waitWhile(300,function() return isBankOpen and isVaultOpen()==false end)
- waitWhile(3,function() return isBankOpen and (not (isVaultOpen() and copsTooClose(settings.bankRadius2))) end)
- setStatus("Robbery started!")
- --wait for bag to fill or player leaves
- waitWhile(80,function() return isBagFull()==false and isBankOpen and (not (isVaultOpen() and copsTooClose(settings.bankRadius2))) end)
- setStatus("Escaping...")
- --escape
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- end
- local function robBoxcar()
- toggleCanAbort(true)
- warnFlash("Train")
- if humanoid==nil or humanoid.Health<1 then wait(5) end
- if abort or not settings.enabled then return true end
- local gold = current_boxcar.Model.Rob.Gold
- local trainFront = workspace.Trains.LocomotiveFront.Model.Front
- exitVehicle()
- jailbreak()
- local formerCF = root.CFrame
- setStatus("TPing to train...")
- --enter
- perfectTP(root.CFrame)
- if abort then return true end
- if current_boxcar.Parent then
- if specs then
- local trainDoorSpec,trainVaultSpec
- for i=1,#specs do
- local s = specs[i]
- if not s then
- elseif trainDoorSpec==nil and s.Name=="Open Door" and tostring(s.Part)=="RoofDoorClosed" and current_boxcar:IsAncestorOf(s.Part) then
- trainDoorSpec = s
- elseif trainVaultSpec==nil and s.Name=="Breach Vault" and current_boxcar:IsAncestorOf(s.Part) then
- trainVaultSpec = s
- end
- end
- if trainDoorSpec then
- trainDoorSpec:Callback(true)
- end
- if trainVaultSpec then
- trainVaultSpec:Callback(true)
- end
- else
- setStatus("Opening door...")
- --open door
- stepconn = Stepped:Connect(function()
- root.CFrame = current_boxcar.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.CFrame +,-5,0)
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- end)
- waitWhile(0.5)
- HOLD_E = true
- waitWhile(9,function() return (current_boxcar.Skeleton.RoofDoor.Position-current_boxcar.Skeleton.RoofDoorClosed.Position).Magnitude < 1 end)
- stepconn:Disconnect()
- waitWhile()
- HOLD_E = false
- setStatus("Opening vault...")
- --open vault
- stepconn = Stepped:Connect(function()
- root.CFrame = gold.CFrame+(gold.CFrame.lookVector*4.5)
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- end)
- waitWhile(0.5)
- HOLD_E = true
- waitWhile(9,function() return current_boxcar.Skeleton.Vault.Part.RotVelocity.Magnitude < .001 end)
- stepconn:Disconnect()
- waitWhile(0.2)
- HOLD_E = false
- end
- setStatus("Robbery started!")
- --get gold
- stepconn = Stepped:Connect(function()
- root.CFrame = gold.CFrame
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- end)
- waitWhile(65,function() return isBagFull()==false and trainFront.Position.X > -1584 end)
- stepconn:Disconnect()
- --if trainFront.Position.X < -1200 and trainFront.Position.Z < 550 then
- -- boxcars={}
- --end
- end
- setStatus("Escaping...")
- --escape
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- end
- local function robMuseum()
- toggleCanAbort(true)
- warnFlash("Museum")
- if humanoid==nil or humanoid.Health<1 then wait(5) end
- if abort or not settings.enabled then return true end
- exitVehicle()
- jailbreak()
- local formerCF = root.CFrame
- setStatus("TPing to museum...")
- --enter
- perfectTP(,102.8,1193.8))
- if abort then return true end
- --collect artifacts
- setStatus("Robbery started!")
- if specs then
- for i=1,#specs do
- local s = specs[i]
- if s and s.Name and s.Name:sub(1,5)=="Grab " and workspace.Museum:IsAncestorOf(s.Part) then
- s:Callback(true)
- wait()
- end
- end
- else
- local bag = player.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.TextLabel
- bag.Text = "9".. bag.Text:sub(2)
- for i=1,#museumArray do
- local tpcf = museumArray[i][1]
- local part = museumArray[i][2]
- if part.Transparency < .99 then
- if abort or isMuseumOpen==false or bag.Text:sub(1,1) == bag.Text:sub(5,5) then
- break
- end
- perfectTP(tpcf)
- HOLD_E = true
- waitWhile(9,function() return part.Transparency < .99 end)
- HOLD_E = false
- waitWhile(0.1)
- end
- end
- end
- --go back
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- setStatus("Bypassing by waiting...")
- waitWhile(16)
- exitVehicle()
- formerCF = root.CFrame
- --tp to collector
- setStatus("Selling...")
- perfectTP(,50,-1800))
- waitWhile(5,function() return player.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.Visible end)
- setStatus("Escaping...")
- --escape
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- end
- local function robSteamEngine()
- toggleCanAbort(true)
- warnFlash("Steam engine")
- if humanoid==nil or humanoid.Health<1 then wait(5) end
- if abort or not settings.enabled then return true end
- exitVehicle()
- jailbreak()
- local formerCF = root.CFrame
- --collect items
- setStatus("Robbery started!")
- local grabNum=0
- for j=1,2 do
- for i=1,#specs do
- local s = specs[i]
- if s and s.Enabled and s.Name and s.Name:sub(1,5)=="Grab " and workspace.Trains:IsAncestorOf(s.Part) then
- if j==2 or s.Name:sub(7)=="riefcase" then
- waitWhile(1.35)
- s:Callback(true)
- grabNum=grabNum+1
- if abort or grabNum>9 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if abort or grabNum>9 then
- break
- end
- end
- exitVehicle()
- formerCF = root.CFrame
- setStatus("Selling...")
- --tp to collector
- perfectTP(,50,-1800))
- waitWhile(5,function() return player.PlayerGui.MainGui.MuseumBag.Visible end)
- setStatus("Escaping...")
- --escape
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- end
- local function robAirdrop()
- toggleCanAbort(true)
- warnFlash("Airdrop")
- if humanoid==nil or humanoid.Health<1 then wait(5) end
- if abort or not settings.enabled then return true end
- local current_airdrop = airdrops[1]
- if current_airdrop and current_airdrop.Parent and current_airdrop:FindFirstChild("Briefcase") then
- local briefcase = current_airdrop.Briefcase
- exitVehicle()
- jailbreak()
- local formerCF = root.CFrame
- --enter
- setStatus("TPing to airdrop...")
- noclip()
- root.Velocity,root.RotVelocity=v30,v30
- perfectTP(,-6,0))
- if abort then
- yesclip()
- return true
- elseif briefcase.Parent then
- --collect
- setStatus("Robbery started!")
- root.CFrame = briefcase.CFrame +,-6,0)
- root.Anchored = true
- waitWhile(0.1)
- if specs then
- for i=1,#specs do
- local s = specs[i]
- if s and s.Name and s.Name:lower()=="pick up briefcase" and current_airdrop:IsAncestorOf(s.Part) then
- s:Callback(true)
- break
- end
- end
- else
- HOLD_E = true
- waitWhile(18,function()
- root.CFrame = briefcase.CFrame +,-6,0)
- return briefcase.Parent ~= nil
- end)
- HOLD_E = false
- end
- root.Anchored = false
- end
- yesclip()
- --escape
- setStatus("Escaping...")
- if settings.preferUnsafeEsc then
- perfectTP(formerCF)
- else
- perfectTP(*10,18,1430))
- end
- end
- end
- --HOLD_E thread
- if keypress then
- spawn(function()
- while wait(0.2) and gui.Parent do
- if HOLD_E then
- keyclick(0x45)
- while wait(0.1) and HOLD_E do
- if windowFocused then
- keypress(0x45)
- end
- end
- keyrelease(0x45)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- --notification
- if specs or keypress then
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{Title="Auto-Rob by sirelKilla",Text=settingsModified and "Settings changed!" or ''})
- else
- game:GetService("StarterGui"):SetCore("SendNotification",{Title="Auto-Rob by sirelKilla",Text="Your exploit does NOT support AFK",Button1="OK",Duration=20})
- end
- --// main loop //
- local waiti=0
- local idleTick=0
- local airdropTick = 0
- while wait(0.5) and gui.Parent do
- if workspace.Trains:FindFirstChild("LocomotiveFront") then --avoid train tunnel
- local trainpos = workspace.Trains.LocomotiveFront.Model.Front.Position
- if trainpos.X < -1300 and trainpos.Z < 350 then
- current_boxcar=nil
- end
- end --avoid train stop
- if (fireclickdetector or click_detector) and workspace.Switches.BranchBack.Rail.Transparency < .9 then
- (fireclickdetector or click_detector)(workspace.Switches.BranchBack.Lever.Click.ClickDetector,1)
- end --avoid afk
- if tick()-idleTick > 60 then
- idleTick=tick()
- game:GetService("VirtualUser"):CaptureController()
- game:GetService("VirtualUser"):ClickButton2(
- end
- player.PlayerGui.MainGui.CollectMoney.Visible=false
- if settings.enabled then
- if isMuseumOpen then
- if not robMuseum() then
- isMuseumOpen=false
- museumLbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- setStatus("Museum success!")
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- wait(2)
- elseif #airdrops > 0 and tick()-airdropTick > 20 then
- if not robAirdrop() then
- airdropTick = tick()
- setStatus("Airdrop success!")
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- wait(2)
- elseif isSteamEngineOpen and specs then
- if not robSteamEngine() then
- isSteamEngineOpen=false
- trainLbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- setStatus("Train success!")
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- wait(2)
- elseif current_boxcar then
- if not robBoxcar() then
- current_boxcar = nil
- trainLbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- setStatus("Train success!")
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- wait(2)
- elseif isBankOpen then
- if not robBank() then
- isBankOpen=false
- bankLbl.TextColor3 =,1,1)
- setStatus("Bank success!")
- end
- toggleCanAbort(false)
- wait(2)
- else
- setStatus("Wait for stores to open".. string.rep('.',waiti%3+1))
- waiti=waiti+1
- end
- else
- setStatus("Disabled.")
- end
- end
- print("Hello, shelly_issad")
- print("Player Detection Added By LuaPhysics")
- print("LuaPhysics#6400 ~Discord~");
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