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- // ==UserScript==
- // @name Clean Loopy For Youtube (Improved)
- // @namespace VolkanK_CL_YT
- // @description Displays a link below YouTube videos to enable/disable auto replay.
- // @include *://**
- // @match *://**
- // @credits QuaraMan (embed code) .Paradise (List Loop Support) RowenStipe (GreasyFork mirror)
- // @version 1.9
- // @author Volkan K.
- // ==/UserScript==
- myScript = function() {
- var ytLoop = false;
- var ytPlayList;
- var ytPLIndex;
- var lpButton = "yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-opacity yt-uix-button-has-icon action-panel-trigger yt-uix-button-opacity yt-uix-tooltip"; // Button stuff
- var lpConOff = "LoopyOff"
- var lpConOn = "LoopyOn";
- loopy = document.createElement("button");
- = "eLoopy";
- loopy.setAttribute("onClick", "LoopyOnOff(); return false;");
- loopy.setAttribute("class", lpButton);
- loopy.setAttribute("role", "button");
- loopy.setAttribute("data-button-toggle", "true");
- loopy.setAttribute("type", "button");
- loopy.setAttribute("data-tooltip-text", "Enable auto replay")
- = "loopyButton";
- a = document.createElement("span");
- a.innerHTML = '<img height=18 width=30 id="loopyContent" class="LoopyOff" src="" alt="Loopy"/><span class="yt-uix-button-valign"/>';
- loopy.appendChild(a);
- window.setTimeout(function() { initLoopy(true); }, 2500);
- window.setTimeout(function() { initLoopy(false); }, 3000);
- window.setTimeout(function() { initLoopy(false); }, 3500);
- function initLoopy(addElement) {
- if (addElement) { document.getElementById("watch8-secondary-actions").appendChild(loopy); }
- ytPlayer = document.getElementById("movie_player");
- ytPlayer.addEventListener("onStateChange", "onPlayerStateChange");
- }
- onPlayerStateChange = function(newState) {
- if (ytLoop && newState == "0"){
- window.setTimeout(function() { ytPlayer.playVideo(); }, 60);
- }
- }
- LoopyOnOff = function() {
- if (ytLoop) {
- document.getElementById("loopyButton").setAttribute("data-tooltip-text", "Enable auto loop");
- document.getElementById("loopyButton").setAttribute("data-button-toggle", "true");
- document.getElementById("loopyContent").setAttribute("class", lpConOff);
- ytLoop = false;
- } else {
- document.getElementById("loopyButton").setAttribute("data-tooltip-text", "Disable auto loop");
- document.getElementById("loopyButton").setAttribute("data-button-toggle", "false");
- document.getElementById("loopyContent").setAttribute("class", lpConOn);
- ytLoop = true;
- }
- }
- function getCookie(name) {
- var results = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
- if (results) {
- return unescape(results[2]);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }
- function setCookie(name, value) {
- document.cookie = name + "=" + escape(value);
- }
- if (typeof GM_addStyle == "undefined") {
- GM_addStyle = function(text) {
- var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
- var style = document.createElement("style");
- style.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
- style.textContent = text;
- head.appendChild(style);
- }
- }
- GM_addStyle(" \
- loopyButton:hover {\
- border: 0px none;} \
- img.LoopyOff{\
- background: url(\"\") -0px -0px no-repeat transparent !important;\
- height: 18px;\
- width: 30px;}\
- img.LoopyOn{\
- background: url(\"\") -0px -18px no-repeat transparent !important;\
- height: 18px;\
- width: 30px;}"
- );
- };
- // get the raw window object of the YouTube page
- uw = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : unwrap(window);
- // disable Red Bar aka SPF
- if (uw._spf_state && uw._spf_state.config) {
- uw._spf_state.config['navigate-limit'] = 0;
- uw._spf_state.config['navigate-part-received-callback'] = function (targetUrl) {
- location.href = targetUrl;
- };
- }
- if ( /^\/?watch/i.test(window.location.pathname) ) {
- document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).innerHTML = "("+myScript+")()";
- }
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