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- <!--
- - quotes page #1 '88' by sur
- - modify as you please but please do not touch the credit
- - any errors? need help? have questions? let me know!
- -->
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- .desc {margin:50px 0 15px;font-size:15px;}
- .side {
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- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="container">
- <div id="sidebar">
- <div class="btitle">
- quotes <!-- title -->
- </div>
- <div class="nav">
- <a href="/">index</a>
- <a href="/ask">askbox</a>
- <a href="">dashboard</a>
- </div>
- <div class="desc">
- a collection of my favourite quotes <!-- description -->
- </div>
- <!--
- short version:
- 1) add this under <div class="side">:
- <a href="#" data-filter=".CUSTOM-FILTER">link on sidebar</a><br>
- 2) then go to <div id="content"> and add this underneath
- <div class="quote CUSTOM-FILTER">
- </div>
- - the data-filter has to have the same name as the class in the quote div, separated with a space
- ----------------------------
- long version:
- 1) go to the line that says: "<div class="side">" right under this
- - do not modify the first line, only change the 'all quotes' inside the link for whatever you want it to say. this filter is what shows all the quotes
- - heres the template for the filters, add it right underneath:
- <a href="#" data-filter=".CUSTOM">CUSTOM NAME/a><br>
- 2) change the CUSTOM in [ data-filter=".CUSTOM"> ] for whatever you want, then change the next CUSTOM NAME for the title of the link you want to show up on the left sidebar
- example:
- <a href="#" data-filter=".greenday">green day lyrics/a><br>
- - note that i wrote '.greenday' and not '.green day' these filters can't have spaces, only use - and _ if you need. so if you do that it'd look like this:
- <a href="#" data-filter=".green-day">green day lyrics/a><br>
- 3) heres the template for the quote itself, paste this right under <div id="content">
- <div class="quote">
- </div>
- - dont delete the 'quote' inside the class=""
- 4) add the filter you want inside <div class="quote"> this time separating the filters with a space.
- example:
- <div class="quote greenday">
- </div>
- that's it! if you want to add multiple filters, repeat the steps
- -->
- <div class="scroll"><div class="side">
- <a href="#" data-filter="*" class="current">All quotes</a><br>
- <!-- dont forget to add <br> at the end of each link! -->
- <a href="#" data-filter=".FILTER1">filter 1</a><br>
- <a href="#" data-filter=".FILTER2">filter 2</a><br>
- <a href="#" data-filter=".FILTER3">filter 3</a><br>
- <a href="#" data-filter=".FILTER4">filter 4</a>
- </div></div>
- </div><!--sidebar-->
- <div id="content" data-masonry='{ "itemSelector": ".quote"}'>
- <!--quote start-->
- <div class="quote FILTER1">
- your quote goes here
- <div class="source">
- optional source
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--quote end-->
- <!--quote start-->
- <div class="quote FILTER2">
- your quote goes here
- </div>
- <!--quote end-->
- <!--quote start-->
- <div class="quote FILTER3">
- your quote goes here
- <div class="source">
- optional source
- </div>
- </div>
- <!--quote end-->
- <!--quote start-->
- <div class="quote FILTER4">
- your quote goes here
- </div>
- <!--quote end-->
- </div><!--content-->
- </div><!--container-->
- <script>
- $(window).load(function(){
- var $container = $('#content');
- $container.isotope({
- filter: '*',
- animationOptions: {
- duration: 750,
- easing: 'linear',
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- $('.side a').click(function(){
- $('.side .current').removeClass('current');
- $(this).addClass('current');
- var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
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- filter: selector,
- animationOptions: {
- duration: 750,
- easing: 'linear',
- queue: false
- }
- });
- return false;
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- });
- </script>
- <script>
- $('#content').masonry({
- itemSelector: '.quote',
- });
- </script>
- <!-- tooltips -->
- <script src=""></script>
- <script>
- (function($){
- $(document).ready(function(){
- $("a[title]").style_my_tooltips({
- tip_follows_cursor:true,
- tip_delay_time:30,
- tip_fade_speed:300,
- attribute:"title"
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- })(jQuery);
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- <div style="position:fixed;bottom:18px;right:18px;font-family:calibri;font-size:14.5px;line-height:18px;height:20px;text-align:center;width:20px;color:#777;letter-spacing:.7px;background:white"><a style="color:#555" href="" title="southcodes">sc</a></div>
- </body>
- </html>
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